We haven't seen much of Super Mario on 3DS save for a few early screenshots, causing some to speculate the game won't see release until 2012 at the earliest. However, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto wants to assure fans that he's doing everything to bring a new Mario game out this year.
Speaking to GameBlog.fr, Miyamoto said:
Je vous promets de tout faire pour vous livrer le nouveau Mario cette année!
Which a quick run through Google Translate reveals as:
I promise to do everything to deliver your new Mario this year!
Of course this doesn't necessarily refer to Super Mario on 3DS and could be a hint at a further Mario game for release this year, but we'll find out more about Nintendo's plans at E3 in early June, or potentially next week's much-anticipated investor's meeting.
[source gameblog.fr]
Comments 28
My gut doesn't lie.
Apparently he made this comment when the interviewer showed him a figurine of Mario, which is a slightly... er... unconventional interviewing technique, to say the least.
Then I'll remember to take my plush Bowser with me to E3. Of course I was taking it anyway to sleep with, but now I can claim it as a business move.
...Interesting. Maybe he refers to Paper Mario 3DS
ooh I hope it does release this year =)
With Mario Kart and Paper Mario already coming Nintendo will hold this one until at least late spring 2012.
@Corbie but Google Translator does lie.
I hope it's like super mario 64 ds!
paper mario 3ds is in the works as well. he could be refering to that
I hope Shiggy takes his time making this game. I hate it when some games feel 'rushed'. I really really really hope that they have been working on it for atleast 2.5 years. That way, they would have had enough time to make a Great game by the time it releases.
Mario figurine? Pfft, they held him at gunpoint.
Well,as long as they dont pressure the man.Miyamoto is a hard worker!
If anyone can do it, Miyamoto can.
Still, I hope they won't make a rush product out of this. Mario games should be of high quality! They always have been (the main series at least).
question i did a system update on my 3ds out and about ive tried to connect to my homehub but cant is it because the eshop isnt up yet or should i be able to connect to it now
My guess is that it will be Mario Kart 3DS as all handheld installments of Mario Kart so far have been released around 6 months after the console's launch.
What about the new mario kart and paper mario ?
Do it man, even if you have to stay in the office and neglect your family...JK!
Well I would prefer my Mario in RPG form fix.
Paper Mario 3DS soon!! =D
This may sound selfish, but I hope Mario 3DS doesn't come out this year. My wallet is dead thanks to Mario Kart 3DS and Ocarina of Time...
Wow! Miyamoto speaks French? Incréable!
Paper Mario still hasn't been officially revealed, beyond the tech demo we saw at E3. It's likely still very early in development, I highly doubt we'll see it this year.
Help! Please direct me to the nearest reducation center because I no longer care about Mario.
Didn't Miyamoto promise Zelda 2 to be released on time before a "circuit board shortage" excuse was implemented? OOT, Windwaker, Twilight Princess, SSBB... I'm not getting my hopes up that there won't be a delay.
THEN AGAIN.. this is Mario, and seeing those few screen shots look like a spiritual successor to Mario 3 only in 3D. Sooo...I can't wait and I hope this is released by the planned 12/31/2011 give or take a few days release.
This is Mario Kart. It looks pretty close to complete, from what I've heard.
I'll be considering a Mario game coming later this year, then. I won't be surprised, if we get none, however.
Dear Mr. Miyamoto - Do...or Do not....there is no Do My Best.. D:
That's an intelligent observation right there. Intelligent Systems, that is.
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