odenis studio has a reputation for quality portable titles at cheap, cheap prices, having released 500 Point racer Pop Island and follow-up Pop Island: Paperfield for 200 Points. Its next release, Glory Days - Tactical Defense, is built on the same principles: silky smooth 60fps gameplay and a cheap price, and it's coming to North America on January 17th for 200 Points.
Rather than release another capture-the-flag racing game, odenis studio has gone with a tower defence style of gameplay but with a military twist, as you can see in the trailer below.
Will you be picking this game up for 200 Points?
Comments 22
Brilliant. Might just break my deadlock on DSiWare for this.
Huge fan of Odenis, since Pop Island 1.
200 points? Bargin!
Wow! When I first heard about this I was kind of meh. I assumed since it looks like one of the most graphically imppressive games, it would be at a high price point. Plus I'm not really into tower defense. But now with a 200 point price and the fact that I love this Studio's last 2 DSiWare games, I think I was just oersuaded to buy this! Even if I hate it its just 2 dollars wasted. Odenis must be paying attention to the DSiWare top 20 and realizing the only games that usually stay up there for a while are 200 pointers. Excellent job Odenis! You're quickly becoming one of my favorite developers!
Whoa! Only 200 points? Insta-buy for sure!
Looks great and it was some time ago I played a good tower defence game.
No word about multiplayer support though? Would have been awesome, but perhaps that is something to do for a second game if this is successfull.
200 point tower defense game from odenis? Worth $2 to check it out, for sure.
Sounds great, I'll pick it up at some point. Both Pop Island games were awesome.
I'll be getting it. Hopefully the 200 point price tag is a recognition of the frugal nature of DSiWare users, not an indication of meager content. I anticipated paying at least 500 points for this, thinking it would be a substantial title.
TD for $2? Sold!
200 points..... buwha!
That's crazy good value.
I hate tower defence games but this one... It looks like they took the Pop Island engine, and made it into a fast paced and chaotic tower defence. I might actually pick this up. And the 200 point pricetag is really wallet-friendly!
I haven't bought a DSiWare game for a long time.
This is going to break that streak. I am a big fan of the Odenis DSiWare games.
The animals/vehicles got tired of losing, lost their "feelings of Happiness", and launched an all-out assault? Awesome!
I wonder if it features bonus content for those who bought Odenis Studio's other games?
i need points card NOW! Or, at least soon.
This looks really cool!!
Damn I shouldn't have wasted my 200 points on the Jason Rohrer Anthology! Now I don't have any points and have to buy anew points card for this!
But on the other hand I WOULD be willing to buy a new points card just for this, so good for you, Odenis!
Odenis knows how to court the masses well.
Cheap prices = more buyers
200 pts = day one buy.... wonder what other games come out on the 10th and 17th... Hopefully first flight for 200
I'm actually impressed. I couldn't dig the cutesy animal vibe of the Pop Island games, and I only mildly like a good tower defense once in a while, but for 200pts., I think I will go ahead and pick this up. Still gonna wait for a review though...
I'm not too excited over a defense game...they seem to be popping up everywhere I look now. O.o
I'd have to agree.
never liked them myself, and this, while graphically pretty is (in my personal opinion) the worst type of tower defence game, the ones where you can only set your towers on the side of a very strict path.
Been saving my last 300 np's for a month now so unless Ninty gives us some awesome instant download tomorrow I'll be lookin for great reason to grab another points card after the 17th.
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