You might remember the mysterious Project Sora from last year, an unknown title set up by Masuhiro Sakurai, famed creator of countless Nintendo characters. Today at E3 2010 we found out the game's real name is Kid Icarus: Uprising and it's heading exclusively to 3DS, and it looks amazing.
If the footage shown was rendered in-game then this looks far beyond anything seen on DS: fast, smooth and bold, the polygon graphics may not be far behind the Wii. As Pit flew over seas, deserts and ruined cities the clarity of the graphics was truly impressive, with great lighting and animation throughout.
In gameplay terms the title looks to combine aerial combat with ground-based fights, with Pit switching between his bow and sword as required. The touchscreen looks as though it will handle aiming as the footage clearly demonstrated a reticule, though it's not known whether the 3DS's other gameplay functions, including a gyroscope and motion sensor, will have any part to play in the title's control.
With spectacular bosses, a grand sense of scale and the return of a much-loved but often forgotten character, Kid Icarus: Uprising was certainly the pleasant surprise many fans were hoping for, and we'll bring you our First Impressions shortly.
Comments 50
Sorry to keep you waiting!
It looked a little to me like sin and punishment.
Nintendolife is AWESOME!
They should have someone else voice act for Pit; The who's doing it is an amateur.
This game looks AMAZING. You can have all my money, Nintendo!
Sad that it is not on the Wii.
3DS has blown my mind!
With what am I going to think now?
Not so loud, I don't want my DSi to know I'm getting the 3DS
HEY! @JumpMad's DSi! He's getting a 3DS! =P
...wait, I am too... hugs his DSi, still, even though he'll still use it after getting his 3DS
This is going to be totally awesome. Seriously unexpected announcement for the 3DS.
Woohoo! Brilliant
@Archy: Nothing, it blew your mind.
So the 3DS basically is a portable Wii 1.5 graphics wise?
This blew my mind. I cannot wait! Greatest E3 EVER!!!
Seriously looks like Sin & Punishment... But still awesome.
Pit has a gun! This game looks amazing!
This game looks amazing, I was expecting a more retro Kid Icarus game, but I am not complaining.
My 5 year old wants to know why this great looking 3D (3D as in Mario 64, not 3DS) game is on the 3DS but the Wii gets 2D side scrollers Kirby and Donkey Kong?
Yes, my 5 year old and his 7 year old brother argue about the merits of 2D vs. 3D all the time.
3ds or xbox 360??? humm hard now.
MIND..reCHINg...IMmiNENt...EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!!! ahhHHHhh viewtiful
I would get a 3DS before a 360.
"Sorry to keep you waiting!" is this year's "Any objections lady?".
The graphics... Aammaazziinngg!
Epic trailer is epic.
This looks like Zelda with wings, which is a good thing! Can't wait for this and the 3DS.
"Sorry to keep you waiting"
After an epic trailer like that, I think I'll forgive you
Finally it is in the open now that Nintendo needed some time to express themselves that they haven't forgot about hardcore gamers at all! Nintendo stole E3's entire limelight! Ridge Racer, Metal Gear Solid 3, Goldeneye, Donkey Kong Country, Kid Icarus Uprising, Zelda OOT remake and Zelda Skyward Sword....DAMN!
Nintendo 3DS = Masterpiece of Gaming Art.
ok i'll stop complaining now
Have you seen the trailer for this on the Nintendo Channel on the Wii? It says that it's a DSi game. lol
I seriously can't wait for this!
I love how Pit says "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Eh,.. Don't know why specifically, but I'm not too impressed by the trailer.
Me either, i was hoping that it was going to be on Wii. I also hoped it was old school 2D.
Looks awesome!
Want. Never played the original Kid Icarus, but want.
Wow, it's almost as if Nintendo as been searching through our forums for development ideas (Not that that's a bad thing, mind you.).... StarFox, Ocarina of Time, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus here, even a new franchise! Nintendo have really made a GREAT move here.
Ah, now I know why Nintendo usually keep their main characters silent . There is a lot of potential in Kid Icararus and Pit, but hopefully they can still keep the game focused. Looking forward to seeing more of this!
@ Fuzzy: yeah, I hear you...the Amercan emo-teen accent was far from angelic...
"Sorry to keep you waiting!".... if that wasn't a message to the fans or what?!?! So apart from a kick arse selection of upcoming Wii games, there's the 3ds to get. So much for thinking of getting the new 360
"Bark like a dog!" Let's hope he doesn't say that in the new Dead or Alive game.
it... looks like a wii game... holy crap taffy, your maltese?
Solidified my decision to get 3ds. I thought they went back and talked about more Wii games when they showed this initially, but halfway throughout the trailer I realized I was wrong. I don't think I've ever been happier in my entire life! A must buy.
@KrazyKain: Welsh but living in Malta, proud Wii, Ds and future 3DS owner
Awesome with the Sony obsession in Malta its great to meet another nintendo fan!
I don't really want this. Never been a big Kid Icarus fan and there are some other great titles coming.
whoaa.. new mario, new metroid, new zelda, new kirby, new donkey kong country, new goldeneye and now a new console and a new kid icarus?
man... where should i get all the money for this from, nintendo? i guess you want to see us all in jail
my dsi better kiss himself goodbye
Getting 3DS now. FIRST GAME TO GET.
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