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Welcome to another jolly good episode of NLFM, the chip and game music podcast from Nintendo Life. We're joined in this double-length episode by special guest Alex Neuse of Gaijin Games, who has schlepped along a crate of his favorite chip/game music tunes and also spills a few beans on the next entry in their WiiWare BIT.TRIP series.

While NLFM generally focuses on music from games playable on Nintendo consoles and handhelds, which, thanks to the Virtual Console, also includes the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Master System, Turbografx-16, Neo Geo and Commodore 64, this episode broadens the horizons a little bit to include a few Non-tendo tunes.

But they're really great, we swear!

1. Masafumi Takada — Pleather For Breakfast (No More Heroes, Wii)
2. Adam Freeland — Fear (Rez, Dreamcast/PS2/XBLA)
3. Gaijin Games — Descent (BIT.TRIP BEAT, WiiWare)
4. Capcom — Dr. Wily Stage 1 (Mega Man 2, NES)
5. Sunsoft — Area 6 (Blaster Master, NES)
6. Bit Shifter — Hexadecimal Genome
7. Mesu Kasumai — I-75
8. Nullsleep — Supernova Kiss
9. iNiS/COIL — Boogie for an Afternoon (Gitaroo Man, PS2)
10. Masaya Matsuura — Baby Baby!! (Um Jammer Lammy, PSX)
11. Akira Yamaoka & Mary Elizabeth McGlynn — Always On My Mind (Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Wii/PS2/PSP)

To avoid the gnashing of teeth that comes with missing podcast episodes, subscribe to our Podcast feed or download it using this direct link. You can also find us on iTunes, so show the podcasts some love as there is plenty more good stuff lined up for the future.