
Topic: PSSSST! Wanna know what Watch_Dogs might look like on the Wii U.

Posts 21 to 40 of 153


memoryman3 wrote:

kyuubikid213 wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

kyuubikid213 wrote:

Unca_Lz wrote:

So, the purpose of this is what again?

I don't exactly know.


I understand that's supposed to be @memoryman3 's shtick, but I don't exactly get it this time around. It's not AlexSays or MAB trolling... It's definitely below LordJumpMad's trolling. It's just... Is this EVEN trolling?

How is this TROLLING?

Are you familiar with the story of the boy who cried wolf?

The way your post is written can also be taken as an attempt to knock Nintendo fans down a peg, and needless to say your reputation precedes you.



Look straight to me. It'll probably look a little bit better but I'm still excited. Can't wait.



Seen the leaked PS3 footage already, gods knows why some are saying your trolling because if there are expecting Watch Dog to like the PS4 version thay are in for a massive disappointment. Thay've already said the Wii U's version will be closer to the PS3/360 versions, i can even link that article if you like.

Jonathan Morin, Watch Dogs creative director, has explained on Twitter that the Wii U version of the game will be closer to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version of the game, rather than the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions. Watch Dogs is due out on all-formats excluding the Wii U on May 27th. The Wii U version is said to be coming at a later date as the team concentrate on other formats.

The game's delayed Wii U version will skew more towards last-gen consoles than the newer machines, meanwhile. "Wii U is more towards current-gen... It's not more towards PS4," he affirms, and certainly no where near PC.

[Edited by banacheck]



Last gen looks much smoother than the PS4/X1 versions I have seen but we won't know until they're all reviewed.

The Wii U version will probably add loads of amazing features but not even get reviewed by any major sites!

I only posted this to get my avatar as the forum's thumbnail.


kyuubikid213 wrote:

I understand that's supposed to be @memoryman3 's shtick, but I don't exactly get it this time around. It's not AlexSays or MAB trolling... It's definitely below LordJumpMad's trolling. It's just... Is this EVEN trolling?

LOL. Except MAB. He doesn't troll.

The Wii U version will probably add loads of amazing features but not even get reviewed by any major sites!

If they really use the game pad well, it'll be one of my favorite games ever. I just loved the games that used it so well like Arkham City and Mass Effect 3. Game Pad can make any game much better.

[Edited by dumedum]

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".


memoryman3 wrote:

As you can see, the streets are empty, much like Wii U's release schedule....

Now you are trolling!

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


banacheck wrote:

Seen the leaked PS3 footage already, gods knows why some are saying your trolling because if there are expecting Watch Dog to like the PS4 version thay are in for a massive disappointment. Thay've already said the Wii U's version will be closer to the PS3/360 versions, i can even link that article if you like.

Jonathan Morin, Watch Dogs creative director, has explained on Twitter that the Wii U version of the game will be closer to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version of the game, rather than the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions. Watch Dogs is due out on all-formats excluding the Wii U on May 27th. The Wii U version is said to be coming at a later date as the team concentrate on other formats.

The game's delayed Wii U version will skew more towards last-gen consoles than the newer machines, meanwhile. "Wii U is more towards current-gen... It's not more towards PS4," he affirms, and certainly no where near PC.

He editted the first post. Trust me, he was going all out, but I see he decided to change his tone once people started calling him out...this is why some sites don't allow editing...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt



He editted the first post. Trust me, he was going all out, but I see he decided to change his tone once people started calling him out...this is why some sites don't allow editing...

I didn't see the uneditted post and couldn't understand it, but thanks for letting us know.



Look at the OP for new 360 footage.

That draw distance is quite something! Like the Wii U's future.....

Expect another Rayman Origins 3DS.....




memoryman3 wrote:

That draw distance is quite something! Like the Wii U's future.....

It was removed, kinda like what may happen to you soon.....


Switch Friend Code: SW-6473-2521-3817


memoryman3 wrote:

Look at the OP for new 360 footage.

That draw distance is quite something! Like the Wii U's future.....

Expect another Rayman Origins 3DS.....

Dear Nintendo Life moderators,
why isn't this troll banned?
Sincerly, Nintendomonkey



Even the PS4 version seems to look utterly terrible. (i.e Absolutely nothing like the E3 reveal at all).

“30fps Is Not a Good Artistic Decision, It's a Failure”
Freedom of the press is for those who happen to own one.


Another LJM wannabe user?
You aren't even fit for my claws to rip apart, you are nothing more then a disgrace.
You should be ashamed little boy.

[13:12] LordJumpMad stick his thong out at eme
[17:24] LordJumpMad: I will never male you happy >:[
[21:11] LordJumpMad: You insluted my words >:[
[16:32] turtlelink: gdi emmy. You'...



BadKitty wrote:

Another LJM wannabe user?
You aren't even fit for my claws to rip apart, you are nothing more then a disgrace.
You should be ashamed little boy.

Who is the @LordJumpMad ?




There is only two good things that cats have ever been used for :

One being put into cash machines (Best bit of American Psycho).


Secondly as a silencer in Postal 2.

“30fps Is Not a Good Artistic Decision, It's a Failure”
Freedom of the press is for those who happen to own one.

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