1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
Yeah I'll have to watch that one on the computer so I can see better what happened.
My 3DS FC 3153 - 5072 - 9253
IGN is Thor (ORAS) or Oni (X/Y), my name is Ben
TSV for AS is 4021
Double Battles: http://imgur.com/k5hidf1 (At Secret Meadow, top right)
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
That's just awesome. Have you met any strong counters?
My 3DS FC 3153 - 5072 - 9253
IGN is Thor (ORAS) or Oni (X/Y), my name is Ben
TSV for AS is 4021
Double Battles: http://imgur.com/k5hidf1 (At Secret Meadow, top right)
@Leftwingzero I imagine someone running a Talonflame lead would cause problems...? Or can your Whimsy handle Bravebird?
My 3DS FC 3153 - 5072 - 9253
IGN is Thor (ORAS) or Oni (X/Y), my name is Ben
TSV for AS is 4021
Double Battles: http://imgur.com/k5hidf1 (At Secret Meadow, top right)
@Leftwingzero Sorry for the triple post... I'm also curious how many OHKOs Terrakion would miss out on without life orb. Have you considered a Wide Lens? It would bring Rock Slide's accuracy up to 99.
My 3DS FC 3153 - 5072 - 9253
IGN is Thor (ORAS) or Oni (X/Y), my name is Ben
TSV for AS is 4021
Double Battles: http://imgur.com/k5hidf1 (At Secret Meadow, top right)
@Leftwingzero I imagine someone running a Talonflame lead would cause problems...? Or can your Whimsy handle Bravebird?
@lordblackenhand Whimsicott holds a focus sash so it can survive one. My Terrakion also has quick guard to stop it, but brave bird I believe can ohko Terrakion with its balanced damage when it does try to attack. I suppose Whimsicott would be the more obvious target.
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
@Leftwingzero Sorry for the triple post... I'm also curious how many OHKOs Terrakion would miss out on without life orb. Have you considered a Wide Lens? It would bring Rock Slide's accuracy up to 99.
@lordblackenhand I should try it, I miss with it way too often. I'm ranked 298th now in Smogon doubles. The funny thing is this team started with the idea of Whimsicott tickling foes that can barely survive banded brave bird, and it evolved from there.
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
That's just awesome. Have you met any strong counters?
@lordblackenhand Priority burn and paralysis, as well as rock slide missing.
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
My 3DS FC 3153 - 5072 - 9253
IGN is Thor (ORAS) or Oni (X/Y), my name is Ben
TSV for AS is 4021
Double Battles: http://imgur.com/k5hidf1 (At Secret Meadow, top right)
@Leftwingzero Although "Tickle Death" has a nice ring to it, I think a name like "Stop punching yourself! Stop punching yourself!" might be more appropriate now? Lol
My 3DS FC 3153 - 5072 - 9253
IGN is Thor (ORAS) or Oni (X/Y), my name is Ben
TSV for AS is 4021
Double Battles: http://imgur.com/k5hidf1 (At Secret Meadow, top right)
@Leftwingzero Although "Tickle Death" has a nice ring to it, I think a name like "Stop punching yourself! Stop punching yourself!" might be more appropriate now? Lol
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
FC is 1118-0718-6131
Safari with Slugma, Growlithe, and Fletchder
2nd FC is 0147-0347-1170
Safari with Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Luxio
EST PA USA and TSV 1563
1848-2349-2268 - David
Safari - ? - Daughter started new game
My friend list and Pokedex are full.
Check out my Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/leftwingzero
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