
Topic: When will we see a Witcher 3 port for Switch

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The Witcher 3. Arguably one of the best games of this gen and to some one of the best games of all time. Is still absent from the Switch. If there was one game I'd love to see ported it would be this.



I would love that. I've read a few of the books and they are great. My laptop could probably run the game but I've pretty much stopped gaming on PC. A Switch port would be fantastic.

Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
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I have the Xbox One X version but I think this game could run at 30 fps on Switch if they downgrade the visuals.



It would be great to see it ported over, but what I really want ported over to switch is Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, and Rise of the Tomb Raider I know both of them could be ported since they were both released on the Xbox 360. And maybe the Batman Arkham Series also.



I have done two complete 100% runs (real 100% like literally every marker) and would happily do a third on Switch.

I think it would be hard to downgrade the visuals to have it run on Switch and part of me thinks that's why it couldn't work because the visuals really make the world come alive. This is a game that feels like a real living breathing world when the weather turns bad you almost feel it when you walk through Novigrad it feels like a real city part of that is great design but the visuals push it that much further.

I actually haven't played the dlc yet not because I don't want to but because I love this game so much im not ready to see it all end yet. I'm saving that for the future third play through.



They said they refused to release it on the X360 and PS3 because the inferior hardware just couldn't capture the amount of detail they wanted in the world.
My guess is that the same thing would be true for the Switch. It's not just about the graphical fidelity. It's about how many things are going on at once (which is CPU-dependent).
It would probably be impossible to recreate a location like Novigrad on the Switch without completely ruining the city-like atmosphere it has.

Edited on by Dezzy

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


@bluemage1989 @Dezzy
Yes I think you are right, once they downgrade the visuals and CPU that much to make it run on Switch they'll ruin the experience.

@mowerdude That's right.




The Witcher 3 barely ran on PS4/XBone.

Although I do love the rumors of Cyberpunk 2077 coming to the "Switch Pro".

Switch Physical Collection - 1,258 games (as of June 7th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Yosheel wrote:

Maybe they could do a Square Enix and chibify the game.

I move for a vote of no-confidence in Yosheel's moderator abilities.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


@Yosheel said "Maybe they could do a Square Enix and chibify the game."

Good idea, they could call it : The Switcher 3 then...



it never will. n if it did it would be a downgraded mess no doubt



Have you seen this? It's a video that shows how it will or will not run on Switch.

Edited on by toiletduck


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


You have to remember if they put more RAM you think it would be only 299.99? They were able to get Doom and Wolfenstein on NSW. Surrogate is not always the best way to verify it. If they did even risk port of W3 to a development NSW that could verify if it really can handle it. Because remember DOOM and Wolfenstein was thought it can't run on NSW but here we have them now.

Edited on by SwitchForce



@Dezzy you know I think that sums it up perfectly 'who knows' there will be those who would happily argue for hours about the power of the Switch (not me lols) and no doubt someone would say 'call Panic Button' but I think the only people who would really know are CD Project Red. I love the game but I'd hate to see a compromised port because like you say those details would be hard to make work. The only thing I'd say gives any hope is that they haven't come out and said no yet so who knows maybe behind the scenes there's someone looking into making it happen.



@SwitchForce It's not hidden power or magic what makes Doom and Wolfenstein II run on Switch but a massive downgrade in textures, lighting, shadows, other effects, resolution and frame rate. If you watch the Digital Foundry videos you'll see yourself.

Edited on by Banjo-



@BlueOcean But that's exactly the point that a few people are making here: the downgrade in visuals on those games as presented by DF is smaller than what you'd expect from the step down in capabilities the Switch makes compared to XB and PS. Point being that some Switch devs could be able to get a graphics/CPU heavy game working on Switch with fewer compromises in graphics than the video I posted a few comments earlier suggests.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


Personally, I couldn't care less if a game has hyper realistic graphics. I don't need to run a game with all the sliders maxed out, so long as the game plays fine and I'm having fun. That said, I also couldn't care less if Witcher comes to Switch or not. I hope it does for others, but the series just doesn't excite me.


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