
Topic: King Leo

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Hello everyone,

Does somebody know how to save game? I can't find it anywhere. My daughter has fun with it, but when you have to start all over everytime, it get a annoying.
I bought this game with a code in a box, I don't know if that matters.
Does anyone knows?

Thank you in advance!



@Newbie123 It doesn't matter if you bought it digitally or physically. The game will be the same.

I don't have the game.... but regarding saves, every game developer makes their own choice of how to structure the game and whether to implement saves or not, or how they do it. And some developers may make choices that go against any trends & norms, out of their own preference or because its less development work. So, there's always a chance a game may have some strange menu/save quirks or omissions. So you may want to be ready for that possibility.

Looking at a playthrough of the the game on youtube, it does appear there may be some progress saved. If you get to a world, it appears you unlock that world. So, if you get to world 2, you can start a new game from the beginning of world 2, but that may be all it does. So, you can only select the unlocked world, and it will always start at the beginning of that world.

Here's the world select screen.(disregard if you were aware of it already)

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

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Wow, you really made an effort to figure it out.
Thank you so much! @WoomyNNYes


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