
Topic: Comment on the Signature of the Person Above You

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Some people have been complaining about Pit's new voice actor but I think Johnny Yong Bosch is doing a pretty good job of it. Other characters Johnny Yong Bosch has voiced are Koizumi Itsuki, (The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Ichigo Kurosaki, (Bleach) Guy Cecil, (Tales of the abyss) Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world) and Seto (Fragile dreams: Farewell ruins of the moon).


There should be a higher signature limit, for I would also like to see this quote.
What was it exactly?

I'm working on a game that's coming out soon!
Cipher Trailer


I shall insult you anyways!

mariofanatic128 wrote:

Some people have been complaining about Pit's new voice actor but I think Johnny Yong Bosch is doing a pretty good job of it. Other characters Johnny Yong Bosch has voiced are Koizumi Itsuki, (The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Ichigo Kurosaki, (Bleach) Guy Cecil, (Tales of the abyss) Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world) and Seto (Fragile dreams: Farewell ruins of the moon).

Ichigo's voice actor is doing Pit's voice!?! Whoa that's awesome...kind of. I thought he was doing a pretty good job before I read this.

Edited on by Retro_on_theGo


Enable you to do what, exactly?



Then Lz has nothing to worry about

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky



All the children try to run,
To him its part of the fun.
His branching arms are for collecting,
His face is empty of expressing.
He sometimes hums a lowly drone,
He will wander 'round your home.
Dressed in darkest suit and tie,
He won't let you say goodbye.


Retro_on_theGo wrote:

I shall insult you anyways!

mariofanatic128 wrote:

Some people have been complaining about Pit's new voice actor but I think Johnny Yong Bosch is doing a pretty good job of it. Other characters Johnny Yong Bosch has voiced are Koizumi Itsuki, (The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Ichigo Kurosaki, (Bleach) Guy Cecil, (Tales of the abyss) Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world) and Seto (Fragile dreams: Farewell ruins of the moon).

Ichigo's voice actor is doing Pit's voice!?! Whoa that's awesome...kind of. I thought he was doing a pretty good job before I read this.

Adam the Black Ranger is doing Pit's voice?! Does that mean we'll be hearing Pit call out "Black Lion Thunderzord!" in Uprising?

"Pay me 20 Rupees and I'll talk."
"Never forget the comfort of freshly-washed shorts."


where can i sign up?!

All the children try to run,
To him its part of the fun.
His branching arms are for collecting,
His face is empty of expressing.
He sometimes hums a lowly drone,
He will wander 'round your home.
Dressed in darkest suit and tie,
He won't let you say goodbye.


Great quote you have there, more of 'em?

Changed name: Old name was JDT!
Ponies will take over the world. Just deal with it.
3DS FC: 1375-7189-4496


Okey dokey lokey. I mean the world probably can't get any worse than it is already.

Beethoven was right when he said it don't come easy.
Currently Learning: Electric Guitar
Bad Wolf


who said that?

All the children try to run,
To him its part of the fun.
His branching arms are for collecting,
His face is empty of expressing.
He sometimes hums a lowly drone,
He will wander 'round your home.
Dressed in darkest suit and tie,
He won't let you say goodbye.


There once was a giant pig, and then there was ham and pork chops

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky

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