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Competition: Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary (NA)
Win yourself one of 25 NES games
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Super Mario Bros. and the 25th Anniversary of the Nintendo Entertainment System's release in North America, we thought we would do something different. We've scraped together 12,500 Wii Points so that we can give 25 lucky readers (yes, 25) a free 500-point NES game (of their choice) each via the Wii Shop gifting service. All you have to do is answer our special Mario Anniversary question below! Please note that this competition is open only to the United States and Canada and is limited to 500-point NES games.
About The Prize
In the quarter of a century since game designer Shigeru Miyamoto’s team put the finishing touches to his first major adventure, Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Mario has become one of the most globally recognised characters in the world of entertainment.
Find Out More
The Super Mario Bros. series is the best-selling video game series of all time, with more than 240 million units sold globally. New Super Mario Bros. Wii allows up to four players to experience an action-packed Mario platform game on Wii simultaneously for the first time.
How To Win
It's simple, login or register and answer the question, we'll randomly select the winner(s) and contact them via email.
Enter The Competition
Closing date for entry is , winners will be contacted via email, prizes will then be provided by download code or gifted directly to the console. You may only enter once, duplicate entries will be removed. You must be a North American resident to receive the winning prize. Please read our full competition terms and conditions before entering.
Competition Sponsored By Nintendo
Comments 215
Huge thanks to all the staff that contributed towards the prize fund, great job! For those European readers out there, don't worry we've got two European competitions coming up in the next week or so!
WOW. Awesome! Does it have to be a Mario game?
@irken004 It can be any 500-point NES game on Virtual Console.
Ah cool. I own most of the Mario games on the VC anyway
Aw man, the only NES games I really want from the VC are SMB the lost levels and Ufouria... Oh yeah, there's always Zelda II and SMB2. Also forgot about Blaster Master!
That is, if I even win. :3
Ill get Mega Man 4 if I win
If I win one I'm getting Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Because it's one of the only 2D Castlevania games I have yet to play all the way through and beat. >_>; I figure the VC would be the easiest way to get myself to play through it. Then I could stop and come back to it easily :0
Cool contest
I'll get either Mario 2 or Megaman 2.
I don't think winners can ask for Ufouria or Lost levels, because they're foreign, therefore more expensive. Too bad, I kind of wanted Ufouria.
I entered by accident.
Great contest. I'll probably end up getting either Mega Man 2 or River City Ransom if I win.
Probably will get Lost Levels if I win. Thats on the VC, right? Think so.
What does it mean by Contacting you by your Wii/Ds code?
very cool !!!
Isn't it obvious, I mean, shouldn't everyone know that Mario was originally called Hatman? Shouldn't even be a question...
YES! This is the kinda competition I can get behind, lol.
I am just going to take a guess, not that I'll win, knowing my luck.
I want to get Mario 2, if I win. I gotta win eventually.
1st September 1986: remember Nintendo Life, Europeans would like a competition too!!!
Hope I got one
I didn't even have to look up the answer! I remembered from an article a while ago here at nintendo life, it was a behind the scenes of original DK I think
Keep on bringing the contests! You guys are awesome!
Wonder how many fake users we'll get this time
Cheers to the staff for scraping together that huge load of points!
Hope I win
Hope I win! Hmmmm, wonder what I'll get if I do.... Already got all the NES Mario games, so I'll have to gasp! TRY SOMETHING ELSE! Maybe a Mega Man game? Never played any of those.
Is one allowed to get a 500 point Wiiware game upon winning?
@MysteriousVoice Lost Levels is 600 points, not 500, so you can't choose that if you win.
Coolio! Simple question, but a nice way to kick the celebration off! Good luck to all!
Oops... Accidentally entered it... You're gonna have to discard my entry lads, sorry
Crossing my fingers now!
I guess I'll enter this one....
Where is the European love? Discrimination sucks. >
Anyone complaining about this not being open to European members, pHaT-aNt_ (in the first reply of the post) said there will be two for us in the coming weeks.
And hopefully some for the Aussies/Kiwis too, NL?
Wow! That is a lot of points!
You just saved NintendoLife from my "WHAT ABOUT EUROPE?! " tirade - YOU'RE A HERO!!!
Cool! Not sure what I'd get but hey, free game!
Why is this site so awesome?
Sweet, free games are always welcome!
these guys at nintendo life are nice enough to hold these great giveaways, the least anyone could do is read the article and use common sense
The staff here are quite generous thanks for the great contests. I have a better chance of winning this one atleast.
Alright, I'm no longer staff so I entered
N/A Wii so I figure it's eligible!
Sure I'll give it a shot, I've got nothin to lose!
This is the first contest I entered here.
Lovely Mario pictures for the article, btw.
Thanks guys! I hope i'm gonna win
Hey guys, I was just looking at these website, it is very cool, and I see these contest, so I am in, haha I hope I win!
I will buy a mario game probably, no FF because I don't like rpg's and I also don't like kirby, he is too pink, maybe I can try megaman.
Ooops I need to go (haha gonna play some Medal of Honor)
Nintendo Life Contests > Club Nintendo Awards
Tell me forum, what 500 point NES would you get?
Leave your funny or creative responses BELOW.
Nintendo Life just earned themselves a new member because of this...
thats really nice of you guys
Or on FaceBook or Twitter.
I... don't know which one I'd pick u if I won. There are a few games on there that I have left to pick up that I'd consider "must owns." Who knows, maybe something new'll come out before then that'll catch our eyes?
I thought Ufouria if I win but then realized it was 600 points and I already have 40 or so NES games at least on the VC so I don't know what I'd pick to be honest, not to mention I now own most of those games in cartridge form as part of my nearly 200 (small count I know) collection for the system. There can't be more than 50-100 NA users here anyway, so I think a 30%-40% chance of winning can't be that bad!
Good luck to everyone, I hope I win, but if not, no biggie Since I own Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Bros. 3 on the VC, I never got the original (since I have played it so much), but would probably pick that just to complete the trilogy, lol. Even if I don't win, just wanted to say thanks to NL for being so generous to the site visitors.
id get Faxanadu
which i read on here it should be out in november!
@PSICOffee: there's a god deal more than that.
@51: "thats really nice of you guys"
It's our pleasure. It's a chance to celebrate SMB's 25th birthday, of course, but I think I speak for everyone when I say it's also a chance for us to celebrate the great community that has built up around this site. Thanks, everybody, for making any work we do for this site so rewarding. And good luck winning those games.
That is incredibly generous of all of you. I have to honestly say I have always been impressed with how this site has handled itself. I tip my hat to the staff.
@Chicken Brutus
we do that kind of thing on our site too. being part of a nice site and watching it build over the years, it takes dedication and you got to enjoy what you do.
Sweet, I'm in.
Entered! Now.... what should I think of getting?
So is this NA's reward for Mario's 25th?
Seriously, Europeans cant complain when you have cool club nintendo rewards and the swanky new red devices heading your way
But this is still cool, Im crossing my fingers
I pretty much own all the NES games I want, but Castlevania III is tempting. With or without this contest, I will get that game.
I just looked over the list of NES games available, and I would pick Ninja Gaiden if I win :3
Miyamoto's original name for Mario is missing from the list! He was called Mr. Video.
Shh! That was intentional, so that we can reveal at the end that it was a trick question, nobody wins, and we get to keep the points.
@Chicken NOOO!!! Don't let that Metroid on ur head brainwash u
^ this from an evil pumpkin?
Hmmm, ok guys, so lucky for everyone, sadly I can't enter the contest, anyways I have told my family in USA, and they have entered already, I hope they win! Also isk wich is him, but he is also a cool gamer, he likes old games, specially the ones from NES and N64, so he was very happy about these contest, I think he will also be part of the comunity team.
@tbd Good point...
I created 37 different email accounts and therefore submitted 37 entries. I am SO winning this!
I've just been informed that that would be cheating. And lame. Well, there's always the 50th anniversary...
psst. Kid_A. staff can't enter these contests anyway. :3
considering you only just now found out that was cheating, i figured i'd fill you in on the rest of the story
I have done pretty well in the past with NL contests so I'm putting my hat in, or whatever the phrase is. Wonder what I would choose, never thought of getting a NES game before. Maybe MM2? Or a Mario...or something else, lol.
River City Ransom here I come! (if i win)
Aw man... I studied this one...
(If I win, I'm getting the lost levels!)
Edit Just read that LL's 600 points >.>
Sweet! I'm betting somebody that joined Nintendo Life just to enter the contest will win, though...
EDIT: Eh, forget about my above statement. There's a good chance regular users such as myself will win. After all, there will be 25 winners in total.
@Punny Why not? There is going to be 25 winners.
I want the REAL Super Mario 2, but it's 600 points =/, so maybe i'll ask the "fake" one if I win =P
@Punny-usually there winds up being about a 50-50 ratio of newbies who win that just joined for the context, and those that are actually part of the community, lol.
I'm thinking Life Force if I win
Awesome contest, always like ways to score more points to download.
I'm going to win, and when I do... I dunno, lol. But I'm gonna win~
@PSICOffee: "There can't be more than 50-100 NA users here anyway..."
You're kidding, right? Yes, 25 winners gives better number-of-prizes odds than most if not all previous contests, but I wouldn't put the odds anywhere NEAR as good as 30-40%.
That was the most absurdly easy question I've seen in an NLife contest yet. Am I not a geek, that I should not know these things and indeed HAVE known them for some years? If only knowledge automatically equaled winning...
I love this sites contests, mostly because all they require is the answering of a question to qualify.
If I win I think I might get Zelda
(Changes avatar to Waluigi)
EDIT: At least, I would, if I weren't on my Wii.
Hope I win this havent been lucky since that time at the small school fair in grade 5 or 6 cant really remember
i cant wait for the european contests. getting a free nes game would be sweet.
what will make it easier, is that everybody who's complained about this contest so far, won't win a damn thing.
if i was one of the guys who put money into the prize fund, i'd be really pissed off if any of the whiners got picked as a winner.
Why do you guys even bother with a question for these contests? You should just have a Enter Contest button and be done with it. Anyone who needs to google the answer to this one is sorely lacking in geek cred.
I wonder will the points be just added to our accounts, or will it be similar to the internet channel reimbursement where we just had a list of nes games to choose from, or will we have to tell them what game we want so they can gift it to us. I hope the points are just added to the account, cause I have 500pts leftover from buying sonic 4 and would love to get the upcoming bit trip fate
So at first I thought, you know, 25 winners, I gots me some good chances!
And then I saw how many comments had amassed on the first day... and wow.
But win or lose, holding this contest is incredibly awesome of you guys. Seriously, this is freaking radical.
this is so awesome
wait, when they say residents, they mean the region of your Wii right? I live in Japan, but I have a Region 1 Wii, and am just a study-abroad student here. I'm returning to california around X-mas for my final semesters of school. I can enter this contest right?
Wow awesome contest guys. Thank you for the opportunity and for running such a great web site.
ah. North America only? Scratch my name from the barrel
No, the region is still region 1. That's why I can't play any of the Japanese Wii games I see all the time. ::cries::
Such an easy question, I mean who doesn't know that the answer is C...
Great banner for the contest, by the way, kudos to whoever whipped that up...
A big thank you to the entire Nintendo Life staff for putting this contest together! You guys are awesome!
Man, you guys are so cool, much appreciation for getting this together, seriously, you guys are the best.
That being said, I cant decide that Id get if I won, but Im leaning towards A Boy and His Blob since I never got to play it (regardless if it's bad or not).
This is awesome! I hope i got the question right thanks to all NL staff your the best!
Here we go !!
Umm... Before Mario was ***ABOVE NAME*** he was Mr.Video
Everyone who mentions Mr. Video is disqualified.
I really wanna win, I am a huge Super Mario brothers fan in Colorado. It should of been a long quiz to weed out a lot of the people applying lol, oh well.
392 entries already! Wow
396 now! And it hasn't even been 24 hours!
a decent-sized chunk of them are probably our influx of brand new users -- it's hard having to wade through all the legit newbies to find my normal spammers, lol D:
Super Groovy! Even if this turns out to be a halloween prank. Still fun, & cool anyway.
I promise you, Capt N, this isn't any kind of prank. :3
I hope there's an Aussie Mario 25th Anniversary competition... Australia is always left out :/
WHAT ABOUT AUSTRALIA?? We are always left out. We are not getting red consoles, we have 10 items on club nintendo, we are paying double Americans do for games, even Australia's SMB anniversary is years away!
None of that is our fault, though.
Whats the bet only 100 or so have been members for more than 24 hours.
Man you Americans get all the breaks....I wish we had a conte--wait...
Why don't they get anything else for club nintendo AU? I already said I don't want that pencil case!
396?! (probably 400 by now D:) Oh well, my dreams were nice while they lasted.
cool! i entertered but ... i doubt ill win
Good onya NLife staff. Even though I can't enter it's still good to see you doing these competitions out of your own pocket. Keep up the good work!
Thanks guys, if I win I'll get Zelda II. Or SMB2 (American version). Or Castlevania. Okay I don't know, but still, joy!
Oh yeah, was the question a trick or something? Like, the answer was a mite obvious to I dunno EVERY SINGLE NINTENDO FAN I KNOW.
Yay, hopefully I'll win.
@Neo-yor Haha, for me, I want the REAL original game, which was Doki Doki panic. Seriously, i wish that was available as an import.
Though, if i win the contest, I think i'll get Castlevania III. Did you guys know that other than SMB3, there aren't any perfect score NES games? and very few 9/10 games.
Hmmm, Blaster Master, Castlevania III, or StarTropics?
Thanks nintendolife! I love me some nes goodness with my fruit loops!
I don't know what I'd get if I won. The chances of winning this one seem quite low less than 1/16, but probably more like 1/20.
me wants a nes game
Wait I'm currently not living in North America but i have a house there, does that count?
Mmm, an NES game I want and down own either in physical release or the VC? Will have to think about one. I'm sure to have missed a game or two.
491 entries now! You guys really like your free stuff don't ya?
Only 1 Question?! Kind of weird. Whatever. It makes it a lot easier to answer the ENTIRE quiz!
Will the European competitions be for WiiWare/VC? 'Cos if they are I won't be able to enter (don't have a Wii...). BTW, NL team, this is really cool of you.
503 entrants and counting! Odds of winning are a little less than 1 in 20 now.
woops, America only... I clicked too fast, sorry
Hmmm... I'm not sure what game I'd get but I'm all for an NES game! Hopefully I'll win something!
I have a American Wii, so I entered! The country on my Wii is set to Brazil at the moment, but I can easily change it to USA. That's if I am one of the lucky 25!
If I win i'll get super mario bros 2
I agree ganondwarf16, I'll get Super Mario Bros. 2 or maybe Kid Icarus.
If I won, I think I would download Wrecking Crew or Mario Bros... maybe even Pac-Man.
Yayz I entered! and I know I got the question right lol
do they give you 500 points, or an actual NES game?
If you win, you will be gifted the 500-point NES game of your choice.
When is Kirby's Birthday? I like this guy!
If I win, my entry will be disregarded
Wow that's... $125 worth! For people you (probably) don't even know!
You guys are awesome!
Hey guys, some users seem unclear on the rules, so let me repeat the stipulation.
You must be a North American resident to receive the winning prize.
This does not mean the same thing as "you must own a North American Wii". If you do not live in North America or Canada, you cannot win this competition.
Hope that clears things up!
@JesusSaves: You either have to own one or have ready access to one in order to go through the friending process in order for us to gift you your game, should you win.
DO NOT waste our time.
You Guy are doing a Nice thing
Why is everyone giving you such a hard time....
I hope I Win, I'll like to get Mega Man 2 or Kirby's Adventure, My little Sis would love that. and so will I
Will Australia be getting any contests or is it not till we have our 25th anniversary in a couple of years?
I usually buy any games I want as they come out. There are a couple I was on the fence about, like Adventures of Lolo 2 and Star Tropics 2, for completionists sake, if anything.
@JesusSaves Why on Earth would someone who doesn't own a Wii enter a competition where the prize is a digital game that can only be used on a Wii?
@Nintendo-is-my-love At the moment we don't have any plans lined up for Australia I'm afraid. Hopefully we can get something good in the near future though!
1 in 20 now, huh? That's still MUCH better odds than on other sites, like Joystiq, or other contests or lotteries. So it's actually fun, because there's an actual chance.
160 comments, nice.
When are the winners selected?'Cause I never check my annoying gmail address, hotmail all the way! (I made the gmail address just so I could become a member on here.)
@ 157. Rapadash6 Gameplay-wise, Star Tropics 2 was better than the first, mostly as far as moving in 8 directions. Story-wise it was about time-travel and was kinda "meh" overall. ST1 was definitely the star of that series, but hey, feel free to complete the series all you like, it's still enjoyable to a fault!
@bro2dragons and @Stuffgamer1
yeah okay, so a few hundred give or take. Of course I didn't really think it was a 40% chance, just trying to be a little positive about winning ya know? Now its more like a 5% chance. How silly of me to forget all the people who would enter that were not living in NA, not own a Wii, sign up multiple times with different emails and enter, and tell their friends at facebook/twitter to sign up at NL just to enter this contest and then never come back.
I based my first guess on how I've observed comments over the years on here and have only seen maybe 50-100 on most things, and rarely a constant 170 comments per article posted. So I've come to conclude there can't be more than a few hundred NA's that regularly visit this site on a daily basis. For if there were, many would be immature a-holes posting spam and pictures everywhere like this was Youtube!
600+ entries now! Whoa momma
Nice. Too bad I won't win, since I never win at contest stuff.
@Dazza 164. You should of said:
No purchase needed, many will enter few will win
Whoa for over 600+ entries. And only 25 will win.....
It's great that Nintendolife offers these things. IMHO Nintendolife is a lot better than other gaming websites. I actually put more stock in the game reviews from this site than any other site. More power to Nintendolife!
I'll enter, though I doubt I'll win. I've never won a drawing contest in my life.
i doubt i´ll win but if i did win, i would get either Castlevania II: Simon´s Quest or Castlevania III: Dracula´s Curse
I think I'd get either Ninja Gaiden or River City Ransom if I won.....but I'm not counting on it lol
@110percentful welcome back I haven't seen you in a looong time
Up up down down left right left right B A Start.
Hopefully cheat codes can get my entry to the top!
Anybody up for some logic?
I like contests.
I like Nintendo.
like + like = <3
/therefore I <3 this!
@PSICOffee As for those who sign up with multiple accounts, don't worry, Des (theblackdragon) knocks 'em out.
650 entrants now. Odds are 26:1. Good luck everyone!
are all those entries eligible Zach?
We'll see!
DS code? Why would you need our DS code?
That's alot of entries!
Oh, boy! I sure can't wait to potentially get a really good game! I may be younger than most Retro gamers, but I have a firm belief that NES and N64 are about twenty googolplex times better than X360 and PS3.
This is awesome! I hope I get 500 Wii points...
Mario is the best videogame character of all time, and always will be!
Can it be any NES game or is there some kinda of list that we choose a game from if we win??
Any NES game on the Virtual Console that costs 500 points.
Sweet! I hope I win...
Sweeet there are several games that I missed. Good Luck to everyone who entered.
If I do win and the all- stars Wii disc doesn't come to north america then I'm going with the good old classic SMB 3!
Thanks for the opportunity to win, NL!
I wonder....
What NES game will I buy when I win?
The only thing stopping us is a history question.
@Koops3 That and 759 other entrants!
I love how it takes you to Google if you click "Need a hint?"
Woah, that's alot of entries lol.
If I win, I will get Super Mario Bros 3.
I believe this is a mario competetion, so for mario's sake, why dosen't everybody get a 500 point NES mario game when they win.
I think I'll get something out of the ordinary, instead of the usual Zelda or Mario game if I win.
I never cared about Mario games until Mario RPG came out
i'm only missing mario usa 2... : ) I'll take a freebie
Cool! Just entered. If I win i'll either get Mario 3, Ice Climber, Wrecking Crew, Clu Clu Land, or Balloon Fight. This is IF i win, i'm crossing my fingers
Super Mario Bros. 2 if I win!!
@suburban_sensei I will complete the trilogy too if i win. I still need SMB3!
I'm thinking Legend of Zelda or Super Mario Bros. 3 if I win.
Is this the first article to go to 200?
Nope - we actually have an article with over 400 comments on it. See if you can find it!
Even better, it's for a Mario game!
cool! i didnt even need to look the answer up on google like the rest of you pizza face armor lockers!
910 entrants now! Odds are 36.4:1. Good luck, everyone!
@carson: I didnt look up the answer either ;P
Too bad it's just for North America
I noticed that too late…
Wouldnt it be kinda funny if one of the people who left over the whole power ranger thread won?
Close this contest soon! Before the odds get worse!
Isn't today the last day?
So who won???
Quick, more people enter at the last minute! Let's get this baby up to 1000 entrants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Zach: the contest is closed, man; no more entrants.
I mis-looked!
are you going to post a list of all the winners?
I guarentee I won't know any one who wins. They probably all joined a week or 2 before the contest ended. That's what usually goes down.
"Sorry, your too late..."
Please someone change that to "you're"!
What he said ^^
I already entered 2 weeks ago so your "too late" comment is invalid. You lose. I was just stating what I expect to say when the winners are announced.
@ballkirby1 actually, I would say you lose. He wasn't talking to you. He was just making a comment about the text in the "Enter The Competition" box.
Blast it! Foiled again.
Wrong "you're".
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