
  • Review Surfin' Sam - Attack of the Aqualites (Wii U eShop)

    No waves today, dude

    If you were around for the 16-bit era, you surely remember the influx of mascot-driven platformers at the time, such as Bubsy and Awesome Possum. Most of these games were nothing more than copies of popular games like Sonic the Hedgehog that wanted a piece of the popularity pie. Surfin' Sam: Attack of the Aqualites feels like it...


  • Review Volcanic Field 2 (Wii U eShop)

    All fizzle, no boom

    Playing Volcanic Field 2 is a lot like throwing lasagna against the wall. It can be fun and even primally satisfying for a short while, but you'll soon take a closer look and realize how much of a mess it is. The game can be described as a 2D, sidescrolling, twin-stick shooter. The left stick, d-pad, or even shoulder buttons on...