Super Mario News




  • News This is the Greatest Mario Collection We've Ever Seen

    1,000 plumbing items all under one roof

    Mario's face has been on more merchandise than you can imagine, making it hard – not to mention expensive – for dedicated fans to track down those must-have pieces. That makes the achievement of 11-year old Oscar Bown from the UK all the more incredible, as he's amassed a Mario collection containing over...

  • News The Evolution of Mario, Ka-Boomed into a Mushroom Cloud

    Surely an illegal amount of Marios

    The Super Mario has had a supremely prolific career since he first jumped a barrel and clonked an ape, with each new game slightly tweaking our mustachioed heroes appearance. Want to see a whole bunch of them? Why, there's a neat-o mushroom cloud here that you should take a look at then! Running the whole gamut,...

  • News Super Mario Bros. Movie Re-released on DVD, Spot the Difference

    Clue: it's not the quality of the film

    Feel like your DVD collection is missing something, but you're not sure what? Here's the answer: the newly re-released Super Mario Bros. Movie, available once again in glorious DVD-o-vision. First released on DVD back in 2003, the disc contained no extra features so surely a re-release would sort that,...


  • Competition Wii Games: Summer 2010 Competitions Announced

    Time to get off that couch and get moving!

    Don't let those Summertime blues get you down. Now you can join Olympic champion Shawn Johnson as she teams up with our favourite Italian plumber to help get people up and get in shape. You can check out the official press release below for all of the information you'll need to become a part of the...

  • News 172 Australians Hug Mario for a World Record

    Game also released Down Under today

    You may remember last week we told you of Nintendo's plan to launch Super Mario Galaxy 2 in Australia with a world record attempt for the most hugs by a mascot character in twenty minutes, and by jingo they've done it. The famous plumber got to grips with 172 people, each of whom received a photo of the momentous...


  • News Mario Marathon Breaks Previous Donation Record

    Currently at $33,000 and counting

    Exactly one month ago we told you about a Mario event run by The Speed Gamers, and now we bring you news from another Mario Marathon, this time raising money for the Child's Play charity. In just over 52 hours of play the event has raised over $33,000, easily eclipsing 2009's total of $29,082. At time of writing...

  • News Optimus Prime Talks About Being the First Voice of Mario

    Peter Cullen reminisces about lending his vocal talents to the world's most famous plumber

    Legendary voice actor Peter Cullen - who has recently lent his talents to Activision's upcoming Transformers title War for Cybertron (also known as the slightly less threatening Cybertron Adventures on Wii) was interviewed by the other day and...

  • News Mario Wants Your Hugs, Australians

    Plumbing promotion next week

    Everywhere else in the world has already received Super Mario Galaxy 2: sorry folks Down Under, it's just a fact. You could yet have the last laugh though, as Nintendo's launch plan for the game could see you set a new world record for the most hugs of a mascot character in 20 minutes. Kicking off at 7am on July 1st at...

  • E3 2010 Mario Sports Mix Coming Next Year

    On his way to conquering every sport ever played (Updated with trailer!)

    Mario has proven his sporting prowess time and time again over the years, with numerous golf, tennis, baseball and even Olympic outings. And, as announced during Nintendo's E3 keynote, the Brooklyn-ite has a lot more juice left in him. Must be all those electrolytes! Coming...

  • E3 2010 Mario vs Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem

    The struggle between apes and plumbers continues

    You'd have thought these two could have settled their differences by now, but the long-standing rivalry between Mario and Donkey Kong continues to boil, with Mario vs Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem for DS the latest title to pit the two against each other. With the promise of user-generated content and...

  • E3 2010 Paper Mario for 3DS

    Play the flat one in glorious 3D

    The last title in the Paper Mario series was Wii's Super Paper Mario some years ago, and fans have been clamouring for another entry ever since. Well, those same fans are about to be made very happy as Paper Mario is confirmed for 3DS with these first screenshots. Although the flat graphical style may not spring...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Shoots to Number Two in UK Charts

    Strong weekend sales for plumber's latest

    We all know that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is something special, and it seems most of the UK public knows it as well, buying up enough copies since Friday's launch to put the game at number two in the UK all-formats chart. Whilst it couldn't topple multiplatform behemoth Red Dead Redemption, second position is...

  • News Mario Enters the Shuffle with Nintendo Playing Cards

    Super paper Mario

    In recent years, we've seen video game companies harken to their histories with such successful releases as New Super Mario Bros., Mega Man 9 and the Virtual Console itself. Always one to outdo themselves and the competition, Nintendo's set to top all of these by returning to what started it in the first place: playing cards. While...


  • News Mario Jumps Over Flag, Ends Arguments Forever

    It's real: see it with your own eyes

    Yes he can; no he can't. Yes he can; no he can't. Anyone who grew up with the NES will know this as the sound of the playground's "is it possible to jump over the flag?" argument that ran all over the world. Now those who were on the "yes he can" side should pick up their phones and ring old...

  • News Steve Wiebe to Participate in Mario Marathon, May Jump Barrels for Charity

    Legendary gamer signs up for latest Speed Gamers crusade

    With everyone and their dog being on a legal Mario high at the moment, the team over at The Speed Gamers has announced its next marathon will be taking in all the plumber's greatest titles – yes, including Hotel Mario – when it kicks off on June 11th. The plan is to take in a week's worth...

  • News Find Out More About Super Mario Galaxy 2's Creation

    Yoshiaki Koizumi reflects on latest outing

    That didn't take long: Super Mario Galaxy 2 producer Yoshiaki Koizumi was interviewed by Famitsu Magazine about his feelings towards the newly-released sequel and its production. Covering everything from the game's conception as Super Mario Galaxy 1.5 to their awareness of not alienating Mario veterans,...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the Second Highest Rated Game Ever

    Ocarina of Time still number one

    It seems the plumber's latest adventure can do no wrong, scoring top marks at many well-respected publications around the world. In fact, it's got so many high scores that reviews aggregator Metacritic places it at second spot in the list of the highest-rated games of all time with a score if 98, level with Grand...

  • News Now You Can Buy That Goomba Head You've Always Wanted

    "But Goombas don't really have heads," you say

    You know Goombas, right? Mushroom things from the Mushroom Kingdom that get flattened very easily. Well, yes, but you may remember they looked a little different in the classic Super Mario Bros. movie: in fact, you'll probably never forget that unbelievable film. Now you can keep a piece of that...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Players Already Super-Skilled and Super-Fast

    Debate opens: is this a glitch or just a skill?

    This one will probably divide opinion, but this video of a Super Mario Galaxy 2 speedrun exploits a trick for extending Yoshi's flutter jump to previously unheard-of lengths. It doesn't appear to be a glitch but rather a combination of moves that allows Yoshi to repeat his hover ability, but we'll let...

  • News Miyamoto Loves it When Games Resonate

    Latest Iwata Asks translated

    It's been well-documented that the development of Super Mario Galaxy 2 posed a few tricky decisions for the team: starting out as Super Mario Galaxy 1.5, the role of the story was much-discussed inside Nintendo, with different team members arguing for more or less story. All this led Shigeru Miyamoto to a realisation: he...

  • News Iwata Asks for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Reveals Many, Many Informative Nuggets

    Too many for this tagline to contain

    Always informative and surprising, the Iwata Asks series of articles is a treasure trove of Nintendo experience and and information, so you won't be surprised to hear that the latest article, covering Super Mario Galaxy 2, is chock-full of interesting facts. Yoshi was originally planned for the first Super Mario...

  • News Five Minutes of Super Mario Galaxy 2 Better Than Five Minutes of Most Other Games

    Extra-terrestrial epic nearly here!

    The footage of Super Mario Galaxy 2 is flooding out of Nintendo lately, with regular transmissions showing off new elements from the upcoming adventure. If all this spectacular footage still hasn't given you Mario on Wii ennui, this five minute trailer will have you bouncing off the walls and gnawing your...

  • News Galaxy 2 Bonus DVD Detailed, Definitely Won't Play on Wii

    It's like a manual, only it moves

    Although early reviews suggest that Super Mario Galaxy 2 could well be the best thing since Super Mario Galaxy, Nintendo is well aware that some players didn't enjoy the original as much, finding it confusing and tough to control. That's why, as we previously reported, the highly anticipated follow-up will release...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Gets Bundled

    Edge magazine gives 10/10, UK preorder bonus too

    Despite pretty much universal acclaim for the first Super Mario Galaxy, it wasn't the biggest-selling game in the Wii's library, its sales eclipsed very early on by New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Clearly Nintendo thinks the upcoming sequel will shift more units, as stories have appeared on the Internet...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Lands with Bonus DVD

    Learn advanced tricks with second disc

    Counting down the days until Super Mario Galaxy 2? Although the game is reputedly much more difficult than its predecessor, Nintendo still wants everyone to enjoy it, so the European release will contain a DVD containing helpful videos and tutorials of advanced moves. Assuming it's a standard DVD, the disc of...


  • News The Real Mario's Yearbook Photo is Unearthed

    Along with details of his past

    Back when Nintendo was still trying to gain a foothold in the US market the company rented a warehouse owned by a fellow called Mario Segale. Legend has it that NOA President Minoru Arakawa was taken aback by the similarity between Segale and the lead character of Donkey Kong - an arcade title which Nintendo was...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Forecast is Cloudy with Chance of Co-Op

    New trailer reveals Cosmic Guide, cutesy power-ups and Starship Mario

    It might seem a long way off, but Super Mario Galaxy 2 is just one month away for lucky North American gamers, whilst European players can pick it up on June 11th. Nintendo has just released a new trailer and screenshots showing off the return of Rosalina, the introduction of...


  • Round Table Mario's Past and Future

    Can we foresee the plumber hanging up his overalls?

    As we leave March 2010, it's with deep sadness we also have to kiss goodbye to MAR10 Month. We've had podcasts, reviews of classic outings, high scores and plenty of discussion over the plumber's titles. What is it about Mario that draws such passion from Nintendo fans? We sat down to chew the fat...

  • Podcast Episode 14 - Mario Month is Here!

    MAR10 is GO

    Fresh from the huge success of our DS fifth birthday celebrations, there's another swell of features coming your way as we get into the swing of Mario Month, our celebration of March 2010 aka Mar 10. Corbie Dillard and James Newton chew the fat over some choice Mario moments and there's a brief DS reviews round-up too. The episode is...

  • Review Super Mario 64 DS (DS)

    A modern masterpiece, marred

    When the GameBoy Advance launched back in 2002, it landed with a port of Super Mario Bros. 2, not exactly the most fondly-remembered of plumber outings but one that still hit the mark by fitting the platform to a tee. Come 2005, Nintendo hit on the idea of launching the DS with a revamped Super Mario 64, showing off all...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii World Record Set


    Twin Galaxies has recently verified a new official Twin Galaxies World Record score for New Super Mario Bros. Wii. The score-keeping network has received numerous submissions for the game since release, with the record changing hands dozens of times between gamers from the US, Canada and Holland, and is now logging scores of significant...


  • First Impressions Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Truly spacial

    Super Mario Galaxy 2 had by far the biggest queues of the day, with a cordoned area showcasing the plumber's latest adventure. Our crafty writers, however, took advantage of everyone else's hunger by striking when most other journalists were stopping for lunch, managing to get a good half an hour of hands-on time. With such high hopes...

  • News Mario & Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Almost Considered a Possibility

    Unsurprisingly, Wii DLC is also out

    In a recent Q&A about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with The Kartel, producers Omar Woodley, Dan Gallardo were popped the million-dollar question: was Mario ever considered for the race? Everything is a possibility. It definitely was discussed way early on in development, but just the fact that we have...

  • News Nintendo Cereal System Sells For $200

    Indigestion medication not included

    Do you remember the Nintendo Cereal System from 1988? It let people who just couldn't get enough of Mario and Zelda to pour them into a bowl and eat them, keeping their spirits (but, sadly, not powers) with you all throughout the day by way of two different types of cereal: fruit-flavored for Mario, berry for...

  • News Super Mario Bros. 3 Turns Twenty

    One of the greatest games ever celebrates a milestone.

    For those unaware, today marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Super Mario Bros. 3 in North America. Having sold over 18 million copies worldwide, it still stands as one of the best-selling video games of all time - and that's not even accounting for the various remakes and re-releases of...

  • News Sonic Playable in Super Mario Galaxy 2?

    Will Sonic be touring space with his old rival?

    UK magazine Ngamer has posted an interesting tweet on Twitter this afternoon, making a rather bold claim that not only comes right out of the left field and has left us all a bit dazed and confused here at Nintendo Life Towers. We should stress this is currently deep in the realms of rumour territory...


  • News Tuper Tario Tros: A Mario/Tetris Mash-up

    Warning: this Flash game is highly addictive

    Newgrounds user and all-round genius SwingSwing has created a fantastic Mario/Tetris mash-up named Tuper Tario Tros. Blending the platformer and puzzle genres, the game involves traversing the usual Mario landscape with your usual repertoire of jumping and, err... more jumping. When Mario encounters an...


  • News Its-a Me! Fungus Mario!

    Japanese researchers recreate Mario in a petri dish.

    Evidentally, Japanese science folk at nanobiological laboratories of the University of Osaka got bored whilst solving real problems and decided to do something significantly more light-hearted to cheer us all up. Here we present Fungus Mario in all his fluorescent glory! Those Osaka University...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Twenty Years In The Making

    Well, not literally

    Revelations afoot in the Iwata Asks interview for New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Toshihiko Nakago, currently the President of SRD2, reveals that Miyamoto’s dream of a multiplayer Mario was born during the development of Super Mario Bros. 3. Ultimately hardware limitations scuppered the plan, leaving the team to step back their...


  • News Giant Mario Coins Hidden in Aussie CBDs

    Nintendo holding strange new contest to win copies of New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Live in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane? Haven't got much to do between Tuesday the 1st and Friday the 4th of December? Like looking for stuff? Well, you're in luck! Nintendo Australia are hiding coins in each of the three Central Business Districts in honour of the recent...

  • News Britain's Best Nintendo Gamer 2009 - Report!

    Who walked away with the crown?

    Our UK readers will probably have seen our adverts for Britain's Best Nintendo Gamer a month or so ago - in fact, some of you may even have competed at a GAME or Gamestation store - but we left you hanging on who emerged from the competition victorious. Well, hang no more - all can be revealed! Well, almost all...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Packaging Is All Kinds Of Awesome

    Paint the town red with Mario's latest adventure

    We don't have our press copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii yet, but those lucky chaps over at Kotaku do - and they've taken some photos of the packaging to tease us with. Normally we wouldn't report on something as banal as this but the fact is the case for NSMB Wii looks fantastic. It's made of red...

  • Podcast Episode 9 - Muramasa, Mario and More!

    Four contributors. Three exclusive interviews. One unstoppable podcasting force

    Slightly delayed but bigger and better than ever, it's the ninth episode of the Nintendo Life podcast. Weighing in at a massive forty minutes, it's got Rising Star Games answering your questions about Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Corbie Dillard telling you more about...

  • News Mario Bricks Himself

    40,000 bricks recreate Nintendo icon

    He may be more into the plumbing business, but that doesn't mean Mario can't get involved in the bricklaying side of things too, as this story proves. Made as part of the LEGO World Fair, this blocky brother measures nearly 6' tall and weighs over 110lbs, so whilst it may not be a hugely realistic effigy of the...


  • First Impressions New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Plumbing new heights

    Now we've had chance to play the final version of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, it's time to tell you the hard truth about Nintendo's latest plumbing escapades. Well, the hard truth is, it's a lot of fun and impossible to play without a smile on your face. Although a lot of emphasis has been put on the series-first multiplayer,...

  • News Mario Moneybox Wants Your Coins, UK Readers!

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii special edition tin revealed

    Nintendo are really ramping-up the promotion for what they undoubtedly see as the must-have Wii game for Christmas, New Super Mario Bros. Wii. In fact, they're going further than usual, announcing a limited edition version of the game available from UK retailers. Of course, it seems hardly a...




  • News Super Mario Galaxy Shines in 720p

    Shame it's not on the Wii itself, though

    Whatever you think of Nintendo's decision not to include HD-support in the Wii, you can't deny that the console's seen some beautiful looking standard-definition titles, prime amongst them Super Mario Galaxy. Now the game's seen a bit of a high definition facelift with the latest iteration of the Dolphin Wii...


  • News Harold Ramis Glad He Turned Down Mario Movie

    Ghostbusters star almost ruined his career with unwanted live-action film

    Hollywood writer-director (and sometimes actor) Harold Ramis has enjoyed a particularly successful career; not only did he land the role of paranormal investigator Dr. Egon Spengler in the hit '80s flick Ghostbusters (which he also co-wrote), he has directed such classics as...

  • News Mario Moves Into The Storage Business

    Koopa, Goomba and Super Mushroom want to help out.

    Even though everybody complains about the price of plumbers these days, Mario obviously isn't raking enough in from the old pipes and taps, so he's expanding into storage - USB storage, to be precise. Talented member sgedra has recently put together these super-cool and very charming Mario...

  • News Luigi WAS in Super Mario 64

    For a bit.

    Shigeru Miyamoto's been harping on about a multiplayer Mario for ages, but in a recent interview with he revealed there was planned to be two-player support for Super Mario 64, but that it was scrapped. Miyamoto: With Mario 64, we had an experiment that took advantage of the idea of the screen growing larger and smaller...

  • News Play Super Mario Bros. With...A Theremin?

    Takes motion controls to a whole new level.

    Music controllers are all the rage nowadays, thanks to your Rock Bands and your DJ Heroes, even your GameCube Jungle Beats. Now, some whiz has managed to hook up an obscure instrument for some retro action. The theremin is known for its spooky sounds and for being the only instrument you can play without...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Only Multiplayer At Home

    No online play for Miyamoto's finally realised multiplayer Mario.

    Considering all Shigeru Miyamoto's talk over the past few years of how long he's wanted to create a multiplayer Mario game, you'd think he'd be eager to harness the Wii's WiFi Connection service for the recently announced New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Sadly, you'd be wrong, as he...

  • News Miyamoto: Mario Galaxy 2 Is All-New, Baby

    Famed developer promises some cool new features in freshly-announced sequel

    Speaking behind closed doors at E3, Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is based on "about 90 percent" new content. Speaking about the development of the original title, Miyamoto said: There was so much more gameplay we weren't able to use, and...

  • News Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story E3 Trailer

    The Mario Bros. are back for their second DS RPG adventure.

    Nintendo finally showed some footage of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story this morning at E3 and it looked as amazing as ever. This time the Mario Bros. find themselves inside of the evil Bowser and controlling him from the inside out. Below is the official E3 press release for the...

  • News Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced for Wii

    A sequel to the mega-hit original Super Mario Galaxy is coming to Wii.

    With the success of the original Super Mario Galaxy, it should come as no surprise that a sequel is already in the works. Say hello to Super Mario Galaxy 2. Judging from the game play trailer shown at Nintendo's E3 press conference, the game takes quite a few more classic Super...

  • News Confirmed: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    The rumours were true!

    Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway has just confirmed that a new Mario game is coming to the Wii. At Nintendo's E3 conference - which is taking place as we type - she said this: The number four is the key to Mario's next surprise. For the last 15 years, Mr Miyamoto has been thinking about one new way to let you play a Mario game...

  • News Super Mario Logo Spotted At E3?

    The rumours would seem to be true, people

    Posted on the Twitter account of Eurogamer's Johnny Minkley, this image appears to show the famous Super Mario Bros. logo under a sheet on Nintendo's E3 stand. Most of the gaming world seems to be expecting a new Mario game to be unveiled...Nintendo's E3 conference starts in less than an hour, so we'll soon...


  • First Impressions Mario & Luigi RPG 3

    Mario and Luigi return to the DS in their third humorous adventure.

    Mario and Luigi have been to some pretty bizarre places, but none as weird as where they end up in Mario and Luigi RPG 3. You see, a mysterious epidemic is raging through the Mushroom Kingdom, causing people to inflate many times their normal size. The residents of the kingdom...

  • News Get Technical With The Science of the Mushroom Kingdom

    Know your mushrooms

    A student at Carnegie Mellon University known only as 'Theyab' has produced a seriously cool faux-medical manual for his/her Communication Design Fundamentals class, and rather than keep this awesome document in the classroom, they've posted it online for us all to chuckle at. The manual explains the various side-effects of...


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