Tag: Sengoku 2
Review Sengoku 2 (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Test your might
You fight of waves of attackers, warp somewhere to fight some more, then back again where of course you find yet more people trying to end your existence. Along with the nifty ability to switch between characters during play, Sengoku 2 offers similar gameplay to the first title, but some tweaks have been made to offer a more...
News Sengoku 2 Arrives Next Week, Marking A Year's Worth of Neo Geo Ports On Switch
Severe cases of split personality ahead
Next week a rather unique feat will be accomplished by HAMSTER: the company has managed to release a Neo Geo game every single week for an entire year! You read that correctly, Nintendo Switch's first anniversary is coming up fast and there will be no less than 56 Neo Geo games available on the system! If you...