Tag: Rumours - Page 21

  • News Rejoice! The DSi Gets a Virtual Console After All

    It finally looks like we have unofficial confirmation of the DSi's virtual console.

    Check out Kombo for the whole story, but the highlight --as we can all agree, is the revelation that the DSi will allow you to download Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games. Yes, you read that right. But feel free to go back and read it another few times; this news...

  • News New Wii Resident Evil Game Confirmed

    Capcom lifts the lid on Umbrella Chornicles sequel

    With Capcom hinting pretty heavily that another Resident Evil (Biohazard in Japan) game would be coming out for Nintendo’s premier system it should come as no surprise to discover that the latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu contains news on the subject. This new instalment in the popular...

  • News Wii MotionPlus Hit By The Delay Hammer?

    IGN fan the flames

    IGN’s Wii podcast has added to already escalating rumours that Nintendo is having problems with the much-hyped Wii MotionPlus peripheral, and that it may not see the light of day when originally anticipated. The device, which is said to make the Wii Remote even more responsive to movement, was due to be launched in June,...

  • News Wii MotionPlus Set For July Release?

    EA certainly seem to think so

    Leading US magazine Nintendo Power has recently published a short preview of EA’s upcoming Grand Slam Tennis and nestled within the text is this comment: Thomas Singleton (EA) and his Vancouver-based team hope to take things to the next level, thanks in no small part to the Wii MotionPlus accessory (due out prior to...

  • News Carmack looking towards Wii

    Legendary games developer John Carmack speaks of his interest in developing a title for Wii.

    The co-mastermind of iD software has often been very vocal in the industry, slamming the PS3 for its difficult architecture and writing off the Wii as a graphically challenged console, something which he's not used to coming from the PC world. Reported by...

  • News Resident Evil 5 developer wants to make new Wii RE title

    Masachika Kawata has openly admitted to EuroGamer his interest in making another new Resident Evil game for Wii

    With work now wrapped up on the PS3 and 360 instalment, Resident Evil 5 producer Masachika Kawata has told us he wants to make a brand new Resi game for Wii. Thanks to the magic of translation, Kawata-san hinted to Eurogamer TV that...

  • News Climax working on new Wii title for Konami; Silent Hill?

    Possible, but we simply don't know at this stage, however Climax have announced on their official website that they are indeed working on a new Wii title.

    "Climax has a great history with recent titles such as Silent Hill Origins on both PSP and PS2, and Viva Pinata for Games for Windows, but the future is even more exciting with Overlord Dark...

  • News Headstrong to revitalise Virtua Cop aswell?

    Not yet, but they'd like to. Headstrong show interest in working with SEGA again, possibly on another on-rails shooter, Virtua Cop.

    In a recent interview with The House of the Dead: Overkill producer Neil McEwen, he admitted that the team at developer Headstrong Games would be interested in doing a Wii sequel to another Sega franchise, Virtua Cop...

  • News MadWorld producer working on new IP

    It has been revealed that Platinum Games producer, Atsushi Inaba, is already working on a new IP, possibly for Wii.

    Develop Mag: What are you ambitions for the studio and the Japanese games market in 2009? Atsushi Inaba: We have been developing games since we started this company. We've got big titles coming out this year, MadWorld releasing very...

  • Rumour EarthBound Not Coming to Virtual Console

    You're no doubt aware that the much wanted EarthBound was ESRB rated quite some time ago. Nintendo has never particularly done much with the Mother series outside Japan, only releasing EarthBound in the US and for the most part just letting people wonder where Ness from Super Smash Bros. was from. Obviously, when the ESRB rating appeared, many people got excited that one of the biggest cult classics ever could possibly be rereleased on VC.

    Sadly, it appears that this is not going to happen now. As yo...

  • News EA: Dead Space heading to Wii

    It seems Electronic Arts have confirmed that Dead Space will be heading to Wii this year.

    Edge Online have today reported that EA have confirmed that Dead Space will be heading to Wii, the following was posted on their site: EA CEO John Riccitiello said that his company will be bringing games based on mass market Hasbro and Sims properties to the...

  • News iPhone Hit 1112 WiiWare bound?

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so you’ll be aware that Apple’s iPhone/iPod Touch platform is getting some serious attention from game developers, largely thanks to excellent ‘Apps Store’ distribution method that allows users to download games direct to their devices using a wireless connection with the minimum of fuss. We’ve tried it and it’s all very nifty, although it has to be said that the general quality of the games available is often less than inspiring.


  • News The DSi – One Step Closer to a Portable Virtual Console?

    Nintendo has just unveiled details of a new handheld console called the DSi.

    But before you get too excited and spill your Sunny D all over the keyboard, it’s worth noting that it’s essentially a DS with slight modifications rather an all-new machine. Improvements include larger screens (3.25 inches, up from 3 inches), two cameras (both 0.3...

  • News Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie "Exclusively" on XBLA

    If you were one of those hopeful types who thought that Banjo-Kazooie's Xbox Live Arcade announcement meant that it could still come to Virtual Console, it might be time to give up hope.

    Earlier today, Microsoft published a press release containing Banjo-Kazooie's release date, saying that it would be coming to XBLA "exclusively". It's set...

  • News Disaster: Day of Crisis coming later this year?

    One of the games that never was, "vaporware" if you will, has been rated in Australia and all set for release this year?

    Originally announced at E3 two years ago Disaster: Day of Crisis was one of a few games that we've heard little about since. Developed by Monolith Soft the game is set to be some kind of adventure/survival game where the player...

  • News IGA: 2D WiiWare Castlevania Is The Right Approach

    WiiWare seems to be a hot bed for retro revivals at the moment, what with Mega Man 9 and Gradius Rebirth already announced for the service. And if a recent interview with Koji ‘IGA’ Igarashi is anything to go by, another highly esteemed franchise might be inbound, too.

    IGA is the current producer of Konami’s legendary Castlevania series and he...

  • News Strong Bad's Freezing Issue for Attractive People!

    According to Nintendo WiiFanboy, some users of Strong Bad: Episode 1 Homestar Ruiner have experienced freezing issues during the game. Readers over at the Telltale forums are also reporting the same problem. Some users have said that changing the display from 16x9 widescreen setting over to the regular 4:3 display setting fixes this problem. Other users have also said that changing the setting from 480p to 480i also helps.

    If you're experiencing this freezing issue this is about the only help we can offer until Telltale releases a patch to completely fix the proble...

  • News Could Elite 4 Be Headed To WiiWare?

    About Time

    While it's certainly no Duke Nukem, Frontier's Elite 4 title has seen its fair share of delays and supposed project cancellations since development on the game began back in 2000. After a successful run on the various personal computers of the 80's, Frontier was all set to take their hit franchise into the modern era of video gaming,...

  • News Wild West Guns Coming To Europe This Friday

    European gamers will have something to look forward to this coming Friday as GameLoft’s lightgun-like shooter Wild West Guns is up on WiiWare. This isn’t just an idle internet rumour. We have it on good authority that this will indeed be out on Friday for 1000 Wii points.

    We still don’t know a whole lot about the game other than it has a wild...

  • News Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures - WiiWare Bound?

    Cracking news, Gromit! Everyone’s favourite plastcine duo are to star in a series of adventures thanks to those kind chaps at Telltale games, and although we’re probably getting ahead of ourselves here, it’s highly likely that the platform for these episodic escapades is going to be WiiWare.

    Called Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures, the...

  • News Sonic on the Master System coming to Virtual Console?

    If you don't know much about Sega and checked out the OFLC earlier today, you might have scratched your head wondering why Sonic the Hedgehog was rated again, after all, the Mega Drive version is already out on Virtual Console.

    The interesting thing you might not know, however, is that there are three other games which are all also called Sonic the...

  • RUMOUR PopCap Games To Develop For WiiWare?

    Ok, so this is probably a bit of idle speculation on our part but looking at a recent interview with PopCap Games we get the impression that the talented developer – which has such hits as Peggle Extreme and Zuma under its belt – may be looking into producing WiiWare games.

    CEO Dave Roberts and co-founder John Vechey stated that they were...

  • News 1080 Snowboarding Developer Working on WiiWare Project

    Giles Goddard, famous for overseeing the development of the highly regarded N64 title 1080 Snowboarding, has recently confirmed that his Vitei team is working on a new WiiWare game that makes use of the new Balance Board peripheral.

    Goddard, who started out at legendary UK developer Argonaut before being poached by Nintendo of Japan, has a wealth of...

  • RUMOUR Mega Man 9 Coming to WiiWare?

    With the news that Super Mario RPG received an OFLC rating, we almost missed another interesting listing on the ratings site.

    The OFLC also has a listing for Mega Man 9. As any Capcom fan should know, this is a new game, as the "classic" Mega Man series' last instalments were 8, and Mega Man & Bass. It is of course entirely possible...

  • News Nintendo Working On USB Devices – HDD Possible?

    Although it falls way short of being an official confirmation of the fact, a recent ad on Nintendo’s job page hints at a possible USB storage solution appearing fairly soon.

    The job spec is as follows: CONTRACT - Software/Hardware Tester Description of Duties Creating and executing a test plan for Wii’s USB devices Executing test plans with...

  • News Strong Bad's Cool Game Delayed Until July

    “A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”

    Here's an interesting snippet of gossip from the guys at Kotaku. It seems they are best buddies with the Chapman’s of Strong Bad fame. Over lunch today Matt Chapman let slip the following about Strong Bad Episode 1 - Homestar Ruiner: The game is actually now getting pushed back...

  • News Are Shantae Fans Going To Finally Have Their Wish Granted?

    Way back in 2001, speculation begin circulating through the gaming world that newcomer developer WayForward Technologies were developing a Game Boy Color game that would stretch the system's hardware capabilities to their limits.

    The game, called Shantae, was said to feature some of the most advanced animation techniques ever seen on a portable game...

  • News Toki Tori Coming To America On Monday!

    WiiWare World can exclusively reveal that Toki Tori is due to be released this coming Monday (2nd June) in North America on WiiWare.

    Lucky Europe got this excellent game on the 20th May as part of their WiiWare launch. Platform/Puzzle fans in North America jealously coveted a slice of the action but were to be disappointed when it didn’t come out...

  • Rumour New Wii SKU? Hard Drive Perhaps?

    Nintendo's Wii console may be being phased out at the expense of introducing a new version of the console to consumers.

    According to Neowin.net the console has reached "early warning" status in a "major American outlet". Apparently this means that the console is to be phased out in its current form and replaced by a newer SKU...

  • News Soul Blazer – The Virtual Console Release That Never Was?

    During our trips around the wonderful World Wide Web we noticed that a few sites seem to be listing Enix’s excellent Soul Blazer (also know as Soul Blader in Japan) as a Virtual Console title, even going as far as to state that it saw release in North America on the 12th May alongside Konami’s Tiny Toon Adventures. We’ve also had several emails from concerned readers regarding this, too.

    A cursory glance at the Virtual Console shop on our American Wii shows that neither Soul Blazer or Tiny Toons are available, so we??...

  • News New Hudson WiiWare Details for Tetris and Bomberman

    In an interview with Siliconera, Hudson's Japanese vice president Kentaro Murayama has revealed some more details on their upcoming WiiWare games, Tetris and Bomberman.

    There's not much new details for Tetris - They are thinking of incorporating the Wii Balance Board somehow, but have not made a decision on the matter yet. Imagine moving Tetris...

  • News Luc Bernard's Rose Princess Coming To WiiWare

    Luc Bernard has been a busy chap lately. In addition to putting the final touches to the upcoming WiiWare title Eternity’s Child, he has also revealed that he has another game in the pipeworks called Rose Princess which is destined for WiiWare, if a publisher can be found.

    Princess Rose is a cello player who kills anything she touches. She is...

  • News Shenmue 1 & 2 Coming To The Wii?

    Swedish magazine seems to think so

    Sega loves the Wii. Lately we’ve been gifted with House of the Dead 1 & 2 Return, NiGHTS and Sega Bass Fishing, and if recent rumours are to be believed we’re about to see another classic franchise resurrected for Nintendo’s best selling console. Swedish magazine Game Reactor has excited blurted out this...

  • News Castlevania Producer Hints At WiiWare Instalment

    His name might not be as familiar to you as Hideo Kojima or Shigeru Miyamoto, but Koji ‘IGA’ Igarashi is the man currently responsible for the wellbeing of Konami’s highly esteemed Castlevania franchise and this role bestows him a certain degree of kudos and respect amongst videogame fans. The vampire-hunting series is well regarded and each new entry is put under intense scrutiny by veterans of the series.

    However, of late the home console versions of Castlevania have been somewhat disappointing. Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkne...

  • News WiiWare: Pop Pricing Still Unconfirmed

    Nnooo's Nic Watt has admitted that he still isn’t 100% sure how much to charge for his company’s promising looking WiiWare title Pop.

    Speaking in an interview this week, Watt said: For a new company like ourselves, pricing is a really tough issue particularly on something like a downloadable service where there are games at a variety of prices...

  • News Metroid Prime Trilogy Rumour Shot Down

    Within hours of the rumour of a Wiimake for both Metroid Prime and it's newer sequel were Earthed - Nintendo has gone and squashed everyones wet dreams.

    According to our friends over at GoNintendo.com their "mole" has unearthed some juicy tid-bits from a retailers computer regarding a game entitled "Metroid Prime Trilogy"...

  • News Bionic Commando NOT coming to the Virtual Console!

    Our pals at IGN, recently interviewed Capcom's Ben Judd on the upcoming PSN/XBLA remake of the original Bionic Commando Rearmed.

    This might not be of great interest if you only own a Wii console, but interestingly the interview managed to open a can of worms regarding the possibility of the NES version of Bionic Commando coming to the Virtual...

  • News European release dates for WiiWare and Nintendo Channel announced

    Nintendo of Europe today issued a press release containing the dates for multiple games to be released in Q2. While no doubt plenty of people will be happy Super Smash Bros. Brawl is included in the list, of note to this site is the fact that both upcoming Wii features have been dated.

    WiiWare will be added to the Wii Shop on the 20th of May. No...

  • News Nintendo Squash "New DS" Rumour

    Well that's no surprise then. What did I tell you? You can't remember. Well, I told you it was too damn early for a new DS.

    And I was right. Following on from our report last week about the possibility of a new DS to be announced at E3. The news came from Hamamura-san (head of Japanese publishing giant Enterbrain) and has been squashed by both...

  • News 3 NES Beat 'em Ups Coming To US Virtual Console Soon

    The North American Virtual Console is in for a treat over the next three Mondays as our pals at IGN have revealed that River City Ransom, Double Dragon and Renegade will be punching their way to the Virtual Console in successive weeks.

    Much to the annoyance of North American VC fans the rather excellent River City Ransom came out in February in...

  • News Capcom To Lend Support To WiiWare

    According to a recent interview, industry veteran Capcom has expressed interest in developing for Nintendo’s WiiWare platform.

    Christian Svensson, Capcom's VP of strategic planning & business development, had this to say: We’re looking for the right content first — a lot of the content we have now isn’t quite right in value or approach...

  • News "WiiStrip" - Erotic Dancing In Your Own Home!

    According to TechDigest.TV "Peekaboo Pole Dancing" have sent out an email requesting a partner to help license their concept of a pole dancing game on the Wii.

    Following on from the news a few months back that the Wii might be getting some cheerleading action we wouldn't be too surprised if this idea eventually surfaced. Complete with a...

  • News F-Zero Wii Hint In Mario Kart?

    Maybe we're reading way too much into things but we like to get ourselves excited.... I mean-?! SPOILERS.

    As self indulgent gamers from across the world start posting videos of themselves playing Mario Kart Wii onto the interweb - one particular unlockable kart has caused a bit of Internet babble. Depicted in the video above is the "Blue...

  • News "The Most Powerful Engine Available For Wii"

    It's been a bit "will it, won't it" with Nibris' psychological thriller "Sadness" ever since it was announced in April 2006 but according to Official Nintendo Magazine the game is running on "the most powerful engine available for [the] Wii". Blimey.

    After the new screenshot which emerged last week we've all been waiting for the next twist in the...

  • News This Is A Pretty Hearty Rumour: DS 2 At E3?

    And it's all down to an article posted by Bloomberg Japan which has caused a whole host of rumours across the nerd-o-sphere.

    According to the article, the president of Japanese magazine publisher "Enterbrain" (which hosts the gaming bible "Famitsu") has commented that Nintendo may (note the emphasis) be announcing a new version...

  • News Club Nintendo Dates Animal Crossing Wii?

    Let's hope this isn't just a coincidence...

    Kotaku has recently reported that the Japanese Club Nintendo calendar has Animal Crossing as the theme for December. This might not seem like much of a news item, but you have to take into account that for April, the same calendar features Mario Kart Wii...which is out in the same month. See the faultless...

  • News New F-Zero Coming To Wii?

    We're praying that this is true

    We’re massive fans of Nintendo’s F-Zero series here at NintendoLife so when German site Planet Nintendo reported that a new game is rumoured to be in the works, we let out a collective ‘yippee’ that shook the plasterwork off the office walls. Seriously. Supposedly titled ‘F-Zero Z’ (which basically means...

  • News 360Mote Tentatively Titled The "Newton"

    In a not so dramatic twist Microsoft have (virtually) confirmed speculation that they are indeed ripping off Nintendo's innovation with a product the development team have dubbed "Newton".

    We broke the news that Microsoft are developing their own "Wii Remote" yesterday. Seemingly following on from the media frenzy that such...

  • Rumour Wii Price Cut Imminent?

    Highly-respected French site seems to think so

    According to leading French website JeuxFrance.com, Nintendo France is looking to reduce the price of the Wii in that territory. This has sparked rumours that a European price cut in on the way, which of course would logically lead to a global reduction in the price of the console. The current pack...

  • News Microsoft Working On Wiimote-Style Controller?

    When you run out of ideas, why not steal one from someone else?

    They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and if that is the case then Nintendo must be feeling pretty flattered at the moment. MTV has recently been contacted by a developer who says that Microsoft is working on a Wii-style controller for its 360 console, as well as a...