Tag: Rumours - Page 20

  • News Aonuma: Prepare for Zelda Surprise Next Year

    Zelda big boss sets up E3 revelation

    For a few years now, Eiji Aonuma has been promising something of a reimagining of the Legend of Zelda series. Twilight Princess was touted as the last Zelda "as we know it", and now Mr Aonuma has spoken to the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine about some of the developments in the next title. "It is...

  • News Prime Yourself for More Metroid

    Developer interview teases possible DS outing for Samus

    We may still be recovering from the majesty of Metroid Prime Trilogy, but a recent interview with the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine has unearthed an even more exciting titbit: there may be more Metroid Prime games on the way. Speaking to the magazine, Kensuke Tanabe of Nintendo said: We are...

  • News Jackal ReBirth - The Next Konami ReBirth Game?

    Prototype screenshots seem to say so.

    Konami's been very busy making new versions of their classic games for WiiWare. With Gradius, Contra and Castlevania already done, and with Life Force apparently also on the way, they've picked some excellent series so far. Their fifth pick now seems to have been revealed as well. If you head over to designer

  • News Nintendo To Bring 3G Connectivity To The DS?

    Big N considering an "always on" connection for its popular handheld

    While Nintendo has always maintained that it doesn't want to compete with mobile phone manufacturers, the company has revealed that it is considering the notion of adding some form of online data connection to its DS console. Chatting to the Financial Times, Nintendo president...

  • News New GoldenEye Title in Development?

    Ex-Eurocom staffer says he's worked on it

    Rare's GoldenEye 007 is often regarded as one of the finest video games of all time, so when EA attempted to cash-in on the name with the lackluster GoldenEye: Rogue Agent a few years back, it hardly came as a massive shock. Now, it would seem that new Bond license-holder Activision is trying the same trick...

  • News Japan to Receive Widescreen DSi

    Another variant of the console heading to Japan soon

    Just as we were reporting on the possible development of an nVidia-powered DSi successor, Japanese website Nikkei has published a news story claiming Nintendo are ready to launch another variant of the console's current iteration, the DSi. According to the report, the console will boast screens...

  • News DSi Speak Channel On the Way?

    Rumours and leaks surround DSi voice chat channel!

    We know the Wii Shop Channel was updated yesterday to allow those who'd bought the Internet Channel to claim their free NES game, but the DSi Shop Channel was updated as well, bringing with it rumours of a future launch of a DSi voice chat channel. According to Kotaku, those quick enough to access...

  • Rumour New Mario In the Works?

    Charles Martinet reckons so...

    A Twitter account purporting to belong to one Charles Martinet - none other than the wonderful voice of our favorite plumber - has recently been posting about an as-yet unspecified new Mario title. Read this tweet from a few days ago: Mama Mia!!!! I'm going to Seattle this week to record a new Mario game! Followed by...

  • News IGA Involved With Castlevania: Rebirth; Next Project Top Secret

    Don't fret - Koji Igarashi is still alive and well, Konami confirms

    When Konami revealed its Castlevania series reboot Lords of Shadow at this year's E3, the absence of Koji "IGA" Igarashi raised some eyebrows. The legendary producer - who has been the Castlevania franchise head man since the days of Symphony of the Night - didn't seem to...

  • News NVIDIA-Powered DS Successor Coming 2010?

    It now seems possible that Nintendo will announce the successor to the mighty DS some time next year according to insider info

    Graphic chip maker has apparently been awarded a contract to provide its mobile-centric system-on-a-chip, Tegra, to a new Nintendo DS, which will be announced in late 2010. Insiders tell IT news outlet BSN that a single chip...

  • News Did Nintendo Secretly Patch The Conduit?

    Spawning glitch reportedly a non-issue after System Menu 4.2 update

    Players of High Voltage Software's online FPS The Conduit are familiar with this scenario: after waiting up to five minutes to connect to a new multiplayer game, you'd spawn seemingly into a wall and not be able to do anything, not even leave the game without shutting down the...

  • News More Metroid Prime in the Pipeline?

    Developer interview hints that the series is far from over

    When Retro Studios put the finishing touches to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, it stated that it would be the final game in the series. The announcement of Metroid: Other M - which is being handled by Tecmo's Team Ninja - seemed to confirm this, despite the recent repackaging of all three...

  • News Starfox: To be, or not to be?

    When will the furry hero return?

    New Starfox this, new Starfox that; there's been a lot of talk about the series recently, so here's a little filler in for the people who haven't been closely following. You may have read the articles back a few weeks claiming that in the next Nintendo Power issue, a new Starfox game for Wii would be revealed. The...

  • News Toys R Us Get In On Wii Price Drop Shenanigans

    Print ad indicates forthcoming price drop for North America

    First Wal-Mart, now Toys R Us. We're still officially sticking with rumor for now, but maybe something is in the cards after all? A scan of a circular ad for the big ol' toy store due to hit the week of Sept. 27 indicates that the console/Wii Sports bundle will be dropped to $199, putting...

  • News Wal Mart: Wii Price to be Rolled Back Next Month

    Worldwide price cut may be on the cards - but will UK gamers see the benefit?

    It's a funny time in retail at present. The global economy is still reeling from the worldwide recession and in the UK - where the value of the Pound has plummeted - Nintendo has been forced to push up the trade price of its Wii console, which in turn has resulted in some...

  • News Mobile Hit Townsmen Tipped for DSiWare Release

    HandyGames's CEO confirms that talks are taking place

    Most mobile phone games are pretty poor, hindered mainly by the terrible control systems sported by the majority of handsets out there right now. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule - and one of them is HandyGames's brilliant Townsmen series. Speaking in a recent interview with...

  • News Tekkaman Blade Joins Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

    Rumor: Other new characters leaked?

    Capcom has said that they would explore adding new features and characters to the Western release of the anticipated Wii fighter Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, but until now they've been pretty cagey about what those shiny new features actually are. Well, besides online play, we know they're pushing hard for that. This...

  • News New Zelda Wii Trailer Rumored For October

    Sword mystery to be revealed?

    Rumor. Rumor rumor rumor rumor rumor. According to an anonymous insider source of Infendo's, a trailer for the new Wii Zelda title is being prepared by Nintendo to be shown at an October event. The trailer will supposedly reveal more on why Link didn't have a sword in the E3 teaser image and is said to showcase a...

  • News Ashes Cricket 2009 Still On The Cards For an NTSC Release?

    How's that?!

    Codemasters is aware of international interest; release outside of PAL territories is 'being discussed' internally. We've had countless emails over the past month or two from readers asking when Ashes Cricket 2009 will be released in their local territory. Whilst the majority of messages have been from readers in the United States...

  • News Rampant Speculation: What's Up With Guitar Hero 5 Wii?

    Official Twitter feed teases rumored "amazing new features."

    Acticivision's Guitar Hero franchise has gotten some sweet love on Wii; Legends of Rock took the series online in a surprisingly solid way, and World Tour had it's own Mii-enabled mode and brought downloadable content as well, something still not widely done on the system. Now, with the...

  • News Next Level Games: We Want to Make Punch Out!! 2

    ...but don't expect a straight sequel

    Punch Out!! Wii was pretty sweet, so news of a sequel is welcome indeed. Bryce Holliday of Next Level Games - the developer behind the pugilistic masterpiece - has gone on record saying that he'd love to create a follow up, but those of you expecting a traditional sequel which merely updates the fighter roster...

  • News Professor Layton And The "Grand Smash Tournament"?

    Twitter shenanigans drop sequel hints and rumors

    Let's slap a big ol' "Rumor" disclaimer on this one before we go any further, shall we? Just like the rest of the world, Professor Layton has gone and gotten himself an official Twitter account, where probably some intern over at Nintendo posts riddles and other assorted intellectual...

  • News Rumor: Nintendo Prepping More Non-Games For DSiWare

    Maps and dictionary wares may be in the works.

    Thanks to the DSiWare service, Nintendo has tried to expand the portable's functionality from just a games machine to an integral part of your web-browsing, time checking, number crunching life. According to Nintendomain (via GoNintendo), two more n

  • News Car Jack Streets Coming To DSiWare?

    iPhone GTA clone could be making the jump to Nintendo's handheld

    Mobile phone developer Tag Games has posted an entry on its Twitter account which reveals that its Car Jack Streets title is coming to the Nintendo DSi. The Grand Theft Auto clone - which has previously appeared on mobile phones and the iPhone, to much critical and commercial acclaim -...

  • News New Wii Zelda Artwork Leaked?

    Is this is image that Miyamoto showed behind closed doors at E3?

    A new Wii Zelda wasn't mentioned during Nintendo's E3 conference - much to the dismay of fanboys the world over. However, Shigeru Miyamoto later held meetings with the press behind closed doors, where he revealed that work is indeed happening on Link's latest adventure. Nothing was...

  • News Super Mario Logo Spotted At E3?

    The rumours would seem to be true, people

    Posted on the Twitter account of Eurogamer's Johnny Minkley, this image appears to show the famous Super Mario Bros. logo under a sheet on Nintendo's E3 stand. Most of the gaming world seems to be expecting a new Mario game to be unveiled...Nintendo's E3 conference starts in less than an hour, so we'll soon...

  • E3 New Wii Mario Game In The Works?

    Plus more Wii Fit for you old timers

    The E3 rumour-mill is in full swing now and one of the more interesting bits of speculation is related to an all-new Mario adventure on the Wii. Japanese news service Nikkei has reported that everyone's favourite Italian plumber will be returning to the Wii before the year is out. The report also claims that a...

  • News Aliens: Colonial Marines DS Trailer Leaked?

    Could this be Wayforward's spiritual follow-up to Contra 4?

    A mysterious trailer has hit YouTube recently that appears to show footage from Aliens: Colonial Marines for the Nintendo DS. The previously unheard of game appears to have been coded by highly respected developer Wayforward. While we're not entirely convinced this is a 100% official video,...

  • News Capcom Looking To Port More Games To Wii?

    Could we be getting Resident Evil 5: Chop Till You Drop edition?

    Let's be honest, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop was a bit of let down. Rather than bringing the zombie-slaying brilliance of the 360 original to the Wii, all the port did was give us less zombies, some pointless waggle and some dodgy visuals. However, the failure of the game hasn't...

  • News UPDATE! New Features Rumored For Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

    Online mode may be added for western versions; European release also confirmed!

    That issue of Nintendo Power that spilled the beans on Tatsunoko vs. Capcom's US release still has a few tricks up it's sleeve, if articles do in fact have sleeves. According to producer Ryota Niitsuma, new stuff is going in. Hooray! Stuff like possible new characters, a...

  • News Could a New Rocket Knight Adventures Game Be On The Way?

    German magazine hints at the return of Konami's classic 16-bit platformer series.

    An article from German magazine M! Games reports that a new installment in Konami's Rocket Knight Adventures series of platformers from the early 1990's may be in the works. The story (which can be found here for those fluent in German) reports that the game is being...

  • News Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles Spoilers Leaked?

    Fake or for real? Either way, this game is getting more and more interesting

    We usually avoid posting groundless speculation here at Nintendo Life but a recent post on the GameFAQs forum was just too good to ignore. Posted by forum member GameSpoilerX, the thread in question features information regarding Capcom's upcoming Resident Evil: The...

  • News Capcom: 'Keep Hope Alive' for Tatsunoko

    Second tease in a week hopefully means something's a-brewin'

    The saga in localizing the Wii-exclusive fighter Tatsunoko vs. Capcom continues! Over at the Capcom Unity blog, a new post urges fans to "keep hope alive" for the fighter, and includes a video from Chicago's "Frosty Faustings" tournament using the Japanese version and...

  • News Glimmer Of Hope For Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom?

    Capcom rep says news might come in "a couple weeks."

    Japan-exclusive Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom may be 13 companies away from at least a US release, but goshdarnit if Capcom aren't trying. IGN got a word in with Christian Svensson, Capcom's vice president of strategic planning and business development, about the possibility of a state-side release and,...

  • News Modern Warfare 2 Wii-bound?

    Amazon listing may have spilled the beans

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was big. Huge. It also never saw the light of day on Wii, unfortunately. Of course, Activision likes money, and it likes porting games to every platform imaginable, which is why this Amazon UK listing for Modern Warfare 2 Wii doesn't seem so crazy. World at War sold great on...

  • News Rampant Speculation: What's Nintendo Showing Off?

    Mystery game doing the press rounds

    To avoid a crapfest of an E3 show, tons of companies are doing pre-event events to show off their wares to the gaming press. Activision's got one, EA has one coming up, and apparently Nintendo has a card up its sleeve on this front too. According to the latest IGN Nintendo Voice Chat podcast, editor Craig Harris...

  • News Nibris Teases 'E3 2009'

    Honest-to-goodness Sadness info coming?

    Man, E3 this year is set to be massive. Not only will we (hopefully) be getting some more info and debuts of some (hopefully) bangin' new Ninty Wii and DSi titles and third-party efforts, like two new games from High Voltage Software, the LA Convention Center promises to shed some light on the dark Sadness...

  • News EDGE Magazine Hints at Pikmin 3

    Could the next issue hold information on Miyamoto's latest epic?

    At last year's E3, Nintendo game guru Shigeru Miyamoto stated pretty emphatically that the company was working on an all-new Pikmin adventure. We've heard little else since, but the latest issue of UK video game magazine EDGE (issue 202, if you're interested) hints that we may not have...

  • News Pokémon Gold and Silver To Be Remade?

    A recent episode of the Japanese-only Pokémon Sunday TV show has provided the biggest hint yet that Nintendo is currently working on remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver. The classic duo originally appeared on the Game Boy Color and remain two of the best-loved entries in the insanely successful series. Apparently a "world-exclusive first...

  • News Sony to Reveal Copycat Motion Controller at E3?

    If you can't beat them, join them

    Ok, before we start let's get one thing clear - this is piece of news is still trapped in rumour-ville for the time being. With that out of the way, we can get down to business. We've heard word that Sony is set to reveal details of its own 'motion-sensing' controller for the PS3 at E3 this year. "But the PS3...

  • News Mad Dog McCree Coming To The Wii?

    Crusty old FMV shooter gets rated by the ESRB

    Chances are many of you won't have been alive when the FMV gaming craze happened in the late '80s/early '90s; the storage power of formats like LaserDisc and CD-ROM caused game developers to go a little crazy, creating titles with live action footage that had all the depth of a shallow puddle. One such...

  • News More Guitar Hero Spin-offs are on the Way

    The German USK ratings board has updated with a listing for Guitar Hero: Van Halen.

    It seems as though gamers can't get enough of the Guitar Hero franchise, and Activision can't get enough of trying to milk the franchise for all its got. Earlier this week, the German USK ratings board updated with a listing for Guitar Hero: Van Halen, presumably a...

  • News New MySims Title Pops Up

    It looks as though Electronic Arts has another MySims title planned for this year.

    With MySims Party released last month on both the Wii and the DS and MySims Kart planned for release this summer, many thought that would be the last time we'd see the MySims this year. Surprisingly though, Electronic Arts has another title planned for this September...

  • News DSi Contains Improved Anti-Piracy Technology?

    Early reports suggest that dodgy DS fakes are unplayable on the new machine

    If you’re keen on sailing the seven seas of piracy then you might be interested to know that early reports are suggesting that fake DS cartridges fail to operate on the shiny new DSi console. It’s still not known whether or not this is down to improved anti-piracy...

  • News Next DS to Have Mobile Phone Capabilities?

    Miyamoto drops a hint

    Although Nintendo has gone to great lengths to insist that the DS and iPhone aren’t in direct competition, a recent comment from golden boy Shigeru Miyamoto has led to speculation that the company's next portable will have some kind of wireless connectivity that will allow users to access data when they’re out and about –...

  • News Wii to increase by £20 in UK?

    UK retailer Gamestation appears to be preparing for a price rise.

    As we reported a month or so ago, Nintendo recently increased the price of Wiis to retailers by up to £20, reflecting the increasing strength of the Yen versus pound sterling. At the time it was unsure whether or not retailers would pass the price increase to customers, but now...

  • News The DS To Get Video On Demand Service?

    Iwata spills the beans.

    It was announced before that the Wii would be getting its own video service before long in Japan, and eventually other territories should be following suit. Recently however President Iwata dropped a few tidbits about how this service may not be exclusive to Nintendo's home console. The Nintendo DS may be getting some love as...

  • News Beyond Good and Evil 2: Now More Topical!

    The sequel to Ubisoft’s unsung masterpiece has taken inspiration from real-world events.

    Five years ago saw the release of Beyond Good and Evil: a game that in many people’s eyes broke convention by having an intelligent female lead character who was a bit of a tomboy. Yet those who played it didn’t just fall in love with the game because of...

  • News Wii Sports Resort With MotionPlus Coming in July?

    Could Wii MotionPlus finally have a release date?

    A picture was taken at an Amsterdam gaming retailer which shows a much-hyped Wii Sports Resort coming bundled with the Wii MotionPlus accessory being released on July 10, 2009. It also shows the Wii Motion Plus “Controller” being sold as a separate item as well. This could mean that it would be...

  • News Could A New EarthBound Game Be On The Way?

    Famitsu article hints at the return of Nintendo's neglected RPG franchise.

    An article on the upcoming Japanese game distribution service "Noid" in this week's Famitsu seems to hint at the possiblity of a new title in the classic Mother (known as EarthBound in the West) series of RPG's. The brief article mentions that several "surprise...