Crytek has today unveiled its launch plans for Crysis Remastered Trilogy, an upcoming collection of Crysis, Crysis 2, and Crysis 3 remasters.
The collection launches for PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on 15th October as an all-in-one package, but Switch is being treated a little differently. Instead of receiving the full trilogy as an all-in-one package, Switch owners can only opt to buy Crysis 2 Remastered and Crysis 3 Remastered individually – although each will eventually receive its own dedicated physical release.

On launch day (15th October), you'll be able to grab each of the two new releases – as well as the original Crysis Remastered if you don't already have it – for $29.99 / €29,99 each on the eShop. The physical editions for the two new titles will come "later".
A new trailer has been released showing off a comparison between the game's original PS3 version and the new PS5 version if you're interested – of course, it's worth remembering that the visuals on display here won't be representative of the Switch version.
Will you be picking up the games separately? Would you have preferred the option to grab the trilogy as an all-in-one release? Let us know down in the comments.
Comments 50
Interesting move from Crytek... couldn't fit all three on one cart and wanted to not have an additional download?
damn was hoping and waiting for a 60 bucks trilogy... guess I probably won't buy it then... 90 bucks for the 3 games is too much
That's good though.
People who bought the first would be pissed having to buy the first one again!
That's strange, I could've sworn the press release said...
"Nintendo Switch will get a separated retail release for Crysis 1, 2 and 3 Remastered"
so perhaps the Trilogy is still being offered digitally?
If every game is all on the cart I am all in for that!!!
Make them Physical like Bayonetta Climax and you got a buyer...
@Zuljaras ikr I'll buy them all physical
Nice, I would have loved it if Capcom had done this to resident evil, individual releases with whole games on cart.
I don't want 1 game on the card and 2 as downloads. Individual releases is the way forward ESPECIALLY for games new to the Nintendo gamer. I can get behind this.
If they release them physically which they are, I will get them for my collection. 💪
Individual physical releases are great! That's what I was hoping for
@MisterDevil if you have the patience, you'll probably be able to get all three for 60 phisically, 15 - 45 digitally if you wait long enough. They won't be worse games by then, perhaps (or even probably) even better than on launch.
It's what I've done. Instead of building a backlog, I have a wishlist with some 'insane' prices set for each game depending on how much I want it, and what can somewhat reasonably be expected (first party Nintendo will never see 90% off). I only buy new games when they go below a certain price, and games that weren't on my wishlist when they review well and go insanely low. And I still have a backlog, and discovered great games I wouldn't have paid any attention to, while avoiding expensive disappointments.
@Zuljaras Physically, they're all being released individually.
Yikes. $90 for all three games on Switch, $50 for other platforms. I guess they're banking on interested folks having already bought the first one, and paying $60 to catch up?
Switch is my only gaming platform, so I was looking forward to this, and hadn't picked up the first. But 90 bucks to get the technically inferior version (no matter how solid the port is) is a little stomach turning.
Might get the first, finally, and wait for a sale on the remainder.
I’m okay with this. Waiting to get the games on my OLED anyway. Also I have to finish Doom Eternal DLC.
As I played the 2nd, I’m good with only picking up 1 of them for switch anyways. it will end up being physical(to resell) or digital on sale.
@Magician When I plug in the Crysis 2 cartridge I want to hear "Cloak engaged!"
Just play the waiting game….Crysis can often be picked up in a sale for about £12-14, the sequels will follow suit I’m sure.
Never mind Crytex…. Kryten said it best… Smegheads
@HamatoYoshi that’s still £42 at £14 each…. On sale… ps4 version is £35 physical day one….
Lol 90bucks... Hell no.
I will buy it for other consoles then almost half the price.
❗I'll wait for the 💾physical releases.
I read the press release from Crytek and it seems like, Switch will get the Triolgy, but only on the eShop. 🤔
But if you want all 3 games, it would still be cheaper, even if you already have Crysis 1.
Think this will have to be a ps4 purchase. Cheaper price, better res and as my left joycon is starting to drift (double or triple jumps in menus) i wont be playing it portable.
Lets see how people spin this. Lol
I was hoping to buy them individually since I already bought the first one, so I'm happy with this
Give me a trilogy on a physical card and I will pay 60 euro for it.
@Stocksy I think you’ll find he said “schmeeee heeeeeeeeee!!!” *Red Dward Nerd Engaged!
It's probably because of the game card capacities. The combined file size of the games might exceed 16gb, in which case they could generate more profit from 2 x 8gb cards with additional downloads if required.
As long as we get the games.
@erikharrison Another reminder to everyone that Switch cartridges aren't cheap unlike a disc. Not too mention, the storage space on them isn't that of a disc where you can put more than 32gb meanwhile blue-ray discs hold up too 50gb.
@erikharrison Also, people forget this but Crytek has went the extra mile in adjusting these remastered Crysis games not just for modern consoles but for Switch without sacrificing too much in terms of graphics.
So the price point may be justified since they aren't a big name publisher like Activision or 2K. And there aren't many sort-of-realistic sci-fi FPS games on Switch maybe besides Doom.
It's greedy publishers doing things like this on Switch that made me decide to pre-order a Steam Deck.
Very happy about them all getting physical releases and even more happy that they're separate. You know damn well if it was in one package that 2 and 3 would be accessed via download code only, lol.
Some on here forget they there are 64gb carts if stories are true so they could technically put all three on one cart. And if 32gb cart that's even better for each game. But if each fits a 16gb cart then all the better having individually. I rather have a 32gb cart then a CD/DVD/BD that take less shelf space and easier transport. Oh wait PS/XBone aren't portable.
@Taffy haha. He did. He finally nailed it though! Didn’t he?!?
I mean fine...but why couldn't they just create bundle using the eshop tools and call it 60 dollars? I don't mind buying the 1st one again or at least give me a discount on the other two games for buying the 1st one.
I just assumed the Switch edition was always going to cost more or need extra work to begin with, so I am just happy it is getting a physical release 👍
The whole point of Crysis back in the day was to push graphic limits. The games were just alright outside of looking pretty, so it seems weird people would be excited about this when it will inevitably look worse on the switch than it did all those years ago.
This is at least better than just having Crysis 1 on the cart while the other two are available via download code. At least with this you get all the game on cartridge and can buy the one you like without having all three shove into your game storage simultaneously.
Couldn’t they just charge US$70 like they do for some games and put them all on a 32GB cart?
I am not in the least convinced that 32GB carts are anywhere near as costly now as they would have been 4.5 years ago.
These will be among the best first person shooters on the Switch, so I will be buying physical copies of each.
Really excited for this! Loved the first one. Digital separate purchase suits me just fine.
I am full digital and already own the first one, so this suits me well also
I'm a bit gutted as I wanted them physically but I'll probably just get them on eShop and keep my physical copies sealed
And that is a good thing.
Ah, the Don't Buy Our Games strategy, clever.
They're not representative of Switch graphics, but are incredibly close:
I wonder what happened to 64GB cartridges...?
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