Last week, Nintendo and Koei Tecmo released the first wave of DLC content for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. It bumped the game up to version 1.2.0.
Now, it's rolled out a minor follow-up patch, which includes a minor fix and also a slight adjustment to make it slightly easier to view and purchase the expansion pass content on the game's main menu.
Here are the full patch notes, courtesy of Nintendo's UK website:
Ver. 1.2.1 (Released 29 June 2021)
- Fixed the issue where "Raise Weapon-Level Limit" in Hylian Blacksmith Guild sometimes become unavailable.
- Changed so that a jump from "DLC" on the title screen to this software's "expansion pass" purchase page (Nintendo eShop) is possible.

And for anyone who missed it, here are the patch notes for last week's update:
Ver. 1.2.0 (Released 18 June 2021)
- Made adjustments in preparation for DLC Wave 1.
- Added an auto-tracking camera function.
- Addressed several issues to improve the gameplay experience.
Have you tried out the wave one content for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity yet? What are your thoughts so far? Leave a comment down below.
[source nintendo.co.uk]
Comments 30
Is that performance still choppy?
Yes? Okay, I'll continue to skip playing it, thank you.
@Browny miss out then... tired of these comments. It's still very playable
@KnightsTemplar Yup, it was never a big deal for me and it might be my imagination but I think it runs slightly better now. Fantastic game, I usually get bored of these games fast but this one has much more enjoyable gameplay and the DLC is a blast.
I stopped playing after i completed the game once. I thought maybe the game would actually be canon and be a true prequel to BotW. Nope, its a button mashing fan fiction game.
Good game. Even better on higher difficulties. Musou games have a bad habit of making the extreme difficulties nothing more than damage sponge battles of attrition, but age of calamity might be the first game where a deeper understanding of the core systems actually makes these challenges more fun.
@Ravenmaster you can button mash on fighting, hack n' slash and beat'em up games, but that doesn't make it the efficient and fun way to play and yeah, you'll probably advance eventually but you won't have a good time. Combos are quite simple in this game so it shouldn't be that hard not to button smash and simply apply different attack combinations. That's honestly on you.
@Browny Its laughable every comment section involving has comments like this. Yeah it isn't super great but its still perfectly playable performance wise, if you expect rock solid 60fps on a game like this then the Switch isn't for you.
@roy130390 learned plenty of combos for my most played heroes. It still didn't change the fact that HW AoC is a monotonous grind game that bares no relevance to BotW's story canon.
@Ravenmaster Fact? If you refer to your perception of the game, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. Personally I almost didn't do any grind, I just completed missions according to my level so there was no need to stop to gain levels. Also, you said that it's a button masher, now you are saying that you learned many combos. That's kinda contradictory, unless you button mashed despite of your combo knowledge, but again, that would be on you.
Removed - offensive remarks
@KnightsTemplar preach, every comment on these articles is the same thing, the game runs perfectly fine, these fps warriors need to go buy a PC or next gen console or something.
@roy130390 @KnightsTemplar I've only ever played this game in co-op with my wife, and we both absolutely loved playing it, the performance never once bothered us.
Did they ever fix the frame rate? I never played it because of that demo.
@Chowdaire It's a shame that they apparently lost that understanding for the DLC, because the battle against "rare" monsters (or whatever they're called) are exactly that: Extremely tedious, way overlong battles against battle sponges that take forever to kill but for their part, they can kill you with just four or five strikes, which makes relatively slow characters completely useless against them. Very disappointing.
Is the first part of the DLC pack any good? It sounded fairly empty of content.
To be fair, I only expected performance on par with its predecessor. Don’t think that’s a very high bar to hold the game against, but apparently I’m in the wrong.
There's a lot of content, but much of it involves repetitive grinding. It can get pretty boring quickly, even when playing on the new Apocalyptic difficulty. There are SOME quality-of-life benefits, such as being able to remove Hidden Seals from Level 50 weapons, but the overall content is grindy. Mainly stuff meant for completionists like me.
I honestly expected the same. I'm not entirely disappointed because the game itself felt very different from the first Hyrule Warriors. Besides, 30fps helps match the vibe that BotW sets off with its 30fps.
@Browny This is the same reason I will never play Bloodbourne. OH WAIT, I just remembered. Fun things can be fun.
@Ravenmaster Nobody can say for sure that it is or isn't canon at this point
No performance fix? Then I’ll skip thanks.
@Kochambra I disagree. They intentionally surround the new boss enemies with elemental minions. Lure the boss over to some grass or water and nuke it down. Even on very hard with a decent leveled weapon you can burn them down fairly quickly.
@LXP8 well it sure didn’t lead into the beginning of BotW. More like split off and created its own fan-fiction timeline
@Browny I have found the only way to play is with the camera speed slowed down a bit. Otherwise it's quite a distraction to she the slide show behind the action while spinning the camera around 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@Grandiajet it's ok. Just some new challenges. I hope the second adds more stuff. I still feel like the first Hyrule warriors was better.
Fun things can be fun. Except when they're not fun because of various technical hiccups that-- depending on the individual-- could be a dealbreaker.
I'll consider this should I ever pick the game up again. The performance was such a turn off for me, that I truly doubt I'd ever go back to it. A shame, given the hundreds of hours I dumped into the predecessor (both Wii U and Switch versions).
usually when performance issues get brought up its not because people are expecting 60fps on all games on switch, just that games would have a locked 30.
i know there's often the dismissal of concerns over performance with "just buy a pc" or "its a handheld" but if games are frequently dipping below 30fps or has bad frame pacing then there is usually some issue when it comes to optimization and the like.
again its not a case of "anything below 60 is unplayable" but more than below 30 is when things start to become noticeable to people who normally wouldn't be hung up on framerate.
@Ravenmaster True it was very fanfiction-y, but for all we know Nintendo could consider it canon since they had a hand in creating it
The only way I would consider AoC as canon is if DLC packs 1 and 2 have more cutscenes. And those cutscenes would have to steer AoC's story arc in such a way that the end of the game would lead right into the beginning of BotW.
It could happen but I have my doubts.
@Browny I can't believe people here can't even deal with valid criticism of a game we paid for because "they are tried to hearing about it".
I bought this game to play co-op with my family. But the frame-rate and resolution is so bad it gives them a headache. I'm not a stickler for cutting edge performance, but there is a big problem with this game. If that's fine for them, that's up to them, but we have just as much right to voice our own opinions.
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