Anime fans will have very mixed feelings about the Robotech series; while it served as an introduction to Japanese animation for many during the '80s, it is also seen as a butchering of famous franchises (Macross being one) which is a reminder of how poorly localised anime was handled at one point in time.
Whatever your opinion on the series, Robotech: The Macross Saga HD Edition has just stealth-dropped on the Australian Switch eShop. It's an update of the Game Boy Advance title of the same name from 2002, originally developed by Lucky Chicken Games and published by TDK Interactive, but with overhauled HD visuals. GPC Games is doing the publishing this time around.
Robotech: The Macross Saga was released alongside Robotech: Battlecry on PS2, GameCube and Xbox; perhaps we'll see that full-3D title get updated soon, too? Games based on the series haven't had the best of luck; Robotech: Crystal Dreams was in development for the N64 but was ultimately cancelled.
Will you be downloading this one? Do you have any memories of the GBA original? Let us know with a comment.
[source, via]
Comments 57
Well that was unexpected! Not a fan of the visuals, but I like me some Robotech, so I might pick this up, as I never played the original.
Played the crap out of the Famicom Macross game as a kid though.
I've heard that Battlecry and Invasion were pretty good as well, so I'd be interested in giving them a try too.
The robot looks like the probotector from contra 4 don't beleive me? look it up.
@Marioracer I'd say that the Probotector from Contra 4 looks like the mechs from Appleseed
So apparently this is from the developers that brought you Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis on the Gamecube.
It certainly does look like a redrawn GBA game, and one that wasn't remarkable to begin with. What a strange business move.
I might pick this one up. That being said though I would really like a HD remaster of Robotech : Battlecry. I would be super down for that.
I love Robotech the anime but unfortunately I don't think I've ever played a good Robotech videogame.
I'd love to see Battlecry as I really enjoyed that game and its art style would make it perfect for a re-release at a higher res with not much more work needed.
Can we have an update of Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs Zeon too while we're talking about anime mech games from around 2002?
Wow. Don't mind if I do! Although I hope it lives up to the subtitle and focuses on one franchise rather than the salad that used to go by "Robotech" way back when.😅
Didn't Lucky Chicken Games develop this
Aquaman: Battle For Atlantis 😬
Looks cool, will wait for the review @NintendoLife
Well that was unexpected! I think I have the GBA cart actually.
@Cheez I recall playing a top-down Macross shm’up in an arcade in Japan. That was pretty good.
Butter me intrigued! Is this a sign of more GBA love to come?
(I can dream!)
I’ve got the original, and while not the best game ever, I’m gonna get this one too. But why can’t Harmony Gold market anything? Would be cool to know this was coming up. A little marketing would maybe draw attention to the only thing they do and have to their name that they will never give up or let the rest of the Macross franchise release outside of Japan.
Aww, they re-released the gba Robotech game but not Battlecry or Invasion? Kind of a bummer since those games are better in my opinion and would be a better fit for the Switch.
@Heavyarms55 I hope so! Just, uh, not with those visuals.
I just watched the original Macross (subbed version) for the first time around this time last year.
Despite it's age I found it to be a pretty engaging experience, however this game doesn't look that good, IMO.
How much did the Robotech rebranding change the story (other than Americanizing the MC's name)? I know they connected it to two other anime, but did they mush all three together in one, or were they still more or less seperate & just insinuated to be related?
@DrJohnny5 Same here, dude. It’s really an under appreciated classic in my opinion
@BionicDodo Federation vs Zeon was my bread and butter on the ps2. We can always hope!
I thought this was battlecry for a second and got all excited...
Loved Robotech as a small child, one of my favorite cartoon series ever.
Cant beat Macross on Super Famicom, fantastic shooter:)
The design actually reminded me of Shockwave from Transformers
Wait what?! looks for credit card
I'm interested and require reviews. Thanks for the heads up
@RR529 From what I recall, the real change came from how they adapted Protoculture, which didn't work at all with how the later Macross series depicted it. Basically, "Protoculture" in Robotech is some kind of energy source or something and a whole civilization in Macross. The Master Saga (Southern Cross) got the most reworking of the three with the setting being shifted to Earth and New Generation (Genesis Climber MOSPEADA) being the most unchanged of the three. Aside from them making Rick from the first season a recurring character, I think all three were mostly separate with them basically going "yeah that guy over there is actually this guy from the first season".
Wow! They need to re-release the Super Famicom version Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie or the PC Engine version Macross 2036! Wasn’t Toby McGuire working on the movie?
Damn... I read "Probotector" for some reason and got my hopes up. Well, gonna check this one out anyway even though I'm no anime fan. More blow'em up, please!
Yeah, all three series are mostly unconnected. The original Zentraedi disappear after Macross, with the only reference to them being, "this person is the child of a human and Zentraedi", "Rick" makes a couple of cameos, and there is a significant timeskip between the three so that the narration can explain the vastly different settings and roster.
The reason Harmony Gold originally mashed the three series together back in the day was because there was a broadcasting rule that a series had to be at least 65 episodes long for weekday TV syndication. Given the time period and the rules, it seemed to make sense at the time.
BATTLECRY was excellent; save for the garbage escort missions.
… The release makes me suspect it is just so Harmony Gold keep ahold of their Robotech licence. Probably just me being cynical/paranoid. I’m not even sure if they’re directly involved.
Still got the original cartridge, it was an alright game, let down mostly by the top down sections being a little cumbersome. When i saw the Pic i was actually hoping it was the Gamecube game with an overhaul. That again was mediocre, but i enjoyed a few of the missions and how it ended. Would love to see a new Robotech game as we now have the hardware to really do the transformations justice.
Not spectacular but solid.
Stick to the SNES game if you're lucky enough to have it or dig into your game shelves / ebay for the vastly underrated GameCube game instead.
Got it on the EU shop. Is a bit hard to control. But maybe I am just bad.
Battlecry HD would make me very very happy!
What? This is so random! I'm actually impressed with how they have spruced this up! The original game was a bit mediocre and inoffensive. Looks like they remained faithful to the GBA version.
@RR529 They made more changes to Southern Cross and Mospeada to fit Macross than the other way around. A few bits of censorship, but nothing major besides the whole Protoculture deal. In Macross, the Protoculture is the precursor race that created the Zentraedi, humans, and other species introduced in further series. It can also be used to refer to the society and culture that the Zentraedi were not allowed to have.
In Robotech, the Protoculture can be used as a magical cop-out that explains everything from culture to fuel and technology. It's really the point in which Robotech falters. Protoculture is everything and thus, incomprehensible.
@BRAINFOX, @burninmylight, @silverthornne, thanks for all the explanations!
March 14, 2021 was supposed to be the day that the Macross franchise license free from iron grip of HG. Unfortunately that is never going to happen because Harmony Gold renewed the license on July 5, 2019. Boy 2019 worse a year for anime fans... Anyone don't give a single cent to that faceless company Harmony Gold. They deserve to go out of business. Anyone who continues to support Robotech and Harmony Gold is a traitor.
Why only Australia? I'm down to clown with this game. When's it coming to other eShops?
@LaytonPuzzle27 I didn't know Harmony Gold was still a thing.
I’m a fan of Robotech but the GBA game was meh at best. I really loved Robotech Invasion so hope springs eternal.
@backlogrob It is also on the EU shop since a day.
I might get it. I played a Macross shoot'em up for Super Famicom, and it was amazing.
Robotech BattleCry on the Game Cube was soooo underrated. Would love a new one on Switch!
Wish I had noticed the Australian eShop part lol. Is that where Silksong is hiding too?
@RR529 they just changed the dialogue.They did a decent job. I think the last episode of the sage where the final confrontation is between Lisa and Minmay is brilliant. I think all Robotech games are pretty bad. Played the arcade, didn't feel like Robotech at all.
Yeah they are 3 different anime.
I love the Robotech anime series, and I would buy a Robotech RPG if they ever make one!
Damn. Because of Harmony Gold none of the Macross games made it to the west. Oh well, let's hope Bamko will port them on them Switch anyway.
I actually own the show still on VHS, it was one if the few I could actually buy here as a kid. Definitely will look more into it. (As someone who went out of their way to get Thunderbirds 2086 because I love obscure shows, it might ne down my alley just for nostalgia)
This looks truly terrible.
I’ve seen both the robotech version of Macross and the original subbed version. Honestly the American version of the first show is very faithful with negligible changes. (Names mostly) The later shows get a little crazier with editing but honestly the robotech dub of macross is almost 1-1 with the original
@RupeeClock It makes more sense once you realise how Harmony Gold operates. They want to hold on to the Macross rights as long as they can so they can sell off the movie rights to an interested party. They need to constantly use the Robotech name on products so the brand doesn't go dormant, so they put in as little effort as possible to maintain this. ***** like enamel pins, expensive but poorly made toys, and rerelease of this very mediocre game. Tatsunoko doesn't care because they make money off the deal, and can't profit off the other Macross series due to legal issues with Big West anyway.
Robotech is also a nice front for their shady real estate business and other alleged white collar crimes. Look up Frank Agrama, it's a wild read lol.
@SeantheDon29 Very under appreciated. Probably one of the best anime games ever made. Its honestly crazy because I feel like a lot of anime games are cash grabs but this was a solidly built game. It was one of my go to games from that era.
Actually buddy, if you have or own a PSP, there are 3... Macross Ace Frontier, Macross Ultimate Frontier, and Macross Triangle Frontier
All 3 are actually quite fun to play, but are in Japanese only. It's easy enough to figure out how to get to the meat of the game. If interested, I can give you some links to help you out.
There is also a role playing game that was for the PS3, and although it is from the same developer, it too was fun, but there is a lot of talking going on, and you'll be completely lost on the story unless you speak Japanese
But if you are looking for fun games, they do exist!
I just want to point out here that it is 11:06pm Pacific on Tuesday March 2nd and at this time still it is not on the Nintendo eShop on North America. I'd like to get it though if it ever shows up. Out!
@stuN_zeeD_kiL thanks! I'd probably love the rpg, if it was in english. Oh well.
I swear I got robotech.swf lying around here somewhere from my newgrounds dump.
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