Koei Tecmo has given Switch owners a lot of love with Atelier. We had great things to say about Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & The Secret Fairy last week, and hot off those heels, the Japanese publisher has revealed we'll be getting the Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack next.
Launching on April 22nd worldwide, this new pack will include Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX, Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX, and Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX.
As confirmed within the Weekly Famitsu, this trilogy set features several new gameplay additions. Most prominently, that includes a Photo Mode, digital art book, and double-speed battle mode. Other additions have been outlined below:
- Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX
- Four additional vehicles, including a submarine and bulldozer.
- Seven additional subjugation quests and enhanced boss Palmyra added.
- Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX
- Additional, more mature-looking costume.
- Additional story of Sophie’s growth following in the steps of her grandmother.
- Three additional alchemy pots.
- Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX
- Additional painting that connects to the world of Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World, including a scenario featuring Nelke and boss battle.
We'd previously seen Mysterious Paintings on Switch back in 2018 – which marked the final entry of this trilogy – but its predecessors had remained PlayStation exclusives until now. Bringing us definitive editions of all three, Atelier fans have plenty to look forward to.
Looking forward to more Atelier? Let us know in the comments below.
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 45
I originally skipped Lydie & Suelle when it came to Switch due to never playing the first two games but since then I've played through all the Arland and Dusk games as well as Ryza and have loved them all so I'm pretty keen to try out the Mysterious trilogy next.
Are they spin off's of the main games or totaly diffreant games?
@Snatcher They're re-releases of main series Atelier games.
@BenAV O-O thanks.
Does anyone have any reccomendations for where to start in regards to this series? A couple of the games have interested me but there's so many either as standalone games with a sequel like Ryza or packed into trilogies.
I’m afraid that if I buy this, I will receive weird looks from my girlfriend.
Should I buy it though?
@Dragwhite You could start with Rorona (which is where I started) and playing through all the ones on Switch in chronological order from when they originally released or if you want a more beginner-friendly entry that doesn't have any time limit deadlines to worry about or anything then Ryza's probably a good entry point.
@Friendly Why weird looks?
@BenAV tiny girls with big eyes and fluffy summer clothing.
Not exactly what my fiancee looks like.
With that, Switch should host everything since Arland era. Poor Vita is no longer the ultimate Atelier console. Although it still has BC access to Mana Khemia dilogy whose odds of any re-releases remain rather uncertain.
@Beatrice I don't mind dubs, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't biased towards the lack of them. I still can't forget the times when storage limitations ruled out dual audio and a Japanese game boasting a dub meant original voicework preferences like mine were birdflipped anywhere short of digging up and emulating/CFWing undubbed versions. That includes the aforementioned Mana Khemia, too. Thankfully, it would seem the Switch versions haven't excluded Japanese voices so far.
@Friendly go for it. my wife just shakes her head now
Those re-releases tri-pack are so expensive (if they're like the ones we already have). And I guess it's going to be eshop only?
@Friendly The pre-Ryza games are pretty 'girly' in their themes and visuals. Rorona and co makes me think about Card Captor Sakura and things like that.
It's the new ones that will get you the most weird looks.
I'm always intrigued by this series but I didn't enjoy much of the one I played on the DS (sorry, I wouldn't know it's name). It's good to see we get the definitive edition of this trilogy. If I give it another try, I will probably start from here or Ryza 1
@neufel I'm sure it'll be digital only outside of Asia at least. Hopefully it gets an Asian physical release with all three on cartridge like the Dusk trilogy did for those who'd rather import than download.
Would anyone recommend this series to me? I know absolutely nothing about it other than that it's Koei Tecmo's game.
@NathanTheAsian It's a great series if you can get into it but they're a little niche so I wouldn't have a clue whether they're something that'd appeal to you personally or not. I'd recommend looking into them and deciding for yourself.
Sounds good! I'll add this trilogy to my list of purchased Atelier games I'll never get to (Got all of them, played through zero so far on Switch, 1 on ps vita - it's a horrible addiction.)
Restarting Rorona for the 7th time tonight.
Lets gooo!
(I'll get there eventually. I buy them on sales So far I've just had poor timing and ended up finishing other games every time I've started Rorona, then forgotten the plot and mechanics and restarted.)
The Atelier series must make up half the Switch's library by now.
They look and feel like low budget Tales clones of RPGs, considering Namco is not doing a good job of giving us our Tales fix for Switch I guess I'll had to make the best of it and give these a try at some point.
Hoping this gets a physical release in Asia similar to the Dusk trilogy.
Awesome news. To be able to have a complete edition of Lydie and Suelle on a cart is the icing on the cake.
Along with the Arland trilogy, I really, really hope there is an English language release.
This is one of the only third party series that I was disappointed about missing out on during the Wii/U days, so we're being spoiled quite a bit this generation. I still haven't played any of the, to any length apart from Nelke and a bit of Lydie/Suelle.
I hated the time limit. I didn't know Ryza had any? I'll def pick that up if true.
It's a little tough to keep up with Atelier, but it's great we're getting more games and they appear to have some improvements.
@BenAV I agree! I'm bummed that the Arland series has yet to get any kind of physical release.
@Dijita Yeah, it was a shame that the physical releases of the Arland games were Japanese only. I held off buying them for a fair while because they were pretty expensive for being eShop exclusive but eventually caved when they went on sale and don't regret it.
How much of a time commitment are these games usually (on average)? I think my biggest reason for hesitancy in jumping into this series is that I generally don't have gobs of free time or the attention span for super long games.
If they keep this up, I'm going to have to dedicate a memory card to Atelier games. Or get around to importing the Asian carts but the custom fees make that a financually unwise option.
Somehow I really like these games' menu icons.
I will probably add it to the wish list and grab it on sale at some point.
Glad to see Atelier Sophie (and Firis) coming to Switch at last. The Switch only receiving Lydie & Suelle (which I liked) seemed odd (yet understandable).
@Zimon Sophie has no time limit, as far as I know.
Firis starts you off with a time limit at first, though you're free to explore all you want upon beating the game.
Lydie & Suelle has a time limit at one small part in the later part of the game, but it's easily surpassable and after that, no time limit the rest of the way.
Dont mess with switch success, wish more developers learn from this
Anyone knows how many series we have out now that is english based? I got a few of them but haven't put them in order yet.
I just wish they would sell the carts in the west... these trilogies are huge.
@Ryu_Niiyama I think they do have them on carts already for most part. Just I have to go find me series that are boxed away right now.
@Dragwhite if you're looking to start with a complete trilogy start with Dusk, it's aesthetically and mechanically my favourite and welcoming to newcomers.
Ryza is also a great entry point. I wouldn't start with the Arland games, they can be a little intimidating
@Nourldean Gotcha, thank you!
@SwitchForce not the trilogies at least not in NA. That’s what I was referring to. I have many of the stand alone games already but the trilogy packs don’t come west. That is what my comment is referring to.
I will be honest I was oblivious about the Atelier games up until recently I am surprised though as in the past decade they have been releasing them at a staggering rate for a JRPG series. I thought the Tales games had loads of entries in a relatively short space of time but these ones are breeding like rabbits. I will be giving the games a go though starting with Rorona and working forward from their release in 2010 since there have been about 12 games released since then I think I will be well occupied.
@thehoppypoppy About 25-35 hours on the first play through, depending on the game. If you want to go back through on a NG+ or are trying for a different ending, about 15-25 hours. Ryza 1/2 and Sophie have only one ending each while the others have more, if that makes a difference.
Reading about the time limit kills it for me
@stevep Firis is the only one out of this trilogy that has a time limit, and it goes away after you beat the main story. You can play however long you want afterward.
@neufel @Dijita Just to follow up from yesterday, Play-Asia now have the Asian physical release with English available to pre-order so looks like it's getting the same treatment as the Dusk trilogy.
Ooooh! Thanks for letting me know!
@BenAV Thank you ! The price is indeed really interesting, probably lower price than any sales on the eshop version in my country.
Is this trilogy time limited does anyone know?
can't hack it (don't hate me)
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