Monster Hunter has gone mainstream. With 2018’s Monster Hunter: World, Capcom finally managed to get the storied franchise to break through to become a smash-hit internationally, selling over 21 million cumulative sales (including Iceborne) as of the time of writing. But, the series has traditionally been positioned as a handheld title – and after spending some time with Monster Hunter Rise’s incredibly impressive demo – we feel that this new entry is something of a homecoming for the series.
Unlike Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, which was released on Switch in the autumn of 2018, Monster Hunter Rise is built from the ground up with the Switch in mind. This doesn’t mean you’re getting a watered-down experience; the lessons the team learned from Monster Hunter: World still shine through in this demo, with more than a few new tricks of its own, to boot.
For those of you new to the series, the demo offers several modes and hunts, in both single and multiplayer, where you’ll be able to track down monsters of varying difficulty, a basic tutorial which runs you through the principal mechanics of the series and a ‘Wyvern Riding’ tutorial, a new mechanic in Monster Hunter Rise. The core loop of the Monster Hunter series is to select a target monster, track them down and hunt them. The monsters will go into various states of defence, offence, an enraged state and finally a wounded state before they go down by your hand and you can carve them up to create weapons and armour. With a huge variety of weapons and styles to choose from, there’s something for everyone in Monster Hunter Rise’s weapon roster.
In the demo, we were given a choice from the full suite of weapons in Monster Hunter, but for the first hunt against a lowly Great Izuchi, we chose the trusty Switch Axe, a weapon that we've used since Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just to check out what’s new. We’re plopped immediately onto a traditional Monster Hunter map, and this time in addition to the trusty supply box, we also have a handy marker that you’ll be able to follow towards a targeted large monster. But, this time, we can also ride our trusty Palamute pal to get around faster. We cut through the areas and began the chase.
A new furry friend isn’t the only fresh thing Monster Hunter Rise has going for it, however. You may also find endemic life that will be able to give you stackable boons to things such as weapon sharpness, defence and more. Auto-crafting is making a welcome return since its introduction in Monster Hunter: World, and means you’re never finicking around in menus mid-hunt, which is always handy if you find yourself running low on supplies.
The most significant change to the game comes in the form of the Wirebug, which will allow you to zip through the air with a new mechanic named Wire-dashing, which can be sequenced into wall-running, potentially into another wire-dash. This makes traversal significantly quicker if you know how to be savvy with the Wirebug’s forgiving cooldown. The Wirebug also gives you access to ‘Silkbind’ attacks, where you aim the Wirebug and press one of the two attack buttons to perform techniques unique to your selected weapon; this can link into weapon combos. While it requires a little bit of finesse to get used to, the Wirebug gives you significantly more combat options, and opens up a new dimension of traversal and combat for every weapon not named ‘Insect Glaive’. There are hints of the team taking notes from Generations’ Aerial Style and embedding it at the heart of the Wirebug mechanic and the Silkbound arsenal that it provides you with.
The difference the Palamute and Wirebug have in tandem with your traversal experience in the lush areas present in Monster Hunter Rise’s demo cannot be understated. Gone are the long-winding slogs to find a monster, and by proxy, the chase when Monsters move between numbered areas on the map. While this makes for slimmer windows of ‘quiet’ moments in Monster Hunter Rise’s hunts, we’ve only seen a sliver of the action in this early-access demo.
But, those are not the end for Monster Hunter Rise’s myriad changes. Monster mounting, a mechanic first introduced in Monster Hunter 4, has since had a pretty significant shakeup in the form of Wyvern Riding. To get a monster into a ‘mountable’ state, you’ll need to perform a series of Silkbind or Aerial attacks on the monster. Soon after, you’ll be able to control and ride the beast, you can then launch it into a wall, or use it to roam around or attack other monsters.
This came in particularly handy when we were faced with the Mizutsune, a water wyvern. As it ran into another area for a moment of reprieve, a Rathian appeared. Like the Turf Wars in Monster Hunter: World, the monsters will duke it out, and the Rathian was left in a mountable state, so we hopped on and controlled it, performing attacks such as the iconic tailspin, which seasoned hunters will know can easily inflict poison. As your mounting meter depletes, you’ll also be able to perform a Mounted Punisher, which will finally topple the targeted monster, and you’ll dismount, giving you a big window to deal a significant amount of damage. The spectacle is fantastic, but in practice we found the handling of monsters to be a little bit finicky in the heat of battle. Hopefully, once we've spent a little more time with the full game, we'll get a better feel for this aspect of combat.
These changes make for a potent cocktail of what Capcom is cooking up for the future of the Monster Hunter series. Rise doesn’t feel like some strange offshoot of Monster Hunter; it feels like it studies the lessons learned from creating Monster Hunter: World, focusing on all the player pain-points – such as long stretches of traversal, or how easy it was to abuse the original Monster Mounting mechanics for easy damage.
After spending some time with other weapons in the demo, the game is clearly finely balanced, with some welcome changes to certain moves that the player is able to use, and more quality-of-life changes to make it that bit more accessible – especially with weapons such as the Hunting Horn. Though, this time around, your player character actually talks, which means that they will yell out when monsters are enraged, or if your health is currently running low. It often feels jarring to hear your player character speak, but this might just be a case of getting used to something new rather than it detracting from the experience of playing the game.
From our impressions and hours spent with the demo, going head-to-head against a variety of beasties and trying out a sampling of the weapons available, Monster Hunter Rise is looking like another crown jewel for the Nintendo Switch’s library. It runs beautifully in both handheld and docked modes. With impeccable attention to its moment-to-moment combat, and the experience and smoothness when traversing the world, or crafting items, there’s a clear labour of love poured into every inch of design in Monster Hunter Rise’s demo, and we cannot wait for March to roll around so we can finally start a brand-new hunt.
Comments 110
Nice. really cool lookin
Well Capcom said it was a mainline entry. So who is shocked that it feels like a mainline entry?
@Ryu_Niiyama I'm not, we knew it would be mainline
Honestly stoked to try out this demo, I think this title has the opportunity to be huge in the Switch community...
I'm glad Switch is getting exclusives again, here's hoping more are coming later in 2021. This, Monster Hunter Stories 2, Bayonetta 3, No More Heroes 3, Disgaea 6, Bravely Default II, Pokemon Snap, and Shin Megami Tensei V should be good starts to 2021.
I couldn't find the demo. Is it available in Europe already?
While i appreciate the "ports" Capcom have already brought to Switch (except their pricing being erratic at best), This is Much more like it. Taken over 3 years to get a Third party to make an exclusive to Switch game worth while. I sincerely hope this does very well and encourages other third parties to make some games just for Switch.
Damn nice impression. I was not going to play the demo and wait for the actual grind, but now I'm very interested in seeing the new mechanics.
I couldn't find it either. Neither in American nor in Japanese Eshop...
Monster Hunter: Homecoming
@Retro_Player_77 It should be a huge year for Switch exclusives. I'm even reserving ( a little) hope for a Metroid Prime 4 2021 release.
@tourjeff probably within an hour, if I understood the "UTC: January 8" statement correctly.
This is the perfect example of what developers SHOULD be driving for if they want to make their games work for the Switch. Develop the game for the Switch, then port and add in all the extra fancy aesthetics for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. It's so unfortunate that not only does Nintendo have to spend extra money for this type of treatment, but it always comes with the sacrifice of being a timed-exclusive and potentially just an exclusive.
Uh huh. Hey where's the Nintendo Download news for today?
It's going to be one of the crown jewels of the 2021 Switch lineup. Hopefully alongside SMT V and BotW2.
But yeah, super excited to finally try this game out. I've been wanting a proper portable follow-up to MH4U for so long.
is full of lies, it says Jan 7th, not 8th, for the demo, but it's not on the eShop. What kind of idiots do they have running the demo servers?
@mikegamer Here's the international link. January 8. So probably January 7 in the US:
Is this demo unlimited, or are we only able to play it a specific number of times?
I wouldn't be surprised if this was in development since the launch of the Switch...looks like they've put a lot of effort into this.
when is the demo showing up?
When does the demo go live? Technically it'd the 8th now in the UK and its still not on the store
Also why in the world can you only play the quest up to 30 times? why can't we play it for the full three weeks.
IIt was a nice demo, but I'll be waiting to play this non exclusive multiplatform game on PC later this year. Couldn't stomach the performance.
@Menchi It better not be on pc, it about time switch gets a good exclusive, after we lost dragon quest, But its fine for you to want it on the pc.
@RandomAfricanGamer you can only pay it 30 times, for the three weeks.
@Snatcher It's coming in October because it is a non exclusive multiplatform game, which is where and when I'll play it.
@Menchi I changed this comment after looking at the pc leak for monster hunter rise. but you should take that with a grain of salt, it is still just a leak.
@Grot What?
@Strumpan Uh, I just checked the NA eshop. Not there, I still call BS.
@Menchi Yep, I read the leak too. 165FPS limit sounds amazing, plus the ultra-wide support is too good to ignore. sounds like that will be the definitive version
@mikegamer I just downloaded it. Maybe you need to restart the eshop?
@mikegamer it is live on the us eshop, not in europe yet though
@mikegamer Try the website I had to download it from there not the eshop.
Its not surprising to see so many third party exclusives hit the switch this year. Let's not forget, unlike a traditional console launch, nintendo kept the switch under lock and key and kind of surprised both the public and their partners.
Even if a third party wanted to make an exclusive for the switch the earliest they could have started was probably six months before launch and with the failure of the wii u most wanted to see a success before committing.
As we near the fourth anniversary, we are now seeing the projects most of these companies have been working on for the past 3-4 years, which is exciting because I get the impression the second half of the switch's life will be packed with great games.
Just wanna see more interesting images for this game. And yay Mizutsune is back in game! I wish Dalamadur to return and Yama, but who knows in future games.
I was turned off by the performance, I kinda wish they would tone down some things in favor of good performance. Getting kinda tired of long load times and bad frame rates, it's making me avoid buying some of the bigger games for my Switch!
@SimoneBelmont So buy the rumored Switch Pro on the same day.
@mikegamer people who forget things easily. Because I have the option to download it and it said to check home page because it said it's downloading. But there's nothing there on the home menu. For the wait, l will just play Freedom until the actual date.
@SimoneBelmont I remember how slow MHW was with loading screens only on PS4, but PC it wasn't struggling. I won't be surprised if this game will have the same problems.
@JimmySpades I'm not in the market for one. The only Nintendo exclusives I have run fine on this Switch (Mario Maker and the Link's Awakening remake) and literally everything else is on PC so I'll just wait and try it out on the PC when it comes out 9 months later.
@Mr_Persona Exactly. Luckily on the PS4, I upgraded the drive to an SSD so that helped dramatically. Bloodborne loads in 6 seconds! I'm quite certain that MHR is going to have some performance issues on the Switch, I totally agree.
@SimoneBelmont Oh yeah I remember how bloodborne was sorta the same way. My brother doesn't know how to upgrade his PS4, and he's worried that he might ruin something. Even though he has upgraded his PC a couple of times with no problem. But I can sorta understand why he doesn't want to do it.
@SimoneBelmont @Menchi Keep trusting dodgy leaks and missing out on a good game then, lol.
I play PC too but I'm not dumb enough to miss out on this. I suppose not everyone has spending habits like mine but like I said, don't get your hopes up trusting leaks that don't even seem truthful.
@RandomAfricanGamer From what I've read, its 30 times (quests) single player, online multiplayer available until they take it down in February.
Why are the controls so horrible? I'm playing the demo and like everything is so weird! The graphics look really good though.
Really wasn’t into the series when it came out on the Wii U might give it a go this time around.
@Varkster Um I wasn't talking about Bloodborne being on PC. I was talking about completely something else.
@JuanGartner are you new to Monster Hunter?
Also I hate the new mizutsune theme. I want the original, once again capcom change beautiful music to something more boring. Oh well I'm stuck with this "aaaaaaaah" song xD
@Varkster I can totally see why you would say that, if in a few months nothing happens and the leak turns out false, then that's one thing, but for now I don't feel like I'm missing anything. It's not a limited release.
@Mr_Persona I don't know what kind he has, but they made upgrading the SSD super, super easy. It's easier than installing one into a laptop or PC. Plus, if he saves the original hard drive, he will be totally fine.
@SimoneBelmont He has the PS4 slim
@SimoneBelmont So you bought a Switch for two games which aren't even the best in their franchises to appear on the system. Well, it is your money; you do you with it.
while sony and microsoft trying to solve simple stability problems on their great consoles ( as they said ) Nintendo announcing great games for all 2021 for her small and powerless console ( as some said ). I love Nintendo!!!
@JimmySpades Sounds good, have a nice one!
@Mr_Persona Yep, that's what I use. It's a few screws to take out, then the drive bay slides out. They made it with ease of use in mind, you can't mess it up. The firmware is downloadable on Sony's website. Have fun!
@SimoneBelmont thanks l will tell him so he can have more games downloaded at once and doesn't have to deal with loading screens for 40 sec or more.
@Mr_Persona 40 seconds?! Ain’t nobody got time fo dat
@Retro_Player_77 Due to the sales failure of the WiiU, a lot of developers were hesitant to develop for the new Switch console and went into a wait and see approach to see how well this new Nintendo Console would do, before committing resources and money to develop new and especially, exclusive, games for Nintendo again.
I can't blame Capcom for waiting this long. Also it takes time to develop these games, so its not like the waited 3 years to decide to make a new Monster Hunter mainline game for the Switch. The actual decision was most likely made already two years ago at least, when Switch sales started to go through the roof.
I’m having a blast with the demo. Wirebug takes a little getting used to, but it’s great having a mobile MH again. Want the full game even more now.😬 Cmon March!
still do not see the demo in the eshop
It looks great, but after MH:W I'm hoping they also come out with a new game on PS5/XSX/PC as well.
@SegaBlueSky probably in 2 years.
They dropped world in 2018, I'd give them at least until 2023 for the next installation.
@Jeronan that's more true than you actually know, most developers won't commit long term to Nintendo until they know there will be long time stability in the company, something that eludes Nintendo a lot.
They are a hitter and misser, sometimes they hit a good idea and sometimes they hit duds...
both developers and investors have started to see that trend and if Nintendo wants proper 3rd party support where 3rd actually have dedicated teams to develop games for Nintendo's hardware like most did for Nintendo's handheld line of consoles. Which for some odd reason hasn't been carried over to the Switch.
Nintendo needs to repeat the success of the Switch with their next console before we really start seeing proper support again.
I was was always curious about MH, bought quite a few as well, but what bugs me the most is the inability to proper explore without being in a hunt, a lá Death Stranding, were you cannot travel the world if you are not in a delivery. In my opinion they should change at least the way you interact with the world and NPCs.
@Snatcher @Nin10doh @nimnio
Oh ok. Thanks everyone!
@SimoneBelmont yeah xD
@Razer That makes a lot of sense. I’ve been wondering why the releases have been so scarce, even since the launch of the console. It felt more like the eShop filled up with iPhone-type games, with a sprinkling of third party games, and a deluge of indies.
I feel a little bummed about investing in the console. Personally, there hasn’t been enough unique software to make it standout from say, my laptop.
@Mr_Persona I am! and I am confusion. I know old players must be ok with it, but it should really be a little easier for the new poeple that might try it, or at least explain it.
@JuanGartner I think this is a problem with every monster hunter demo. They don't do a good job at all of introducing the game to new players. I really hated MH when I first tried MH3U but after a while it clicked with me and I was hooked. But there a lot of mechanics to learn and it takes some patience. Definitely I think MH is not for everyone.
@JuanGartner Well here is what l would do. Look up the controls since demo isn't clear with that. And choose 3 weapons that you want to try, and look up skill guide for the weapon your using. When l was playing the demo, l was already use to it since l played a lot of MH games. And the controls in Rise are like World and like the 3ds MH controls combined. Every each weapon has it's unique controls, long sword is the easiest so l would try that first. And don't fight Mizutsune because he will be too much to practice on. Also you can always try the tutorial they have for the demo, l never did those so l don't know how clear they are.
@Mr_Persona [part of post above] Sorry that I can't explain the skills on here for you. I'm not good at explaining everything in text, I'm better at it in person. Also, I mostly remember the controls for weapons by muscle memory.
@Retro_Player_77 Yes!!!! This game is amazing, I'm playing the demo and it's incredible. Also, unlike most of you, I'm a MH newb. I resisted the series until recently, finally got into world because I knew this was on the way for my switch. So I can give you a perspective from a newb angle. RIse feels better than world to me in some ways. More open, serene, better art style, and theme. And faster, snappier, more purposeful, Intended, if that makes sense, and what a gorgeous game for the switch. Also, I agree, can not friggin wait for Shin Megani Tensei 5. Been playing them since the old days. (I'm 40)
@JuanGartner You just need to stick with it. Try the long sword. Have you been able to try Monster Hunter World? It took me a while but I had someone show me some stuff and now I'm into it! It's hard to know when the monsters are dying. There's no health bar on purpose. Think of it as somewhere between Dark souls and Destiny. Confusing yet amazing. Just play it and use the force, luke. learn the hard way.
@SimoneBelmont i think the main draw here has to be portability.
Sure you got some solid 3rd party games but portability needs to be a key thing for you otherwise you may feel a bit duped.
You'll get some who only play in docked but those are people who buy Nintendo consoles for their exclusives.
If you buy a Switch, it can't just be for the exclusives, because while they are good, it may not fully justify your purchase.
Being able to play:
Witcher 3
Dark Souls
Dragon Dogma
Diablo 3
Doom (2016 and eternal)
Possibly the best Assassin's Creed (black flag)
Plus all the good indie games and exclusives that are available.
And many many more 3rd parties, in portable.
If that doesn't appeal to you. If you only play on a TV/computer screen and you see no benefits in portability.
Then yeah you bagged the wrong horse.
it probably won't happen. PC already has MH World. Give Switch owners a chance at a new monster hunter.
PC players already have MH World and Iceborne. Rise should only be on switch.
And as other people said, it was a leak and leaks aren't always true.
Mass Effect was leaked for switch but that never happened.
PC sales could hurt the switch sales and then eventually capcom decided maybe not to release any new games on switch for exclusive purposes.
Same with Kingdom Come, leaked but not happening.
framerate doesn't even matter in this game. As long as it is stable, then it is fine.
The only time when framerate does matter is when playing like battle royale games.
If you want to play MH Rise and you are adamant into thinking that the game will be on PC , it won't. Capcom confirmed MH Rise a switch exclusive, not "timed" exclusive, just exclusive.
If you still want to play "MH Rise" on PC then play MH World.
The next MH game after MH Rise will be on PC, XSX, and PS5
@Razer Hahah, that punchline at the end got me.
The portability thing was actually my initial draw, I thought it was cool. Only problem is that my hands cramp way too easily from holding the darned thing, so it turned out I didn’t like it as much as I thought.
The plus side though, is that many of the indie games that I love keep getting physical releases, so at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.
@anoyonmus Capcom can say whatever they want for the purposes of marketing. Nobody ever advertises their games as time exclusive anymore. But we all know that exclusive means “for a short time,” with the exception being Nintendo 1st party titles.
I wouldn’t put it past them to put Rise on other systems, we will see in 9 months!
I’ll also add that frame rate matters a lot, especially if your eyes are very accustomed to 60 or more FPS. Going back to 20-30 feels veeeery janky.
@SimoneBelmont okay i know EXACTLY what your issue is.
I'm glad you said what you said about hand cramps because this thing right here is the perfect tool for that:
My Switch never leaves this thing now.
@SimoneBelmont yeah they do.
During the playstation event, FNAF Security Breach is announced as a PS console exclusive for 3 months along with PC. Not saying timed exclusive but usually if there is a console exclusive they would announce how long the exclusivity period will be.
Example. FNAF Security Breach: 3 months
FF7 Remake: 1 year
Project Athia : 2 years.
Even if the game does come to PC, it will most likely be worse than it is on switch even with higher framerate. An example would be RE Revelations 1.
The 3DS is the best while the console (exception is the switch) and PC versions were bad.
Even MH World is around that framerate.
If framerate really that matters to you, you can sell your nintendo switch rn .
@anoyonmus No thanks, Mr. Bossy-pants!
@Razer Oh wow, that looks super helpful, thank you!
@SimoneBelmont I ain't bossy. But that is the truth
Most Nintendo switch games (exception are some 1st party and 3rd party games) will be around 30 fps
@anoyonmus Ok!
you can always wait for the next MH game after Rise to come out.
@anoyonmus Not my concern. I'm more interested with playing the best version of a game I want to play, not how a company does. I'll play it in October on Steam.
@Menchi I kinda doubt that. If a game is built for a handheld device, it probably wouldn't translate well into a non handheld device.
Also its a leak that has practically zero evidence of it existing.
The rumored revelations 3 game on the other hand is a leak that is likely true.
Best version(s) of revelations 1 is 3DS and Nintendo Switch
MH World is also around the same framerate as MH Rise.
The only good thing about MH Rise supposedly (not likely) coming to PC will the likelihood of cross saves
does anyone know anything about MH Stories 2
Honestly I found the the graphics disappointing and the demo boring. And I say that as someone who got a fair amount of enjoyment from Monster Hunter World on Xbox. Avoid is my advice.
@anoyonmus I shall play it at 120fps like I do MHW in October when it comes to PC. Like I did with RE Revelations and MH Stories 2.
@Snatcher No good, has to be tied to the Switch does it not? Won't work that way.
@mikegamer All you have to do is sign you nintendo account on the website, Or is there a reasson why you can't?
@Lionyone the demo is just a trial anyway. Don't worry about it if it is boring. Just a trial. Wait till the release of the game
I thought the graphics were pretty good considering it is the first time the RE engine is running on switch
@Menchi Don't trust the leaks. Those leaks have no evidence that it will come to the platform.
It might have been planned to come to the PC originally but capcom decided to shift development to the nintendo switch instead.
MH Stories 2 is also only confirmed for Nintendo Switch as well.
@anoyonmus I look forward to both on PC as per Capcom's internal documents
@Menchi they can always change. Leaks aren't always true.
@Snatcher dragon quest was exclusive on switch for like 3 years.
Nintendo and Capcom could do this as well
Something that needs clearing up here in the article is the MH franchise is split up into several teams - Console, Portable, MHOnline (which ended in 2019) and MH spin off titles. There's always been a portable and a console version right up until 4U which the console team decided to they'd like to try making a game for the 3DS (as they could do 3D). The team for the game MH Rise are the ones who made the series so successful in Japan with MHPortable on the PSP. They also did generation's and GU and are masters of the hand-held titles. They had started on Rise as soon as GU was finished, not as soon as World was released. In fact the other team is already busy working on the new entry as most titles taking 4 years dev time.
Yes, Rise is a mainline title. It is considered the Gen 5 as well as World, but more accurately it's a mainline portable title, but something to get extremely excited about as the portable team always go that extra mile.
@WiltonRoots it's been a in development since GU was released. There's a lot a few teams working on the franchise in such a way there is always one in development while another one is getting it's time in the sun.
@JuanGartner look in the options menu, and you'll find a tag for weapon controls. This is they've been in every single game and are nicely added in the demo. You want Hunter Notes - weapon controls. It doesn't hurt to fiddle with the options as well, you can turn the Radial menu off, DPS counter off ect as well as set auto lock ons for the big monsters. You can even remap some of the controls, though unless you already have an existing preference from previous titles I would leave them as they are.
Also, longsword is a terrible recommendation to give a new player. I would suggest duel blades or sword and shield because they're faster and you can get in and around with better movement. The best movement weapon is the Insect Glaive, but I'd definitely look up the buttons first - then after those it's the Hunting Horn which while starts slow (like the hammer) but once your buffs start you'll move pretty quickly.
Reason why I say leave longsword until you get the full games training mode is because for a weapon with High damage, you sacrifice speed and less strikes in order to have it. It's not a bad weapon, but by no means is it like any weapon in a typical hack and slash game. Ditto with Hammer. I can't say alot for the long ranged weapons since I'm a Hunting Horn main from 3U, but they also have their own skillsets. If you're still stuck, check out Gajin hunter on YouTube, he has some amazing tutorials to get you started.
@CarlosM87 that's what harvest tour quests are for. They give you a chance to not only gather materials, but to explore the maps. People hate on them for no reason as they're precisely useful to learn things about your location.
@Meikahidenori oh, yeah, I've noticed them, but still you need a reason to be there. I like the game, don't get me wrong, but i just think a bit more of the world were is set, would be nice. Tried the demo on Switch and it really looks impressive. A proof, like Astral Chain, that when built from the ground up, games can look amazing on the Switch.
@Meikahidenori Yep figured as much...I've downloaded the demo, I need to give it the once over. I've never played Monster Hunter before ever. I get the impression patience is a virtue with this game.
@WiltonRoots it is and isn't. It's kinda weapon/build dependent really, though honestly the best build is one you enjoy using however you do get out of it as much as you put in. Being portable it's possible to sink alot of hours in just by doing one hunt a week or everyfew days so it's something you can slowly plug away at between other games.
It's extremely basic in the demo so if a weapon doesn't click don't be suprised that it suddenly does once you play the full game. There's actually going to be a training mode so it'll do a better introduction job, but already there's alot of customisable options like gyro controls, camera lock ons ect so you can set it up how you want for a better experience. I play 90% in handheld as I prefer to play MH on the go so turning some of the visual noise off like dmg counting, toning the effects down and removing the radial menus really made it clearer for handheld multiplayer chaos. It's not something everyone will like, but it's worth trying once.
@CarlosM87 not really. I usually use them to scope out a map and gather materials since that's more or less why you're doing them, especially if the weapons you've chosen to use need ammo... Harvest tours are kinda essential otherwise you waste precious zenny on them when crafting is free (and you can craft by the batch apparently in Rise so the rumour mill goes, yet to try that myself since I rarely use range weapons.)
GU wasn't the best example for a starting point to be honest since it's like buying a greatest hits album, but usually the story while basic shows off the setting nicely, the best one was 4/4U so far and hopefully we're going to get something much better than it. (i have high hopes since its the portable team behind the wheel - they're the ones that made it a success in Japan with MH portable on PSP so they're old hat with portable games)
The RE engine looks amazing, pretty sure it's the first game that's not a remake of anything that's using it so to be sure future games on it will look top notch. Capcom are wizards at making big games fit on tiny hardware just like Nintendo so I'm interested in what the future holds.
@Meikahidenori Kool...thanks for the heads up.
mh rise will be on pc right? the leaks about the demo absolutely true, but either on pc or not, i'll stay on switch, to lazy playing in front on monitor not enjoyable, and the games really design to portable
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