Next week, on 24th September, indie developer Dan Fornace will finally bring his brawler Rivals of Aether to the Switch.
A Switch port was first referenced a number of years ago, so it's been a long time coming. When the game does arrive it'll be the definitive edition, which gives players access to the "full cast of characters". Here's the full rundown:
The Definitive Edition of Rivals of Aether is loaded with content. New features, modes, and extras are all bundled up with our full cast of characters from the entire span of Rivals’ development. Instead of buying our original and guest character expansions separately, the game is now one complete package with everything included for $29.99.
This also includes guest characters like Shovel Knight and Ori from Ori and the Blind Forest. There are additional modes as well, such as Tetherball "a sports battle mode" and along with this is improved online play. Learn more about what this version of the game contains on the official blog page.
Is Rivals of Aether a game you've been waiting to play on your Nintendo Switch? Will you be picking it up on release? Tell us down below.
Comments 28
At this point Shovel Knight has appeared in more games as a guest then most characters I can think of.
This will be a day one buy for me. And a good palette cleanser after Bounty Battle!
Man I was going to buy figherz but know idk know.
@Snatcher might as well put it off, it goes on a crazy sale every few weeks it feels like
@somebread Do you think so? Idk if I want to get this game on switch without mod support.
@somebread or maybe I should wait for a physical release.
No workshop character dlc, no point. That's what makes the game for me.
I've been looking forward to this one for a while.
@Travisemo007 same.
Need a revw, but looks promising to moi
I’ll stick with Smash; everything else is terrible in comparison.
Look, this is a great game by all accounts, but the lack of mod support is not going to go over well. A lot of the appeal for Rivals is the Steam Workshop characters that anyone can create, and that's obviously completely missing here.
I just really feel like the game loses a lot when the mods are gone I think anyone should might as well buy it on the pc if you can, so I'm sadly going to have to say i'm going to hold off just no mod support is just a big blast in the chest. But lets say that it gets mod support (not going to happen) I will buy it but 29.99$ is a lot I know it comes with the dlc but gosh I still think this game is going to do ok on the switch its just your better of buying it on the pc, just like you said @WaffleKnight its not going to go over well. So I might buy fighterz but It goes on sale often making me wonder if its the big steal I think it is.
@Snatcher Precisely.
It's not complete without Speedrunner Link.
@Snatcher I got this game the other day on PC, and the reason was largely because I wanted to try making a mod for it. (so modding support was always going to be a big thing for me) I mean also because it looked like a fun smash-like fighter. (and it is)
The only advantage I see the Switch having is if portability is really important to you.
@DoktorTotenKopf if there's an exception to that rule, that it is this game.
I loved the game boy smash demake this guy made so I’ve been interested in this game since it was announced. I just don’t do more than 20$ for digital only games so if it reviews well and gets a sale I’ll grab it.
considering the game has stood out on its own without workshop for many years, i dont know why workshop support is such a desperate necessity for some people (ie: @WaffleKnight)
this isn't Garry's Mod, the backbone of the game is not fan-made content and if you're going to play it just for that you might as well just get MUGEN
Mugen isn't a smash-like game though. I generally don't have an interest in fighting games outside of Smash.
Is that Ori I see?
Hi I'd like to buy 50 Copies
I love this game just as much as Smash. Can't wait to finally be able to play on a console with friends.
Another day, another indie that I want a physical edition of. Gonna sit tight and see what transpires. Been interested in this since announcement.
I will buy it if you can somehow add workshop characters
@Snatcher I don't know if you would be missing out on much from the mods. Most of them are just memes, like Ronald McDonald and Obama
@drewber2635 And sans, crewmate, speedrunner mario, speedrunner link, ditto. You know that I think about it I think I would be missing out on a lot in terms of mods
@Snatcher I mean if you are into that then go for it, but I'm personally ok with the base roster, especially since I want to get competitive with it
@somebread I'd have to agree to disagree. I once owned Mugen lol. However I also disagree on the backbone part. It caters mainly to competitive only gamers. The fan content makes it for everyone and actually fun imo. The only thing it's missing now besides that is items. But for the most part the wide variety of fun awsome fan character dlc makes up for it. So in that regard for me, the workshop kinda is part of why it's awsome, of course if it wasn't part of a smash game obviously it's not the same, from my exp, Mugen doesn't play music in fights or struggles too and we'll isn't smash mechanics by any means and just isn't as polished. so Mugen isnt the same execution even if the adding process and genre is similar. You could say it exceeds mugen lol. New fun characters always make a fighting game for me and the workshop is the best thing ever for a smash game I've ever come across. You can filter for more complete characters if you want to weed out unfinished ones. If not for lack of items, It honestly is like the smash fan game of my dreams.
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