Animal Crossing: New Horizons may be the talk of the town right now, but like any video game, it's not going to suit everyone's tastes, as is evidenced by a recent opinion piece over at Business Insider.
The feature, entitled "It's time to admit 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' is a dumb, boring game for children", claims that Nintendo's best-selling life sim is "frustrating, tedious, and immensely boring" while also throwing rocks at the game's UI and multiplayer modes.
The author of the piece, Jack Crosbie, goes on to state that it's not a personal attack on the world of Animal Crossing, and that he knows and respects plenty of people "who love this stupid baby game," but cannot overlook the capitalist mechanics which form the backbone of New Horizons' core gameplay loop (somewhat ironic considering the piece is on a site called 'Business Insider'):
In "Stardew Valley," at least you get to choose whether to side with the monolithic megacorporation that threatens to overwhelm the diverse and thriving small town you live in. In "Animal Crossing," you start the game as a cog in the machine, and there is no way to escape.
Now, everyone is entitled to an opinion and it would be foolish to expect every person to fully appreciate and enjoy Animal Crossing: New Horizons' charms – but Crosbie seems to admit on Twitter that the whole thing was written purely to wind up fans and earn his paycheque:
Despite Crosbie's apparent distaste for the game, Business Insider has posted other very positive features about the game, such as this one which discusses why it's the perfect tonic for the current pandemic and this one on series creator Katsuya Eguchi.
Comments 105
You know, I wonder what the guy who said back in 2008 that there's "no excuse" for an adult to play Animal Crossing thinks of the recent inescapable New Horizons hype...
so a troll gone pro?
Don't let this guy be news.
Well everybody can have their opinion about a game being good or bad.
But his opinion is the most boring one out there, it is exactly what I would expect such guy say.
Well, I believe AC is a fun and entertaining game for all age groups.
Well, that’s just like... his opinion, man...
I don't play the game, I'm not even remotely interested, but you have to be either a very sad, or a very bored person to put so much emotion into something you claim you consider so beneath you.
Can I just say "Delete this"?
@Dwarfette he’s literally done it for the money. It says in the article.
Why is NL promoting a mercenary troll? Sad journalism.
Sorry! I forgot, it's a click-bait article to rile people and get readership up.
yeah it can be tedious but it's not a boring game
@kyleforrester87 Then I'm guessing Business Insider has a habit of commissioning troll pieces based on previous NL articles, IIRC.
Anyone who admits that they wrote an article to get "hateviews" should be immediately banned from whatever publication they work for.
It's no adrenaline filled murder fest, but sometimes I like to play something chilled. Nearly 100 hours in and I've not found it boring.
@KingBowser86 apparently, but I guess it happens - you see it all over the internet.
@Kuchenjaeger Any publication that tells any kind of falsehood too far for or against something should be punished. Integrity has gone out the window and it can't last.
The only thing dumb is the framrate.
Yet another click water egg article.
Business Insider sounds so professional, and here you have a guy who begs others to pay him for writing childish rants.
To be honest, I find it boring too, but a lot of people dont, so I wish some people wouldnt spread hate like this.
It's just him wanting views, what a loser.
I know this guy made the article for hate clicks, but reading it has made me realise why I might not be enjoying it and I do agree with some of the points. This is a personal problem I should point out, but so far based on what I have played, I just cannot bring myself to care for the characters, and have no motivation for really improving the island. It also feels like I have been thrown in the deep end and am just expected to know what to do especially since I have not played AC prior. Don't have any friends who own AC or even have a Switch for that matter so there is no social aspect for me either...
I must be missing something... right?
Regardless, calling the game "dumb, boring, stupid baby game" is really reductive and unhelpful, not to mention terrible journalism. I must be a moron though for I still read it which was the ultimate goal.
@Heavyarms55 You take this waaaay to seriously. It is unhealthy.
Someone wrote a trash article for a game and you put so emotions in this response. Why do you event care? It is just a game. It will not even harm it. You insult a random man just like that, because of a game "PeOplE LoVe!".
Come on.
This article is not too disimilar to the one on business insider. It too appears to be fishing for outrage.
AC is NOT a dumb and boring game. I guess everyone has their own opinion though... but that was too much.
Seems to be a weird dude. Don't give him a stage. As about Animal Crossing, I've played it for 50 hours now, enjoyed every bit of it, but it does get a bit stale. This has nothing to do with it for being "stupid" or for "kids", it just seems to can't hold my attention too much. But hey 50 hours of fun for 60 bucks, ain't bad.
It is a bit low brow for the Business Insider, I'll agree.
I am 35 years old adult with kids in my heart.
I will play Animal Crossing New Horizons eventually because i love kiddie games.
@Heavyarms55 I am sorry but "How lonely must this loser be" and "snowflake loser" is too much and not a real criticism.
His writing just struck your nerve. I observed the same behaviour from you when the Pokémon SW and HS fiasco occurred.
I know you love those games but at the end they are just games and pretty successful. No need to become on of those people who foam because someone said something bad about his hobby. Don't go on his level.
I’d have thought Tom Nook was a god to the readers of a magazine like Business Insider! He has a captive capitalistic audience who will constantly buy whatever they want off him, no questions asked.
Whether he did it for views or not, he’s certainly entitled to this opinion. I think the game is one of the very best on Switch, but it’s not some great breakthrough in the life sim genre either.
So he's an arrogant, opinionated expletive. Do we need articles about him that will only encourage and embolden him? No.
It's fine to not like the game. It has a lot of flaws that it's fine to point out. But don't use such inflammatory terms. Don't say things like 'I respect people that are playing this game for babies' because you clearly don't.
See my issue is what happened to professional integrity? I’d be ok with this if it was just his opinion. Sure I wouldn’t agree but that’s the fun part about people: we are all different. Besides it’s not like Nintendo isn’t laughing all the way to the bank. My issue is this dude is doing this to rile up clicks. People used to take pride in their work.
@Zuljaras You know what, you win. I'll delete it. You champion your defense of bullies. I don't know what your issue is, but I'm done with this.
Can’t fault the guy for wanting a pay check. In these troubling times, being freelance is an extremely precarious position.
@Heavyarms55 See? You think of some random writer as a "bully" because he made a bad post/article of some game.
This is messed up.
I agree that such articles do not deserve audience but look they got it even here on Nintendo loving site. Getting super emotional and attack someone just because they said something bad about your hobby or a product you like is just returning the favour and becoming more like them.
@Zuljaras I agree. Even if people don't agree with him, it's just his opinion and everyone is entitled to having an opinion. If people insult him because of his opinion they are acting way worse than they think. It's just a game he's talking about although I hope that his tuit is sarcastic, otherwise his article is false.
I think that Animal Crossing is quite boring and monotonous but it can be relaxing too. It's not all black or white.
@Zuljaras I said I was done. I gave you what you wanted. I took down my comment. Be proud, you've shut down the dissenting opinion.
Leave me be. It's clear that you and I cannot have a decent conversation.
Guy is an idiot so why listen to him, plus it's far more cool to hate on something a lot of people like, because it stands out more, and makes people seem more dangerous, when in fact they are just a sad tool on the internet.
If the whole thing seemed at all sincere I would agree with you, but this just seem so attention seeking.
@johnvboy Mine or the author of the article?
@Heavyarms55 Fine. I can see that for you decent conversation means only if the other party agrees with your views. No wonder you "fight" so vigorously people who dare say something bad about your points of interest.
Sorry to bother you ...
@MS7000 Thats exactly me allover, nearly everything you mentioned. For example never played a AC game before. Nor do i have any friends with the game or a switch. My island is a mess i have most of my furniture/items in my storage for when i put some real effort into decorating my island. I've just ordered a companion guide from amazon hopefully that'll give me some useful tips. I visited someones island yesterday from ebay to sell my turnips at 626 per turnip. I now have the bug for online play lol. I won't time travel i'm in for the long haul.
Twas a time of the Wii days when comments like this was preveleant.
Now, there's a professional article making this type of comment.
Ignore em and move on.
"In "Animal Crossing," you start the game as a cog in the machine, and there is no way to escape."
It's a life simulation.
He looks like he belongs on the sex offenders register!
But seriously, I bet he's on the airline no-fly list.
EDIT: Also no, I won't play Stardew Valley. You can go stuff yourself if you think I'm going to, mate.
@Zuljaras I have no problems with differing opinions. This man didn't make a calm rational post about why he considers the game to be a poor game. He insulted the game, he insulted the fans and the community and the people who made the game. He was rude and disrespectful.
I shared my counter with the same sort of respect he showed me and others. Then you came in and defended him and denounced me. You further insulted me, calling me emotional, you call me messed up, and you make fictitious claims about me and brought up old, unrelated issues about another topic that you also attacked me over my opinion on.
Then, when I gave you what you wanted, I took down my post, I thought - conceding that I had been rude - (which I had intended on being, because this guy was rude to all of us) and asked you to leave me be, you felt the need to reply, again, and throw one last insult at me. Making another claim that I ""fight" so vigorously people who dare say something bad about your points of interest."
Yes, I dare to defend my hobbies against the people who insult them, me and my friends.
And no, I'm not going to apologize for that. I'm not going to say sorry for defending the things I like. These people's opinions are no more valid than mine - and if they are entitled to attack, I have every right to defend. If that bothers you so much, well, that's just too bad I guess.
@Heavyarms55 Ok
We have different understanding of what "insults" means.
Have a nice day
And there it is again, a perfect example of a Keyboard Warrior that is the byproduct of Social Media as a real Culture. I am 100% confident that if the two of us sat down there would be a game he enjoys that I would find simple and rather mind-numbing.
Woah, pretty low just to get a paycheck. Oh well, I'd care but I can't hear em over the sound of me watering my plants...
@TheNewButler Haha. But the DualSense does sorta look like a Mad Catz.
Why would you promote this, Nintendo Life?
@Dwarfette or someone out to make a few hundred quid from a quickly knocked out 800 words of hate-bait, as his own tweet admits?
I’d bet people will defend this by acting like anything negative is automatically a constructive opinion and trying to find faults in the opinion makes you a fanboy. Happens too often
@Ryu_Niiyama If you read the article he does bring up some good points though. There are some valid criticisms that I think many who played the game could agree with.
NL just took exerts of hyperbole that, in the context of the article, seem like playful jabs rather than spiteful. guys realise he said his own opinion? you guys are attacking him for having an opinion.
Who cares? It's just a random guy's opinion.
Tabloid journalism, exhibit A. Otherwise, why bother writing this crap about a game you found boring when its fandom will always do a much better and more dedicated job drowning it in the dirt?
@BeanoWild the right to have an opinion is never up for debate. The content and public expression of an opinion is never exempt from becoming a subject of other opinions in its turn. But of course, arrogance is always much less fun when on the receiving side.
But you see... the franchise is so old that these dumb children grow up and buy every iteration of the game and parents buy the game for their kids because they know the brand. It's the same thing that keeps McDonnalds and pro wrestling going. Hook em when they're young.
So this guy wrote an article trolling people just for views....and then you guys report it on your own website?
...that doesn't help!
It's not written by Brenna Hillier. I'm impressed.
@Rayquaza2510 and there's this:
"Now, everyone is entitled to an opinion and it would be foolish to expect every person to fully appreciate and enjoy Animal Crossing: New Horizons' charms – but Crosbie seems to admit on Twitter that the whole thing was written purely to wind up fans and earn his paycheque"
Man writes negative things about incredibly popular thing. Film at 11:00.
Strange... this sounds an incredibly childlike thing for a person to say... an adult would realise that maybe it’s just not for him, and would clearly notice that plenty of others are enjoying the game.
A child says I’m bored, this is dumb for babies.
Unemployed anticapitalist man wants hateclicks, and you give them to him. Haha, you fell for it. Suckers.
The guy is perfectly entitled to his own opinion; if we all agreed on everything, the world would be quite boring. What DOES bother me is that he admitted to writing the article just for hate clicks. Ironically, an article like this is just playing into his hands. How many people, reading this, have clicked into the source article in question?
I put down Animal Crossing once I was asked by the seagull to find communicator parts again after 2 days. I never did time travel, and this made me think how grindy and repetitive it must be.
It's not for everyone.
Hey guys, Nintendo just released a new video a few minutes ago. Redd and Leif's cart CONFIRMED! Art Museum section CONFIRMED! Bushes CONFIRMED!!!
Bet Jack thinks CoD is one of the best games ever as it has blood and swearing.
Why are you guys giving some random man-child attention like this? Just ignore these attention-seeking trolls.
It's a game to escape in.
I read his article a couple days ago. Some of his wording reminded me of conversations I had with my classmates in elementary school. I just found he came off as immature. I'm not saying he didn't raise some valid points for why he doesn't enjoy the game but he made statements about respecting people who like the game and then insulted them by basically calling fans of the game babies. I don't respect that very much. Makes him come across as two-faced. He was probably just doing it for comedic effect though, so it doesn't really bother me. I personally love the game.
After playing New Leaf for two years with two towns and seven playable characters, I simply love the upgrades in New Horizons. Why do people have to attack things?
Fell for the super clickbait.
So you telling us there's a guy on the Internet who will hate anything for cash? NO WAY!
I dont know who this guy is, but I see a lot of hate for him reading some comments. Now, I dont know if its because of him, or because of what he said.
Anyway, I think Animal Crossing is definitely not a game for everyone. I also find the game very very boring, it is not the kind of game I like to play, now thats just me, just as there are people who hate some of the games I like the most.
Yay, more news on some random guy that I never heard of saying stuff about stuff.
He’s doing it for click bait and nothing else. People playing Animal Crossing know exactly what they are getting
@NotTelevision like I said my issue is the hate click stirring. People are more than entitled to have issues with a game. Doesn’t mean I’ll agree but it doesn’t mean I have an issue with an opinion.
Any reason in particular you're giving this guy a place of attention on your front page?
Nobody needs to know what this awful individual thinks and it's not news.
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen: the epitomy of NOT getting it...
All kidding aside, though, I'm perfectly fine with not everyone liking the game, or any kind of game for that matter, but if you want people to take your opinion seriously, then don't insult the people that do like it, or use phrasings like "this stupid baby game", because that immediately invalidates any and all fair criticism you might have against this game...
As much as I love ACNH (I'm literally obsessed with it) he's got a point about the UI.
When I do something in the game I'm not thinking only about the bells and time cost, but also the A and B keypress cost for skipping the endless dialogues ant texts over and over again.
I'm starting to feel like I'm in hell and this is my punishment when I read "Manila is my favorite flavor of clam".
Accuses the game of being immature, then in his rather scathing write up brands it a
"stupid baby game"... showing us all that he is indeed an incredibly mature adult himself. What, I for one am completely envious of his incredibly skillful and varied lexicon of such journalistic maturity.
We are supposed to be children at heart so Animal Crossing is right on point is it not?
Not you, the guy that said the rubbish in the first place.
I've seen some pretty bad articles on that site but this one might take the cake.
why is such drivel being shown on the website. This original NL team would never clickbait like this.
See, @Damo? You also do clickbait.
AC is boring. Amazes me how popular it is.
Oh well.
Oh look, another Animal Crossings article. That’s now, what, 8 in two days. Perhaps rather than devoting all this column space to hype and push games that don’t really need it maybe you should devote a few articles to, you know, push some of the lesser known games on the eShop that definitely could use the exposure.
Games that get overlooked because of the neverending first party hype train.
Most games are for children. Even the ones that try to be edgier are most likely being played by 16 year old boys. So If the guy isn't into childish activities than he should not being playing video games in general and read a thought provoking novel or check out a documentary. Might be more his style, if he's that mature.
I personally do find it pretty boring and not a huge improvement to the last game but I wouldn't go so far as to call it for children. It can feel like chore simulator depending on how you play it but those more creative than I see it as a virtual sandbox, I guess. The many positive reviews actually gave me the wrong expectations so I'm at least happy there's a different perspective that isn't just praising the game mindlessly.
I got and play ACNH in a daily basis.
That being said it IS kind of boring....
It is repetitive, and cumbersome, and pointless. And even then I cant stop playing it.
Would anyone be surprised if he's a Death Stranding fanboy that got angry at not everybody thinking it was a perfect piece of art and is releasing his frustrations at AC and Nintendo fans?
I mean, I already see the biggest Death Stranding fanboy on this site is already frequently posting about "AC being boring" quite frequently.
I seem to recall some news pundit saying that Animal Crossing is a haven for pedophiles and that no adult has any business playing it. This was back with Wild World. It’s that kind of BS that makes Nintendo so overly cautious with online. It’s infuriating. At this this dude’s opinion isn’t harmful to gaming and gamers in general.
Jack Crosbie is nothing but a loser who had a hissy fit over a game that sold millions. I think someone forgot to change his diaper. You can smell the bs coming from this child lol
Animal Crossing isn't for everyone. If it's not your thing, that doesn't make it a bad game.
We get it, this is one of those dude bros who says anything more tame than Doom Eternal is for kids and girls.
108 comments about this loser?
@Incarna Agreed on pretty much everything you wrote.
Also, still laughing at the fact that ACNH got a 10/10 when it's probably more like an 8/10 game with a ton of annoying design decisions included that could easily bump it down to 7/10.
I love the game and find it fun, but the multiplayer is downright trash and I'm never gonna get used to only being able to place items vertically or horizontally. GIVE ME DIAGONAL PLACEMENT, JESUS. There are a lot of issues that I won't get into, because I'd be here all day, but man, when NL makes their news by promoting an article written purely to rile up AC fans just to ride on the exact same soulless metric of "hatemail"... You know they're hitting rock bottom.
@MysticX he's entering the world of pain 😉
I read that article, that man is like superhate to ACNH
Nah it’s for creatives, if you’re not creative then you’ll find it boring
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