With software coming thick and fast to Switch these days, it's never been easier for a game - even a damn fine one - to get lost in the crowd. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch released on Switch way back on 20th September, but we wouldn't be surprised if it passed you by in the rush of great stuff hitting the eShop. In an effort to remind overstretched gamers that it's available on Switch now, it seems Level-5 commissioned Dutton Films to create a new (Japanese) 'trailer' - check it out above.
This bespoke 10-minute video from Level-5's official YouTube channel takes the game's gorgeous Studio Ghibli art and gives it a pixel art demake. The makers call it '8-bit', although retro enthusiasts whose pet peeve is people confusing 8 and 16-bit graphics might get a little shirty about that. It's arguably something in between - 12 or 13-bit, maybe? Regardless, it's a cute look at an imaginary version of Level-5's lovely JRPG and well worth watching if you're a fan.
With so many games coming out - especially at this time of year - we expect to see more companies gently reminding players that there's great stuff on the console which might have slipped their notice. There are plenty of hidden indie gems on the eShop, but even bigger games are getting lost now. Wrath of the White Witch is not without faults, but if you're into JRPGs (and for some reason don't fancy Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of the Longest Title We Could Possibly Squeeze Onto The Box), we thoroughly recommend checking out Ni no Kuni. Here's a brief extract from our review:
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is an experience unlike any other on the Switch, expertly blending standard RPG tropes with a heartwarming story, innovative art style, and an immersive soundtrack composed by some of the best in the business. In more ways than one, this is a ‘dream project’ that’s very existence is a gift to fans of the genre the world over; the privilege of experiencing it is something that shouldn’t be understated.
Dutton Films has produced pixel versions of various other media properties - head to the company's website to check out some more examples (we particularly enjoyed the 8-bit cinema montage).
Have you played Ni no Kuni on Switch? Or have you downloaded it but not got round to it just yet? Let us know below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 21
Ah, jeez. I was gonna be that jerk that pointed out its not truly 8 bit (color pallette, resolution), but I'll keep my mouth shut and enjoy the visuals and effort. It's still pretty. Shame it doesn't seem to be selling super well for Switch. Came out during a crowded time of year, though.
Music sounds indeed 8bit. Graphics are 16bit era.
By the way, this game is at #62 in the European eshop charts (19:40, 2/10).
I was about to make a fuss about what is really 8-bit but you guys covered it already!
Anyway, that's an amusing trailor, I need to get the game when I have time.
@BeefSanta - Anyone I know that sees "8-bit" as a phrase has the same sentiment you do, you're not alone.
And yeah, Ni no Kuni released alongside Zelda, of all games. Not entirely surprised of the outcome, I believe even Daemon and A-Chains are experiencing similar effects.
I bought Ni No Kuni on Switch, a real shame if it’s lost in the shuffle.
I wish game releases were spaced out more, maybe that’d help.
@Paraka yep. I bought it and made it as far as this video goes, oddly enough. Then I put it aside to play Link's Awakening, and now that that is done, I'm 40 hours deep into Dragon Quest... I'll come back to Ni no Kuni. It was a very good few hours.
They could do a 2D/3D like Dragon Quest :'D
Bought it the other day, and I must say that it's an extremely fun game
Way I see it, I already waited so long for this game (and DQXI and Witcher 3) what's a couple more months until I finish FE? (And Luigi's Mansion. And Pokemon.)
Too good to be an 8bit game, with those updated colour pallets.
I’ve been playing it for just over a week now, and I’m really enjoying it, though it feels a bit too linear at times (most of its locations are literally glorified corridors) when compared to other recent JRPGs. Pity to see it languishing so low in the European charts, but it can’t be helped - it released on the same day as Link’s Awakening, and only a week before Dragon Quest XI S, it never stood a chance.
To muddy things between 8-bit and 16-bit even further, from the portion I saw, the visuals and sound remind me of the PC Engine which is known for having a fast 8-bit CPU and 16-bit graphics chips. With that out of the way, I enjoy things like this and thought they did a nice job with it.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch released on Switch way back on 20th September.
Yeah more like last month, I don't considered anything of the last 6 months to be way back.
I also think that one bad review shot the game selling well on the switch in the foot too. A good reputation can so easily be turned to ash with just one ember. Plus, the other systems got remastered editions. If you own more than the switch, you might have just opted for that if the review made you wary, or if you prefer graphics over portability.
I am enjoying the game on switch. It's fun and the characters are indeed charming. Can't believe I went this long without playing it.
I’m loving this game. I was going to buy DQ11 but this came out first so DQ can wait now. I prob won’t play them back to back so it might be waiting a while
That's not 8-bit--unless it's running on a PC-Engine or something. That's almost certainly 16-bit.
Thanks for the website shoutout, Nintendo Life! I'm a long time fan and reader of this site (I check every morning).
To answer everyone's question, we built this trying to resemble 16bit. I don't know why Level 5 labeled it as 8bit as they should know better. Bandai Namco US just calls it a Pixel Remix. Here it is in English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4VNAeOoYM4&t=495s
Has anyone mentioned that's not 8-bit graphics?
Looks 96bit to me.
This is on my wishlist and will certainly be purchased at some point.
Yeah that's absolutely no 8-bit.
@retro_player_22 Makes you wonder what he considers a year old 😂
Doesn't look bad.
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