
Japanese game developer Game Freak, known as the primary developer of the Pokémon series, has applied for a new trademark in its home region.

The trademark is for 'Little Town Hero', and covers both the English and Japanese (リトルタウンヒーロ) versions of that phrase. You can see the trademark for yourself below (thanks, JapaneseNintendo).

Town Trademark
Image: JapaneseNintendo

Although it would be purely speculation at this point, we'd say it's pretty safe to assume that this will be the final name for Town, the studio's upcoming RPG for Nintendo Switch. Promotional materials for Town have always noted that it is a working title, so a name-change wouldn't come as a surprise.

Hopefully we'll hear more about the game itself, complete with this potential new name, over the coming weeks.

Are you looking forward to Town, or should we say, 'Little Town Hero'? We'll make sure to update you with any new info on this one as it arrives.
