Japanese game developer Game Freak, known as the primary developer of the Pokémon series, has applied for a new trademark in its home region.
The trademark is for 'Little Town Hero', and covers both the English and Japanese (リトルタウンヒーロ) versions of that phrase. You can see the trademark for yourself below (thanks, JapaneseNintendo).
Although it would be purely speculation at this point, we'd say it's pretty safe to assume that this will be the final name for Town, the studio's upcoming RPG for Nintendo Switch. Promotional materials for Town have always noted that it is a working title, so a name-change wouldn't come as a surprise.
Hopefully we'll hear more about the game itself, complete with this potential new name, over the coming weeks.
Are you looking forward to Town, or should we say, 'Little Town Hero'? We'll make sure to update you with any new info on this one as it arrives.
[source japanesenintendo.com]
Comments 31
Still can't say I'm too hyped for this, yet.
"something something better than pokemon something" - someone on the internet
means a direct is coming?
still gotta learn more about this before taking any interest in this. charming name tho
I actually forgot about this game until now. Definitely on my list.
I like the title, want to see more!
I wish is more Fantasy Life than Pokemon, honestly. Or perhaps something completely original.
Looking forward to learning more about this one. If they manage to make something like my time at portia without crashes, bugs and eternal loading times, I'm in.
The fact that the whole game takes place in, "one single village" makes me wonder how good it will be without the exploration aspect that pokemon games have. Will continue to wait on gameplay footage
Direct hype meter exploding!!!
Or as it will be released in the West, Litóher.
I’m excited to see how this comes along. Always great to see a new ip.
I like the name. This one has still been on my radar, but I'd like more info on it.
That term doesn't really function in the capacity of an insult.
In that case, it will probably released in the West as Small-town Hero.
This had better be a spiritual 'Earthbound 4' for it to be worth detracting from Pokémon as hard as it did. :/
Pokemon is looking legit, and so is this game. Nice seeing them make console games now rather than little 3DS titles
This game is on my wish list for sure, cant wait to see more of this gem.
I'm interested but I'd like to see more footage.
I find it a touch disappointing that this game looks so polished compared to their flagship game that should, in theory, be their primary focus
im more interested and excited for this game Town than i am for Pokemon because its something different and not the same old game released every year with new coat of paint
Bring it
I really liked Drill Dozer, wish they could make more original games... So disappointed when I learned that there was a recent 2d game from them called Giga Wrecker but it didn't look that promising
I've 0 interest now that it feels like they've been sacrificing pokemons quality for it
Small Town Hero sounds like a better name.
Well for their sake I hope GameFreak's A Team makes this a real good game, 'cuz the B Team is making them look incredibly incompetent and hurting the image of their meal ticket.
With almost no marketing since the reveal nearly a year ago, I'm wondering if this is still coming in 2019...
something something "Why doesnt pokemon have this much effort put into the aesthetics and graphical quality (which yes i totally agree with)"
looks great, I like the title, and it's great to see them branching out.
Town is a pretty boring name, it's good they changed- Oh. That's worse. Urgh.
@XBontendo did I miss something? What have you seen that gives you the impression that this is somehow more polished than a Pokémon title?
@commentlife Any of the trailers/screens for either game so far. Town looks like a Switch game, quality graphics, decent shading, more fluid animations, (beating a dead horse) trees that look like they weren't ripped from the N64.
Pokemon looks like an upscaled 3DS game.
Don't get me wrong, I've no doubt Pokemon'll be a blast to play, but given the revenue this series pulls in, there is no excuse for it to look the way it does. It seems as though, since Pokemon is established and guaranteed to sell, that it's not worth the same amount of effort vs a new IP.
That said, neither game is out & Town could end up looking/playing terribly while Pokemon could push the series further than anyone could have predicted.
But. At first glance, Town seems to be a more polished.
@NullPointerExcep I really enjoyed Drill Dozer too, not played another game like it. Giga Wrecker doesn't excite me either.
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