With New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe now available on the Switch, there are a number of videos already online displaying the many character reactions when you complete the game.
Of course, you would expect the most exciting of the lot to be when Peachette saves Princess Peach. So, what exactly happens? If you view the below video - courtesy of YouTube channel BeardBear - you'll see how it all plays out. Once you've defeated Bowser, Peachette transforms back into Toadette and in the following scene, she receives a kiss on the head from the real princess while the troublesome purple thief Nabbit creepily watches on. That's it! Take a look for yourself:
Have you experienced this ending yourself yet? Tell us below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 95
Shame they didn't go a bit more creative but still a good game.
Really, why is Nabbit there?
@gaga64 Nabbit likes to watch. Don't kinkshame.
Man they should have done some creative stuff
Peach is now canonically non-hetero, and I won't be told otherwise.
I am living for this 😍
@Palom or "Super Princess Power." a new co-op platformer starring Peach and Daisy.
This! THIS!
They should have kept her in her Peachette form and made it a more interesting encounter.
@TurboTEF I ship it
Imagine if Peachette (Not in Toadette form) kissed on her head by Real Princess Peach...... 😆
I would love to see a new Princess Peach game, the DS one was OK.
That’s adorable.
That's cute, but why was it necessary for Nabbit to be there?
NL gives this game an 8 and then keeps publishing little side articles about it.....clearly this is a major title deserving a better score
So nothing lol ... All that hard work for a kiss? Gotta be kidding!
It would be!!! Looks like a lot of people want to sexualise it, though.
Yes, it is nice to see. Nintendo's platformers are a refuge of innocence. That's why they're so comforting to play, I think (that and... they're actually really good games)
@CharlieSmile : Now we know why she dumped Mario and Bowser at the altar in Odyssey.
Peach is a fungisexual.
That's the most peaches and mushrooms should combine to. Perfectly fitting.
@Xeawn oh, honey. bless your heart.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@CharlieSmile i think you need to step out of the stone age as I don't think it is necessary to try and make this a sexual thing. It is exactly these kind of misogystic views that mean women are rarely ever portrayed as more than sex objects in modern media.
@bluemage1989 I never mentioned a single thing about sex, but sure whatever.
and you're gonna try to school me, a woman, about what is/isn't misogynistic? LOL OK
I was under the the impression that hetero and homosexuality were related to ones sexual preference and declaring that Peach having just kissed a (possibly much younger) female character is now no longer heterosexual is misogynistic and possibly even worse. Being a woman or identifying as such does not make it okay to be a misogynist
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
@KingdomHeartsFan ain't that the sad truth?
this is why you see marginalized fans (including myself) creating our own mythos and headcanons. it's catharsis.
Much like Bowsette, sit back and watch the speculation and fan art begin. Kind of a shsme though they would not wanna capitalize on the Bowsette thing but chances are (other than wanting full credit for it) they saw the overtly sexual overtones fans gave her and the whole from one gender to another thing and, yeah it'd be a mess.
On that note, I'm loving this game all over again. Enjoying what was once a Wii U launch title, a 2D side scrolling Mario game. How it not be anymore perfect?
@CharlieSmile Throw in Rosalina and you can have potentially four players. You just need a fourth.
Which could conceivably be Toadette, Captain Syrup, Princess Eclair, Wendy O Koopa, or Princess Shokora.
Or someone new.
@CharlieSmile @KingdomHeartsFan #29 & #30
You’re probably right, but I mean, do we even need that kind of stuff in Mario games?
They are fun, colorful platformers made to be enjoyed by 4 y.o. And 60 y.o. alike, is it really necessary to push an agenda? It’s not Mass Effect, it’s Super Mario.
Also, I think BOTW portrays women in a very healthy manner, it surprised me positively (though I’m a male, so I’m not personally involved in the topic).
@CharlieSmile I fear it is you who is ignorant to it's meaning but most people who are into this fad for the attention tend to be so your not the only one.
@KingdomHeartsFan Birdo??
@Xeawn I 100% agree. For a second I was worried and I couldn't tell what was going to happen. Nabbit watching does make it a tad creepy though. But, then again, we were watching too! Gasp!
@EasyDaRon I bet they thought fans would like it.
@bluemage1989 Nintendo gave this sexual overtones by having Nabbit creeping in the corner.
I love how you folks have to make an excuse for two females kissing, but the creepy dude staring doesn't need one.
@KingdomHeartsFan I’m pretty sure you’d have found a way to be offended/put off even if I’d called it any other way. Also, you got what I mean, no need to be a douche; I simply stated my opinion and said you both were right about that. But hey, go on and feel superior.
Seeing as both Mario games sold equally well on the Wii U, I don’t think it’s obvious that this one was alienating to female gamers (if it was, surely Nintendo would’ve figured it out by now and done something about it - they’re rather profit-driven after all). I’m all for having playable female characters in the game if they’re interesting and add to the storyline or gameplay (Peach and Rosalina in 3D world), but not as an end in and of itself (Daisy).
If your girls are unable to play a videogame, a Mario game of all things if only male characters are available, it says more about your parenting than anything else.
@CharlieSmile @bluemage1989 “That’s inconceivable!”
@KingdomHeartsFan dude, please, stop policing my every word.
Ok, sorry for calling you a douche, you’re right about that, but I cannot take you seriously if you’re put off by my word choice instead of the actual opinion my words paint.
That’s just nitpicking and ignoring the point I was making. If you disagree with me that’s fine, but let’s have a conversation instead of instantly dismissing each other based on the words used.
This comment section went to heck fast 😒 I definitely agree with @Xeawn though that this is just an innocent thing. A lot of people are reading way too much into this...
Nintendo definitely could’ve done something more creative, but this is cute too. I love Peach’s “What??” when she first saw Peachette.
As if we all haven't been more divided in the last two years. ^_~ If not longer. It's all a part of the plan to keep us fighting amongst one another while the rich run off with all the f'ing money.
@RevampedSpider What else would he be there for? He's creeping.
And yeah, keep preaching snowflake while you get all defensive for Nintendo on the internet. 😂😂
@clvr oh, that pesky "agenda" of having media depict people of all stripes, how terrible.
honestly, there is no justifiable reason to be against inclusive media. none.
@KingdomHeartsFan you are beautiful and I love you
does a secondary Nabbit hide in the background if you defeat the game with Nabbit? lol
@CharlieSmile I’ve never said that, and you’d be hard preseed to find anything remotely suggesting that in my original comment. If you wanna add to the discussion, here’s what I think about it; if you wanna twist what I said and post meaningless comments, just don’t reply to me anymore, please. I know the internet’s not the right place, but I’m trying to be reasonable here.
Of course inclusivity is good, I even started out my comment saying you and the other poster were right; I simply remarked that, to me, the Super Mario series is the least concerned by inclusivity, gender parity and the likes.
I mean, one thing is asking to be able to date same sex characters in games like Fire Emblem or Mass Effect, another is to ship two female characters in Super Mario.
If you’re looking to achieve gender parity (which is something I deeply support) through Super Mario games, well, maybe try another approach.
Team Neckbeard squared off against Team SJW over inclusive media (specifically, the all-female Ghostbusters) back in 2016. As it turns out, Team Neckbeard was right. Inclusive media that focuses more on actually making a good movie (rather than just being diverse) tends to do a lot better (see: Black Panther).
@KingdomHeartsFan the fight against misogyny is not a fad. People using it as a reason to gain attention and is. If a man was to say 'oh she just kissed a woman she must clearly be a lesbian' people would be outraged that the man has assumed the kiss is because of a sexual attraction. However, when someone who identifies as a woman who claims to be a feminist makes the same point it is deemed okay simply because they assume all criticism is no longer valid because (in similar cases I have seen) I am a woman and i am right because I say so. I am actually all for more women in games and not just mindless boobs on legs I think the women have a pretty raw deal in the world but people who jump on the bandwagon because they want the attention there fake outrage brings actually does more harm than good.
a time paradox happens and they both explode..
@KingdomHeartsFan hey, glad we both could go past the initial difficulty and have a polite conversation
I still disagree though; I think it’s very important to be aware of where you put what.
I think it’s more important to reapect the artistic vision than to push an ideology just because people want it, otherwise creative people would be enslaved by all the more demanding fans.
Creators don’t owe us anything: their job is to make content and ours to vote with our wallet.
For example, I think it’s very stupid of EA to push the “hey we got female soldiers in BF yeeeee”, ‘cause not only is it historically inaccurate, it also doesn’t need to be there at all, it just alienates fans (I’m not one).
So yeah, inclusivity is obviously good, but like anything, it has its time and place.
If you’re looking for messages about gender equality, Mario’s not the right place.
If you’re looking for a celebration pf consumerism, an Oi! concert is not the right place to be.
Did the Ghostbusters movie need female leads? No, it just had them cause the social climate requested them.
Art =/= politics
@clvr "art =/= politics"
you're right, because inclusivity isn't political, it's just the right thing to do.
@bluemage1989 I mean, Peach kisses Mario too. Maybe she’s bisexual? Not straight =/= lesbian.
@CharlieSmile The guys trying to mansplain misogyny to you is... interesting to say the least.
@nessisonett welcome to the radioactive heat death of my life
@Mayor_Haggar You can play as any character you want in single player now. (Unlike the original Wii U version)
They're just lines of game code.. ^^;
@nessisonett I don't think you understand my point. I'm fine with homosexuality/bisexuality/women's rights my issue is taking someone's work and spinning it to push an agenda for the sake of attention. This kind of behaviour does more harm than good and actively works against real inclusion ever becoming possible.
Also as a man do I not have as valid an opinion on the issue?? Or do only men who identify as women get to have an opinion?? If so it seems less like a debate and more like one side dictating. These discussions never really go anywhere as it quickly turns into attention seeking woe unto me 'look at what I must struggle with daily' the moment they are actually challenged to think about the issue rather than just blindly following the trend.
I am all for Nintendo becoming more inclusive if that is what the creators themselves wish to do. However, I don't think anyone should be forced to be inclusive by a vocal minority. That is the beauty of the free world and expression.
@bluemage1989 let's get one thing straight in your not-so-subtle call out:
"Or do only men who identify as women get to have an opinion"
I'm not a man, and I don't identify as anything. I'm a woman, full stop.
that's how that works.
@CharlieSmile thank you for taking the time to prove my point by deciding to ignore any questions and instead make it all about yourself. Anyway I have better things to do with my time (like playing some games perhaps) then engage with the ignorant. Have a nice day all.
@bluemage1989 and way to skirt around the issue of your blatantly bigoted language ✌
Wow, this comment section got pretty stupid.
@KingdomHeartsFan thanks for taking the time to see where I'm coming from.
@BAN yeah not going to disagree there. Politics and Mario shouldn't mix but sometimes you just can't let something slide lols. I'll let normal service resume now.
How to make an entire comments section go crazy: mention lesbians
Btw just want to say you’re awesome from the threads ive seen you in. Hope you have a good day
@KingdomHeartsFan as I said, I’m all for giving players choices, it’s a good thing indeed.
I just think it shouldn’t get in the way of what that product is: Super Mario will never be about genders and political correctness, it’s always going to be about anyone who picks up a controller having fun in a colorful world inhabited by a mistachioed plumber; you don’t need to identify as Mario pr Peach to have fun, and, to be blunt, I think to want this from Super Mario is plain stupid.
Would Se7en be a better film if it had an all-female cast? No, because gender is not one pf the themes of the movie.
Zelda as a series will probably always feature Link saving Zelda in one way or another, but that’s not misogyny or anything like that.
It’s a simple and simplistic story that serves the purpose of the gameplay, and does it well. Do we need Link and Zelda to be gender-swapped? No. Would it make people happy to have as an option? Probably, so I’m in favor of it being an option even though I personally find it totally unnecessary.
Of course games are commercial products that need to make a profit, but let’s not forget that (in an ideal world at least, but luckily it happens) they’re the work of a team with an artistic vision.
So, that said, who are we to feel entitled about what should or shouldn’t be in that game that we don’t have any part in, nor are we obliged to buy? Noone.
That’s the problem I have with @CharlieSmile’s comments: they reek of entitlement, as if companies needed to push her ideal just because.
And yes, Charlie, right as you are to advocate equality, even that is an agenda when it’s shoved down your throat in contexts that really don’t need to be about it. Like Super Mario, for example.
Also, last thing I’ll add, sorry but from my perspective you’re not advocating equality, you’re throwing a tantrum because you can’t be exactly what you want in a game other people made. I respect and support the fight for equal rights among genders and skin color, but if complaining about a video game is the best you can do, I don’t think you’ll get any significant change anytime soon.
The real fight is in real life, not in Super Mario.
@CharlieSmile If a kiss on the forehead makes you "non hetero", does that mean that there exists no hetero, middle eastern male, since it is a common practice to greet "brothers and friends" with a kiss on each cheek? 🤔 Does that make them "non hetero" too?
I bet you say ‘I’m not racist, but...’ a lot.
@Fandabidozi I bet you could’ve said something meaningful to add to the conversation, yet here we are.
@imananjidesuka I mean, if someone feels represented by a cartoon princess giving an anthropomorphic pink mushroom a smooth on the forehead, so be it ¯(ツ)/¯
That's none of my business.
My general stance on this is: I'm happy that they're happy, but i remain entitled to my opinion about it.
And you better get used to it, i can smell the Kotaku articles about it already
It's cute but... meh, from the title i expected more. Maybe some kind of joke when Peach meets Peachette.
Also what the hell happened here? It seems not even Mario is safe from drama these days...
Remember, guys.
Peach's kiss to any character you choose was a Motherly kiss.
Like a Love from Mom to her kids. 😘
@weisske thanks, babe. you too 💖
Rule 34 is going to be one heck of a ride. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@TurboTEF Maybe fight for royalty like the ants or bees.
@bluemage1989 No, I agree. My post was mainly directed at the weirdos who derailed the comment section in the first place. Some people just can’t live without constantly thinking and talking about sex, and everything has to be sexualized, and it’s weird.
Not to say I’m a prude. I’m all for a good dirty joke now and then, but if you’re trying to infer some sort of social/sexual statement from a forehead kiss in a Mario game, then you’re suffering from delusion and confirmation bias or something.
@weisske How to make an entire comments section go crazier: mention Jesus
@BAN I never once mentioned the concept of sex. not sure why you went there, but hey I don't judge.
I like the idea of Toadette being a queer character. It actually works pretty well because to my knowledge they’ve never talked about who she is in a romantic context before.
That being said, this comment section has become a toxic mess. Forget the political arguments people. Games (especially one like this) are supposed to be about having fun.
Toad just got dumped. And Mario’s about to get a dear John letter.
There are like 25 thousand different jokes Nintendo could have put there, and that's all they did? Must have had an intern do this scene...
What is a peachette! Does this mean mario was a toad too?
It feels like a bad idea and a lazy port, very disappointing
@KingdomHeartsFan I get what you’re saying, and it’s very true that norms change over time. Right now we live in a world that doesn’t seem to have a good grasp on discourse though. Again, if this comment section was completely civil, and polite, and constructive, that would be different. In the spirit of video games being a light and fun medium as a whole, we should probably seek to capture that essence in the way we discuss things.
@KingdomHeartsFan I get what you’re saying and respect it, but from my perspective I think the ending of Odyssey you mentioned, as well as BOTW Zelda, do a much greater job of empowering women in video games. I’m not one so of course my opinion is gonna be somewhat skewed, but I think they both show to be powerful female characters simply through the atory of the game (and Zelda does so despite her weaknesses and regrets). Compare them to whiny Other M Samus and you’ll get what I mean.
But to be honest, I just now realize the point you were making is not the same as Charlie’s.
What had me in disbelief was thinking that you and others wanted Super Mario to represent all kinds of genders and sexual orientations like a Fire Emblem game does, but as stupid as I am I just now get what you mean: you simply said you wanted avatars of both genders for all to be represented, right?
If that’s the case, I fear I got it all wrong the whole time lol
Anyways, it was nice discussing with you; unfortunately not everyone is as polite and respectful as you have been.
Have a nice day mate 😁
Did anyone else notice Nabbit in the corner of the screen?
@Petriebird 8/10 on NintendoLife already means it's a great game (see the scoring policy here: https://www.nintendolife.com/scoring). I think 8/10 is more than fair for a port that did the bare minimum, even when the game is great.
Everyone needs to be rescued from time to time. That includes Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Wario, Jeb Bush’s dad, and even Donkey Kong.
Look I'm not saying that all the people here who get upset when sex is mentioned in a non traditional way are the same ones who defend sex games with juggle physics but I am saying that.
@Euler Yoshi definitely needs to be rescued as an endangered species. I've killed thousands of Yoshis in my childhood thanks to SM world... I'm a monster!
@saintayu That's a bold yet vague insinuation. Of course it's based on actual comments that you can recall or point to rather than just an attempt to paint whoever you perceive as your "opponent" in a negative light, I am sure. No need to back your claims you because you should be unquestionably believed, right?
Expected more, but I guess it's my fault for expecting a NSMB game to do anything interesting.
@SmaggTheSmug it's literally quite easy to proof if you're active in the comments here.
@Rhaoulos Yoshi committed Tax Fraud. He deserved what you did to him.
@saintayu Then you'd have no problems doing that, but also why would you bring this up in the first place? It has no bearing on the discussion, bad as it is.
I'd like to say that people need to take a step back and not freak out every time some form of media doesn't cater to whatever their big issue is, but let's face it, nobody wants to hear that.
@SmaggTheSmug it does though. People complain about everything.
Everyone is literally a SJW now. Both sides constantly complain about this being gay or this showing boobs while the other side does the same thing in reverse. There's no self awareness.
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