Right now, there's a Christmas promotion being advertised for the Switch version of FIFA 19 that allegedly isn't available within the game. This annual event - known as 'FUTmas' - allows players to participate in squad building challenges in the game's FIFA Ultimate Team mode and unlock special rewards.
What has apparently got this small but committed community on Switch in such an uproar, is how this latest event is being promoted to Nintendo players, despite it being unavailable in this particular version of the game which is known for cut content. A reader who reached out to us via email explained how particularly rare player cards are essentially locked behind these events and while Switch players have supposedly been able to participate in SBC from time to time, often they miss out.
Here's the official tweet from Nintendo, which was called out as "false advertising", followed by a screenshot (uploaded by a Reddit user) of the promotion being publicised in the Switch news feed:

According to the tip we received, the FIFA community has tried to follow up issues such as this with EA in the past but has not had any luck. As for Nintendo's promotion of the event, it either knows something the playerbase doesn't, or it's perhaps a mistake. We'll keep you posted if there are any developments.
Do you play FIFA on the Switch? Has this impacted your own experience with FIFA 19? Tell us below.
[source twitter.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 50
Good luck getting their attention. I doubt they notice random tweets.
Oh, EA .... 🙄
Never changed.....
Get out of your selfi-imposed abusive relationship with EA, you idiots. You get no sympathy.
Electronic Arts
This is... kind of embarrassing.
Some folk don't seem to realise they can walk away from games they don't agree with. Crazy.
@Anti-Matter Never change, no 'd'
"Right now, there's a Christmas promotion being advertised for the Switch version of FIFA 19 that allegedly isn't available within the game."
It should be extremely embarrassing. Hahah!
The marketing team probably doesn't know a anything about the games other that it is on the system so they assume anything on one version is on the next.
Whether you hate EA or not this is very misleading.
Imagine wondering if you should buy the game and after seeing this 'event' you decide to buy it for Christmas for you or someone else abd then it's just not available. Ruddy out of order if you ask me.
I would guess Nintendo's legal team is aware of something that the community is not.
I have FIFA19, as it is the best sim to play football on the Switch, but I have never spent an extra buck on Ultimate Team. I did play the mode a bit, but the lack of ways to earn coins compared to the other versions of the game is just beyond frustrating. Absolutely no improvement from the FIFA18. If it wasn't for the fact that my hometown team is in it this year, I wouldn't have bought it and would have been fine with FIFA18 still. It's not like my favourite team Spurs signed any new players either
I am a player of the FifaSwitch, and had been in fifa18 as well.
The lack of attention to fifa19 switch is ridiculous. We knew before hand that fifa19 will not have futchamp and squad battles, but there were many bugs in the game in some SBCs where it would give an error and crashed the game.
Talking about crashing yhe game, fifa18 was unplayable after the worldcup update and eas never fixed. Many matches would close itself automatically as well.
The fact that it caused an uproar was probably that they had this SBC event last year without any bug! We got snubbed from many SBCs like icon, league sbc... And this one was not included probably due to sheer laziness.
FUTMAS is the SBC event that could potentially level the playing field as it gives a chance to put together some lower tier cards (80-84) for a rather OP 84-85 card that may not benefit the elite team otherwise.
This will definitely reduce the confidence to buy another version of fifa on switch for many users
How incompetent can you get? Looks like several people deserve a P45 form.
Not sure why people still buy EA games on Switch? It's very clear they are just butchered ports, with an expectation of high sales.
Crazy, there's another promotion released just yesterday in the news channel on the Switch, I don't own the game but it would be crazy if this event is not included in the Switch version after all of the advertising
@NybroCymerej some people enjoy the game. Put about 60 hours into last years game and I'm already at 25 in this years version. Love it. And plenty more love it too. Not every game is for everyone.
I would rather have this version of fifa on switch than no version at all.
Switch FIFA players are lucky then. I can't stand limited time events. They tell you when to play the game instead of me deciding when I want to play it. And if you miss it, it's over permanently. You'll never 100% that game ever.
Like I needed another reason to consider EA the dumpster of gaming.
Seriously, they are one of the scummiest companies in the industry. If they didn't have all the licensing rights to major sports leagues and big movie licenses like Star Wars, they'd have failed years ago. But those partnerships let them just outspend the competition and make up for their total lack of talent or creativity with flashy content that die hard fans always buy, even if it's a glaring money grab.
Buy a real version of FIFA19 - problem solved.
It has been said from day 1 that FIFA on Switch will not be feature complete. It is the worst FIFA19 you can buy this generation.
Why I always try to buy the "best version" of a game possible. If that is not the Switch version - I play something else on the GO.
@Agramonte you make the assumption everyone has multiple consoles. Some people don't. Some people, would like to play this game on the move, which is only available on Switch. I only have a Switch. Although I don't have FIFA 19, so this doesn't affect me. But I get the anger of buying a game for the console you own and having features advertised that aren't in it.
Sue for false advertising for sure. Shocking that they would promote this when it's not in the game.
I don't understand about EA. Why is EA not listening to criticism from critics and gamers of there products? Are they really wanting to go out of business?
NL writes an article about NoA promoting a Switch feature that doesn't exist.
Half the comments just bad mouth EA.
@Baker1000 And that was a choice. Some people don't have a Switch, and only have an iPhone to play on the GO. So they buy FIFA Mobile. EA never said it would be feature complete either.
You need a home console to play full FIFA19. No portable version is that right now. EA has been crystal clear on this.
EA said it was not available on Switch... It is right in the promo art. Nintendo Of America was the one who told everyone it was.
Just don't support this micro-transaction BS in general. EA puts so much effort into this casual cash-cow that the game proper suffers. The AAA publishers monopolize the licenses where they maybe at best have one legitimate competitor (in FIFA's case it's PES) and can generally recycle the same game most years with minimal changes.
You got back 15 years during the sixth generation and how many options for sports games you had. The fact the only legit baseball sim made nowadays is a console exclusive is crazy to think about coming from then. Sports games fans put up with the BS because it's the only option in town most years. Recent Madden's are the perfect example of EA coasting on it's monopolized laurels.
Stop giving EA money
@ReaderRagfish @Agramonte
I'm all for bashing EA, low hanging fruit and all, but Nintneod not only tweeted it, it's on the official Ntinedo webpage for FIFA. That's not simply a social media mistake - tweet is still up BTW 23 hours later - that's a real mistake if it isn't on Switch.
December 14 – 31, get into FUT (FIFA Ultimate Team), and during the festive period get new content every day, including huge pack promotions and exclusive themed kits. Stock up on FIFA Points and don't miss out!
FIFA Ultimate Team requires FIFA 19 on applicable console (sold separately), all game updates, internet connection and EA Account to Play.
I bold the funny part, Nintnedo marketing for PS4 and Xbox 1 on their Switch site.
This is EA we're talking about; they care about us as much as we care about the fungi that causes foot rot. If there's no money to such out of us, we're as good as unused sausage skins
Nintendo of America also needs to stop assuming EA is their pal or partner. Honestly they should just dump the bumnuggets out the 17th floor window and nothing of value will be lost. If anything, its an improvement. Like curing said foot rot.
EA stands for Eternal @$$ES.
@rjejr It is insane... people want to blame EA for Nintendo lying on their own channel.
EA has not promoted this for Switch anywhere. "Not available on Nintendo Switch Version" is on the promo they do have.
EA is "evil" because NINTENDO is promoting something on Switch they do not have - you got to love it 🙃
Nintendo really messed this one up. How do you not know your version of the game does not have this content!?!?
@blockfight Glad to hear you like the base of the game. Sadly even if I liked football, I wouldn't buy this if was the only option. The Switch is oversatuated with games atm no need to play games that are missing content from other console versions. Don't won't to give publishers the message cut ports are OK, when other developers work hard to make great games on Switch.
I do hope EA brings NHL, burnout paradise and original mass effect to Switch. I would forgive EA if they did.
EA failing Nintendo again...
Ea keeps on butchering the switch versions of their game who needs ea anyways.
@Agramonte Daily and weekly objectives are a feature in FUT on console and PC, FUTMAS is a promotion. Promotion does not equal objective. I've contacted an EA Dev and he says there's a mistake and has passed it on to the content team
@NybroCymerej I wouldn't say the Switch is over saturated with games. There's lots of games but a lot of gaps in genres. Sports being a prime example. If there's no version of fifa then all that's left is NBA.
You'd rather I didn't have the choice to play this game even though it's of no interested to you? That makes no sense to me.
@BrychanJ You need to do the FUTMAS weekly objective to earn the kits during the promotion
This is showing up on Switch news feed as well. They need to say that it's a mistake. It's causing a lot of trouble for Fifa players(on Switch). Why can't EA see that it has made a mistake with the advertisement and remove it?
FIFA 19 is a lot of fun on the Switch, kudos to EA for producing a great port. However, I’m disappointed we still don’t have features like daily/weekly objectives in the game, and it’s that kind of neglect that will likely prevent me from buying FIFA 20.
And well done to NL for reporting this story. Really unprofessional of Nintendo and/or EA to have stuck the misleading news post on Switch and just left it there!
This is Nintendo’s fault, not EA’s.
It’s reminded me to get the game though, as I do love a portable football game and the improvements (to the actual football, I’ve no interest in this FUT microtransaction nonsense) sound like its worth a look now the price has come down.
@SuperGhirahim64 Ah, forgive me if I'm being ignorant. I didn't appreciate this was actually a selling point. So yeah, folk have cause to complain in that case!
Why to bother if only 19 players are not happy with Switch FIFA?
@ParasolStars at least sony isnt coasting thier baseball game evolves every year whether it be smoother graphics or addigtion of tweaking your swing or pitching to whatever you want. i do miss nfl2k games they at least tried new thyings i remember first person football in that game back on the gamecube i believe.. while it wasnt perfect it was fun to be a qb and play inside the helmet;
Because, simply, if EA earns enough profits, (unfortunately as they have the mentality of the "mediocre" average) why "risk more" and "spending more" on something that will then later generate losses or "lost time"; and unfortunately EA is not the only one with those ideas, but EA really takes this too, but too seriously.
EA plays it safe, abuses its successful IPs, the other franchises simply invest in the minimum and look for "what is fashionable" to try to sell something and of course, abuses the other ways of obtaining money (DLC, Microtransactions, loot boxes);
But the worst of all is, and what would be more accurate in answering your question, is that even though there are many people complaining about what EA does, there are 1000 times more people who buy their games without any complaint (or worse, than they know what they are buying); then, Who do you think will take EA more seriously?
@Chayshirin I get what you're saying, but technically @Anti-Matter is not wrong. EA hasn't changed.
@SuperGhirahim64 kids money??? adults play fifa too you know...
@SakuraHaruka I see that just really sad because by the time EA goes out business in the future people will ONLY will remember them for all bad things they did and not the good accomplishments they achieved in the 4th-6th generations of gaming.
Don't sue Nintendo for the incompetency of EA. Other third party games manage to keep all features (Doom, Wolfenstein 2, and WarFrame) at a smaller size than their counterparts on other consoles. EA is an awful company that continues to show why they do not deserve your money.
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