The Nintendo Switch has become the fastest-selling video game system of this hardware generation during its 21 months on sale in the US, it has been confirmed.
The news comes from American market research company The NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. From its launch in March 2017 until November 2018, the Switch has sold more than 8.7 million units, outpacing US sales of all other current-generation systems at the same point in their life cycles.
The good news keeps on coming for the gaming giant, too, as Nintendo has also become the overall top-selling US software publisher so far in 2018. Again, this news comes from NPD data which has tracked sales up until November 2018; sales of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate should only boost this statistic when added at a later date.
Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, has said the following:
“We are thrilled to see such a strong reaction from consumers in the second holiday season for Nintendo Switch. We’re looking forward to delivering more excitement and smiles to our fans in the coming year and beyond.”
It's certainly been another good year for Nintendo in terms of sales, with records being smashed all over the place over the last few months.
Do you think this success will continue into 2019? Do you think the Switch will continue to generate as many sales going forward? Share your thoughts with us down below.
Comments 124
I thought it was supposed to fall off a cliff in April/May 2017? Where’s gatorboi?
@WiltonRoots He was banned because all he did was trolling the comment sections. Seems like people can't let it go unfortunately...
So, let's focus on the article in question, shall we?
Considering how much weaker this year's first party lineup was to last year, it's really encouraging to see the Switch just continue with its momentum. Expecting a big 2019.
talking of Smash bros boosting Switch sales, has anyone seen any TV ads in the UK for it? I've not seen one yet I don't think.
With games like Metroid Prime 4 (admittedly, probably not a HUGE seller), a real Pokemon game, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Yoshi, and what are sure to be some major surprises, I'm betting 2019 will be even bigger.
@AirElephant To be honest, I don''t think Metroid Prime is coming next year. That's going to be a 2020, or a 2021 title.
Impressive considering in the same time frame PS4 and XBO had experienced two Christmases, whereas the Switch has only experienced one.
This is what happens when Nintendo puts all their effort into a single system.
he is sitting in a corner somewhere emptying those tissue boxes to wipe those tears and baby bubbles of snot lol.
Don't harsh my mellow, maaaan. I NEED MP4!
@Scottwood101 All I keep seeing are cringe worthy TV adverts for Pokemon Let’s Go being available at Smyth’s. Not seen anything else. I hope that’s not how Nintendo looks at the customer base in the UK - as a kids only market.
@Octane Yeah fair dos, I was only messing around anyway.
20 mil is still a long way off
"Do you think this success will continue into 2019?"
Of course !
There will be some Killer apps on year 2019 from Nintendo Switch: Animal Crossing Switch, Pokemon 2019, Final Fantasy games, etc.
My wallet will be dried up on year 2019. 🤕
I hope from this point forward Nintendo realise they can realistically keep one console a viable prospect.
Their efforts with the Switch so far have paid off, everyone loves the concept. They just need to keep the games coming after this year was a bit disappointing in that area for me.
@Scottwood101 Yup saw one the other night advertising the game and bundle, and also seen a few here and there across various channels. I went to my nearest Smyths the other day to pick up Pokemon Let's Go Eevee for a christmas present (cheapest around), and 3 smash bundles were purchased while I was queuing. Plus some crazy lady with 3 copies of Just Dance 2019 lol.
@BenAV If it can get this big this year, who knows what will happen next year with all the new 3rd party and 1st party games
-Zelda BoW more than 4 mln
-Mario Kart more than 5 mln
-Mario Odyssey 4.7 mln
-Pokemon 2 mln
-Mario Party 1.4 mln
Mario Party at 1.4 million is music to my ears
@Scottwood101 before the release, heeere in France, yes.. i think even during champions league matches! but honestly, do they need?? it's selling mike water in the desert! hehe
@FragRed I have seen London buses with smash and diablo. I don't think they aren't advertising more mature games (you have also the giant billboard at Waterloo station with the full roaster) . I do not watch TV so I don't know what are they doing there
@AirElephant I think Metroid Prime 4 WILL be a big seller simply by virtue of the Switch sales bump that every other 1st party game has gotten. And if the quality of their content recently is any indication, it could end up being one of the best Metroid games ever.
@Balta666 Ah I heard about the billboard at Waterloo station but from where I’m based in the UK, all I’ve seen recently is Pokemon TV adverts. Hope it’s not all been focused on London.
@KingdomHeartsFan i dont understand how can you think it's the least nintendo console.. sorry, but I why do you think this? i didnt have nor the N64 nor the cube, but IMO they are not at all good consoles.. they might have some gems (mostly the 64) but again the switch is waaay better IMO again.. give another chance pal! lets play smash!
@Faruko from which region or period are those numbers?
Switch sales should approach be around 10.5-11 million in the US by the end of the year.
Amazing numbers.
@KingdomHeartsFan i just saw your nick... ok, you went for for your beloved kingdom hearts! understood! hehehe! i have never played a kingdol hearts..
Isn't the switch the next gen console from nintendo though? I thought the Wii U was the one on the same generation as the PS4 and Xbox One...
In the beginning, I was a little scared for selling my ps4 for buying a switch, but now i dont regret it, my wallet can't follow the games i want to buy
Pretty impressive though the biggest obstacles are yet to come, the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett. If Nintendo manages to maintain Switch momentum through those reveals and launches then that would be extremely impressive.
Hopefully next year a third and first party momentum is back in full swing, I am modestly optimistic with already some games announced for Switch like Doom Etenrnal, MK IX, but also some more obscrue titles that are for PS4 & Switch, and hopefully anticipated titles like Metroid 4, Bayonetta 3 or the next Shin Megami Tensei.
Though I do hope the Wii U porting stops. As one of the handful of Wii U owners, I have enough
I know I love my switch n dont miss selling the ps4 one bit. Ive been playing since sega master system days n I am so excited about what the medium has evolved into. Its a great moment in time!
@Lemmy_the_Koopa oh but I REALLY WANT super mario 3d world!
Doug Bowser?? Any relation
@Painay I understand that not all had a Wii U and experienced those titles, so I can understand Nintendo bringing them to the Switch. I hope they have more to offer though.
Since obtaining my Switch last February as a birthday present to myself, I have enjoyed every game both physical and digital I've amassed. A purchase I don't regret and look forward to what the future brings. I do hope the Arcade Archives section continues to grow, and will eventually maybe add Ninja Gaiden and Altered Beast to that division perhaps.
Got some hot and spicy Crow here, for @Mahe and @gatorboi
@Lemmy_the_Koopa for sure they cant just keep feeding us port after port we need new games. I owned 3d world (sold my wii u) n miss the multi player mayhem. It truly was a master piece
@Grumblevolcano While that is certainly an obstacle for Nintendo, that isn't likely happening until 2020 and next year will be another big year for Nintendo, judging from what we know about the games releasing.
It will all depend on how Nintendo market and support the Switch with releases during the year Sony and Microsoft announce and launch the next set of consoles.
@KingdomHeartsFan Makes sense, I guess with all the mid-generation upgrade the term would loose significance anyway...
Given the GameCube sold 22 million in its lifetime, globally, these are seem like impressive numbers to me!
I wonder if companies have just gotten better st capitalism, what with all the social channels and nw ways to buy stuff?
Or maybe it’s just a really sweet toy
@RunGMhx Wii U launched one year before PS4/Xbone, yet people still claim it was part of the PS3/360 generation. That would technically make Switch a “next generation” console.
This is good. I hope Nintendo release or drop the price for bigger cartridges so the developers have more options.
2019 is going to be an exciting year for Switch, as Nintendo has more than half a dozen exclusives to release. Meanwhile, MS and Sony are winding down the Xbone and PS4 in preparation for Xbox Scarlett and PS5 in late 2019 or early 2020. I'd say Nintendo has 2019 "in the bag". The Switch should surpass the lifetime sales of the Xbone (roughly 40m) around June 2019.
Keep in mind that this type of comparison does not necessarily have to be: by its choice of launch period, in 21 months, the Switch was able to live two Christmas (and therefore two periods of Black Friday), against only one for the other two...
@The-Chosen-one lol. Saying that though it's a good bounceback from the Wii U's failure...and it's also made up for the poor showing by the Gamecube at the same time.
What? The other consoles saw 2 holidays as well. If anything, its Switch that's only seeing one holiday, since it's not even Christmas yet.
All other systems launched in November and saw 2 full holidays (they strategically release in Nov right at the boom period). The only possible way a system could NOT see 2 holidays is launch in January or Feb
Nice try
@KingdomHeartsFan I see.. man I loooved mario odyssey!! it has a meta higher than gof of war.. hehehe! it's true many amazing games of the switch are native of the wii U.. but they are way better on switch I imagine.. MK8, zelda and the list goes on.. but, again, it's my favorite sport trying to convince ppl to buy or comeback to switch! give another chance! splatoon 2, xenoblade, smash.. and next year it will be soooo amazing.. a true pokemon and many others!
Do you understand that a launch date during the black friday CAN'T be a black friday for these systems BECAUSE they are just launched ?
Yes I have seen a lot but mainly on pop. (a kids tv channel my son watches)
Are you still here fella?,I would have thought your negative comments would have stopped now,as they have been shot down in flames time and time again,the Switch is a beast of a console no matter how you and the online core want to spin it,even better when you consider according to the internet minorities it's an underpowered console that costs $299 and has no games.
One thing going for you is your comments as ludicrous as they are,are at least consistent.
And add the fact the Switch has not received any official discount as yet.
Ha! Where's the nintendoomed crowd?
@AirElephant pikmin 4 and some sega ports would be good.. like shenmue, skies of arcadia..
I'd still love to see Pikmin 3 and the Zelda HD games come to Switch. But I look at the 2019 schedule, and not sure where they'd fit them in.
@JaxonH Damn u are saying what everyone is thinking. That guy is just beyond stupid.
He has ran off since he was proved wrong.
@Medic_alert can I ask how much.
Yet again the least powerful system sells great, better than it's more powerful competitors.
@Medic_alert great price man. Enjoy
@FragRed Microsoft, sure business as usual but the Sony silence is weird. Unless Sony's creating their own version of Nintendo Direct and will use that to provide info on the remaining PS4 games, I'm leaning towards early 2020 at the latest.
@Grumblevolcano I don’t really think Sony needs to do anything much. It’s not like there’s anything coming to the system from first party studios which we don’t know about. I agree that for 2019, I’m expecting a Direct type thing to happen to provide any final details on these few remaining games before they launch.
But sales are still real strong for hardware so they can kind of just sit back and take it steady and put all their efforts into getting the best possible launch for the PS5.
And to think, this year was kinda an off year. Next year looks huge if everything holds to their 2019 dates:
Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon (that alone will be huge). Then on the third party end there's Doom Eternal, Crash Team Racing, Mortal Kombat... and last but not least Ultimate Alliance. My wallet is already crying.
(Sorry if I missed any, that's all I could think of this morning).
Just looking at the first party games coming on the horizon I think 2019 will be a good year. Yoshi, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid, and Fire Emblem. Throw in some third parties, ports, indies, etc. and I know I won't be able to play everything I want. At the very least I don't think people will be able to complain about the lack of games on the Switch by the end of 2019.
Who am I kidding, of course people will complain. 😉
Don't speak too soon. I heard that Soulja boy is chasing this thing down 😂
@MoonKnight7 OK, you're somebody I can ask. You and @Anti-Matter keep bringing up a new AC game in 2019. Has that actually ever been announced or hinted at? Pikmin 4 was nearly complete in 2015 and still be worked on in 2017, MP4 was announced, still no date. AC Boot Camp is getting regular updates on mobile. Next year on Switch we should have Pokemon, Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Bayonetta 3, maybe Pikmin 4, maybe MP4, but I honestly can't recall anything about AC on Switch besides the girl in SSBU. And the calendar is getting pretty full for a Nintendo console.
So did I miss something, or are you two just thinking out loud? There are others as well, it isn't just you two, but I had to ask somebody.
Switch is in it's own generation.Last gen was PS4, Xbox One and Wii U. Switch starts a new gen. So.....of course Switch is outselling non existent current gen consoles.
@rjejr it was confirmed new entry due 2018 in the end of the direct that also revealed Isabelle on smash
Yep. In the Animal Crossing reveal teaser, it said 2019 under the logo. So I mean, unless it gets behind in late development, it's coming next year. In the case of Metroid Prime 4, I am still not convinced it's coming in 2019, but we'll see. MP4's reveal was really to calm the community down after botching it with Federation Force, so it never had a date from the beginning.
The Switch has put my faith back in Nintendo’s ability to develop good, successful consoles. The concept is a relatively easy one but one that people want.
The trip up during the Wii U era had me worried that they were innovating for innovations sake (a common trait of Nintendo but one they took too far) and that a second slip up could cause long term damage. Thankfully the Switch has so far alleviated those concerns.
Yeah, I knew I was gonna miss a few, the Final Fantasy games are good support too. I did totally forget about some of the Resident Evil games coming, and now I'm really excited, lol. I'm still not sure MP4 and Bayo 3 are coming this year, but we'll see. Regardless if we get those games or not, next year looks stellar as long as most of those games hold to their release schedules.
One thing I still have yet to see in the entire lifespan of the Switch is one single used Switch for sale at a Gamestop. I mean I’m sure, like anything else you’ll find some on ebay, or can order from the store website. But at a regular brick and mortar used game store, where I’ve seen every other console sold used, I haven’t seen any Switches. All other consoles, whether low or high sellers have been pretty easy to find used in a game store by the end of the first year. DS’s could be found at used game stores by the dozens by the end of it’s first year. I’m not saying everyone who buys a Switch keeps it for good. It just seems like a lot more people must be hanging on to them compared to other consoles.
I'm buying a second switch for Christmas for my wife. Switch is going gangbusters.
@MoonKnight7 Animal Crossing reveal teaser
Man, I simply have no recollection of that at all. I did a google search and after 10 minutes finally found this, kind of rings a bell, but not really. Thanks for helping me out. I hope it uses amiibo, I have 7 or 8 of them, but it isn't AC:aF 2, first "game", and I use that term loosely, was horrible.
@Balta666 Thanks, see above. I do recall the Isabella reveal in SSBU, that was cool, and I recall everybody in the live stream THOUGHT it was a reveal for a new AC game, but then when it turned out to be Isabella in SSBU, well I guess I glanced, and/or glossed, over the logo. Thanks, after all this I should remember this time.
Their next ND, whenever that is, is gonna be chock full of games.
Haha, it's ok, it was buried at the end of Isabelle's Smash reveal, so I can understand how it was missed.
I mean, there's a good chance amiibo will be used, probably just for exclusive items or something. I totally remember you telling me the horror story of AC:aF, that game was a real kick in the teeth. Worse than that, the E3 reveal completely trolled us to thinking Wii U was getting a real AC game. I still have nightmares about E3 2015, that much I can tell you!
Oh well, water under the bridge, at least AC is finally coming next year.
@BenAV 2019 is filled with big hitters and alot of 3rd party games for switch as well.
@MoonKnight7 Maybe the new AC game will be a soccer game, in space.
Just joking. With 3DS winding down and things getting moved over to Switch - see Yokai-Watch 4 - I'm pretty sure AC will be a proper follow-up to New Leaf. Though if they want to put a soccer mini-game in there where I can make teams of my amiibo, well that's ok too. AC;aF, for all it's hate, COULD have been a decent game. It didn't need to be reviled and hated like Windwaker and Starfox Adventures just for being different, it could have been a good board game, but it wasn't. I think they already added some of AC;aF into AC:NL: Welcome amiibo so they can tack on some minigames into a new full AC game without turning into something bad. But the main game has to be there first and foremost. Which I think they'll do this time.
Again, pretty shocking considering it launched mid-way through the gen, after a failed start, and PS4 had a huge sales start with zero competition.
For Animal Crossing Switch, i was thinking if Nintendo has a Big competitor from SquareEnix, Dragon Quest Builders 2.
DQB 2 was so Animal Crossing in term of building the house, furnishing with furnitures, shaping the terrains, etc. So, my prediction for Animal Crossing Switch will have DQB2 gameplay elements (Create your own world) considering from latest Direct of Animal Crossing announcement, Tom Nook was talking about "smashing" and i was thinking if the game will be like DQB2.
So, Animal Crossing Switch should be better than DQB2 if the gameplay will be similar. And if Animal Crossing Switch better than DQB2, maybe i can forget The Sims series as my best Life simulation games.
I already knew it would become the fastest selling console to date. It's called innovations that brings Nintendo to the forefront. Also indie and brand name developers and upstart are coming online to Nintendo that also helps push it even farther ahead of other consoles. This is what tells gamers whom will be there for you with a diverse game selections to choose from.
@rjejr You seriously missed the AC 2019 announce, and the most expert troll moment ever conducted by a publisher?
We really need to drag you back from PushSquare more often....
Yeah, I completely agree, I'm certain this will be a followup to New Leaf. For as many times as I saw AC:aF on mega discounts, it couldn't have sold well (this was even before the Switch and the Wii U was still kicking), so I think Nintendo learned a big lesson that day, they put out a bad game and they got a deserved reaction back.
I never played it, but I've seen some of the mini games and whatnot, and I always thought the mini games themselves weren't bad and could have been folded into something else. At the time, I thought they could have been elements for Pocket Camp (or Boot Camp as you called it, lol). But they went a different direction there.
Maybe you're right, the mini games, or soccer, lol, could be there for the new game, but I am 99% certain it's a proper AC installment like New Leaf was. Whatever else is there, will just be extra fluff.
I want to preface this by saying I love Nintendo. I am very happy that the Switch is the success it is. They have an opportunity here that I hope they build on, and if everything comes out in 2019 that is currently scheduled, I do not see how they keep from maintaining the momentum they currently enjoy.
However, I personally do not play my Switch near as much as past systems. Maybe it says more about me as a gamer now, but outside of BotW and Odyssey, I really have not done much with it. Things have tightened up around here so I haven't purchased some of the games I would have liked, but I haven't really had the itch to either.
Again, this could be just me. Here is to a healthy 2019 for Nintendo in any case!
@Scottwood101 I've seen one twice. It was a shortened version of the trailer for the Everyone Is Here poster and at the end it said buy a Switch with Smash Ultimate at Smyths.
To be fair, Nintendo really didn't have much to offer this year until September with Mario Party. So it was a dry summer for sure, so I completely understand. Octopath was really the only thing worth mentioning that dropped during the middle of the year and that wasn't even from Nintendo. I was getting a little concerned the Switch was gonna take a hard-nose dive cause there just wasn't much to offer, but thankfully, with attractive hardware and their tent-pole games still selling and third party support (lots of ports, but still), they still managed to do well this year.
So no, I don't think it's just you, it was an off year for sure. I am really liking the way things look next year though. I mean, if Nintendo did well this year, next year should be booming for them.
@MoonKnight7 Hey your'e right. I just checked my phone and it is called Pocket Camp, not Boot Camp. I'm probably going to keep calling it Boot Camp, I don't see Pocket Camp taking hold, but it's good to know for when other people refer to it that way.
@Anti-Matter Switch owners should boycott buying DQB2 on Switch until DQXI releases on Switch. They announced it for the NX years ago.
And judging by all the excited posts on here about everything AC I don't think too many people would forego AC for DQB. You might be the only one. If Squenix is smart they'll give AC a lot of room and try to release long before it on Switch. It won't mater when it releases on PS4 or X1 as AC will be a Switch exclusive. Well unless it's also on 3DS, could happen.
@NEStalgia I didn't say I missed it, I have a mind like a sieve these days, you're lucky I remember who you are. Or not so lucky, your call.
Contrary to naysayers, the Switch does indeed print money.
Oh I thought you were joking when you said that. Lol!
@FragRed I think they are focusing on pokemon for advertising....everywhere. Smash kinda sells itself I think.
@johnvboy He’s one persistent troll.
Great news for Switch! I love this console. Probably my favorite since GBA (though I love DS and 3DS as well). Being primarily a handheld collector, Switch has made me appreciate home video gaming again (last time I was interested in that was with the N64).
Nice one. Though to be fair "fastest selling" is usually a bit of an empty statistic. I remember when the Gamecube was the "fastest selling console ever! It beat the PS2!" etc. Or when the 3DS was the "fastest selling handheld console ever! Crushed the Gameboy and DS!" etc.
@Flipbot I’ve seen used Switches at a GameStop. They were sold for an insane $290. Just another reminder of how greedy GameStop can be
@FlimFlam I can’t imagine anyone buying a used Switch over a new one just to save such a small amount. That’s incredible. Nobody takes good care of their handheld screens, either. If you can afford $290 for your console, why not pay the little bit extra for one that no other person put their grubby hands on? Gamestop used to be much better. I don’t sell to them anymore. They buy used stuff for pennies and then have rows of used games for 90% the cost of new games. Unless you buy something old, it isn’t worth it. I have a feeling they won’t last.
@Flipbot “used stuff for pennies”
Literally true. I sold an old version of Madden and got 2 cents! I expect they sold it to someone for around $15.
So is the Switch an 8th gen machine??
Me too,the Switch just feels like a nice piece of kit.
@johnvboy I think it’s a wonderful piece of hardware. Innovative, but easy to use, with tons of great games.
Very true fella,and next year is going to be very expensive.
@johnvboy Oh yeah! My wallet’s crying already.
@MoonKnight7 Sadly no, just old and losing my mind, literally.
@WiltonRoots still here.
To be clear, I eventually stated that I was wrong about the sales numbers that Switch did (and continues to do); basically around 8 or 9 months in the writing was already on the wall that it would exceed my expectations and I conceded this point. Some thought I was just a troll but I begged to differ and actually offered up debate and spirited conversation quite often.
NL staff eventually dropped the hammer due to "clearly not liking Nintendo enough" or something to that effect, I forget the actual language they used.
I'm sure this account will swiftly be banned as well however I am not here to "troll" or shout my displeasure of the Switch anymore. Switch isn't for me and that's ok.
EDIT: it's pretty crazy I've left such a lasting impact lol...
The Switch is an amazing system and Nintendo has been consistently releasing great games these past two years. Looking forward to 2019, which looks like it'll be the Switch's best year yet.
Good job Nintendo.
Real glad to see.
@Flipbot More people will trade them in after a hardware upgrade, if there is one.
@hihelloitsme Cheers for the response. Has to be said you did do the doom and gloom routine a fair bit and it did liven things up around here on occasion, but nothing compared to that other dude. This place has had its fair share of characters over the years. ...but if it isn't for you it isn't for you, I didn't get on with the N64 at all for example. Who knows, maybe their next device might be more up your street.
@yuwarite Wow I'd never read Mahe's posts before! Now there's a real ray of sunshine!
@WiltonRoots yeah maybe. But I was also a big fan of the "power house" days of Nintendo (i.e. N64 and GCN) which coincidentally were not their best sales generations. Oh well. I get my fixes these days over on Xbox (PS4 is basically the same) and am eyeing a One X if it ever drops below $400.
I'm all in on the 4K HDR craze.
@KingdomHeartsFan Are you in Sheffield then, if you went to the promo thing in Meadowhall (or as my son used to think it was called when he was about 5, 'Mega-hole')?
@KingdomHeartsFan Awesome, good to know there are other nlifers and nintendo fans locally (even if the switch isn't for you). Has felt like I'm the only one at times Of course, my lad (11 now) is flying the flag amongst a sea of fortnite and fifa followers at his school. Not that I have anything against those, but nice to have a bit more variety!
This has always been pointless.
If NPD data is true. Even The PS4 - NOW - is out pacing its first 20 month in the US market.
The market is simply bigger. And X1/PS4 were 399 first 20 months. $100 more than the PS4 or Switch today (not even counting inflation)
Got to love what Marketing people can do with sales data 🙄
@dazzlerJJD In my opinion, Nintendo has not really been a full participant in a generation since the Gamecube as the 6th generation console. Here's how I see their efforts:
NES: 3rd generation
SNES: 4th generation
N64: 5th generation
GCN: 6th generation
Up to this point, everything makes sense, right? But then... this happens. Keep this Gunpei Yokoi quote in mind, “The Nintendo way of adapting technology is not to look for the state of the art but to utilize mature technology that can be mass-produced cheaply.”
Wii: 6.5th generation (The Wii is a souped-up Gamecube with motion controls, not a serious evolution in terms of hardware. It is to the Gamecube what PS4 Pro/Xbox One X are to the PS4/Xbox One)
Wii U: 7.5th generation (The Wii U is similar to the Xbox 360 and PS3, but has more RAM and emphasizes graphics over raw CPU power to a crippling degree so it can power two screens)
Switch: 8th generation (Sony and Microsoft released 8.5th generation consoles that are backwards compatible, and Nintendo is taking advantage of the work done on the scaled-back modes available for the original Xbox One to encourage third-party games games to scale back just a bit more and release on Switch for the portability)
So basically, Microsoft and Sony finally did this generation what Nintendo has arguably been doing since the Wii, and the new console by Nintendo is like an entry-level 8th gen console relying on mobility as a selling point.
I for one had no doubts Switch would do good as it did once people woke up from the xbox, ps4 coma state. It doesn't take 4K to enjoy fun. That is what the other two forgot without fun there is no game.
21 months into their lifecycles, the PS4 and XBO were each retailing at $350 with a bundled game.
That is a much better deal than the Switch's current offering (outside of the Mario Kart 8 Black Friday bundle which has already been discontinued).
Sales data is data. The Switch is outpacing other current generation platforms in sales. That's fact, not spin.
Maybe things will change if Switch sales fall off the fabled "cliff" (it won't), but as of right now, things are looking good for Nintendo.
@KingdomHeartsFan "That's not very fair. You're saying that people can't have fun playing on other consoles. The console doesn't make the fun SwitchForce, you know that."
Now the medicine is coming the other way and others say it's not fair. That is a load of jokes. Alot of those fandoms were cheering for the death of the Switch even though it was introducing a different gameplay. So tell me again whom was being unfair from the start.
@westman98 "21 months into their lifecycles, the PS4 and XBO were each retailing at $350 with a bundled game."
Neither of those had extras when they came out so the comparison is kinda mute here.
@westman98 "That is a much better deal than the Switch's current offering (outside of the Mario Kart 8 Black Friday bundle which has already been discontinued)."
Then one has missed many other offering already. Using Holiday season as a prediction is just a drop in the bigger picture.
@westman98 "Sales data is data. The Switch is outpacing other current generation platforms in sales. That's fact, not spin."
Once the mindset opened up they saw the light and the innovations the Switch offered. And the coming of indie, brand name company bought full force and that along brings gamers to rethink their mindset that the Switch isn't just a KIDS Consoles.
@westman98 "Maybe things will change if Switch sales fall off the fabled "cliff" (it won't), but as of right now, things are looking good for Nintendo."
This is the fatal mindset the other fandom and consoles were hoping for but totally missed the train and instead failed off the rails. Now they are grabbing for any straws to fit into their neat storyline again.
@KingdomHeartsFan I think you're overreacting a little? Can someone not say they think a company is focused on specs to the point of ignoring creativity and fun without it being considered "attacking" them? I don't see how expressing a personal opinion is trashing or attacking anyone. Maybe it's constructive criticism and he thinks things like Kinect and PlayStation Move should have been explored further rather than being scrapped.
It seems to me that all he said was that the PS4 and Xbox One focused more on improved specs while Nintendo focused more on creativity and innovative use of older technology. I don't see how that's an insult to Sony or Microsoft to say that the market was ready for something different after several years of emphasis on two very similar consoles.
Especially when the argument could be made that people were burned out on innovative concepts like the Wii and Kinect after the 7th gen ended and were more in the mood for a traditional console. These things go in cycles.
He didn't just outright say "Microsoft sucks," or "Sony sucks," or talk about the consoles being bad, he just said that he personally thought they weren't a lot of fun, and if you enjoy novelty or a significant change in control scheme each generation, then that's a fair position to take.
As good as the PS4 and Xbox One are in terms of library and technology, they're evolutionary rather than revolutionary... the controller in your hand is mostly a refinement of what came before, and some people might find that boring if they've been playing the same old games using that type of controller since the 6th generation.
I personally enjoy both the Switch and the PS4, but for different kinds of games.
LOL... Doug BOWSER... has to be the greatest name for an SVP @ Nintendo...
I hope you are a parody account because if not....wow that is sad.
@SBandy big words but times have moved on. Next flavor of the day.
@KingdomHeartsFan yea keep paroting and maybe it will be come truth.
You are spouting gibberish.
@athenian200 right on but remember even then you'll get hammered for making such comments for not being on their side as you can already see in a reply.
@SBandy that's what I expect for a lame comeback.
It was not a comeback I was just stating a fact.
You are a pathetic little fanboy and anyone with a modicum of sense can see that.
That's good by me since you lost the console fight already. Switch never said they're were fighting against the other - it'is the fanboys who wanted to the fight and when they lost they only grab for any straws.
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