Up until recently, Nintendo's mainstream marketing efforts have been predominantly focused on Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! as the big release draws closer. Taking some of the limelight off the new entries in the Pokémon series, Nintendo has now uploaded a one-minute animated clip for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
While there's no music, there are plenty of iconic video game sounds in the trailer, creating a mesmerizing viewing experience. The entire clip seems to be so well made it's raised questions about why it wasn't included in the final Smash Ultimate Direct prior to the game's release on 7th December. At the very least, it looks like these battle scenes would be lovely as phone or desktop wallpapers.

Nintendo Japan has also released a special reverse version of the video:
Take a look at both trailers above and tell us if you can no longer contain your excitement for Smash Bros. Ultimate in the comment section below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 35
Can it be December 7th already?!
This feels like the most promoted Nintendo game of all time
Still hesitant to spend $100 and wait one year to have way less new content than any other Smash game has ever had. This would be a great value for anyone who never played Brawl and 4 to death already but I'm not enticed, not for that much money.
Just release the game!
Your loss! It absolutely destroys Smash 4 just for having actual worthwhile singleplayer content, and don't even get me started on Brawl's snail-paced gameplay and stupid tripping mechanic. Smash 5 has more content than any game in the franchise and it looks more worth the full MSRP than any other game this year.
there also a reverse version from Nintendo Japan
@Aozz101x Thanks, I added that in.
It needs some orchestrated music to send it over the top, but that was cool though.
@SpaceboyScreams $85 gets you 82 characters, a new story mode, unique classic mode runs fpr every character, 108 stages, and over 900 music tracks. that's plenty of new content. What more could you want?
Someone made a version with Queen and it’s the most perfect trailer I’ve ever seen
1 day late trailer is old
URG!! December 7th can't come soon enough!!!!
@SpaceboyScreams The game is completely new. I've played only a short demo of it, but I can already tell that it's nothing like Brawl or 4. (In a good way) And from what I've seen there is a really a ton of content.
This is what I call an ad!
Hype intensifies...

@ItsOKToBeOK saw that earlier. It's kinda scary just how often the lyrics match up with what's on screen.
@ItsOKToBeOK It's like it was intentional.
Don't understand the backwards video, it's just silly.
The ending was extra cool.
I wish I could see this beautifull animation without the awfully low bitrate.
Nintendo you're not making Wii games anymore, you need to up the bitrate of your video to match the content you're now offering (Highly detailed stuff)
I don't get the reverse trailer, except for the very end
I couldn't agree more. The lack of trophies was a real bummer. And no home run contest, break the targets, All-Star Mode, etc. I thought this was the "ULTIMATE" smash game....
@MikeW Tey haven't even revealed if their was going to be a "stadium" of sorts where you could do this. The game is still in development. Come on, you know Spirits are a lot better than trophies in every way... Need I explain them to you? Or the vast amount of time that it needs to complete them.
@MikeW Apparently in your world "Ultimate" means "Having literally every fighter, mode, and luxury I could want."
Spirits are the trophies this time. They've just been combined with stickers and the Custom Parts system.
December 7th, just hurry up already.
Only 25 days left!
So close to Ultimate's arrival. I can almost taste it.
I love the flying K.Rool in the background. It's pure perfection.
I can't wait to play this game! Hyped beyond words! 🙌
@jtmnm Or you're talking them down for a valid comment. Yes ultimate has a lot if content, but it's much shallower in terms of new content compared to brawl.
@-DG Hmm, a story mode that seems to be a lot of simple player vs ai battles without much difference to a battle rush mode. Spirits seems fine, but it's more so just a challenge mode with stickers. The story and map may be nice, but still seems worse than subspace emissary right now. Where are my unique boss battles like rayquaza?
New characters are nice, but... 12 new characters compared to brawl's 18 and 4's 16 (21 w/ dlc). Also of those music tracks, how many are new remixes? Would it compare to brawl's tons of remixes? And how many new stages are there compared to brawl or 4? Not that many.
Yes ultimate has a lot of content already, but try to be considerate of other's views.
@FlameRunnerFast The story mode actually does have unique boss battles. We don't know exactly how many obviously, but Galleom from Subspace is guaranteed returning, along with new ones like Rathalos and Dracula (he isn't 100% confirmed, just very strongly implied with footage that didn't line up with his stage).
I understand the disappointment that it isn't a full-fledged Subspace Emissary sequel, but we won't know exactly what all it contains until it releases. I would venture to guess that there may even be a few areas that require exploration like Subspace, just not as many. But I wouldn't say this game is a lot shallower in terms of content.
@MikeW I am sad about the lack of a homerun/targets mode (that we know of), but there still is an all-star mode, it's just been changed to work differently from past iterations.
Please let this being the opening with Lifelight!
@FlameRunnerFast There'll be 17 nee characters once the dlc is finished. That's not far off from Brawl or Smash 4, really. Plus your not taking into account the returning characters. 58 characters for Smash 4 vs 82 for Smash 5 once dlc is finished is a huge difference. That's actually THE LARGEST jump in characters playable from one Smash game to another, lol.
And I'm sure there will be plenty of bosses in the story mode. We already know of 3 or 4 of them.
I'm definitely considerate of others views. You're entitled to your opinion. Saying Smash 5 lacks enough new content tp make it worthwhile though? That's a hard viewpoint to sell when we're looking at what's probably the most ambitious fighting game ever made.
Pretty cool! The reverse version is nonsense though...
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