Up until the recent launch of SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, SNK’s focus has predominantly been on providing the Nintendo Switch with old school retro experiences - including the upcoming release of the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection.
In an interview with DualShockers - as translated by Development Manager Joshua Weatherford, SNK Producer Yasuyuki Oda was asked about the chances of the Japanese company bringing the newest entry in the King of Fighters series across to Nintendo’s hybrid device. Minus some technical hurdles that need to be overcome to ensure a game like King of Fighters XIV could properly make the Switch, it “would definitely be a possibility” according to Oda-san. While he didn’t elaborate on this question any more than this, it’s at least interesting to hear a Switch version is feasible.
For now, the team at SNK are focused on a modern revitalisation of the classic Samurai Shodown series and have also held "super early" internal talks about the next entry in the King of Fighter series.
As Nintendo's new platform now has SNK Heroines, would you like to see the 2016 King of Fighters game make its way across to the Switch? Have you played this series in the past? What else would you like SNK to port to the device? Tell us below.
[source dualshockers.com]
Comments 56
I don't have any history with KoF, in fact fighting games were never really my thing, but I play a lot of the recent FGs with my daughter and would be interested in seeing both of these on Switch. But I'm more interested in Samurai Shodown than KoF.
I bought all the KOF available on the Switch, please give me more.
I suppose that 2002 and 2003 will be make available by Hamster, but it would be good to see even XI, XII, XIII and XIV
@JasmineDragon there are no better crunchy sounding fighting games than KoF! Any before 2003 are worth a play - if your coming from SF I recommend using Terry as he has some of the more SF style moves. However, there is such a large amount of characters to master and so many different styles it's a bit of a learning curve but once you get over that it's a very rewarding fighter series.
@Royalblues Oh, I completely agree. No fighting game will ever do well on Switch, even if Nintendo decided to make a fighting game which just happened to have a ton of Nintendo characters on it. The controllers simply wouldn’t work, and the community would just let it die.
I would definitly play this King of Fighters XIV game on the Switch. I played it on the PS4 and on the Switch I played some too. I enjoy this series! Yes I would like this on Switch
I’d play it. I have one of the older KoFs on there, I’d like to compare it to the current one.
Yes, please, would love to play the latest entry!
I love this series!
Can't wait for samurai showdown as well!
@DikkeSnikkel Yeah, but SNK Heroines used the same engine and it couldn't even run properly.
Something something optimization something third parties?
Should had bring KOFXIV to Switch from the very beginning. Instead we had to endure that girl game. C'mon if in-deph fighting title like Dragon Ball FighterZ and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate could be done on Switch there are no reason a game like KOFXIV couldn't be done. Also give us KOFXIII while you're at it, as much as I like KOFXIV, I love the sprite based graphics of KOFXIII more.
KoF XII and XIII would be nice. They look much better.
I hope they make this happen and the new samsho too. I'm not playing their other game.
The last KOF wasn't that demanding anyway. I don't see why it shouldn't be released on Switch. Bring it on!
Only KoF I haven't played. Been tempted to pick it up on Steam but would much prefer to have it for Switch.
And why an entry from 2016? Why not the next one?
That would be great, but I hope they can release the game at 60fps unlike SNK Heroines, 30fps fighting games are not cool, especially considering how mediocre the graphics on these new SNK fighting games are.
@ReaderRagfish I think you missed his joke lol
@Royalblues someone being salty.
Yes please!
KoF XIII was better than XIV, but I'll take either. And the new Samurai Shodown needs to make it to the Switch too.
I'm curious as to what the technical limitations might be. If you can get Doom on the Switch (ie. a current gen AAA game), I can't see why King of Fighters would pose too much of a problem.
I've got KoF XIV on PS4. It does have really sharp graphics, but otherwise, it's what I believe is called 2.5D. 3D models but with completely 2D gameplay. Apart from maybe a resolution downgrade, it should be easy to port. Probably the biggest issue is how many people would buy it considering it's been out for a while on PS4 so it doesn't have that "Brand New!" feel to it. It would be a great addition to the Switch since I don't think the system has a good classic fighter. SNK Heroines and Pokken Tournament are dumbed down fighters, Blazblue doesn't have an arcade mode (it's good if you only want to play on-line against hardcore fanatics you'll never beat), and Smash is kind of it's own thing.
@Royalblues Oh, I actually agree with this. Nintendo have had a pretty poor 2018, a fact I’ve struggled to admit to myself. The best game so far on the Switch this year is a 2D JRPG, that’s really not a good sign. Though I must say 2019 is looking considerably stronger.
@TheFanatic bs man switch did pretty fine this year with plenty of games on it worth playing and the sales proves it.
Question is, is it worth it.
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy version’s sell-through rate on Day 1 was 20% in Japan. Didn't get any better after that.
@PrincessBowsette A lot of the Switch sales this year have been either down to the back catalogue from 2017 or anticipation for Smash. While we’ve had a few solid third party ports, and more indies then you can shake a stick at, first party Nintendo has been Wii U levels of bad. We had the underwhelming, horribly short Kirby, the underwhelming, horrible holo Mario Tennis, and we had Mario Party, a game which while being good, isn’t good enough to represent 10 months of Nintendo. Well, at least we had Sushi Striker.
Search for Nihongo Gamer on YouTube. He plays mostly fighters and mainly on Switch.
Uses an arcade stick in his house and just the Joycons in handheld when traveling to his workplace.
@TheFanatic not disagreeing a few titles this year were disappointed but doesnt change the fact there were plenty of good games that came out for switch plus the switch sales report came out showing that switch continue to sell off the charts and wen smash bros ultimate comes out the switch sales including bundle editions will be completely insane.
@TheFanatic I agree. The best games I've gotten this year are Ys VIII which would looses it's bragging rights since it was ported over from a previously released PS4/Vita title and Penguin Wars. YES, in my opinion, Penguin Wars is better than any of Nintendo's first party games this year. I'm not one of those people shouting "the end is near!" but going from the beginning of the year to November with only mediocre first party titles is hardly outstanding and it is looking like the Switch is going to miss its sales goals, so it is having an impact. Maybe 2019 will be great. Metroid, Bayonetta, etc have to come out some time. And hopefully Ubisoft gets more serious about the Switch considering their success so far.
@PrincessBowsette As I said, the Switch has been selling because people want to play 2017’s games. Sales have slowed this year, yet slower then one would expect, but that’s down to Nintendo games generally being evergreen. Just look at the top 10 best selling Switch games, I think 2 or 3 are from 2018. Pretty poor, if I do say so myself.
@TheFox 2019 is looking extremely hopeful, we have Yoshi, Luigi, AC, Fire Emblem and Pokémon Gen 8. I wouldn’t count on Ubisoft getting serious on Switch. They
will probably do yearly collaborations still, and send some bigger games to streaming in Japan. Ubisoft feels like it’s getting more money hungry by the year.
@TheFanatic switch sales havent slowed down hell its alrdy passed 20 million alrdy plus the holiday sales havent kicked in yet especially with smash around the corner.
@PrincessBowsette Wow, okay. Switch sales did slow down. But, as I’ve said too many times, they’ve only slowed down slightly. There was a reason the stocks plummeted in June, investors didn’t just get bored.
Wow guys, do we always have to fight about everything? I don't want this game and won't be purchasing it.
I'm not going to harp on about it though. If you don't want no one is forcing you to buy it. You have complete control over which games or, gasp systems you buy.
@Haywired I'm not saying it can't run, but I think a lot of people take fighters for granted in terms of how demanding they are. Neither Soul Calibur VI or Tekken 7 do native 1080P on base PS4 IIRC. And I think SFV was fairly demanding when it came out too.
@TheFanatic that was in june but now things are picking up since MHGU sales came out from capcom showing it sold very well on the switch plus the recent games that came out since september to now have probably boost the switch sales quite abit but smash is going to be a beast in holiday sales for switch.
@HollowGrapeJ they should remake soul calibur 2 for switch with link in it that would be awesome.
@PrincessBowsette Yes, a port of a 3DS game did ‘wonders’ for the Switch. Whatever, it’s not like you are going to listen to what I’m saying so this shall be my last reply.
@TheFanatic i did listen to wat you say but wat i stated was true and dont even compare 3ds port of smash to smash ultimate literally there no comparisons plus smash ultimate packs way more content,characters,stages,soundtracks,and more to come then the past smash entries and this game will sell off the shelves in record time and give switch sales a major boost.
@PrincessBowsette Oh, I know I said I wouldn’t reply again but this is golden. I wasn’t talking about Smash, I was talking about Monster Hunter. You know, the ugly 3DS port. I know it’s a solid game but it’s still not good enough.
@TheFanatic you didnt specify which game you were talking about which i presume you were referring to smash but still even if the 3ds version of MHG didnt look to good doesnt change the fact capcom made improvements to MGHU which is selling quite well which i expect them to make a new one build from the ground up for switch.
@PrincessBowsette Why would I have been talking about Smash? That’s not a port, MHGU is. That mistake is on you, not me. Also, stop diverting the conversation away from Nintendo’s pretty dreadful 2018. It was bad. Since the written word won’t prove it, I’ll back myself up with facts.
First Party Nintendo Switch Games March 2017-November 2017
The Legend Of Zelda-Breath of The Wild
1-2 Switch
Splatoon 2
Super Mario Odyssey
BOTW and Odyssey were GOTY nominees, with BOTW winning.
There were also enhanced ports of Mario Kart 8 and Pokken Tournament.
Outside of First Party, we got DOOM, Skyrim, Mario + Rabbids and other classics as Third Party, Indie Games, while generally insignificant, were also very prominent. I don’t feel we can count them in our overall assessment of each group though.
First Party Nintendo Switch Games March 2018-November 2018
Kirby Star Allies
Mario Tennis Aces
Sushi Striker-The Way Of Sushido
Super Mario Party
None of these have any chance of GOTY.
Ports were more prominent, with Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors and Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze. However, they all included less new content.
Third Party support has increased, which was inevitable since developers have seen the success of the first year. However, they are still minimal, and are generally released significantly later then the PS4 and Xbox One versions.
2018 also had Nintendo Labo, which while fun, has only limited content. Also, it was generally rather unsucceful, as all three sets combined have only sold 1.4 million.
It’s hard to find exact sales numbers for Switch units in these two groups, but they aren’t as far apart as I thought they were. The first group sold about 10 million, and the next 10 million comes from the last 12 months, instead of the last 8.
There you go, there’s some facts for you.
@TheFanatic ive never said anything about goty games which i dont understand your bringing that up in the first place and also are you playing dumb or something cause the sales for the switch just came out and its past 20 million
It would be nice to get a real fighting game, it would suck if that pervy gals fighters game was our only modern SNK fighter.
I have kof 2000 and will buy 2003 so soon they release it on switch. If they bring XIV and XV, at least one of they I will buy, if not too short in money.
@PrincessBowsette I know you never said anything about GOTY games, I was just using them as a statistic. It wouldn’t be fair to leave them out. Also, don’t call me dumb. We’re better then that, come on. The sales of the Switch are just over 20 million, I do know that. 10 million from March to November 2017, and 10 million more since then. However, since the second group was March-November 2018, not November 2017-November 2018, I couldn’t say that the amounts sold were equal in each group. I felt I made myself very clear.
@TheFanatic the only game i would see being goty material for this year would be smash ultimate but it comes out next month which is abit late since VGA comes out the same month so next year maybe but it would have a tough road to get to it since theres other big hitters to compete against and i wasnt trying to be mean on my last comment but was pointing out switch continues to outperform everyones expectations plus having games coming out each month for it helps it out alot too.
@PrincessBowsette I certainly agree with that. The Switch is doing far better then anyone expected. I’m sorry if I’ve come off as a bit sharp, I certainly didn’t mean to. I guess we’re just two very passionate Nintendo fans, eh?
@TheFanatic yeah and next year looks to be a really good year with lots of big hitters plus more suprises game announcements as well.
@PrincessBowsette Yes, they should. It would be amazing and it would probably compensate for not getting Soul Calibur VI.
@Moroboshi876 KoF XIV is the most recent King of Fighters game. As the article states, the next game is only just at the early discussion phase at SNK.
@BionicDodo Yes, but we're talking about a 2016 game that they just started to consider for the Switch now. So 2019 at least.
I am sure they could get it to work on the Switch just fine if they cut some of the female characters' polygons.
Can't see it working on Switch due to it being a handheld console though with Nintendo adding the feature to hook it up to your TV it would be ok with the Pro controller but for me handhelds are meant for portability so connecting the console to the TV defeats the point of a handheld as I would just rather play a more power home console or PC in that case. Come on Nintendo you have the finances to make an awesome home console all your amazing 1st party games along with getting major 3rd party developers back on board like the NES and SNES days. It would be awesome seeing Nintendo get back to their glory days but they have never recovered from the damage the N64 caused.
@Blofse Thanks for the recommendations, I've been on the fence about buying one or two of the old KoFs ever since they started showing up on Switch, but I never go through with it because I'm a pretty casual FG player after all. RPGs and tactical games are more my speed.
Bring it SNK, and I will pay full price for it. Make it happen!!
@Moroboshi876 KoF XIII came out in 2010 and KOF XIV didn't arrive until 2016. We won't see KoF XV in 2019 and I doubt it'll be out by 2020 either. Them porting this over in the meantime doesn't mean they won't also bring over XV when it eventually arrives.
My experience with fighting games with Switch controls is...less than positive. I wouldn't get KoF XIV for Switch because the PS4 version is superior by default (controls and no tech hurdles) and cheap. It's a great game though, but the Switch's controllers don't seem to work well for fighters.
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