Nintendo Switch IMG

US jewellery retailer Helzberg Diamonds is hoping to get a few extra sales this holiday season thanks to a very unique promotion. From now until 24th December, customers who spend more than $1,199 will receive a bonus Nintendo Switch with any purchase they make.

As Destructoid notes, Helzberg Diamonds makes it out as a free throw-in, but technically you're still forking out more than one grand in cash, so it's not really that free. If you're only doing this promotion for the Switch - you're far better off buying a couple of these systems from elsewhere.

Switch Jewlery IMG

This promotion is the second time Helzberg Diamonds has run a promotion like this. Previously, it's offered an Xbox One X system to customers who were willing to spend more than $1,000 on jewellery in one of its stores. The notable difference here is that you're paying more to get a device that currently costs less and has also been on the market much longer than the Xbox One X.

Have you got a special someone you would be willing to spend this amount on to score a new Switch? Have you seen any other odd promotions like these ones in the past? Tell us below.
