If you at all heard about the recent revival of Busby in The Woolies Strike Back and naturally assumed this outing was the final nail in the coffin for the anthropomorphic bobcat, think again. Accolade has now revealed the infamous video game mascot from the '90s is returning in Bubsy: Paws on Fire.
The title is being developed by Choice Provisions - formerly known as Gaijin Games - and best known for creating the Bit. Trip series. Unlike the existing Bubsy release, this one will actually be making its way to Nintendo's new platform at some point next year. Described as a game for Bubsy lovers and haters alike, the title will include four playable characters, new moves, collectibles, a unique combo system, an in-game cosmetic shop (not requiring real money), three boss battles and more than 100 levels.

The series first started out life in 1993 when Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind was released on multiple platforms including the Super Nintendo. Take a look at the trailer for the new game above and tell us what you think about Bubsy's longtime return to a Nintendo platform.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 96
Who asked for this?
I am sure this is exciting news for some very odd people.
What sorcery is this?! A new Bubsy game that doesn't look completely terrible and has potential to be a fun, enjoyable experience?! What timeline is this?!?!
I was going to say what a rip off of Bit Trip til I read it!
but.. why?
@mikegamer what could possibly go wrong?
What's next, Gex??
I hope it’s a little more casual than Runner 3.
Personally, I’ve never played a Bubsy game and based on this trailer I don’t intend to in the future.
Still, I am happy for Bubsy fans out there. I hope it is good for you.
Three boss levels? Where's my wallet!?
With it being developed by Choice Provisions I have faith this should turn out to be pretty good.
I remember my mate hyping up the original back in the day. For months he went on about how it was going to be a Sonic beater and possibly the best platformer ever made. Oh how I laughed when he wasted 40 quid on it and realised it was probably the worst platformer ever made.
@Spoony_Tech Cool Spot.
Hated Cool Spot and just like my mate done with Bubsy, I wasted 40 quid on that dud.
Bubsy for SMASH ultimate!
(Also yo yo, where future Ristar at?!)
Interesting timing, considering the highly anticipated Smash Direct is just a couple days away... Bubsy for Smash?
EDIT: @SheldonRandoms ARGH! You beat me by just a few seconds!
Seriously?!, really people can not have a small "pinch" of positive ideas for something new, that before, "by fame", was considered not good ?
oh well, no surprise here...
Yes this will be better than the Woolies Strike Back. Welcome back to Nintendo Bubsy.
@OorWullie I actually liked Cool Spot and would take a new Earthworm Jim! Not in 3d though....
Is it from PS4 before ?
I'm sure Dunkey is very pleased
So not a good series, the original 16 bit versions and then Jaguar game were VERY mediocre indeed and of course the PS1 game is atrocious and seems like they put an early beta on a disc. The recent game was so dull and meh it isnt worth commenting on whatsoever. If this next one isnt any better I'd doubt anyone would care, there is only so many times you can sell a game on infamy.
Every Bubsy game has been bad, but considering the Runner guys are doing this one means this'll probably be the first good one.
Honestly, the first Bubsy wasn’t terrible. Frustrating? Yes. Average? I think so. Honestly, the only two TERRIBLE entries were the Jaguar game and Bubsy 3D. Strangely, I think it’s cool that there’s room in the marketplace for the B-players from the past!
Man, Bubsy really trying to make a comeback.
I know some people love this series, but I personally hated the original SNES game. But I’m glad that Bubsy fans are getting more games with him.
I hate to say it, but this actually does look like it could be fun. For a budget game anyway. Which I doubt they are going for.
I miss Gex...
It looks like Runner but with ample amounts of Bubsy. Same graphics as well...perhaps we’re in store for a Bubsy-Commander Video crossover level? The prospect frightens me.
Got a good dev team behind this one.
Runner is excellent.
@OorWullie Reminds me of a story from back in the day. A buddy of mine was given $50 from his grandmother to buy any N64 he wanted. We all (our crew in the neighborhood, including his older brother) walked to a local Funcoland with him and gave him all sorts of suggestions. He decided on Superman 64. We begged and pleaded with him not to. Having been an avid reader of game magazines, I knew it was garbage. We pointed out other games. But he was determined. I remember the cashier even trying to chime in and persuade him otherwise. He bought it anyways. Let’s just say that game was in some junk draw a week later and we made sure to remind him of his dumb choice for the foreseeable future.
It actually looks... okay.
I mean, it looks like a Runner reskin, but it at least seems to provide the wacky Bubsy charm from the first game the Woolies Strike Back failed to bring.
.....Okay then! We shall see
This game actually looks good but one major problem summarized in one word...Bubsy.
@tsdenizen There already was a good Bubsy game according to Electronic Gaming Monthly.

@retro_player_22 hoo boy this be a pack of lies
@tsdenizen How could it be lies when another source also give it a good score? This one is for the sequel. This one is from GamePro, they rates their scale from 1 to 5, according to them when regarding Bubsy, graphic = 4.0/5, Sound is 4.5/5, Control is 4.0/5 and Fun Factor is 4.0/5, I assume the overall score is around 4.0/5 and that's a good thing.

@OorWullie Cool Spot definitely won't happen. Not only was Spot pretty much just an advertising mascot of its time, I don't know if 7-Up has even made commercials in a decade (Spot has definitely been retired for decades regardless).
@retro_player_22 Have you played the old Bubsy games? I still have them, and they're terrible. Controls are floaty, the perspective is too zoomed in, and level design was garbage. Even my kid brain hated it, and it aged poorly on top of that.
I am still haunted with memories of bubsy 3d gameplay.
edit: on a side note I went nooooooooooooooooooooo irl.
I played the first SNES game and liked...
I really liked the one on SNES. The roller coaster level was awesome. But in this trailer I definitely miss the speed of the first game. Did they kill that concept in the later games? This way it just looks like an average jump and run with a bobcat and three other characters I don't know about....
3 whole boss battles? Wow where do I sign up?
@Aozz101x Anything can
Good developers, this should be an interesting release. I’m optimistic.
... yay? Honestly though, I am kind of optimistic about this one. From what I've heard, the last one wasn't terrible, and if the price is just right this time around, the old bobcat might have a grand return.
@Kienda Good of you. They'll be so pleased.
I actually liked the Bubsy games on the Mega Drive. Haven't played it in 20 years so I have no idea how it holds up today.
OK, no one asked for this but it doesn't look terrible.
Forget Bubsy, I want a new Aero the Acro-Bat sequel!
It's just a runner with a Bubsy skin, what a load of shovelware
Didn't this fail, badly, on all other systems?
I'll keep well away from this.
I’m very happy for that 1 and only bubsy fan out there You know who you are 😂
@ilikeike It's the worst possible timeline... As if you really needed to ask!
@retro_player_22 The issue games like this have is that it becomes cool to say "oh no" - "Who ask for this" etc and it soon rolls and snowballs and the bandwagoners jump on I bet nuts and candy 80% of the people running it down on here have never played one of the series.
I have played some retro games in the last year that have been stated as being awful and enjoyed and some that have critical acclaim that I didn't enjoy at all... its all subjective.
I don't care if the game has Mario on the front or Busby... if its a good game its a good game, if its a bad game its a bad game.
Well, it is Halloween, so the perfect time for The Mascot That Wouldn't Die.
I am trying to remember if I have ever heard a single person speak truly positively about this character or the games.
I can't think of anything but a handful of comments on websites that could very well have just been sarcasm.
Love how the Bubsy haters are getting triggered by this.
@Heavyarms55 If I wanted to reach for a complement. I'd say it's better than most of the movie license shovelware on the SNES.
@Regpuppy pahahahahaahahaha "Better than "most" movie games" really would be reaching for a complement.
Lets just see how it turns out.....
@retro_player_22 How can a game be bad when two really old reviews during the most incestuous period of game publisher/gaming magazine relations said it was good? Really? I'll grant that Bubsy 1 and 2 are not AS bad as Bubsy 3D, but those scores are massively inflated. They're still really annoying and kinda play like ass. GamePro gave the SNES version of Pit-Fighter a perfect score back in the day. Publications were transparently completely full of it back in the day.
I have paws for alarm by this news. Why on earth would they keep making these? Did the most recent one actual sale well enough to warrant a sequel?!
I love Bubsy 1 & 2, but I am not sold on this yet. I couldn't really get into their last Bubsy game, and this looks similar, but looks more like a runner game. (Which I don't like.)
I'll still be watching this and will probably pick it up eventually.
It is interesting seeing characters from the comic and pilot returning, though. This game seems to be taking a lot of inspiration from Bubsy 2.
@Regpuppy I own Bubsy 1 & 2 on Super NES and still plays them to this day and now in HD on the Analog Super Nt as well. I don't see what's bad about them. Maybe your controller got old to the point where accuracy isn't correct anymore.
@Stocksy The old Bubsy titles are definitely good games, it was released at a period where mascot games are competing for dominance with characters like Rocky Rodent, Aero the Acro-bat, Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, Awesome Possum, Earthworm Jim, Zool, Sparkster, Goemon, etc., are making their presence known against the likes of Mario, Kirby, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Bonk.
@retro_player_22 If that were true, I'd have that problem in other games. But they all work just fine. Bubsy just has floaty controls. It's like a weird version of the momentum from Sonic games, while also being on ice. It makes for very awkward pmaying, especially with instant-kill enemies and a zoomed in perspective.
@tsdenizen It's not the Super NES version of Pit-Fighter they review, it was the Genesis version that got the perfect score.
@Regpuppy Perhaps it was meant to be floaty that way.
@retro_player_22 I don't really care if that was on purpose. It's a poor way to handle platforming regardless.
I want Sparkster (Rocket Knight) they give us Bubsy...
It wouldn't be a proper Bubsy revival without an unnecessary sequel to the unnecessary reboot.
Whilst we are mentioning obscure 90s platformers can I put in a remake request for both Chuck Rock and Decap Attack please?
Holy crap, Accolade — now there's a company name i hadn't heard since the 90s. Apparently another company revived the label.
@retro_player_22 I guess it was the Genesis version, my mistake. Still, even with the Genesis version of Pit-Fighter (which is better), you seriously think it's anything close to a masterpiece? You're fine to like Bubsy, it's not an issue. I spent a stupid amount of money on the Night Trap Collector's Edition. We've both got our quirks. But you're not going to convince anyone who's played the old games that they're good just by saying old magazines scored them well and our hardware must be broken.
How many lives is Bubsy down to now?
A new game by Accolade? If they bring Star Control to Switch, they can do whatever they want with Bubsy.
I feel like I'm the only one that actually liked Bubsy 1 & 2. Though the Genesis version always felt better than the SNES version to me.
The remake wasn't great but seeing that Bubsy still gets new games kind of makes me smile.
Why do they keep trying to make this franchise a thing?
Alright now bring on a Yo Noid! Remake. Lol
Not a single mention of Croc?....
Bring back Croc!!
**crickets singing**
Still waiting for Glover 1.5: Final Remix.
Don’t understand the hate for this. I mean, it isn’t even out yet.
The previous game looked like a decent entry and I am certainly ready to give this game a try.
I remember playing the original on SNES when I was around 13. My friend got it and we all had a sleep over in his house. We played Street Fight 2, Earthworm Jim and then Bubsy. We all fell asleep when Bubsy came on.
I'm sure it'll be terrible but I'll get it - just for that nostalgia of Bubsy on the SNES. Used to looove that game.
@Spoony_Tech At least Gex is a 90s video game character I remember! Never heard of Bubsy before despite his apparent existence during my formative videogaming years.
@Dysnomia Don't understand the hate? That's the way a real trauma works AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
This is what happens when a bunch of people buy a bad game just to see...you get a sequel
@John_Deacon I know the history of the series. You can refer to reviews of the latest incarnation to see that there has been a marked improvement in quality that should dissipate any hatred (or at least let you just ignore this game) since the old days.
Here is a secret in the industry (or well, anything being sold)- enough people bought the last one to warrant more. Guess someone out there liked it.
Yes! I'm legitimately happy about this. My friend had the original on SNES. I only got to play it a little, but I liked it. Then I bought Bubsy in Fractured Furrytales for the Atari Jaguar, essentially Bubsy 3 (NOT 3D). It wasn't exactly a masterpiece, but it was fun. The one that came out a year ago looked like it could have been good, but maybe they only made a half hearted effort because they weren't sure it would sell? Anyway, I always though Bubsy was a franchise that had promise, but just never quite stuck the landing. Maybe this will be the one!
Gamers that they kidnapped and brainwashed. :/
Seriously? Of all the games they coulda brought back, why'd it hafta be Bubsy? His games aren't even good.
Bring back Toejam and Earl, Ecco the Dolphin, Earthworm Jim, Pocky and Rocky! But not Bubsy. Ugh.
Because the Bubsy games have a consistent history of being mediocre platformers with wonky controls. They are mediocre at best, and they got worse as they went on.
@Tempestryke Hard pass
Just keep clear of them at game expos and any suspicious vans and they won't brainwash you.
@Tempestryke Way ahead of ya
Looks slightly better then the last one, but just slightly.
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