The first batch of screens has been released for the Nintendo Switch cloud version of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, along with a few other interesting pieces of information, too.
If you've missed the news on this one, Assassin's Creed Odyssey will be available to play on Switch in Japan starting from tomorrow - the catch being that it will actually be a cloud-based version of the game running on a remote PC with footage being streamed to the player's system over the internet. This means that Switch players can enjoy a game which would otherwise be far too technically demanding to run on the console, however, and the screens below provide us with a good look at just how beautiful it has the potential to be.
Of course, the issue here is that the clarity of the image on screen - as well as the quality and accuracy of your controller inputs - may suffer as a result of heavy network traffic or poor connection speeds. Also, if the similarly-functioning Resident Evil 7 cloud version is anything to go by, it'll be pretty much unplayable outside of Japan.
Elsewhere, though, you may be interested to know that the cloud version of Assassin's Creed Odyssey can be played across all available Switch modes - handheld, TV, and tabletop, and will only take up 44MB of space - that's less than your average uncompressed audio file. This is, of course, due to the fact that the software is simply a client used to host the stream, rather than an actual game being downloaded onto your system.
What is your stance on cloud streaming on Switch? Would you like to see the biggest games arrive on Switch this way, or do you feel that games should only be released if they can be done so on the console itself? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
[source ec.nintendo.com, via nintendosoup.com]
Comments 103
Good luck with the experiment when you have sheep paying you money for a service that needs perfect network connection. Good luck and thanks for all the Sheep who will support this horrible idea.
As someone who suffers in work using Citrix based app and those are productivity apps not games that needs to spew high fidelity frames and response I know it's BS.
I am all against cloud streaming.
If it is included in some kind of payed online plan and you can play ALL cloud based games I am ok. Like a side things that only promotes the game.
But if you have to play for just one game - hell no.
@parasnail If it works perfectly fine in Japan, what's the issue? That's why they aren't offering it elsewhere.
@Zuljaras To play devil's advocate; some people buy a $60 game, play it and sell it for $30 or whatever they can get back from it. That's basically paying a one-time fee for a single playthrough of the game. In essence, no different than this.
There’s no other way the Switch is running this so :S
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@parasnail when you use the term “sheep”, doesn’t that mean people who go with the trends without questioning? Not the few who try something new, right or wrong, new or old to see if it works. So I think you are miss using it. Your basically saying that people like me, who don’t have cable/satilite, or waste money on dvds, but because I support Netflix, I am a sheep. I would say that people who blindly pay for cable/satellite tv, waste $ on dvds/blueray, are the sheep. Gaming is going to go the way of Netflix, as much as we might not like it. And the sheep you refer to are the ps and Xbox gamers who pay for gaming as a service for the last decade, who are really going to be the ones supporting cloud gaming in the future. I am all for it if it makes sense. If I can play a cloud game and it’s as good as a physical/downloaded one, what does it matter? Onlive tried and failed, but that doesn’t mean it’s going away.
I am interested to know how well RE7 works in Japan. I know this is Japan only at the moment, but I have the internet connection at home to support this kind of service and would be interested in this making it over to the west. I don't have a PS4 or Xbox One at the moment, so if I could play some of the latest games on Switch, even if it is at home only with a constant connection, it would be worth it for me.
Google is working on a new streaming service too, also with AC Odyssey. I know people are against streaming services, but I find it fascinating. If they can get it to work with no lag then it could be amazing. Google is promising 60fps on AC Odyssey, something which no other version currently supports I believe. That gives them 16ms to receive input, render a frame, and send it back via the internet.
Obviously, this doesn't isn't ideal for everybody. But if they can make it work, and the you have the connection to support it, then this could be revolutionary. I have already gone digital only. I know people love physical copies because they can re-visit old games, but honestly, I barely have time for new games without trying to think about replaying old ones. I think a streaming service with access to a rolling game library would be amazing if it has an affordable monthly cost. I probably buy about 5-6 full price games per year, and maybe another 3-4 games on sale. That ends up to about $400 per year on games. A streaming service that costs even $20 a month would be worth considering.
Good for Japan - the region that actually has the infrastructure more or less up to cloud gaming snuff and the region I strongly suspect these cloud versions (including Capcom's other planned titles) will remain exclusive to for a long while. Here, I'm lucky to have SOME access to PS4 on Vita's 544p screen, and like I said before, if I have no choice but to stream a multiplat game, I might as well do it there (provided the control scheme will cooperate). I didn't get a Switch for streaming (or again, as our 4G hints, naively trying to stream) 720p video over a mobile hotspot.
I’d totally buy this if it came out in the UK. I have a PS4 but hardly play it due to competing demands on the TV. If I could play Assasins Creed on the sofa while the wife watches Bake Off, everyone would be happy!
@Roarsome Get a PS Vita I think it ACO allows to be played on the vita while you watch something else on the TV.
There you go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SwhqaEVI18
@aznable why?
A mate of mine in Japan said resident 7 was awful on switch even with top connection :/ I don't know why they do this crap
@Donutman Heh. I am thinking about trying out Assassins Creed Odyssey Cloud. I found his comment kinda funny....
@Roarsome @Zuljaras
Yeah but like most PS4 games, it’ll be terrible to play on the Vita as it’s missing buttons.
The Remote Play app on Windows and an Ethernet cable is a better bet.
Full price for what equates to an inconsistently performing rental.
@Zuljaras yeah I have one. It is a marvel, but it doesn’t really work well or reliably enough sadly. It hangs too frequently. Would be fine in slower turn based games but the AC combat would be a nightmare on it.
Just as long as this doesn't catch on outside of Japan. Imagine how easy it would have been for Bethesda to pull something like this DOOM instead of actually optimizing it for the hardware.
@electrolite77 I know that it is pricey - https://www.amazon.com/PSVITA1000-buttons-mounted-Answer-PS-VETA/dp/B0191F6L1G
Kinda sad the Switch can't run these games normally it needs the damn cloud. Switch only owners are gonna miss out on another big game. This doesn't bode well for third party support.
I've put my signed up for a chance to play the game streamed on Google Chrome, for free! so, instead of paying to be a lab rat, I'll do it for free...
Nintendo Life says RE7 was unplayable while IGN said it worked well enough. shrug
Oh wow, nice, I can't wait to pay for a game I can't truly own on my Switch!
The Cloud future of gaming devs want isn't coming anytime soon.
I´ve played the Nvidia solution; it´s pretty sweet for some games when it works. Having a fanless tablet playing a game that would typically require a noisy gaming PC. However, I would prefer a game with worse graphics that didn´t rely on the internet.
@aznable It's not ''full price''.
well resident evil has been unplayable in any form since the first was released so yeah....
@aznable What's so bad about a rental? I used to rent games all the time as a kid from Blockbuster. I don't know about the pricing for this but if its like RE7, its $18 for 180 days. Pretty awesome for a single player game rental if you ask me.
@Spectra If they can't feasibly release this on Switch then surely it's better than nothing? It's Japan-only therefore they have a better chance at the speed required to stream the game properly. If you don't have the speed to stream games then surely it's the same as needing a better graphics card, processor etc as you would pay for it?
@Shadowkiller97 @Octane
Ok, then delete "full price for what equates to..."" from my previous comment, the rest remains.
"... an inconsistently performing rental."
Still stupid.
This will kill the industry eventually
@Roarsome Pretty much my situation.
As long as it works and it's reasonably priced, then I'm all for a solution that'll let me play games that would otherwise never work on a handheld.
Not only that, I hope people like Rockstar or CDPR would follow through.
@NintyNate I highly doubt he or she had a top connection... As far as I can tell RE7 works nearly flawlessly and on par with the other consoles.
If the connection is good the game will run perfectly.
Especially as these open world games always have filler content like hunting or fetch quests perfect for small screen, before transferring to the big screen for the big story beats.
@Ralizah If doom was streamed unto the switch, it would be the same quality as the PS4, xbox one, or the PC. So it would actually be better than the "optimized" version
@maruse tis a she lol even with top net she lost connection lots and didn't bother, I have heard of a few people that say its just stupid
@Octane @Shadowkiller97 As far as I know it is full priced. The same price as the physical version on PS4 or Xbox.
The difference is that PS4 and Xbox buyers get to own the game forever, Switch owners only rent it for two years.
@NintyNate I don’t like cloud gaming either, but as long as the connection is good the game runs perfectly.
@parasnail Well they are likely using nvidia game stream tech which is lag free, I have done many tests even with a e´fv´feovméfvméfo,kp connection and it can stream my desktop with no noticeable lag.
@NintyNate A mate of mine in Japan said it is running very well. Different mates, different opinions.
No thanks. Stupid. Stick this up your jacksie
Nintendo should just team up with windows to create a stream bridge to your switch. Customize inputs and what not, have some sort of hardwired dedicated stream box that wirelessly connects to the switch from your PC
I think this is a neat alternative to experience a game that wasn't going to appear one the platform otherwise. Options aren't an inherently bad thing. I'd be willing to try it if offered at a good deal in the US.
Let's see how far this technology have improved over the past six years.
For single-player games that didn't require twitch reflexes, OnLive wasn't all bad. And this time it's an actual game company at the helm of development as well. Could work.
Did we hear anything about the pricing model for these cloud versions?
It's a shame these aren't available outside of Japan, the reality is this is the only way these games will be playable on the Switch so I don't get all the negativity surrounding them
I wouldn't play this Ubicrap even if the actual game came to the Switch.
@link12684 A version you wouldn't be able to take anywhere, and unless you have super-stable and fast internet, streaming a fast-paced FPS would be a terrible idea.
If you care so much about performance that you'd prefer to stream a game over having it run natively on the Switch, then you likely already own a platform capable of running it better, anyway.
I may try this, I'll be getting fiber soon but at the same time, I may just pick it up on the Xbox One
@roboshort I might not agree with all the trends, but some are going to stick, whether we like them or not. I do not like gaming as a service, but it’s not going away either. At the same time, I sold pretty much every dvd I owned a few years ago and haven’t bought any since just because I can watch everything I want on demand through services like Netflix. If cloud gaming works, I’ll be playing games that way just like how I switched from physical to digital. If I just played physical games, I’d be missing out on 75% for the best games today, if not more.
Google testing it in Chrome Browser in the US.
But if only for home. No idea why even bother with a Switch. Just realize you need a real home console at that point
@maruse I stand corrected in that case. I thought it was like RE7; €20 for six months or something like that.
People can be a snarky as they like but this is the future of handheld gaming, so we may as well get used to it.
Great, paying to play a game for which the servers will be shut down in a couple of years, so it will never be possible to play it anymore!
@electrolite77 The back touchpad works well enough emulating L2/R2/L3/R3. It feels somewhat unnatural to tap rather than press or click, especially on the backside, but it works.
@Agramonte True, this would be at home only. But I think its still worthwhile on the Switch regardless. I share the main TV at my home with others so I pick up the Switch to continue gaming in handheld often. Additionally, I have a second dock in my room, so sometimes I will start a game in the living room, and then Switch to my bedroom when someone else wants the TV. These are all home use cases for the portability of the Switch which would make this game more enticing to me than on one of the other systems.
@MsJubilee that is true but not for this series of games lol. If you would be talking rdr2 or tomb raider...
I was against this idea until I saw the framerate of this game running on my X1X.....now it doesn't seem like it could be any worse anyway, so why not?
@maruse You are spot-on about the price. This makes it much less appealing for sure. Even though it is technically less than RE7 when you compare the price for 2 years, I would prefer the 180 day option especially since this is a single player game.
If I lived in Japan I'd be all over this. If you just want to play the game and you don't have the other systems why not?
@NEStalgia Wait what? how bad is the framerate?
Let Bethesda port the games they seem like they can do it to a lot of their games plus the New doom game is coming to switch also I bet that is gonna be a good port.
@Ryu_Niiyama I'm exaggerating a little, it's not actually bad-bad, but it's below average for the smoothness I'm used to on the 1X and reminds me more of my PC days when I felt compelled to max all the sliders, framerate be darned. Technically I think cutscenes/dialog is worse than exploration mode. Exploration feels the same as Origins more or less (and the game is very beautiful....maybe 26-30 most of the time....but when things drop below 30 I'm sensitive to it. But some of the cutscene/dialog etc I feel that drop to 20 or so even if just for moments.
Coming right off Forza probably isn't helping my perception. It's not bad or game breaking, it just is clear they prioritized visuals first and foremost even if fps takes a hit. It's not necessarily the wrong choice given how gorgeous the game is, but I'm used to 30fps minimum fluidity on the X so I'm not used to the occasional choppiness from when OG PS4 was my main twin.
It's not "Oh avoid this game it runs like garbage" (Dishonored 2 cough) but it's enough to run it and say "oh, this must be a game from Ubisoft or Bethesda!"
I have 50/25 Mbit/s DSL and I still refuse to hop on or endorse this insulting, consumer-hostile direction in gaming. I don't even like digital downloads since I can see more than a few months into the future and value things like game-sharing and reselling used games. The whole digital-only mentality is bad enough with users shooting themselves in the foot and ruining the future of retro-gaming, but this whole game-streaming BS is over the top. Devs can't be arsed to put in proper dev time for the most-popular console out now for over a year, so they throw us this BS.
Switch can't run something like Assassin's Creed? Bethesda already proved that to be BS so people need to drop that nonsense. Just scale the textures and lighting-effects down to Wolfenstein/Doom levels and it's MORE than good enough.
My stance right now is, as long as this cloud streaming is an exception and not the rule, I can live with it. I "think" I have enough bandwidth and network stability to pull it off. Won't know til I try though... so, when is this going to become a thing on Switch in the western world...?
Given that the Switch userbase is in general split 50/50 between people who play more on the go, and people who play more with the unit docked at home, such a strategy alienates about half of your potential clients right there, as I doubt Wifi good enough to play this will be available everywhere you go (although this is Japan, I may be wrong about this).
Also, this is, much more than digital distribution, a glorified rental as it puts you even more at the mercy of a third party that can decide if you're allowed to play or not, or can shut down their server anytime without any obligation to you, who paid for the game.
I personnaly like to actually own what I pay for, and when it's only available digitally, I need a price to reflect that I'm not the one in control of my library. Why would I pay $80 for a game I may not be able to play in the future, while I can get usually the same game for the same price in physical form which will allow me to play it as long as I take care of my system and the game?
Granted, in this case, the game probably wouldn't be able to run on the Switch without some SERIOUS compromise to graphics and maybe other game aspects as well. I'm not against streaming games. The idea isn't bad. For instance, provided the price is right, a Netflix-like game streaming service would be surely interesting. But we're talking here about individual games that you probably pay good money to stream.
Anyone knows how much will be charged for this?
I'm glad companies are exploring this tech (I'm real interested to see what Google does with their incoming cloud gaming beta), but I agree that it's clearly not quite ready yet. I've tried PlayStation Now, and it's just not a very good experience. Not awful, but certainly not worth paying a full price per game on.
Once the tech catches up and can actually deliver the experience, though, I think the appeal is obvious. Keeping up with gaming hardware is expensive. For people who don't replay games and don't care about personal media ownership, this could be a great way to keep up with new releases without having to shell out for a Pro / X / new computer / new video card / whatever the next price of entry is.
@Shadowkiller97 I use R-Play with an old iPad and MFI controller when my girl is on the TV. Remote Play runs locally so your Internet speed is not a factor.
AC: Origin works perfect on it. No way I can grind for all the gear If need to wait for the TV 😁
Oh local streaming is fantastic. If you haven't done it yet, get you a Steam Link. That thing changed my gaming habits completely.
The Steam Link is my primary assurance that once the tech really catches up, this thing could work. On a wired connection it's nearly flawless.
Having completed The Last of Us, Uncharted 1-3, Beyond and Heavy Rain on PS Now (with the closest server being about 2000 km away in another country), I am all for it. Yes, the experience is not perfect, but it doesn't have to be. It is great for experiencing a game once, and boy if I didn't enjoy those PS Now gems.
People don't have a problem streaming PS4 games to Vita, so now out of sudden streaming PC games to switch is a bad thing? Think about it, you pay $60 for the PS4 game, $60 for PSN, whatever PSNow and good internet cost, and suddenly streaming from a PC for the price of PSN makes sense. I think that streaming app in development for switch needs to be approved by Nintendo to make everyone happy. There's people on here that have told me that they usually prefer the PS4 version of a game, so streaming the game at home will pretty much be the same minus 4K resolution. Which the PS4 Pro can't do natively anyway. Personally, I prefer natively processed games for switch since I travel a lot.
@Majora101 nuff said
@NEStalgia sigh this sounds like a pc purchase. Sigh I was going to go to gs tomorrow and see if i could get a Kassandra edition...but maybe not.
@Ryu_Niiyama It's a Ubisoft game. Do you honestly believe it will actually be better on PC?!?!
@NEStalgia uh...I've had 3- syndicate on PC... and baring unity (which I never finished) they ran well... (granted they were cracked copies- I bought the games on console sue me)
@Ryu_Niiyama Oh, cracked copies with the DRM busted. Well there's your problem. You're not getting the fully broken experience.
I still think it can be optimized to the hardware regularly. I just don't think the power differential is that significant. Maybe Ubisoft is wary that a game like this would sell enough on Switch, or there's an issue with the carts/storage.
Capcom has less excuses though, Re Revelations 1&2 actually sold best on Switch. Hopefully they are working on porting Re 7 on Switch regularly.
Either way, at least folks in Japan get to read enjoy these games on Switch..I just hope it leads to Ubi and Capcom to bring these games to the west normally.
@NEStalgia LOL!
People in comments don't understand networking. Streaming locally in your home from console to vita or Nvidia streaming is OK cause its has almost no lag. But streaming from a server farm 50ms away and hosting for scale and many many client is a different thing altogether.
when every mouse and keyboard input needs to translate back to remote server and rendered then back over the net as stream of images depending on resolutions and if you want 30fps - it means 30 rendered screens that need to be downloaded to your client every second! so good luck with this on game quality, fidelity and responsiveness.
@NEStalgia Ah, crap... so guess this goes with TR to the PC column 🤔
The fan on my vanilla PS4 sounds like a hovercraft with Origin. It probably give up the ghost with Odyssey
I have Valky4 on Switch, so can hold off for the eventual PC price drop. Ubisoft cuts PC prices like they Trust Fund babies and have no need for cash
@Donutman I can understand why some people would like physical titles, but streaming seems like it has the potential to make video games much more accessible. The main thing that stands in the way of streaming video games right now is infrastructure. I don't really know how easy it will be to solve that problem.
"... it will actually be a cloud-based version of the game running on a remote PC with footage being streamed to the player's system over the internet."
That's a terrible idea.
@Agramonte be fair, when does the og ps4 not sound like a hovercraft?
It's surprisingly resilient though..... But it does make me fond of the dead silence of the 1x.... Ps4 pro isn't too bad with sound until it decides to be.... Then it gives og a run for its money.
It's possible Odyssey runs smoother on consoles it's not trying to push Max gfx settings (then again, it's Ubisoft...
It really isn't bad at all on the x fwiw.. it's more a digital foundry level nitpick..... i just seemed noticible to me because it seems so unnecessary to crank gfx up to just diminish fps like that.
@roboshort for 99% of us, infustructure is almost there. It’s just that there are still plenty of places where the high speed to run a game like this flawlessly, just can’t. I think we will see one more gen of consoles, that are still physical/digital, but with sone cloud games. But instead of a ps6, I see psnow like services taking over. But a controller and subscribe and play any game, on any device, any where.
Japan gets all the cloud version fun. Sucks we have underwhelming internet in the U.S.
1 I'm not a fan of streaming. I tried it on PS Now and streaming to Vita, and in my experience... it sucks (not to mention the fact Vita has a button set akin to a 3DS, which simply isn't suited to full console games like Switch is). You can't have any little bit of lag in reaction based games.
2 Having said that, streaming would actually work for puzzle games and the like that do not require immediate reaction times. The problem is that's a very small percentage of games, and this is not one of them.
3 Having said that, if the game can't run natively, there's no reason not to release a cloud based version. I imagine it requires little to no development resources, and despite the fact that I am not a fan there are always people who will benefit and who will enjoy it. Some people might not own another console. Or maybe they do but they would rather be able to bring their Switch to a friend's house and play on their wifi, then come home and play on home wifi, etc. It's still providing a way to play the game in countless different places besides home on the sofa, while still including home on the sofa. If you have good enough Internet speed it's probably playable enough. And if that works for some people then I say that's awesome. I'm not going to insult them and call them "sheep" or any other juvenile nonsense like some members of this site. Anyone claiming such a thing is remarkably ignorant. Let's just say that. If this works for you, then it doesn't matter what I think about it... you do you, and I'm happy for you.
I had a go with the Resi 7 Cloud Version trial and found it to be perfect. No lag or anything on my connection in Japan. I’ll give this a go if there’s a free trial. Hopefully this takes off and they bring it to the west.
@Octane IF it works is a good question. I am in Japan and I still don't trust it to function properly all the time.
I streamed Sonic Racing Transformed from my PC to my Shield which was connected to my TV. I was really impressed.
The wireless nvidia gamepad introduced noticeable lag, so I used a wired xbox controller plugged into the Shield and the game was extremely playable.
So I can see cloud gaming eventually becoming a very viable option for those with high speed connections. It obviously better suits games that don't require twitch reactions though.
I just tried the game. It lets you play for 15 or 20 minutes as many times a you want.
I must say that I'm impressed. Except for a few hiccups here and there it ran quite decently. I didn't notice any lag whatsoever.
The game looks stunning but just, only just, a little blurry.
I was also surprised to find that it is even more expensive than I thought. It's just over 9000 yen, which little more than 79USD. For me that's waaaaay too much just for a rental.
@Heavyarms55 Well, HAVE you tried it?
I've seen videos on YouTube of RE7 and it ran flawlessly. I think a lot of the skepticism comes from the fact that all major news sites ''tried it out'' and reported it didn't work. Of course it doesn't work if you're in Europe or America, that's why it isn't available over here. If you live in Japan and have decent internet, it should work fine.
That being said, I'm not a fan, and I don't want the future to be streaming, but if there's no other alternative, as is in this case, I don't see the harm.
@Octane To be fair, I haven't. But for other reasons. I am not paying full price to rent a game. Even for 2 years.
Erm na! I think I'll just get it on PeeCee. The Switch has it's own niches, but if it's gfx and performance the PeeCee is King (bow down console peasants).
I don't think Cloud Gaming is the future, but I'm certainly not opposed to this. It's a way to get some of the biggest games, some that may be too powerful for Switch, onto the console.
My only complaint is paying full price for it. Other than that, I'm personally all for it.
I’m pleased it worked for you but I just couldn’t get on with it at all. Shame as I was really looking forward to it.
“People don't have a problem streaming PS4 games to Vita, so now out of sudden streaming PC games to switch is a bad thing? ”
Except plenty of people do have an issue with streaming to Vita.
That said, I still think it’s daft not to make this available elsewhere. Let people try it and see if it works for them.
I would pay money (not a subscription, but a one time app fee) for Steam Link on my Switch: something that would allow me to stream the hundreds (thanks, Humble Bundle!) of Steam games I have on my PC, directly to my Switch. Steam/Nvidia should get on that. It wouldn't go over big with Nintendo, though, probably as it would decimate eShop sales.
Hey everyone, I live in Japan so I tried out the free trial for this game... Wow. I don’t own a PS4, so I was blown away by how great this looks. I did not experience any lag in the gameplay at all (fun game too!) maybe some frame drops during busy cutscenes, but nothing that bothers me at all. The graphics are as crisp as watching any high quality video too. I’m stoked to be able to play this game on my Switch, and I hate to say it, but this kind of feels like the future of gaming. It kinda makes sense to stream something so tech-heavy into a smaller, cheaper unit like the Switch. I’m sold on this! (Sorry, purists. Good luck with your thing.)
@sword_9mm Huehuehue, rekt. I like 4? shrug
I honestly don't understand tech in the world sometimes. I have never, ever had a good online gaming experience. Even just browsing the nintendo e-shop often causes my switch to struggle. Meanwhile fortnite and overwatch are setting the world on fire, and some people apparently are even able to stream stuff like this... Good for them I guess, but it always sounds like some impossible future-speak to me...
i tried 4 (on the wii no less) and still couldn't play it. the controls just don't work for me.
if it would've played like a regular 3rd person game then i'd have done better but no; it's still like controlling a tank with a terrible fov.
2 was my favorite because of the setting but i still only got maybe 2-4 hours in and gave up.
I would love for this to be available everywhere. How can more options be a bad thing? If not possible to release otherwise, give me the cloud one. If possible if dumbed down, why not offer both. But of course, if possible to offer with same quality, then release native. But there's no way this game wouldn't need to do lots of compromising.
If you don't like to stream games, don't. Simple. I find it silly to not want others to have that option however.
Note: I'm in Sweden with 250Mb at home and 1000 at the office (700Mb over pc wifi, doubt it'll be as good on Switch).
@Ryan_Again The game runs perfectly, there’s no denying that.
I also live in Japan and only own a Switch and I have tried the gameplay and it runs almost flawlessly but I have some issues with it:
For starters, is the fact that you can’t play on the go, which totally defeats the Switch’s main appeal. Something that a proper port could avoid.
And then, and this is the deal breaker, is the pricing.
Are you, honestly, fine with paying full price for a rental?
Even if it’s two years, you’ll still own nothing after that time while paying the same as the other consoles, which get to actually own the game.
That’s something I just can’t wrap my head around so, even if I would love to play this, I won’t do it with this price.
@maruse I totally think your points are valid. I respect those are deal-breakers for you. The price is quite steep... But I think I’ll do it anyways. I mean, there’s no way this is coming ti handheld for another 4-6 years regardless, so I can dismiss the portability issue. Personally, I don’t really mind “renting” either. I don’t have any of the games I did from 2 years ago anyways, and even when I do, I never really go back to them anyways. The only downside is that I won’t be able to sell it when I finish. I respect your logic. But I still think I’m gonna dig into this offering.
@Ryan_Again I understand you as well, and, if it were more reasonably priced, I think I could see myself getting into it, but at its current price is impossible.
From my point of view, it is way too much for a rental.
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