One of the announcements that no doubt made into many people's top five September Nintendo Direct moments was the reveal of Isabelle in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Yes, everyone's favourite, adorable yellow doggo has made it into Nintendo's biggest brawling franchise, and now we can see her fighting style in a little more detail.
The official Super Smash Bros. Twitter account has shared this short clip to show off just some of things you'll be getting up to while playing as Isabelle in the game. Aside from her fantastic facial impressions, we also get to see her use her fishing rod to attack. The tweet text confirms that this is a special move for the character.

If you somehow missed the news, Isabelle will actually heading to the Switch in more ways that one, as a brand new entry to the Animal Crossing series has also been confirmed for the console. This game is expected to release in 2019.
Are you happy to see Isabelle in Smash? Do you think she'll become your main fighter? Let us know below.
Comments 29
"Are you happy to see Isabelle in Smash? "
NO !
I was quite mad when Nintendo trolled me with Isabelle on Smash Bros.
But, fortunately, Animal Crossing for Switch confirmed.
So that confirms all her specials, as well as her smashes (party pooper, water bucket and maybe the traffic sign from the direct trailer as her up smash, but that's all speculation).
As far as I can tell, the broom attack is her up tilt and the toy hammer might be a jab or her forward tilt, I'm leaning more towards the latter though.
Despite sharing some moves with Villager (including her net grab), it still feels unique in it's own right, and I can't wait to play as her. <3
I'm waiting for Geno.
Wasnt interested at all, but hey for the fans its oké im not that big a fan of AC.
i really hope that Isaac from golden sun is in.
That will definitely inspire a lot more "art" of Isabelle.
I love how mad people got after she was announced.
She's not only a new rep of AC (which had only one character in the roster), but also an original fighter, yet everyone was "nOOOOO", "SHE SHOULD BE AN ECHO", etc. I would understand the anger if a new FE character got announced instead, but Isabelle, cmon, she's cool.
I love her.
Just in general so I'm stoked tbh.
Aw, look at her getting all embarrassed about her skirt when she's falling! So adorable...
...what are you doing Internet, PUT THOSE PENS DOWN
@Sebas There should be no anger even with an FE character. One non-swordie/spellcaster from FE and it'd be bloody legendary. Someone like Oboro/Camilla/Hector/Faye/Mathilda/Rinkah/Azama/Kagero/Saizo/Ephraim/Donnel/Hawkeye.
Especially Hawkeye, holy crap that would be epic.
That final smash is funny. Looks like a pretty nifty addition to the roster.
@Anti-Matter As soon as the vid changed from an AC tease to a Smash reveal, I imagined you throwing your sandwich at a student's head in anger
I was watching the Direct from my Wii U gamepad at my home. I was losing my hope on Animal Crossing on Switch. But, When i saw Animal Crossing 2019 logo, i was screaming almost crying.
I was thinking at first she was gonna be a straight up echo fighter, but she’s a little different here. I like it.
I think it’s great and more the merrier. Me kids will love it
@Sebas I'm not against Isabelle... but original how? She looks very much like a "Luigified" Villager clone.
She is one of my favorite characters to use in Mario kart 8 (deluxe), so I'm ok with the news.
@Anti-Matter Are you happy for the people who like both Animal Crossing and Smash (like me) who are excited to play as Isabelle?
Is the game reallycalled Super Smash Bros. Special or something like that in Japan? I thought the titles were normally the same in Japan as in the west
I don't play Smash Bros, even there will be Isabelle.
I Only care about Animal Crossing for Switch.
@Anti-Matter But are you happy for the people who do like Smash Bros and Animal Crossing who are excited by Isabelle being in the game?
@Matthew010 Yup, can confirm that it's Smash Special there. 'Special' has a different meaning in Japan than what we associate with it, so Ultimate is functionally closer of a title than if it was named Smash Special here as well.
@link3710 Oh ok, that makes sense!
If peoples happy for Isabelle in Smash Bros, i will happy too. But, let them play Smash Bros while i will keep busy with Animal Crossing for Switch.
@Anti-Matter I'll play Smash and Animal Crossing simultaneously because I usually have one single player game on the go as well as a few multiplayer.
Shes a welcome addition in my opinion. I just hope we get a couple of surprises still to come.
That Final Smash is similar to Villager but a bit different.
@Bensei By original I meant that, yes, she has some moves that are taken directly from Villager, but she also has unique abilities. And I would take a "Luigified" character anyday than a Echo if you asked me.
@Sebas I think "Luigified" are more of an issue to some as these actually "waste a slot", while Echoes are "something extra".
But to be fair - Sakurai always stated clones don't take a potential spot as they are easier to balance. I think the "Echo-Fighters" is just a marketing scheme anyways to clearly communicate to everyone that they aren't stealing any spotlight. Because to me, it seems kinda arbitrary which chars are echoes and which aren't.
Yes! That's my girl! I love Isabelle, best addition to the roster IMO.
And again, some people who are crazy about this Smash Bros, but well..., this is "EVER and EVER"!!!
Also I expected someone new, someone of a new franchise that has not given it a chance (Golden Sun, Shantae), but, well, it will be next, I hope; at least, Isabelle is a video game character and a cute character option! ^.^
@NintendoLife, @ryancraddock, sorry, but this video was since that Isabelle was announced, In Youtube is that video.
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