If you missed the news, LEGO Harry Potter Collection was recently revealed for Nintendo Switch, bringing both LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 to the console in one juicy package. It appears that publisher Warner Bros. is rather confused about how to present the game's front cover, however.
In the game's official announcement trailer, and in all official artwork sent directly to us here at Nintendo Life, the case has been picture perfect, with no errors in sight. Some outlets seem to have received a slightly different piece of cover artwork for the game, however, with one rather comical - and glaring - mistake.

Did you spot it? Right at the bottom of the case, the words "2 classic games on 1 disc" can be found, despite the fact that the Switch cannot read or write discs of any kind. Nintendo's latest console uses cartridges, of course, and it would appear that more recent images (including those that have now been officially released) have fixed the error.
But how did this happen in the first place? The image can still be spotted in various corners of the internet such as UK retailer Smyths - which should presumably be receiving official art directly from the game's distributors. Is this a simple copy and paste job gone wrong from other versions? Or did Warner Bros. originally forget how the Switch worked for a while, before eventually realising the mistake?
Either way, part of us hopes that some copies of the game will be printed with the error - that would make for one awesome collector's item!
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Comments 58
Simple, the graphics designer in charge of making the cover had no idea how the switch works, combined with a mostly copy paste job. This kind of thing happens all the time in all kinds of industries
Would be funny if they were actually discs. lol
That explains a lot.
@Joeynator3000 I demand 2 little discs the size of switch carts now when I buy this game. Do not disappoint me WB...
Wii U discs in the box would be kind of hysterical actually. Or even better tiny Gamecube discs.
That's what happens when you release really old ports
"2 classic games in another Nintendo overpriced proprietary cartridge"
Does not fit on one line 🙄
But really... It is rehash art. Probably gave it to the intern. I wouldn't waste any of my junior designers on this either.
@rjejr don't be silly it's definitely gunna be floppy disks.
Maybe it's a disc with the download code printed on it?
Who cares? Box art looks rubbish anyway
Reminds me a bit of this beauty:

Slow news day?
Who buys games on discs these days? Cartridges taste so much better!
Like most western third parties, they dont know how it works.
Either way, as a company I certainly wouldn't waste money on something that wont yield much if any profit.
Warner: "Hahaha, yes, it was just a mistake from our marketing team, hahaha" turns over and takes out his phone dramatically "What do you mean that the discs have already been shipped? Get them back right now! ... Where do you store them? Hmmm, ok ok, have you been in New Mexico?"
Fantastic piece of news.
Switch disc peripheral confirmed!
I still sometimes regret getting rid of my Resident Evil Revelaitons box.
I remember that one. God, that was awful.
Almost as bad as the Batman Arkham City GOTY edition... or almost all of the TG-16/PC Engine games released in North America. Or the original Megaman North American box...
I'm kind of passionate about all these graphics trainwrecks. I mean, I can't help but wonder what these people were thinking...
My money is on mistaken copypasting, frankly. Besides, nowadays it seems increasingly easier to forget that a device DOES use disks, not vice versa. XD
Another Nintendo Sony partnership with discs! Sony couldn’t let all the UMD materials sit any longer.
@Agramonte Explain to me, any cart based system, in history, that did not use "proprietary" carts.
@Agramonte Of course, the favorite excuse of lazy developers looking for quick buck in exchange for little effort.
Going to buy it just so I can return it and complain about it not having any disc
I hope they can get all of it on the cartridge.. If I have to download some if I will, but I’d rather not.
I'm more bothered by the red "Lego" box just below the red "Nintendo" box.
@Riotmkr Why bother, you'll probably be behind the guy buying a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then returning it, making people wait behind him as he complains.
Buy Nintendo stock right meow! Warner Bros just leaked Nintendo's upcoming disc drive for the Switch.
@Octane is that... box art with box art in it?
It can't read discs YET!!!!
Ha. That's funny. I think it was just a bad copy and paste job. I've never played these games and I've craving some Harry Potter in my life. Have to grab this collection for sure.
@RichardZ Yes
And who's gonna write the article on Nintendo Life mixing up UK and Irish retailers...? Funny having a such a mix up in an article about a mix up ;p
@uhhhhhhhh I am a graphic designer and I can attest that mistakes like this happen. I am not perfect, but if I am passionate about something (especially games) you better believe I will research as much as I can in the alloted time to make sure my design is authentic and the verbiage makes sense.
@Agramonte Do you work at a design firm? If so, is it in America?
If they already fixed it and this is just a display of old incorrect copy samples....is this newsworthy?
@nab1 Glad I'm not the only one!
@Octane Boxception.
well it looks like they just used the PS4 versions cover and put Nintendo Switch icons on it
the PS4 version was released in 2016
Or maybe they were just using the word disc generically, the way people still talk about albums or records.
Based on that title, I was expecting that Warner was confused with the Switch's architecture and technical specs, not a simple printing error.
Just swap the "Discs" with "Cart".
@Octane Rubbish? What on earth do you mean? That is high art
"Old ports" has nothing to do with anything. Last I checked, all current generation consoles still use discs.
The Switch doesn’t use Cartridges neither.
I would be interested in a non-Lego Harry Potter collection. It would be nice if they include the various handheld iterations as well (including GB, GBA, DS, PSP) as they are all quite different to their comsole cousins and would occupy very little space.
The graphics of this whole package are just very badly designed. Horrible, really. How many red logos does one box need?
That's sad
@PLAYwithGregg Why they now the minority. The last "cart based system" released before the Switch was 7 years ago.
I understand that nobody expects Nintendo to be a trailblazer when it comes to hardware. But really - time to move on.
I'm more distracted by how badly the composition suffers from the Nintendo Switch red square competing with the Lego red squares. Because of all the red squares (also on the weird quasi boxes), the contrasting green pegi-7 square is the only thing my eyes were drawn to for the longest time. Finding the useful text and imagery on that cover is a chore.
@Agramonte Because using discs for a portable console is such a great idea!
Slightly off topic, there’s a few other Lego games I’d like to see on Switch like Jurassic, Lego movie and Indy Jones and maybe a Batman or two! 😁
Damn never thought WB of all companies would leak such a major detail as the Nintendo Switch Disk Drive. Eat your heart out, Famitsu!
How’s the game ?
that is one ugly switch case... surely it will be improved before launch, it looks more like some fan mockup
I can see this becoming a future favourite with collectors...
Why they don't give us Batman Arkham series?
Keep releasing these Lego games nonstop. Enough.
It was likely already released on another disc-based system/PC and they just lazily recycled the design.
@uhhhhhhhh Sony did it.
Capcom did the exact same thing with the actual release of the Scandinavian version of Street Fighter Collection, claiming all games were on one «disc» (in four different languages).
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