Splatoon 2 has been providing players with constant, fresh updates ever since its release back in July 2017, easily becoming one of the best-supported games on the platform. It appears that this process is about to start slowing down, however, as Nintendo has now shared what will be "the last new stage" added to the game.
As you can see in the tweet below, this latest stage is called Skipper Pavilion and will be available to players in October. There's already a wonderfully wide variety of stages to explore, and this one will only add even more options to the game, but we can't help but feel sad that there won't be any more new stages in the months to come.
Fans have been quick to point out that the tweet specifically mentions "new" stages, potentially suggesting that older stages - returning from the original Splatoon - could still make it after October. Of course, this is mostly just wishful thinking, but the possibility can't be ruled out. Perhaps we'll still see some more old favourites down the line.
Do you still play Splatoon 2 regularly? Will you be sad when the new content stops coming? Let us know below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 56
I love how positive and naive people are... "HEY THEY ONLY SAID IT WOULD BE THE LAST NEW STAGE, SO WE CAN STILL GET OLD STAGES!"
No... An old stage is a new stage too. It isn't in Splatoon 2, therefore it is new if added to Splatoon 2.
Pretty simple.
Someday we will have Splatoon 3. I have no doubt.
Most of these Splatoon 2 stages play very similarly, unlike Splatoon 1. They really watered down the formula
I will skip Nintendo Online for now and play the old Splatoon and Mario Kart online on Wii U until the service shuts down.
All this news for a game, that I can't play online anymore Well, at least a played for almost a year, and that's very good replayability for me
I'm hoping that, at some point, every single "Shifty Station" will be added to the game permanently in one way or another. Those stages were always insanely good!
@Heavyarms55 I hope it adds offline Salmon Runs for one to two players (or 4) or whatever the horde mode is called.
@polarbear Switch online won't be going anywhere, as much as people don't like it, its here to stay. To be fair, I agree it should be so much better, however I have a family account with 8 friends and it cost me less the £4 a year. So I can't complain too much
Galenmereth wrote:
LOL. Makes you wonder why...
@Nukuleardawg I meant until Nintendo pulls the plug on Wii U online. Splatoon and MK are the only games I play online. But eventually, I will have to pay for it on Switch.
I hope that they continue to do Splatfests for more than the originally promised 2 years.
I was hoping for Mahi Mahi Resort or Flounder Heights but oh well..
At least this final stage looks good!
Splatzones on that stage was so much fun!
@polarbear is there still a big player base for Splatoon 1?
We usually get a new stage each month or so. (a new or returning ) Since they would add new content until the end of the year I would not be surprised if splatoon 3 gets announced at e3 for 2020
@BigKing Arguably for the better tbh. A lot of Splatoon 1 stages were designed around gimmicks for each stage, which ,while cool, also made them unbalanced/frustrating. The only two stages that had gimmicks that functioned well in Splatoon 1 were Resort and Museum, imo.
They probably plan on redesigning older maps for future updates. Like how they recently did for Starfish Mainstage. Data miners found data pointing to this in the game for Pirahna Pit and 1 other map (who I forget).
there are still going to be old stages added in the future
It's amazing how thick people can be on this website, the article literally states it will be the last NEW stage in the game, not the last stage period. You guys have to start actually reading the articles rather than skimming through it and assuming the worst out of everything.
@BigKing K please get back to me how Humpback Back Track is anything like Snapper Canal. Again if you hate the game and company so much, you can just leave as nobody is making you stay.
@dequesi Yeah barring the most recent one, which was god awful and I would be ecstatic to never see again, it would be a real shame if none of the shifty station were made playable after the splatfests have ended for good. I'm hoping that's what they do for the very last update making all the shifty stations playable outside of splatfests.
Looks nice!
@Galenmereth Not sure how to feel abou that? They gave as a lot more free content and updates than they promised. Why should you be upset that they added content for longer than they promised but not long enough for the online services?
@Blizzia You know there's a reason why people are so "positive and naive". Maybe it's because the amount of support for this game from the developers was fantastic and that they gave us a lot more than they promised.
Just in time to replace "Splatoon 2: Starter Edition" with "Splatoon 2: Final Edition" for the holidays. I don't think they're done with this one yet, especially now that you need to pay to play online, they need to give people a reason. Game and expansion on 1 cart for $60 may sell a few more.
@blockfight Haven't checked that in a while but it will probably increase when the Nintendo online trial week is ending.
@Ensemen And? How does it relate to the fact that no more new maps are coming?
We might get some at some point I guess, but for now, as they stated, there are no more plans for new maps.
Well, this is kind of sad news but that doesn't mean we'll not get many more updates in the future. This tweet doesn't rule out new weapons, costumes or many other features.
I started playing Splatoon 2 recently (Lv17) and have really loved all the constant updates. One day I might even stop using my trusty Splattershot & try something new.
@Galenmereth Make you wonder about Sony's £49 online charge & how so few of their games ever get updates. Almost like the the online charge and games charges aren't related to each other.
I LOVED the 1st Splatoon. My favorite game ever. I started out loving the 2nd one, but as the game went one, I encountered more cheaters. At first I thought it was just lag, because certain people just wouldn't die. But then I'd have no lag or latency in Rocket League so I believe my net is fine.
The last splatfest it was fine in the morning. I played 15 games and no issues. When I came home that night to play, every game had someone that would go like 15-2 on the other team and I'd watch me and a teammate shoot them at the same time and they wouldn't die. I didn't even play the splatfest before that because it was so bad.
I thought I was crazy until I started reading articles about how people cheat on there. I'd say roughly 3 out of 10 games in S+ has a cheater in it. Just guessing because it's been so long since I played.
I was hoping it would be better now with paid internet, but nope. I miss Splatoon, when it is running correctly, still my favorite game. Unfortunately, with so many bad games it's ruined for me.
As sad as it is to see the avalanche of stages come to an end, it’s really remarkable just how much content this game has received over the last year. The stage, weapon and gear selection is staggering. And that’s without even mentioning the Octo Expansion. Splatoon 2 is easily my most played Switch game and I’m nowhere near done with it.
@SoIDecidedTo Evidently Nintendo has done something in the past few weeks to prevent and punish cheating in the game. I’ve noticed a huge improvement myself. If that’s what kept you from playing, I’d try jumping back in now.
@DanteSolablood It's hard to change things up when you've found your weapon of choice haha. For me it's the Dark Tetra Dualies... They're bloody marvelous. Those 4 mini-dashes let me perform some crazy good movement maneuvers and traverse distances normally impossible (enables some jumps that can't be performed without it as well on certain maps), and with my trusty little bot bomb and splashdown special, I feel equipped for every scenario
I've tried experimenting and playing with some splatlings and chargers, but I keep coming back to the dark tetra dualies, they're just so comfy and easily lets me adjust my aim through the mini-dashes even if I make a mistake.
@thesilverbrick They did weed out a lot of cheaters, but sadly the anti-cheat has been compromised not too long ago, so they're free to roam again if they know how to fight it.
Situation is still overall better.
@Blizzia Haha, very true! I love my Splashdown too.. though I've currently equipped the Kensa Splattershot/Tenta Missiles. I love to hunt down & splat the enemy team up close and personal, so I'm experimenting with some range in my special charge.
I think I need to put in more hours before I try out the Dualies, getting your head around the dash/rolls the first time takes some doing.. though it's tough to deal with out on the stage. Personal favourite stage - The Reef.
@DanteSolablood The dualies really are a force to be reckoned with, especially when sharing range with a lot of other weapons. Also works well vs slower weapons since you can shoot then dash backwards out of range, or zigzag your way up close.
Yes it's unfortunate as my wife and I have sunk so many hours into this game, but I didn't expect they'd continue making new content forever
Urchin Underpass hasn't been ported.
It's ok guys. This just means it's time to start working on Splatoon 3.
I hope "new" is a loaded term as well. There's still great maps from S1 that can make a return.
Well, I'll see you in Splatoon 3 then, Flounder Heights. Not that there's much to complain, this game has so much content now. I'll probably be playing it quite a bit until the third one comes out.
Hopefully by "new" they don't count returning stages. Would be nice if November onwards just kept releasing Splatoon Wii U stages until the only reason to load up the Wii U game is if you don't subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online.
@Heavyarms55 someday yes but it also depends how they want to treat it and based on some trends there is a good chance they will do 1 splatoon game per console.
Say it Ain't so
Thanks for the Weezer boys
I mean, they DID datamine unfinished versions of Museum D'Alfonsino and Flounder Heights in Splatoon 2, so...
@Obitokamui64 they'll just make Splatoon 3
I was surprised to see this being reported as news today as it was already announced on September 13 by the developers...
You're probably right but I hope it's a long time before it comes out.
Hoping that they continue adding maps from Splatoon 1. Would love to see Mahi-Mahi Resort and Urchin Underpass get in.
@-Green- Flounder Heights was amazing with the verticality. There is barely any verticality in Splatoon 2. It's mostly flat with a center where all the action comes together.
It's kinda ironic that they're winding down the updates for Splatoon 2 just when they should be selling the paid online service with fresh content.
@blockfight @polarbear my son and his friend play Splatoon 1 & 2 simultaneously with one being on a Switch and the other on Wii U and they both get games as quick as the other it seems.
I’m not sure how big the player base is but enough to get consistent games.
@BigKing Flounder Heights is really cool in terms of visual design. The whole apartment theme is unique. The problem with it and a lot vertical maps like Moray Towers that revolve around distinct higher platforms is that they tend to be fairly unbalanced due to how big a difference a height advantage means in Splatoon. They favor weapons like Chargers, Sloshers and Rollers, and makes them an absolute pain in a more competitive aspect.
Dynamo absolutely dominated Flounder, Chargers were undisputed in Moray. I guess a newer example is Shellendorf which has a unique upper layer on top. Which makes it a nightmare to deal against longer range weapons, especially heavies and such.
@Blizzia No actually.
That's not how businesses work, every word has a meaning and if it doesn't explicitly state old stages aren't returning then yes, people have a right to hope until they state otherwise.
it's simple buisness speak people often misinterpret like how they did with the switch online saves being "deleted" when all it said was unavailable (not accessible)
pretty simple.
@-Green- that wasn't really a problem, it gave the game more depth because you had to change your weapons and strategies based on the stages. To get to S+ you really needed to figure out all the levels and weapons/subs. In Splatoon 2 this isn't really the case. It's really easy to cruise to S+ and you can use the same play style on every level. Splatoon 1 forced you to adept.
@polarbear Ahhh gotcha, yeah I wonder when that will be pulled, The wii there service was run by a 3rd party I think, where as the Wii u Nintendo ran, so who knows may last sometime still
@BigKing I think it was a problem tbh. As once a team settled down in several of the maps, it was basically impossible to get back in. Splatoon 2 is a more varied game in terms of weapon balance. As you can run a greater amount of weapons and do reasonably well.
You’re definitely right about the ranking system in Spla2n though. It’s really not well done. Splatoon 1’s system was tough as nails, because it really wasn’t forgiving. The newer system is the polar opposite. It basically gives you a lot of freebies and in general means you can cruise If to the higher ranks by getting carried by better players.
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