This year's QuakeCon revealed Bethesda and id Software would be bringing DOOM Eternal to the Nintendo Switch, with the help of port specialist Panic Button. As fantastic as the announcement was, unsurprisingly it left fans of id's work wanting more.
Tim Willits, id Software studio director, then said Rage 2 - developed in partnership with Avalanche Studios - was in consideration for the Switch.
Website DualShockers has now followed this up at this year's GamesCom in Cologne, Germany. Willits reiterated his previous statement, and Bethesda Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications Pete Hines provided the following response, pointing out some obvious differences with Rage 2 compared to other releases:
We’ve talked about it, but it’s a completely different engine and tech. The nice thing about Doom, Wolf, and Doom Eternal is it all uses id Tech, Rage 2 uses Avalanche‘s engine, so it’s a different beast in terms of a seamless open world that you can play like that. We’ve talked about it some. Still uncertain whether that could ever work on the Switch.
He also explained how previous Nintendo platforms hadn't been a good fit for Bethesda's games in the past, compared to the Switch, which is now playing host a number of the company's iconic series.
According to Hines, Bethesda nowadays aims to bring its games to as many people as it possibly can, because it invests so much time in each one. Bringing games to more platforms generally means more players.
Are you eager to see Rage 2 on Switch? Would you like to see more id Software games in general on the system? Tell us below.
Comments 70
Why not just do what you always do? Pay Panic Button to work it all out lol
“Id software “still uncertain” if Rage 2 would ever work on Nintendo Switch”
*Fixed and you’re welcome.
Nintendo..please get us a more powerful Switch asap and let's get all these games onto it. Like you did with the 3ds and the new 3ds. I'd jump on a Switch+ or something like that.
Should be possible with some downgrading. Jumping down to 720p already frees up tonnes of juice and then you can start looking at scaling down textures and effects and optimizing code to Switch architecture. The Switch isn't far enough behind the base Xbox One power wise to rule this out entirely.
Loved the first game...apart from the ending.. it will be a shame if it doesn't come to Switch
would rather fallout 4
Gimme Fallout and Dishonored first. Yes tho, I'd love to see it. I just worry it would end up like Borderlands 2 on Vita. Even patched, it was hideous, and dropped fps left and right. Still played the crap out of it tho.
@Findonovan95 Eh no. Just buy a PS4 if you want to play it. Switch has a great library already and would only benefit more from good exclusives.
@Yasume I can appreciate your opinion and I agree with it on most points. The Switch has a great library of games and there are plenty of amazing new games on the way. And it would most certainly benefit from lots of new exclusive titles too. It doesn't change my opinion though. I think a new revision for the Switch would be great. I have no interest in the PS4 or Xbox. Thanks for sharing your thoughts though 😄
I find it hilarious how people act as though every game must come to the Switch and then complain that other people complaining about a lack of third party support are trolls.
Not every game will come to the Switch and that isn't even a bad thing so get over it guys.
Might be helpful to try Avalanche's engine on older games, perhaps? Like the first Rage... oh wait, Steam page claims it's actually id Tech 5. XD
If this won’t run optimally on Switch, I’ll play it on my PS4 Pro. I love how portable my Switch is, but if I can’t play every game on it, that’s still okay
@Findonovan95 a revision right now wouldnt help Nintendo or the switch out at all. The fragmentation and it possibly eating into the basic switch sales. I'd say 2020 earliest for a revision.
@Frendo @Sculptor It's not always as simple as that. Downscaling only works if the engine runs on the system, that's the first hurdle. And porting an engine, for maybe just one game, often isn't worth it to a lot of developers. They have the idTech engine up and running, that's why it's relatively cheap for them to bring Doom Eternal to Switch. But Rage runs on a different engine.
Also @Frendo, I don't think Microsoft and Sony pay developers to bring their games to their system. In fact, it's the other way around, developers pay them loyalties to release a game on their system. Not releasing a game on Xbox and especially PS4, means they're missing out on a big chunk of their potential profit.
@Findonovan95 Even if we get a Switch revision, games that don't work with the base model still won't be possible. Unless they make it exclusive to the revision and they'd be crazy to alienate a chunk of playerbase.
@Lthoise I can see how that could be a problem 😅 I'm just feeling down because I want to see some more great games like the Fallout games brought over to the Switch. I suppose you never know what announcements could be around the corner though. I'm still looking forward to an Animal Crossing game getting announced for the Switch too.
@HollowGrapeJ That's true, it reminds me of those games that they made New 3DS exclusives. They alienated all the people that were on the old revisions. I wasn't able to play a number of games for a long time because of it which was a little disheartening but once I upgraded it was awesome.
Yeah I doubt it would work either. Rage 2 is an open world game, while Doom and Wolfenstein are more linear.
@Findonovan95 and then the Switch will die.
Just buy a PS4 pro if you want those games. Even a pro Switch wont be as powerful as a PS5 or whatever and developers will make games for that anyway, leading to the same issues.
@Findonovan95 There was only a couple games (aside SNES vc and rcmadiax crap) that were NEW 3DS exclusive, and to my knowledge only Xenoblade sold decently.
Fallout games can come to the current Switch fine as the engine works with it. If the engine is compatible it is much more likely a game can release on the Switch pending the publisher / developer is willing to go ahead with it. It's why at first "The switch isn't powerful enough" was the go to excuse for them until the Switch became a big hit.
@Sculptor The Switch has about 2 to 3 times less the computing power of the base XBox One in at least two areas. The GPU is capable of only about a third of what the base XBox One is capable of at the same level of operation accuracy (512GFLOPS @FP32 vs 1.31TFLOPS @FP32), although modern things like Vulkan benefit from the ability of the Switch's GPU to perform FP16 accuracy (The XBox One GPU is incapable of that) so clever programming may bring the actual in-game performance closer to the XBox One indeed if FP16 is used where it is enough and FP32 is reserved for things to really do require it. However even with a mixture of both types, for an advanced looking modern 3D game, you would probably only get about as far as crunching out half the amount of operations that the XBox One could if you're trying to get your game to have all of the same visual effects. Modern visual effects really do need that FP32 accuracy. Furthermore that level of optimization would typically require an amount of work in ports from other platforms to Switch that not all devs may be willing to invest, because you'd need to rework your engine code practically from scratch to check all areas where you could save on performance by lowering the accuracy.
Let's say for purely 2D games for instance were highly accurate operations are not all that necessary, then you could see a performance closer to 1TFLOPS on Switch, assuming anyone would want to develop the same game for both systems by writing two completely differently optimised engines for each platform (highly unlikely), but in a game like Rage, you're never going to see such numbers.
Then memory bandwidth is between two and three times lower on Switch (25GB/s vs 68.3GB/s) which for a game that streams its assets constantly really kills things off. Memory bandwidth, not the actual CPU or GPU, is the biggest bottleneck on Switch, but being released in 2017 and being a portable machine, there wasn't much else Nintendo could have picked besides LPDDR4. LPDDR5 wasn't available yet at the time and even so, LPDDR5 wouldn't have changed things so drastically as to make the impossible possible.
I guess I'll have to remember to think before I speak next time I think about commenting 😅 Sorry guys.
It is not always just a "power" issue. An incompatible engine can be a far bigger problem for porting, as graphics can usually be downscaled quite a bit.
@Kirgo Pretty much. That was the case with A Hat in Time.
@Findonovan95 and what make games that work only on New Switch leaving old Switch users behind? I still can't understand why new 3ds was able to play SNES games... (like Earthbound).and my old 3ds could not!!
@MagnaRoader People give Panic Button way too much credit. The real star of the show is the id Tech engine that is really scalable.
The biggest Rocket League performance update was after Panic Button stopped working on the Switch version.
Please can we stop with this myth that the switch is near base Xbox one power.
@NintendoLife Hopefully you see this someone is using your youtube channel name as their own commenting rude on stuff on youtube here is the link to the channel.
@Liam_Doolan You might just want to take a quick look at comment #2...
@KoopaSlayer92 Apparently, they already noticed, because there isn't a single video to be found on that channel. Shame I didn't notice before though, because your comment did make me kind of curious...
Frankly, as much as I'd like for this to happen, I wouldn't get my hopes up. I know Bethesda has been good to us so far, but this is a different animal.
It could probably come to the Switch if they wanted, but they would probably have to make too many compromises just to make it happen.
I rather they import some of their other great games (Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4 please) but I'm happy they are a great third party company that is definitely trying to support the Switch.
@ThanosReXXX I saw it.
@Liam_Doolan I see... makes it all the more strange, that the mistake isn't corrected yet...
I hope they can make it happen. Rage 2 portable would be the dream.
Yeah at 600p and dipping into 25fps. You also need to cut on texture and lighting. Still get a good review because "it Is a handheld"
Most will not get it on Switch, but still can claim it "sold well" just don't give any real sale data. Have the marketing guy say it in an interview.
I think that covers it 🤔
@mist @ThanosReXXX Thanks
Is there a problem in there somewhere?
"Sorry guys."
Hey, please don't feel like that. People obviously have different (and sometimes quite strong!) opinions, but there was nothing wrong with anything that you said. Go ahead and speak your mind... it's the only way that interesting debates can occur!
That'd be nice.
I'd like for the myth that core gameplay designs could somehow "not work" on Switch due to its level of power to go away as well.
Of course, if the game would have to look and run like Starfox on SNES to work, there'd be no point in doing it, I realize that much.
So glad I got a Xbox one lol ... I'd miss out on loads of great games otherwise... It won't switch it's way too over the top
This game will use the same engine used in Just Cause 3, that game ran at 15~25 fps at times on the PS4/Xbox 1.
I'm not exactly expecting them to bring to the Switch if this game runs the same.
@Sculptor I thought the open world thing was hard to handle for the switch. I'm totally ignorant on the details though. Your comment brings me some hope. Generally all I hear is how much less capable the switch is than the twins.
@Sculptor in gpu terms it's probably not a million miles away but it has half the RAM, half the CPU cores and a lot slower per core, not to mention about an eighth of the overall memory bandwith. In overall performance there is a very big gap between the two and open world games in particular suffer on the console compared with the others due to the comparatively weak CPU and memory bandwith restrictions
id is making a game using someone else's engine? That's... odd.
Fallout please!!!
@whanvee "I thought the open world thing was hard to handle for the switch."
Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 say otherwise.
@Mountain_Man They're co-developing it with Avalanche.
@Octane Still seems odd to me. id has traditionally been an engine developer first, game developer second. But I guess that was more back in the day day when John Carmack was still with the company.
@Mountain_Man I meant more along the lines of newer games as in Assasins Creed and others. Nintendo games are a given and skyrim isn't really the newest version but one that is a mix of the original and the rereleased ( whatever it was called). Not saying it's not possible but I don't see any third party open world games on the switch yet, barring skyrim. Even breath of the wild struggled a bit at times. Could be due to the engine starting on the Wii u? Who knows. I'm hopeful but I don't see it happening as much as we want it. We might see a lot of old open world games ala saints row the third. The newest "extra flashy" ones I doubt. Then again we'll see. I'd like to see some open world game being made exclusively for the switch but with the amount of time and money it takes to make said games it's a lot to ask of a company to make exclusives anymore . More consoles mean bigger exposure to people and more sales or so you would hope.
@carlos82 This is more in line with what I've read about the switch in comparison to its console competitors
@Pod for tons of people - yes. Why other formats/consoles still sell extremely well.
@EightBitMan Nintendo tried that way before and people supported playstation which was less powerful than a Nintendo system, so Nintendo stop competing and went their own ways. You want to blame somebody for Nintendo going a different route, don't blame them.
@whanvee breath of the wild is an open world game, and the switch was able to handle that pretty good.
As long as we got Doom Eternal, I don't give a crap about any other no name fps.
I understand that the Switch's hardware is significantly weaker than current-gen consoles and PCs. But why are most studios assuming any game is not possible on the Switch?
The Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii U had open world games, so obviously it's possible on the Switch as well.
@retro_player_22 Have you been living under a rock? Rage is certainly not a no-name game...
(and for the record: I'd rather have Rage and Rage 2 than any of the Doom games)
@shani Yes I'm living under a rock, it's called planet Earth and if this Rage thing is so popular it better spawn more sequels than just Rage 2.
@shani but them open world games where built for that generation of hardware. Dreamcast ran shenmue II. Doesn't mean shenmue III could be scaled down to run on Dreamcast hardware.
Don't think anybody is denying that switch can handle open world games. Can it run rage 2 is the question. How much will the developers have to downgrade to get it running @ an acceptable level.
@retro_player_22 By that logic game series like Half-Life, Portal had to have 100 sequels. Whether or not a game gets sequels doesn't necessarily depend on its popularity.
That said, everyone who prides themself to be a gamer should at the very least have heard about Rage (and more recently, Rage 2). It was released long before Doom was resurrected and imho the more interesting game series.
@kobashi100 But they are wording it as if it had anything to do with Rage 2's having 'a seamless open world'. BotW has a seamless open world too and it's running just fine.
But to go back to your example: of course you could make Shenmue III run on the Dreamcast if you really wanted, you'd just have to downscale the graphics (and draw distance, number of objects, number of polygons) to the point where it gets really ugly.
Which is exactly how more recent games that have been ported (Doom etc.) look on the Switch. So it's not a question of possibility. It is definitely possible. It's just a question of how much resources/work/effort they want to put in.
@shani @Mountain_Man As far as I know, the Switch doesn't have any current open world game from third party devs. Only one that comes close is LA Noire which technically doesn't even count as it's a remaster.
There's no Witcher 3, Fallout 4, GTA V, nothing to really make a proper comparison.
@HollowGrapeJ Well it has BotW (what difference does it make who the developer is?) and that's a port of a Wii U game.
Besides, there are third party open world games like Skyrim, Minecraft, Lego Worlds, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fe, Fortnite, Okami. And yeah, L.A. Noire counts too.
Oh just saw that you wrote 'current'. Well GTA V is a 2013 game, Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 are from 2015, so really, they are old, last-gen games.
The Switch's hardware is supposed to be slightly more powerful than the Wii U's, which means it's significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360. And that one ran games like GTA IV, RDR etc.
The lack of open world games probably has more to do with developers fearing its feasability, which leads to a vicious circle.
I'm almost certain it has to due with hardware. Hence why we haven't seen many.
@whanvee Yeah many on here can't grasp that there is a gulf in overall performance and that's not a criticism, it's just that a handheld device cannot compete on those terms with a home console/PC but it's great for what it can do.
You're right about the open world games struggling on Switch or just being impossible due to these limiting factors. I know some bring up Skyrim, Zelda and Xenoblade but the latter never stays near it's target resolution or even framerate (despite being designed for the hardware) whilst Zelda has issues in the only area with some dense foliage and scenery with the rest of the game being sparse. Whilst Skyrim is 7 years old with basic geometry and character models and it's towns and caves are behind loading screens. Witcher 3 is a great example of a modern open world and the Xbox One X with a 6 tflop gpu, 12 gb RAM and around 320gb memory bandwith can barely manage around 40fps at 1080p around the city of Novigrad due to its CPU and that's an 8 core jaguar at 2.3ghz, well beyond the Switch.
The Switch is great at many things and I have no doubt that an open world game designed from scratch would work well on the system but as you seem to suspect already, getting those designed with other hardware in mind is very unlikely just from a technical point of view
@HollowGrapeJ "...the Switch doesn't have any current open world game from third party devs."
How about devs give us new content for the switch instead of trying to port everything down.
@Mountain_Man Skyrim isn't a current gen open world game. It's an older game with some polish just like LA Noire.
why bother.
we are now living in a gaming era, where there is no better time after almost 14 years, to have two of the best consoles sitting side by side in your livingroom/bedroom.
im talking about the ps4 and nintendo switch. it doesn't matter how you get it, buy one second hand if its too much money, you won't miss any great release, and you profit those magical nintendo releases you won't find on all other consoles, wich are most of the time too depressive and action based. thats why i got rid of my xbox one. it did not offer anything for my son, and i wanted to see more diversity in gaming.
the last time we had that situation was with the gamecube/ps2 era, i never had any regret to own those two consoles. jumping from one platform to another, resident evil 4, pikmin2, then grand teft auto san andreas, to mgs final fantasy 10.
epic moments.
you don't bother these type of articles either.
I'd love to play the first Rage on Switch.
You imply that publishers are being untruthful about their sales achievements on Switch. Is this one of the problems?
Just wait until New Switch Lite with the Tegra X2 comes out, that should be able to run it.
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