The Nintendo Switch is an unstoppable powerhouse right now. It’s not only the system itself, though, it’s also the retail games - such as the recently released Octopath Traveler - receiving much love, to the point suppliers literally couldn’t keep up with the demand.
In Japan, the system has already reached another milestone with retail sales for this year going beyond the five million mark. As noted by Game Data Library, the sales obviously do not even consider the additional digital copies sold on the eShop.
It was only recently revealed there are 556 Switch games available in Japan. This number has no doubt increased since. While not all of these titles are retail releases, there are plenty of experiences to enjoy on Nintendo's latest device.
Do you think the sales momentum will slow down any time soon? Tell us below.
[source sites.google.com]
Comments 108
Nice, good job Nintendo
Soooo... it is #2 in sales and Growth Throughout The Year
"556 Switch games available in Japan"
How many are really good ?
Money, money, money! It's raining coins!
Nintendoomed! Nintendo has no games! The games they do have all suck! WAHHHHH! Too many ports! Not enough 3rd party content! I hate Nindies! Too much shovelware! WAHHH!
@Cobalt Well there are about 100 Hamster releases (Neo Geo/Arcade Archives), but from what I’ve seen the quality control in general is better there are still a few stinkers (Aloha Escape whatever it’s called). The western indies that make it over are the ones that are good. For every third party title that’s missing like South Park there’s a Secret of Mana Collection or a Warriors games that never made it to the states. Again there still is trash (WWE 2K) but in general it’s better.
@Agramonte that’s one very pessimistic way of looking at it I suppose.
The other is to note that PS4 sales YTD are boosted by Monster Hunter & the biggest PS4 games of the year in Japan are already out. Nintendo, by contrast hasn’t released anything of comparable scale yet this year.
Pokémon Let’s Go and Smash will dramatically change that chart.
@Cobalt More than you can possibly play.
Keep going, Nintendo Switch !
Smash the PS4 sales to the ground !
Dragon Quest XI, which was the biggest PS4 game of 2017, didn't release until very late July 2017 (outside of the YTD tracking period), so this PS4 software sales comparison is quite biased toward 2018 given that Monster Hunter World has already been released.
@westman98 I take your point (I had considered DQXI) and it will make the PS4’s ‘growth’ figures look much less impressive after next week.
PS4 will - of course still be healthily ahead of Switch for this current YTD for the time being but it should be. It’s not normally fair to compare a mature product at the peak of its commercial success against a product that’s still in its early growth phase.
The PS4 started the year with an install base three or more times bigger than Switch in Japan. That software sales for PS4 aren’t outpacing those on Switch by at least 2-1 is the real comparison to make here.
Those lifetime 3DS figures - phew! And I love that the Vita isn't thaaaat far away from PS4 on lifetime sales. Japan surely loves a handheld.
@PanurgeJr oh @Cobalt doesn't actually PLAY any games, just moan about them here 😉
Great to see the video game market is healthy in Japan!
@Cobalt For you?? None.
I've lived in the Tokyo area since shortly after the 3DS launch in 2011 and saw the explosion of frequency you'd see people of all walks of life playing on the 3DS in public here, something very less common with the Swiitch. Its doing well in sales, but it doesn't seem to have the same cultural grip on Japan than the 3DS had. I assume it has to do with being less portable and competing with the rise of Smartphones (Japan adopted the smart phone en masse a few years later than other countries) so more people are playing at home, but that aside you just don't feel the same impact with the Swiitch.
@Cobalt Are you sure you wouldn't be happier with a PS4? I would look in to it. (And if you already have one...then what the hell man?)
I know I'm being a negative nancy, but if you look at the year-to-date figures you can see Switch and 3DS combined Nintendo have actually sold fewer games this year. All those extra Switch sales have come at the expense of 3DS sales.
I have one already. I have a pretty nice PC, an arcade, WiiU an basically all the old machines such as NES, SNES, Megadrive, PCengine DUO-R etc...
You're wrong ! Kingdom Battle and Octopath Traveler. If I "forget" the technical issues, I could add Xenoblade 2 to the list...
So yeah, 2 or 3 games... in 17 Months... :/
@Cobalt Then quit moaning about no games dude. I only own a Switch and can't keep up!
I don't ! Just the thread is about a subject and then, there is a kind of debate between people with different point of views... that's all
For me? Much more than on PS4 or XBO. For you? I don't know and I don't care.🙂
Holy cow those numbers!
You know it's a question of point of view :
God of War 4 is crazy
Detroit Becomes Human is surprising
Horizon Zero Dawn is really cool
Nioh is great
Nier Automata is really interesting
Persona 5 is not bad at all
Final Fantasy XII the zodiac age is awesome
Ni No Kuni 2 is superb
So if you prefer kirby Star allies or Nintendo Labo or 1 2 Switch or Snipperclips or Mario Tennis Aces etc... NO PROBLEM for me... ^^
This is exactly my point.
The best Switch games are Wii U games for 90% of them.
This is insane, never a system had for that "short period(17 months)" that much ports espacially if you combine the Wii U ports + the PS4/PS3/360/ONE ports.
This is just insane.
@Heavyarms55 eh, I think that 'nintendoomed' joke died at some point last year dude.
@Cobalt @New_Guest
I had (and still do) a WiiU and still can't keep up with all the good games releasing on Switch. Why? Well first of all owning a WiiU doesn't guarantee owning every single game for the console. I didn't buy DK or Hyrule Warriors and I would get them on Switch if I had the money and time, but sadly I have things to do in the real world. Then there's the fact that third parties are now supporting Nintendo's console. If you have a PC or PS4 you mighy not care, but they are even more games for the Switch and they're portable. You're free to dislike the games but there's no way you can say there are no games on Switch. Most people can't even play all the games because of their lives.
I don't dislike the games I LOVE'EM ! But I love them since the previous generation that's all...
I have right now around humm 120 games on the Wii U so you can understand that the ports have no effect on me.
I have a nice SPECS PC and a PS4, so you can again, understand that games like Doom/ Wolfenstein/Y's VIII etc... are not relevant for me. They are lower quality and cost expensiver on the Switch...
So yeah, I would like to have my fix with exclusive Switch games, this is just normal.
Why a dude could get an XBOX ONE for example ? Maybe because he likes HALO, FORZA, GEARS OF WAR etc... this not abnormal to think like that.
Why I buy a Nintendo system is because I'M IN LOVE with their games since the Game & Watch. My "problem" is that Nintendo in extremely lazy during this 1st year 1/2... it's a fact.
@Cobalt Most of the even-numbered ones.
Can you explain me what you mean ? You know I'm not native speaker and you didn't quote on what you're answering...
I'm sorry but I don't get what you mean... really sorry... :/
The thing that surprises me is how strong the physical sales are. I have not bought a single physical game. As the Switch is portable, I really appreciate having all my games on my system at all times. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Ok but then you can't expect Nintendo to comply with your expectations. I guess you don't count indies either so then you're excluding third parties, ports and indies. You can't expect Nintendo to release more than two goty contenders each year. Last year we had BoTW and Odyssey, this year we have SSBU and Pokemon Let's Go. Next year we might get Metroid and Pokemon gen 8. And that's without counting smaller titles like Splatoon 2, Arms, Kirby, Mario Tennis, Fire Emblem, Yoshi, etc. Oh and by the way, if you have so many games alreadywhy do you care if more are released? You could try and finish or complete the ones you already have if you have nothing else to do.
No, you didn't get my point. ^^
Basically, when I bought my SNES what I had to play ? All the NES games ported to the SNES ?
When I bought my N64 what I had to play ? All the SNES games ported to the N64 ?
When I bought my Gamecube what I had to play ? All the N64 games ported to the Gamecube ?
Sure not ! I had exclusive titles, new titles and even 3rd party awesome titles...
Now with the Switch, it's like the entire exclusives games of the previous generation is gonna replace what YOU NORMALLY HAVE TO HAVE when you buy a NEW SYSTEM : NEW GAMES !
Sure am glad I took the time to hit "ignore" on that cobalt guy a few posts ago. But it's nice to see those switch numbers getting up there, we've got about 20 physical games at home and will probably pick up another 10 by years end. 👍
It is only Japan, while still impressive in the west, PS still in charge.
Only God of War has impressed me this year, it's been a bit lackluster year so far.
Funny how Nintendo don't actually talk about global sales figures anymore.
But saying that, Even Sony have kinda screwed up this year too, aside from God Of War, there was nothing note worthy from them either.
Overall 2018 hasn't been a stellar year for gaming.
No, you missed my point. The Switch does have new games, as I stated above. However I don't understand why you want so many games? Do you have time to play them all?
I'm a game developper so it's literally food for me to play games. ^^
Another thing, I sleep around 4/5 hours WHEN I SLEEP ! LOL
So yeah, I have the time to combine, coding, graphic design, level design; sound design etc... and playing games.
well done, switch is a great machine with nothing else to compare with
So let’s categorise the people complaining about the Switch library*
1. Switch only owners. Not complaining, really. Obviously. Loads of games.
2. Switch and Wii U owners who don’t have a PS4 or XB1. No idea what you’re complaining about. Easily over 100 worthwhile games you don’t otherwise have access to.
3. Switch and Wii U owners who do have access to a PS4 and/or XB1 (like me). I know it’s 2018, and it’s the internet, and people like to complain, but seriously? How many good games do you need to choose from? If there’s a barren spell on one system buy something on another.
“Yes but yes but yes but I want more exclusives”
Switch is already doing better for exclusives than those other machines did in the same length of time after their launch. Yes it is. But if they’re not to your liking well you poor lamb. You’ll have to choose from hundreds and hundreds of good games on whichever system you feel like sitting in front of/taking with you.
To sum up. Have a day off.
*Endlessly, remorelselessly and witlessly
Nintendo release their sales figures every quarter. Next update due any day now in fact (don’t know the exact date)
@Cobalt 20% ?
@StuTwo Nothing pessimistic about it - it is what the chart says.
Yes, goes to show important big AAA games like MHW (and Smash) are for a platform. Just 1 is worth 7 months of rehashed WiiU ports and evergreens.
I would say more about 12/15% because of the days I don't sleep at all...
Oooooh haha that explains a lot then.
@kepsux interesting observation. Here in New York, I see very few switches on the subway and cafes, airports etc. I see some, sure, but comforted to people fiddling with phones? Pffft. I love my Switch but I wouldn’t feel that happy playing it on the subway. Sofa in handheld mode and docked when I’m supposed to be working at my desk
@electrolite77 Jul 31st
Good catch dude !
@Cobalt You have very particular tastes. That isn't Nintendo's fault. You are trying to tell people there are no good games to buy in the comment section of an article about how people are buying tons of good games. Do you ever think that maybe its you who is wrong, and not everyone else?
But the Switch library sucks! Nobody wants to buy Wii U ports!
Yeah, suck it, naysayers.
Thank you sir
@KIRO Yea, is suspect a majority of people play in handheld mode at home, or just play docked. Which essentially makes it a WiiU, hahahahahhaa.
I don't think so !
If you think that a guy who supported (and still support) Nintendo, since the game & Watch, and saw the evolution of the company deteriorate is abnormal... humm ok then !
But I'm sorry, Nintendo was know to be diffent !
All those fanboys yelling everywhere that Nintendo was so special, so different. It was true !
What is Nintendo today ?
DLCs, they never did !
PORTS like crazy, they never did THAT MUCH !
ONLINE that YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR, they never did.
Copying what the others did because it's the trend(open world etc...) they never really did or so well hidden than it was ok
Basically what's made Nintendo so special back then is dissapearing... even the Amiibos are kind of fake DLCs...
So you know, I just make a cold analysis, times change.
About the games, I have to repeat again :
YES THERE ARE GOOD GAMES ! But FOR THE MOMENT, they are almost only ports ! Nothing new !
It's more 3rd party who create something fresh on the Switch, Kingdom Battle is great, Octopath Traveler is cool but I'm sorry to say that MarioKart 8 as good as it is, it's not new ! Bayonetta 2, the same ! Donkey Kong CTF the same ! Captain Toad TT the same ! Hyrule Warriors the same ! Lego City UC the same ! etc...
I never experience that on a Nintendo system before... When I bought a NEW system, I had plenty of NEW GAMES to play on it and justify the price of it.
SO, yeah the Switch have good games but almost NOTHING for somebody who supported Nintendo whatever was the period (somebody like me, to have shown support all the time, they skrew me... not really fun).
To conclude, it's like the message from Nintendo to me and the others 14 Millions of people who bought a Wii U is :
@electrolite77 NP... Their Stock is part of my retirement plans. The date does not cause me dread anymore like in WiiU times.
Going back to the main topic, happy to see Switch adoption keeping strong in Japan. We will all get the collateral benefits of this big win in the east. Not to mention the positive sales figures in the West! I’m glad to be onboard of NS.
Nintendo life, you guys really could use a better comment section. One that shows conversations, like Reddit. When I'm scrolling on my phone, it's impossible to keep track of who and what they're responding to. Just a thought.
@Cobalt What are you talking about? Wii U had great games but too few customers, that's why they port them. It is VERY unlikely that Switch games come to the next console. Also, copying other games? Sorry, I don't see how Mario Odyssey is close to any other game out there. It's the best game of its genre in the last 10 years.
It seems like you are really biased with your opinion. How can you say "if you like Nintendo Labo or 1,2 Switch you might like the Switch", clearly choosing to ignore the greater games of the Switch? How can you list the best PS4 games and compare them to the bad Switch games?
I don't care if you like the PS4 better than the Switch. PS4 has much different games and also great titles, but these games don't even feel CLOSE to Nintendo games, so saying they copy anything is just trying to talk [removed].
I just hope you might stop trying to belittle anything that Nintendo does and stop fueling this console war that has been going on for 30 years.
Being angry all the time isn't good for your health.
@Cobalt - You post a version of your last comment here every day. The repetition and all caps (presumably because you believe they REALLY hammer home your enlightened views) do not make your opinion a fact. You’re basically posting a greatest hits version of all the anti Switch memes, and it’s not new or clever.
You're wrong man; you're wrong...
You know how much it cost only in time to port all those games combined?
Let me tell you that I'd prefer that Nintendo use that time, ressources, people etc... to create something fresh.
I never say that Nintendo made a carbon copy of other games, I said that basically it's not them who give the tempo sort of. They see that open worlds are trendy, bammmm, Zelda is Open World (great open world I love that game) but it's not them who come with the new stuff that change the industry anymore... no they look what is working somewhere else and they copy that to make their own stuff.
About Odyssey, I think is the worst 3D Mario ever. I'm gonna remember Mario64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2, 3D World but Odyssey ? Yeah I'll probably remember the atrocious amount of moons that you never felt smart to find... because basically they are everywhere ! Jump here, a moon ! Break a block, a moon ! Climb a tree, a moon ! etc... It's really FARRRRR from how you have to be involved normally in a 3D Mario...
It's different ! but at least, Sony does what they are known for...
Not Nintendo anymore...
There is no console war like you said, there are facts.
I love the concept of the Switch, I like really much Kingdom Battle, I really appreciate Octopath Traveler but hey, where is the Nintendo I knew over more than 30 years ?
I would like to have an "italic possibility" to replace the caps but guess what, it doesn't exist here... So I'm sorry to use caps to make a difference between different part of my posts but I have nothing else available.
PS : and stop with that "anti Switch stuffs", there is no anti blablabla... just another and different vision of your way of thinking...
What I like with the Switch, I say it... what I don't, I say it too... simple as that.
@Cobalt How many are good? Is relative. But how many are selling apparently a lot.
Hmm... that's swell.
Selling a lot doesn't mean good my friend !
Miley Cyrus sells like crazy, you know that ?
@Cobalt - You can italicize if you feel the need. Since you’re a game designer/programmer, I’m positive you can figure it out. I didn’t say you were anti Switch, I said you were continuously posting all the anti Switch memes.
You being to Pragmatic - people going to short-out here. 😉
@TonyTyga90 I think that is on the front door at EA's Headquarters
You mean, it's possible to "bracket" [ i ] blablablabla [/i] a text ? o_O
@Cobalt Do I believe Miley Cyrus is good? Some songs are catchy but I wouldn't buy an album or go to a concert. Well guess what there are a ton of people who do pay for Miley Cyrus. "Good" is relative.
In the famous words of HOV (Jay-Z), "Men lie, women lie but numbers don't lie"
OK !!!
If your references are Miley Cyrus and Jay-Z, yeah I'm screwed with Nietzsche, Kant, Descartes and Sartre ! LMAO
You have been moaning a lot lately so you are likely to some comeback from people. But overall you are putting down Nintendo for a problem that is the same for all platforms. How many Gta games across many platforms, or fifa 1,2, etc. etc. and available on many platforms, there are many many more examples of this out there. Will you be complaining on push square when they release god of war on the PS5?
@Agramonte For-profit companies have one goal. That goal is to make money for its owners or shareholders. Does it matter if their customer base are idiots who continue to buy there crappy products. No, when has that ever mattered? EA ain't trying to save the world. And guess what although the gaming media and vocal players hate loot crates, there obviously must of been someone who loved them. Once those sales went down, so did those loot crates.
@Cobalt I'll help you out. Pick up your dictionary and look up the word "Relative", might clear up a lot
You don't get the most important : Fifa and GTA are available in the middle of zillion other games and they are not exclusives.
We talk about the same games ported to the new system and not having the choice to play other exclusives! ^^
Do you use "relative" as the opposite of "absolute" like we do in programming ?
@Cobalt Dude just because you believe some of the Switch Japanese games are bad, doesn't for a FACT make them bad. Actually the numbers are against you. Even if you could physically review 278 of the games (half), it still wouldn't prove anything. It only proves that you're king of an island that lacks 5 million people.
@TonyTyga90 And 100% agree. They all out to make cash - and what sells - sells. That is what you bring to market. And in context that is what @Cobalt points out. That is not an indication of quality.
Yes, LB are there because people buy them. To now complain that the publishers put them there is nonsensical. It makes money.
Whatever keeps the lights on and helps get Sea Of Solitude made (and Unravel 2 on Switch) is OK with me. They can sell porn if they want.
Yeah i can imagine that era was pretty nerve wracking! There’s always the possibility that they could go back to making a mess of things next gen but there a pretty safe bet overall aren’t they?
We all think that a stuff is bad or good, whatever is the subject. This is the story of humanity.
I never say a thing like " if you like what I don't you're a moron" ! Never !
So, it's just the poor little heart of some "Nintendrones" that bleed because there are other people who think different.
For example, I hate the rap of today but I have no problem with the people who like that... Everything is about a personal point of view, isn't it ? So why you judge me with I quote "It only proves that you're king of an island that lacks 5 million people."
You know, on Earth, all the people don't think the same way... ^^
@Cobalt I'm not gonna lie. When I read "This is the story of humanity.", I laughed. This convo suddenly got deep. lmao. Nintendrones? Yeah you sorta sound like a Nintendo Hater, a true troll. An article about Nintendo hitting a sales milestone on a site called Nintendo Life; and there this one guys that's like "Ugh selling games is bad, especially when I believe the games are bad." lol But sounds like you picked up that dictionary. Awesome!
@Syrek24 Awesome will do. I was getting that same impression
@Cobalt You may never have written " if you like what I don't you're a moron", but the very first thing you wrote here was clearly meant to imply that a large number of games on the Switch are bad, and when there are people like me and many other people here who love a large number of games in the Switch library, you're implying we like bad games. There's far more subtext to comments than you realize, which means you're saying a lot more than you realize; you may not have used the word "moron", but it comes across to anyone who reads your (vast, vast number of) comments. That's why you get antagonistic responses; you're not some poor soul chosen at random.
@Agramonte it’s not actually what the chart says. You claimed that Switch was number 2 both in terms of overall software sales and improvement over last year. In fact the chart shows that Switch software sales YTD 2018 vs YTD 2017 have increased both more than PS4 sales in both relative terms and in absolute terms.
I’d also say the figures we get from Japan (especially in a week where 10 of the top 12 are Switch games - many holding on in the list from 2017) support a different narrative: the big releases may sell millions (& cost much more to make so yielding lower margins) but it’s the evergreens & ports that actually drive the long term increase in hardware sales necessary for big new releases to realise their potential.
Some Geo-political factors play into this as well, Nintendo would have been in a much better position had China been more fair on the world market.
I hate Trump but he is right to stick it to China, they play a shady game on the economic spectrum - Foreign investment within the country is heavily handicapped when it comes to their own companies while other countries believe in a free market, China takes advantage of this in other countries but stops others taking advantage of their own economy and country.
It's a one way street that looks like its about to change, China doesn't know how to combat US pressure and will likely come to the conclusion that it would be easier to open its market and allow more free competition between its own investments and foreign investors than to attempt to fight back, especially as behind closed doors many countries aside from the US have voiced their displeasure at China's methods.
Going back to topic, this should open up the market for Nintendo a lot more in China, when that time comes.
If China doesn't tow that line then they will likely fall behind Japan with the new EU+Japan trade deal, this is also good for Nintendo... so the future outlook looks very strong.
There are bad games like everywhere else.
But I pointed out more the ports problem, I even explained that I loved those games but one generation before this one.
There is a misunderstanding on that point.
I don't like to have plenty of ports but hey, those games are awesome ! Donkey, MK8, Captain Toad etc...
Really stange to see that if you're not coming from the same mold, you're a troll... I'm not agree on that.
But, I totally understand your point and I thank you for your polite reply.
Good advice, Syrek24. I followed your lead.
@TonyTyga90 " I'm not gonna lie. When I read "This is the story of humanity.", I laughed."
Yeah I have a talent for that ! We call that "to defuse a bomb"...
@electrolite77 Pretty much. Even when people complain about Nintendo - It is always about "what else they want" (myself included) or driven by wanting more of a good thing (Zelda/Mario on year - Metroid/fire Emblem the next) regardless how unrealistic it could be.
The Nintendo core product line (and experience) always has an inherent value that will never go anywhere. So, yeah - They pretty safe bet overall.
Just hope when it is my time to check-out they in a Switch moment and not a WiiU one...
@StuTwo No, I did reference to "Growth Throughout The Year" that is the title of Chart #2 in the reference data this article is based on.
And the narrative that it is only based on MHW is incorrect. the curve shows a constant ark. MHW kick started it - but other games had to maintained it or it would have leveled out.
That Top 10 barely go over 180K software sales combined. You still better off doing 1 game that sells 10X as much in the same time. Just the money you save from Distribution and Marketing 10 individual games is a plus.
“But I'm sorry, Nintendo was know to be diffent ! Do you remember "THE NINTENDO DIFFERENCE" ?
All those fanboys yelling everywhere that Nintendo was so special, so different. It was true !”
You’re rewriting history to try and justify your own endless, attention seeking complaining about the current Nintendo.
How were Nintendo special in the past? Was it the bullying of third parties and the bullying of retailers in the 80s and early 90s? Was it the way they got fined for price fixing in the US? The way they got fined for price fixing in Europe? The way they tried to stamp out the Game Genie? The irritating things like leaving the headphone port off the GBA SP? Not including chargers with some 3DS models?
Nintendo adopted some unpleasant practices under Iwata and have taken on a couple more since but in reality they’ve always been the same. They make exceptionally good games and they’re an aggressive money-making company.
“PORTS like crazy, they never did THAT MUCH !”
The same Nintendo launched the GBC with two very slightly improved games you could already play on the system. They filled the GBA library with SNES ports then the NES Classics. The Wii launched with a GameCube ‘port’ and got loads more as ‘New Play Control’ games. How many systems have Super Mario Bros and Ocarina of Time been on? Nintendo has always loved ports.
“Copying what the others did because it's the trend(open world etc...)”
GTA 3 is 17 years old. Open world is not a trend.
“YES THERE ARE GOOD GAMES ! But FOR THE MOMENT, they are almost only ports ! Nothing new !”
The majority of Nintendo games on Switch are not on any other system.
“To conclude, it's like the message from Nintendo to me and the others 14 Millions of people who bought a Wii U is :
Yes. Not buying games out now because they might come out on another system in the future is probably the very definition of crazy.
Nintendo doesn't report their quarterly financials until July 31st.
@geheimxy Mind your language!
It’s hard to be objective sometimes. I was hugely critical of them in the Wii U era because I genuinely thought they were pile driving the company into the ground. I’d love to see he return of all my beloved franchises that are on the naughty step-Advance Wars, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Wave Race and he like. I’d love to know what’s happened to Pikmin 4. But objectively they’re doing pretty well and their current direction makes all kinds of sense.
@electrolite77 Their greatest asset is also their curse. We basically want decades worth of Nintendo IPs crammed in each generation.
yep, It is... critical of not getting Metroid - but the reality is - the people who been waiting for Smash are finally getting their turn.
@Agramonte that’s not a ‘growth’ graph. It’s a graph of cumulative sales for the year plotted over time (& it suggests Switch software sales will end up ahead by the end of the year)
The important figures are the YTD for this year (which is what’s been plotted on the graph) and prior YTD. PS4 should be 2-3 times ahead of YTD because it’s a mature product with (at the start of the year) 2-3 times the install base.
Comparing them shows you actual growth.
@StuTwo Again, that is the name of the chart and the title on my comment. You can debate the chart with the person who made it.
The article makes reference to the data of now - "5 Million Mark" - referencing a chart that does not have projection for end of year. So obvious the comment has nothing to do on who is where in December.
So Statement: "it is #2 in sales and Growth Throughout The Year" is correct. Referencing the data that are actually in the chart for the set time we discussing.
@StuTwo And Switch will blow past PS4 at some point. It will gain ground during the summer but then rocket past once Pokemon and Smash release. The PS4 numbers are a result of MHW.
@Cobalt I had a great time with Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Project Octopath, Arms, Splatoon 2 and so on. I also enjoy the ports of Mario Kart 8, Tropical Freeze, etc.
Again, your personal tastes come into play in not being able to enjoy these offerings. You know there are over 50 ports on PS4 right?A lot of them are awesome. I never bought a PS3, so the PS3 ports are perfect for me! Gaming isn't just about you.
And please don't pull the, "I have supported Nintendo since the beginning" card, like all of us aren't in the exact same boat.
I'm sorry you feel ripped off by the Wii U, and now all the games you bought are being re-released. I am sorry. It's time to let it go man. Just let it go. You will feel better, and you will probably be able to poop a little more regular.
And if you really are training to become a game designer, be the change you want to see in the industry. No ports...until you get a job at a game company that's doing a port.
Working in a game company ? I'm not sick man !
@Cobalt do you ever stop crying? Jeez man get off your computer and go outside and live life for once, you say you're 42 but sound like you're 12...a fully grown man should not be crying about games on the internet.
@Syrek24 I won't block the guy, I hope the mods see sense at some point and give him a timeout for derailing and spamming the threads so much.
People still insist on feeding the latest troll. Block like those before him who brought nothing but negativity to the forums and move on.
On the topic at hand. Good news on sales. Will encourage more developers to jump on board and at least there will be a game for everyone out of that large list.
I still find the lack of quality 3d party games disturbing. PS4 sold a million more games. Ok, its got a larger install base but thats not the only reason. Its got great 3d party support
@Cobalt 4, 3 of them are actually good
the wii u sold 23 units haha
and the vita sold 4 227
@Tsurii reported today that it's DOWN year-on-year in Japan. So, good luck with that Pokemon SPIN-OFF and game that didn't sell Wii U selling Switch!
@NewAdvent remember when Kimishima said year 2 was critical for Switch?
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