Earlier this year in April, Ubisoft released South Park: The Fractured But Whole on the Switch. As satisfying as the bad-mannered turn-based RPG might have been, it didn’t hide the fact the original game was still unplayable on Nintendo’s latest device.
Now, in its latest financial report, Ubisoft looks to be rectifying the situation, with the reveal South Park: The Stick of Truth will be released digitally on the eShop by this September.
The epic quest starring Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and your very own custom-made character is written by the television show’s creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Throughout your adventure, you’ll arm yourself with a range of weapons and take on a wide variety of enemies including underpants gnomes, hippies, and various other evil forces.

Take a look at the original trailer, and tell us below if you'll be returning to South Park this September.
Comments 69
Hey, whaddaya know? Something I already reported on quite a bit earlier in the Switch forum thread yesterday, gets its own article...
Physical please!
Good I guess - I liked this better than the 2nd one.
Needs to be 19.99/29.99 max. Not something even near my radar in September regardless
Ayyy! Nice to see it finally make it to the Switch......eShop.
Eh. I've got the Xbox 360 version.
Neat! i've have been holding off on the port for The Fractured but Whole switch version. because, i wanted to buy this and The Fractured but Whole. so, now im getting my wish it seems, just on switch instead (depending on the price though. if it's $60. forget that i can always get it them both for $80 on Steam.)
Cool I'll definitely pick it up if they price it reasonably. Other platforms got a chance to get it for free, hopefully we can at least pick it up well under normal full price.
Good to hear. This was a great game. Ive been enjoying the fractured but whole. Looking fwd to the first game. It be nice to have a physical release.
If we could only get an Assassin Creed game.
Is it gonna be a decent port? Or is it gonna be a mess like the Fractured butthole was?
Will definitely pick this one up and have both games digitally
@HAMILTONHOWES I'd be happy with Rogue or Ezio collection. I took a break from the series for a few years and getting back into them now and loving it. Have Unity, Syndicate and Origins to play through at the moment on Xbox One but would love Assassins Creed on Switch and Rogue remastered or Ezio Collection seem more likely.
"the fictional town of Colorado"
You might need to brush up on your cartography skills.
At the right price I’d be all over this. Was looking at that second one on switch today weirdly but I’ll hold off and play this one first. Really hope they don’t price this stupidly.
@ThanosReXXX I'm sure they would love to be more up to date but who would write about the serious issues? Obviously Fortnite updates, pages of Amazon links and datamining/hacking articles are the priority
Hopefully it won't be too large of a download.
I'd consider if the file is smallish and the game is $20 max.
I may have to double dip and get this.
South Park the Stick of Truth Is Extremely Inappropriate
@Charmander987 Yup, That’s why it’s rated M. Good catch!
@HobbitGamer I'm saying that the switch should not be putting that game on there system and at lease put the South Park the Fractured but whole on there system the stick of truth is like 3 years old
I will be buying this alongside The Fracture But Whole together on Switch once this one release. It's nice since the N64 to have some new South Park games for Nintendo's console again
Great game! Better than the 2nd one imo.
Too bad I own on 360 and Xboxone already, otherwise I'd pick this up...
Maybe one day when its on sale...
If you don't own this and like South Park, it's a must buy though!
@Kimyonaakuma I know you're joking somewhat but that's what this site seems to have become. Late with the important stuff and focusing on what they think is hot topics.
Awesome! Day one for me! FBW was such a fun/hilarious game! It’s a shame that it sold like crap on Switch, though.
If you haven’t played it, and aren’t easily offended, do yourself a favor and try these games! They’re incredibly well made, and they feel like top-tier episodes of the show!
Really happy about it but I don't want it to be fully priced, especially since you can get the game for a 4th of the price on other systems during sales
If it’s $20 I’m all over it like flies on monkey feces
@Charmander987 What are you on about? The Fractured But Whole has already been released on Switch. It literally mentions that in the article
Got it for free with my Fractured But Whole copy for PS4. This deal should be for Switch as well. Not sold separately 🤦🏽♂️
Nice - was waiting for this one before playing the second.
@Markiemania95 Who knows. I tuned out after reading “shouldn’t release on switch”. Because no games is definitely good.
I’d enjoy this, but I replayed SoT right before playing FbW in the fall. Maybe in another year I’ll grab it.
I am sure fans of the series would be pleased. But even 3 years later I can't shake the sense of burned out I have for anything that plays regularly on Comedy Central in America. I had a college roommate who just watched it constantly, and South Park, Futurama, and Family Guy were basically always on TV...
Picked up Fractured But Whole recently while it was on sale, plus using my gold points, for £25 and really enjoyed it, although I'm more into Superheroes than Fantasy so will delend on the price poibt for this...
It better be $20 or under. I'm probably not going to get it because I already bought and played it on Windows in 2015.
Cool, never played this. Now I'm glad I've held off on TFBW until now, definitely gonna check this one out first.
@Charmander987 Fractured But Whole is already on the Switch, and I don’t know what your point is about it being M rated but believe it or not Nintendo systems are also owned by adults who enjoy mature games, and the systems do at least get a few good ones every gen (such as some Resident Evil games, Eternal Darkness, Geist, Madworld, and Bayonetta, to name a few).
@MsJubilee mind if I ask how FBW was a mess? Seemed to work fine for me. A very brief number of times the frame rate slowed down but 99% of the time I never experienced any issues with it.
Hopefully it's a decent price. I think I still have my 360 version laying around somewhere brand new waiting to be played. Probably safer to play that
@mikeatron85 Framerate issues, save file bugs,clipping issues,quest bugs(You can call me quest).
Awesome! Ive always thought that SOT was the better of the two. Sure, the gameplay might be better, but the story and jokes of FB dont compare. I'll probaly bite if the price is right, but id love to have both South Park games physically.
I probably won't buy it unless it's really cheap.
First, I already own it on PC and secondly, I pre-ordered tFbW on Switch so it should be free since the other platforms recieved it as a pre-order bonus.
@HAMILTONHOWES Great, i may finally take this on the go and be able to actually finish this... Sometimes i wish all of my backlog in games could be ported to Switch so i finally might have a chance to play them sometime
@MsJubilee Fair enough. Have to say the only thing I've experienced from that list is the frame rate issues, and even then, it's only been a couple of very minor instances... haven't run into any of the bugs you mentioned - but I believe they've been patched since first discovered anyway.
@gaby_gabito agree. They only started charging when they released a physical copy for the other platforms. It should be bloody free to owners of the fractured but whole if it's download only.
Called it months ago.
@mikeatron85 @MsJubilee it has all been fixed a while ago and they even managed to give back the save states to the people that had the crashes ( I am one of them)
@ThanosReXXX dude, youre not the first one who saw SoT will eventually be on switch.
No way! I played the one on PS3 to death, might be tempted at some point
May pick this up, but doubt there will be a deal if you got fractured but whole like the other platforms. If recall the bundle for fractured but whole and stick of truth was just £5 more.
Weird that they just randomly sneaked it into the financial report, this is Direct surprise 3rd party announcement material.
If this was sold physically I'd get it (even better, put the two games up on one cart), but having the Steam version for £3 means chances are slim for an eshop buy unless it goes on heavy sale.
Comes free with PS4 and Xbox versions.... release separately on switch.
@Spoony_Tech I was trying to be more light-hearted and joke about it but it's a real problem
Personally I think they're trying to increase traffic to the website, but that means they're producing low quality and/or clickbait content. You know a website is going downhill when you're reading news that is 2-3 days old and full of typos.
..Maybe I should join the team and sort things out.
This should be free, given it came with SP:FBW on the other platforms.
But it’s still the best game Ubi have put out since AC2, so go buy it.
While Fractured But Whole is the better game, the Stick of Truth is much more enjoyable.
Dang I bought FBW but I really just wanted SoT. But I have too many games I ought to play first. Too bad
@ShadJV I'm sorry I did not know because not once have I seen the commercial for the switch only I've seen the fractured but whole trailer for the ps4 and Xbox one
Will this be the censored European version?
Should not they fix first the problems of the game that is already there?
@Kimyonaakuma Fortnite updates? Why would Fortnite Li... eh, I mean Nintendo Life only write about Fortnite?
@BensonUii Haha, never worry. The big difference was and will always be, that I won't ever be serious about being so negative. Always just for fun...
@prometheus Ehm... it was a joke? Some people apparently don't know the meaning of a smiley...
@Agramonte I think it's $19.99 on the other systems so I think it will be priced accordingly.
Yes! Now I'm happy I waited on the second game. I can play them in order now.
I have a PS3 copy that's been sitting in my backlog for a few years. If the price is right, I'll upgrade to Switch. I'd be much more likely to play it handheld.
Awesome! Now I can dodge my fathers swinging balls during battle while in public, and witness the stares of disgust from onlookers.
@20wonders That would be good - and well worth the price.
But mom!!!
Come on, people. Get real. This is the Switch we're talking about. This is the platform publishers see as a way to port old games and sell them for full retail price, compared to half of that everywhere else. I'm pretty sure this will get released at $80 over here in Canada, or at least $50 minimum. Doom is still selling full retail price even if sold for half everywhere else. Same for Skyrim. Most older games are re-released on Switch at their original retail price, or close enough.
I do love my Switch, but it's the current console on which it cost the most to play games right now. Everything is priced higher than on competing platforms. And when sales happen, we only gets prices about on par with the REGULAR price on other platforms.
Don't hope for this to be released for $20 or $30. It's not going to be under $40us/$50cdn... we all know that.
Been wanting to play this, depends on price and possibly whether we in Europe will get the “humourously censored one”.
@Realnoize On the Xbox One and PS4, Stick of Truth is $30 digitally and $20 physically (in the U.S., at least).
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