Outgoing Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima has just taken part in his final meeting with the company's shareholders, and has revealed that the company hasn't fully disclosed its 2018 software lineup.
Kimishima - who has stepped aside to allow Shuntaro Furukawa into the hot seat - was quizzed about the fact that Nintendo’s E3 showing triggered a decline in share value, with investors apparently concerned that the company lacks the games needed to keep up the Switch sales momentum.
We already know that Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are on their way before the close of 2018, but it seems even these potential blockbusters can't give investors the confidence they need.
Kimishima stated that Nintendo will reveal more about its full 2018 lineup at the appropriate time, and this includes games that will launch during the competitive holiday season at the year's end.
Even so, Kimishima referred to the already-confirmed lineup as "powerful", and stated that it is one of Nintendo aims to maintain the Switch's sales performance all the way up to the festive season, which triggers a rush of sales in both hardware and software.
What titles do you think Nintendo has up its sleeve for 2018? Is the company wise to hold stuff back, especially when events like E3 give it the chance to get people excited about upcoming games? Let us know with a comment.
[source dualshockers.com, via nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 166
A third party mobile game port on the eshop with free to play elements and another Wii U port at full price and no added features except a tacked on easy mode.
"Nintendo will reveal more about its full 2018 lineup at the appropriate time"
We are now into early July so I really don't know what they're holding back for.
It's been such a good time to be a Nintendo fan the past 18 months and I desperately want them to keep the momentum. I'm puzzled how Nintendo focusing on just one console (Switch) vs. 2 (Wii U and 3DS) hasn't resulted in an improved output of titles.
I guess he's talking about indie games here. Can't imagine big first or third party games coming in 2018 that haven't been revealed yet.
Animal Crossing for Switch announcement between November - December 2018 ?
Some Surprising titles during Next Nintendo Direct September 2018 ?
I just want a HD remake of Metroid Prime Trilogy for Switch. That'll satisfy me for the rest of 2018.
Though I wouldn't say no to a surprise brand new IP that no one has heard about yet...
Announce something soon. Only Bloodstained and Dragon Quest Builders 2 for me so far.
There are the endless complaints from people who are never satisfied, as always.
There are a lot of great games from 3rd parties that people are conveniently ignoring. Things like Disgaea Refine, Valkariya Chronicles, and Wargroove just to name a few.
Though I will agree that for the holidays they should confirm at least one more big first party title. We have a pretty hardcore game in SSB Ultimate, and a really casual game in Pokemon Let's Go, something that fits in the middle ground would be good.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see another Nintendo Direct in the reasonably near future.
Or: The share drop after E3 has scared Nintendo into bringing forward a port or two that were supposed to come out early 2019.
Personally I'm happy with the games already announced and I've got lots to play, but Smash isn't that big narrative game where you start from A and end up at Z like Mario or Zelda are.
Man, they do like to surprise us! I much prefer spreading the 'hit' of an E3 throughout the year.
Octopath traveller and MHGU for me and that'll be it for the rest of this year unless they announce something good. Pokemon and smash?not interested. May pick up Wolfenstein 2 at some point too
July Direct before Octopath/Captain Toad which fills up the 1st party gaps after Captain Toad would be perfect.
I think they will release online games at the same time as the paid online service in September they need something to sell it
It would be nice to have one more good first party game to be excited for as the release schedule this year has been a little lacking but I'm not too fussed at the end of the day. All the awesome indie games that release regularly keep me more than satisfied.
Some folks need to toughen up a little and let the games come when they come, complaining repeatedly won’t write the code any faster
I am already looking forward to enough games that keep me occupied throughout 2018 (Megaman X collections, Megaman 11, Wolfenstein, Smash) - but I can imagine that this year Nintendo is showing some kind of direct around Gamescom to highlight some games like the Gunvolt Spin Off with Copen, the Messenger which both are also on my list.
So in my opinion, last year and this year were great for Nintendo only players.
Nintendo games cast a huge shadow over third party titles is my explanation. They gave us Smash which would doubly tumble Nintendo's stock more severely than it already hasif it wasn't announced. A pokemon game that might just save PoGo and tide fan outcry for poke on Switch. And some other lesser nintendo ip. Maybe their idea is to release some of the third party games they announced last year without other massive games customers would have to save for along with smash and pokemon. This leaving games like wolfenstein seemingly viable for purchase because of lowered expectation of no more tripA titles. Right now nintendo wants third party to succeed more than any other generation. And because Nintendo knows you'll buy their tripA titles anyways, win win situation.
With my recently purchased Ys VIII and later Octopath, Monster Hunter, Valkyra Chronicles, Smash and maybe Pokémon and Shining Resonance, I definitly would have enough games for the rest of the year already. If that is not enough I could still try Doom and Wolfenstein, both games I still want to try...
I feel like I am still forgetting a game.
Well after E3 what games did Nintendo announce (which are actual Nintendo games)?
Pokemon, Smash and Tennis.
Was very poor in my opinion.
But on trend with the Wii U, I suppose
@maruse I think that's exactly what one of these titles is, Metroid Prime Trilogy HD. I was thinking about that just yesterday. It's not the kind of title they'd announce in their E3 show but it's perfect for a Direct and release soon after.
It's pretty late in the year for uncertainty surrounding the second half of the year considering month 7 just began. Perhaps this is Kimishima's way of teasing a Nintendo Direct with a few more announcements? I was very surprised that they only announced 1 new 1st party title that we had no idea about - Super Mario Party ....that's why investors freaked out. Nintendo needs a late summer Direct...maybe August? .....and it needs to have a few surprises with quick release dates. Remember last year, they didn't announce Doom, Skyrim, and LA Noire until September (I believe) and then they released in November. Nintendo needs some of that.
I'll take a guess with Animal crossing, with it's own direct about a month before release.
That's ridiculous !
Like E3 wasn't good enough to show to the world what's in store ?
Gosh, I can't trust Nintendo's blabla anymore... STOP TALKING NINTENDO, SHOW GAMES !
I can't think of any NEW Nintendo AAA games being released this year that I am looking forward to.
And this is only year 2 of the Switch. My guess is that Yoshi is finished and if Nintendo are pressured they could release it, but they want it for a 2019 line up.
Sure there are games I could buy. Ports, old third party games, basic Indi games, but nothing NEW.
Please no more remakes. Only new games!
They need to drop something huge because so far, 2018 has been very disappointing compared to last year.
@Kirgo You are still forgetting games! For RPG fans, we've also still got Dark Souls, Tales of Vesperia and Pillars of Infinity 2 to come.
Please stop... I decided to not buy more than 1 retail game per month...
What happened to unprecedented 3rd party support anyway. The 3rd parties are missing the bus right now because Switch games are selling well. Just look at the Amazon best seller list in video games, it is dominated by switch games and hardware so imagine if the 3rd parties had some switch software in their in addition to what is on the charts. Crash Bandicoot is selling better on the switch than xbox one and ps4 at the moment according to that list at least on Amazon... I trust this list as a good snapshot of overall sales because who goes to gamestop anymore...
There is nothing big on the list and I don't play Pokemon so my year is lame except for Octopath. Luckily I am still clocking Xenoblade hours. I am up to 150 and it has taken me many months to get there. Fantastic game!
@The-Chosen-one Amen to that!
@Cobalt To be fair, Nintendo has pulled back the importance of E3 in the last 3 years. Seems to me they are happier controlling dates when they don't have to compete with other companies all in the same weeks. Directs are more personal and they have the option to release them without word. That's more interesting than blowing all they have in just one day, dividing it through the year is more practicle.
Wow I'm glad I sold my Switch and stuck with the Wii U for now. Only games that would make me want a Switch again are Fire Emblem or Metroid Prime 4. Happy enough on botw atm, awesome game!
@Heavyarms55 I guess there are always to ways to look at situations like this: A) What's coming to system XYZ, and B) What am I going to get on system XYZ - aka stuff I care about.
I think the former perspective provides a healthy line-up, with Pokemon and SSB sure to satisfy fan Switch users, plus like you say, it's not like there WiiU-level 3rd-party support ... plenty of other games coming.
The latter perspective though is more complicated as it is more subjective - it's also the only one relevant at the end of the day - and, speaking just for myself here, I don't care for neither of the big two, so as far as 1st party stuff goes, I doubt there is anything I'll get this year after Octopath - yeah, sounds harsh, but it is what it is.
On the other hand though, it's not like anyone will have it easy going up against major league big guns, like Red Dead Redemption 2, this holiday season. Even if they had Metroid ready to go, it would be kinda insane to put it out there to go toe-to-toe with the likes of RDR2.
Even if I don't like it, I think relying on the core appeal of SSB and Pokemon, backed by some (more or less niche) 3rd-party titles, while cutting their losses for the rest of the year, seems like a reasonable move.
It's not like the could outshine Sony for the next 6 months aways, I mean jesus christ, just look even at spring 2019: We got Resident Evil 2 remake coming, we got Anthem coming, we got Kingdom Hearts 3 coming, we got Days Gone coming, we got Metro Exodus coming, we got Division 2 coming ... and that is just stuff announced for January and February so far, plus Crackdown 3 and Battletoads on Xbox as well. No matter how I or you feel about each of these titles individually, they are going to eat up a huge chunk of disposable income for millions of gamers around the world, no two ways about it.
So yeah, I absolutely think Nintendo is trying to hold it's own here without wasting too much marquee stuff on a lost battle for attention (again, you don't want to out-attention-grab Rockstar Games when they drop RDR2) or disposable income. Sending out Yoshi, for instance, under those circumstance ... I dunno, that game would just fly under the radar for anyone other than Yoshi-afficionados.
@Krull It was more a list of what I am personally waiting for.
Though at least Dark Souls for Switch would be at least on my maybe list as well (have already played part of it in the past).
But yes, there are still more good games coming. Not a bad lineup at all.
fing nintendo, if you have games for 2018 they should be shown at e3 , iike u said that is ur policy. share price has taken a beating since, im down £000's. How do they always get the simple things so wrong
@Heavyarms55 yeah, some people will never be happy. As for me, very happy, plenty of games to finish and a wish list that takes about ten minutes to scroll through
Xenoblade X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions coming
@Rob3008 Because increasing output would cannibalize sales. The primary market struggles to buy a game a month - if Nintendo released any more, sales for individual titles would suffer and smaller third party studios would lose a significant incentive to release on or develop for the Switch.
@Heavyarms55 Thats like saying you wouldnt be surprised at Xmas being on December 25th
@Ralek85 I'd agree with all you've said, except the fact that Nintendo is overtly concerned with timing release schedules against big games. Be it rdr2 or gow4, nintendo don't care. They put botw against Horizen. Hell, they put Labo against gow4.
Nintendo games have long legs and will sell their games at retail price as when it was released and will stick like that for years on years. Wii u games are still $60 today. They believe that good games will sell itself.
Honestly I can't keep up at the moment and July is about to add a HUGE glut to my backlog.
“The indie flood will continue.”
I really hope so. Indies have been responsible for some of the absolute best games on the system.
@jockmahon First of all, we don't know if the unknown 2018 games are really games that would have made a difference. Secondly, is what they are doing really wrong from their perspective?
A dip in share value is something that happens all the time to all kinds of companys. If the value goes up later again, because games are being announced later, it doesn't really matter.
We don't even know If this happened just because of E3, caution because of Furukawa could also play a role, to make one example.
Night Trap 2 will be Nintendo's greatest game ever, alongside The Room: The Video Game.
Both games will help Nintendo outsell the PS4 by Christmas.
@Rhaoulos I want a Johnny amiibo.
@Kirgo all your points are true however the stock is down about 30% in the last few months, this is not just a small up and down. yes we dont know the games and their effect but if there are big ones they that would have kept shareholder happy and the price would hae stayed up, now when those games are announced they will have little effect as the share price is in a down ward trend
Switch year one saw two critically acclaimed flagship re-imaginings of household franchises. That's a high bar that Nintendo should think twice to set again for year two when talking to their shareholders. Let's Go is not their flagship Pokemon game, which is expected in 2019. And Smash Brothers Ultimate has been presented as a deluxe edition of all previous Smash Brothers games together, rather than a whole new re-imagining. I'd sooner compare it to Splatoon 2 than Mario Odyssey in terms of evolving the franchise (I love Splatoon 2, don't get me wrong). Both Let's Go and Ultimate will do well, but arguably, Nintendo has no games in year two that can carry on the success that Odyssey and Breath of the Wild started.
@Ralek85 I sort of agree with most of your comments, but I no longer want to be in a situation with a Nintendo console, where I'm looking around for something to play, like I am now. And considering games I would not normally buy if something 'new' and AAA were available. The Switch has become the new handheld for many and that's where this flood of indi games belong. The home console part of the Switch seems to have hit a high and is now on the decline. The time is approaching when being loyal to one console is no longer a good idea. The Switch is fine as a DS replacement handheld (although not that portable) and Nintendo only big new games, and maybe buy a PS4 for the games Nintendo call third party and play them as they are released and with better graphics.
lol. looks like only something I want to say when my investor are leaving.
this year suck to be nintendo switch owner.
It'll have to be a port/remaster I guess, much like Wind Waker HD, which they said they knocked out in less than six months for a speedy release. That was put out to keep Zelda fans tied over until BotW (before it got delayed further), so folks predicting Metroid Prime: Trilogy might not be too far off the mark.
This why I hate NintendoLife comment section. They are cancer. Not the website, the webiste is amazing as always. But the fanbase, aka the comment section. They complain and complain about literally everything, even on good news. Why do they always have so much negativity?
During the November Direct Nintendo will reveal Mario Odyssey DLC... and it's OUT NOW! (Or at least, that'll be my guess)
I have always said the same thing, and I know that people will never change; However, although you explain to the fanbase things "with pears or apples" for easier understanding, simply their impatience, anger, pride and fanaticism will never allow theim to understand things.
I wonder, why do I bother to keep trying?... but well, anyway, I wait for the day to see a more normal fanbase (reviewer, that´s normal, but not negativity, not impatiente, not aggressive), oh well...
@Rob3008 "I'm puzzled how Nintendo focusing on just one console (Switch) vs. 2 (Wii U and 3DS) hasn't resulted in an improved output of titles".
Me too. And even more puzzling is the fact that they have been filling the Switch library with Wii U ports so what games would we have on Switch if it wasn't for Wii U? They even said that they delayed Zelda on Wii U and thus the Switch launch because of the port so they had more time for developing Switch games.
Ignoring the fact, that next year march we just are in the second year of the Switch's lifetime.
Ignoring all the great things 1st party games we already got/will get in the near future (many of them the best entry in a series since long).
Rather complain, complain, complain, complain, complain,... 🙄
i'm so backlogged with games that they don't need to release anything until 2020 or so...
the switch has hundreds of good games now. just so much to play.
@maruse Amen to that brother
Metroid Prime trilogy
Star fox (happy with ports from wii u)
Wave Race
Pilot Wings
Come on Nintendo you can do this
So when can we expect another Direct?
Although Nintendo throws out some nice surprises, now and than. Nothing great has been happening recently. E3 was a disappointment to me. Yeah they had Pokemon Let's Go and Super Mario Smash. But the Pokemon games just another remake with some changes, which raised a lot of concerns for me. While Smash is just another Smash game (like other game series such Mario Kart etc.) to the latest console. Only worthwhile mention was Mario Party.
So for what's coming at the end of this year? It better be good and exciting. And more appealing than E3, or I will feel Nintendo has lost value in there games and it's development.
It's also worth noting that the latest Metriod game is still in development since first made known last year. It's possible it's actually close to completion with a planned release at the end of this year. The other games in it's 'Strong lineup' would probably also include a new Mario or Zelda game. As well as other Wii U ports or remakes.
3DS, duh.
They already said they are supporting 3DS but they didn't talk about 3DS at E3.
Ipso facto - 3DS games.
Haha, I know Kimisama is leaving, but I wouldn't exactly describe his personality as "outgoing".
Seems VERY likely what with the announcement of the new special edition 2DSxl systems for Japan.
At risk of sounding like a Nintendo fangirl, I don’t really have any problems with this year’s lineup. As an adult gamer with a full-time job, my gaming time is relatively limited; even if I do buy only one game every month (and I don’t), I still end up with a massive backlog at the end of the day. Mario Odyssey, the BotW DLC, Skyrim and Hyrule Warriors kept me busy for the first half of the year, and now I have Xenoblade 2 (which is AWESOME and will keep me busy for a few months at least), and am planning to get Captain Toad, Octopath and Let’s Go Eevee when they release, which means I am pretty much set until 2019.
It is not the strongest lineup, but there are still plenty of games coming; just because not everyone will have a title they want to buy every month does not mean that we’re NINTENDOOMED!!!
If no games I want to play = no games, then the PS4 is an abysmal console, since the only games I want to play in 2018 are Ni No Kuni 2 and the Spyro remakes... Which means it’s all extremely subjective.
@Zeargo "Although Nintendo throws out some nice surprises, now and than. Nothing great has been happening recently. E3 was a disappointment to me. Yeah they had Pokemon Let's Go and Super Mario Smash. But the Pokemon games just another port with some changes, which raised a lot of concerns for me. While Smash is just another Smash game (like other game series such Mario Kart etc.) to the latest console. Only worthwhile mention was Mario Party."
What!? 😂 Let's Go is at most a remake not port. Smash has everyone, which is also something huge for someone who actually plays the game. Pichu baby! Also, "Super Mario Smash", I don't think you play the game. You may have played it here and there, but really play the game. At least learn 6-7 characters.
And then Mario Party was the big e3 winner. Don't know if you're trolling, if you are, I apologize for my inability to see it.
“The time is approaching when being loyal to one console is no longer a good idea”.
Is it 1994 again?
2 words: GameCube ports.
A direct might be coming up soon?
@Nateisawesomeo sadly I don’t think they’re trolling, reading through this comment section has been disturbing with all the ignorance/entitlement violating this thread lol
@Nateisawesomeo I meant remake not port for Let's Go. Need to fix that. And you must have lost the meaning I meant for Mario Party, as it was indeed a good surprise for E3. Just Let's Go and Smash wasn't as great to be mentioned compared to it.
@Nateisawesomeo I'm not sure that's true, BotW was simply put a launch title. If anything, they would have had to delay the System itself ... but well, I think that would have been pretty unheard of, and also it's not like Horizon is as big as RDR for instance.
As for Labo ... again, I think those are different stories, as Labo clearly has an entirely different target audience than GoW4. That's true for much of Nintendo's releases of course, but I think for Labo extraordinarly obvious.
I wasn't trying to say, that they delayed everything because of the games I mentioned, but I do think it probably figured into it. Some stuff is simply not ready, other stuff might be but not well suited for the slot (still unclear on why Yoshi had to be delayed, or what the hell Retro Studio has been doing all those years).
We will never know what is Nintendo hiding from us.
Remember Miitopia 3DS first announcement on November 2016 ?
That was so Sudden and the game released on December 2016 after 1 long trailer of Miitopia.
Nintendo could surprise us by announce Animal Crossing for Switch on November 2018 & released the game on December 2018.
@Jezebel95 thank you for having common sense and rational thoughts
"If no games I want to play = no games, then the PS4 is an abysmal console, since the only games I want to play in 2018 are Ni No Kuni 2 and the Spyro remakes... Which means it’s all extremely subjective."
Ah, Same !
I consider my PS4 machine = Abyssmal console due to ONLY 9 - 10 titles suitable for me.
@zool It all depends on your taste, I think. I never had only a Nintendo system. I love their games, always have, but there plenty of other games I love, that were never on a Nintendo system. I think if I ONLY played my Switch, I would get sick of it's library rather quickly. I think they really went out on the Switch early on to overcome the WiiU slump as effective as possible, and now - having achieved that - they need to pace themselves. It took them ages to produce BotW ... that kinda game does not roll around every two years, same goes for Odyssey.
That's my point, they need to pace themselves and they need to place their big guns as effectively as possible.
I definitely need my Ps4 - not just to get me through Switch droughts - but more importantly, to cover games and frankly entire genres, that are not covered by the Switch or just barely. To me, God of War was every bit as good as BotW - in some areas it was argueably vastly superior. Still, BotW offered a sense of freedom and exploration that GoW could not match. I would not have wanted to miss out on EITHER of this generation-defining games. (Also, God of War in 4K-HDR is hands down the most pleasing looking videogame I have ever played ... looked so good, there were moments I wanted to cry with joy ^^).
@Pod Nintendo is going to make sure to keep the 2/3DS around long enough to get a Frozen 2 game on it, and that movie doesn't release until holiday 2019. Maybe 3DS will get "Hey! Pikmin 2" this holiday, just to troll us folk waiting for Pikmin 4 some more. If 3DS were to get a new Animal Crossing game or Super Mario Maker 2 that would be hysterical. Actually a new AC game probably isn't that unlikely, as long as it's HHD 2. Maybe AC: Style & Accessories.
Whatever new game 3DS gets this holiday, it will be trolling somebody, almost a given.
Animal Crossing X Portal Knights = WOAAAHHHH !!!
@Ralek85 True, most of botw release date is due to switch release schedule and labo vs gow is not a true 1 on 1 comparison, but I would still believe that Nintendo is not wholly concerned with release schedule. One factor of that is the fact that most nintendo games are not like Sony games. In most cases when Nintendo and Sony both release near the same time, except of course multiplats, both companies are selling two different products. I don't have a list of tripA games release on the same time, but if there is, you would see differing demographics and genre of game. And if that's true, Nintendo wouldn't care what other companies are pushing out whatever time of the year.
@NintendoKnight I think there are some great commentators in these sections as well as the full on nonsense-talking fools like Cobalt who sound too spoilt to have any idea how good they have it. We are living in an amazing age and Nintendolife is a website I enjoy very much. But challenges and idiots still abound of course.
@code45709 Honestly, why would they? Most of the series you mention have had, at best, one runaway success, decades old, with several more recent lukewarm performances. Star Fox broke 4 million copies with SF64, and the original Metroid Prime sold near 3 million copies, but both franchises have only had moderate success since then, over a decade ago. Wave Race and 1080 have only had a single success with their decades old original titles. These are franchises with extremely dedicated fanbases, but they are not franchises which can persuade people who do not already have a Nintendo system that they need to buy a Nintendo system. Nintendo has produced plenty of titles in this vein. They already know they're going to do well, but they're not going to sell systems. Ergo, DON'T sell them close to launch, when the install base is still growing. Sell them a few years in when the console is established and you can maximise sales.
If you want people to buy your console, instead, you release entries in franchises that are not only beloved, but which are proven massive sellers. This is exactly what Nintendo has done, releasing new entries in Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Smash, Kirby, and Pokemon. The only mega franchise missing in the current crop is Animal Crossing.
@brunojenso Yeah, it's something you have to put up with. In general, the comment section should be treated like you're in an elevator. You're close by so you can hear one another and sometimes someone says something obscene. You just have to take it for what it is: an opinion. Who knows, maybe someone out there is reading what I wrote and thing just the opposite. Maybe Mario party really is better than I assumed it is.
Ill take Pikmin 4; it’s done right Miyamoto?
@Rob3008 because HD games are more expensive and Nintendo is still trying to deal with that.
Also consider the comment that the 3DS might get a successor. You know why? Because those games will no doubt be cheaper to produce.
@Heavyarms55 another apologist, like always.
If people are disappointed than what’s it to you? Ignore them. You’re not going to change their mind by listing off some niche titles.
If they’ve got anything else noteworthy for this year they would’ve shown it by now. He’s likely referring to smaller eShop titles or another Wii U port on Switch or more lazy additions to the 3DS library.
@EvrgrnCmln it was a fun list, your response reads like you’re a shareholder and a little bit over the top. I don’t care for stats about sales or any of the stuff you posted. I do similar everyday to make sure investors are going to get a good return. Came for some light hearted fun (hence why I love Nintendo) thanks for the negativity though really cheering me through the day
@code45709 I have loved Nintendo since my grandmother bought a NES when I was 4 years old, and I love all the series you've listed. Wave Race 64 and SF64 were my favorite N64 games - I spent an entire summer playing both - and I would love sequels to either and any of them.
That said, it wouldn't make any sense for Nintendo to release sequels to them -now-. It's too early in the Switch's life cycle and the games would be bound to underperform. I'm not a share holder, but if you want these franchises to continue into the future, then their next installments have to impress shareholders. This means being patient and waiting to release rather than throwing them out early at a time when they couldn't sell to their potential. I'm an adult man. I've had to learn patience.
Just give me Animal Crossing early next year and I'll be happy.
I predict there will be a Direct in August or September. This further confirms that, plus there are still some outstanding 3DS titles that we know are coming but don't know much about.
I still play DBXV2, still to buy Mario Odyssey, tempted by Valkyria Chronicles 4, strongly considering MHGU & Pokémon Let's Go for gaming time with my son, and Megaman 11 is seriously good.. no complaints. Nope. Nada.
@Nateisawesomeo Certainly, but to varying degrees. That'S why I mentioned Metroid Prime. Still, even Labo will have some overlap with GoW, but obviously MP and RDR would have a greater overlap, just as BotW and Horizon certainly had.
But it's not just about that. I cannot possibly be the only one who has a relatively broad taste ... we can still only spend every euro and every hour of the day once. If I had the priviledge of unlimited funds and unlimited time, I think I would have tried Labo and God of War!
I mean, there also parents of course, who might have to chose between something like GoW for themselves and Labo for their kids - due to disposable income available at the time.
Nintendo has certainly less issues with Sony schedule than say Microsoft (which barely puts out any exclusives these days so it's mostly multiplatform anyways), but it still has to do one basic thing that becomes more difficult that way: Make people aware of their product and market it to them (something they horribly failed during the WiiU-era, which DID have games, too few admittedly, but still, even those they had, went mostly under the radar of a large swath of their target audience).
That's what I why I think positioning any game too close to a blockbuster like RDR is a tough sell. Every media news outlet will run extensive coverage on RDR, possibly for weeks, and thus there is little hope for your game - whatever it might be - to get the attention it deserves and that it would if it were to release .. say right now.
Even the day Mario Tennis Aces was released, I saw way more coverage of whatever was going on with Fortnite than about Aces. You cannot control the news cycle of any given day, but if you know months ahead what the news cycle is most definitely going to be about in a given week, it would be completely reckless to just go ahead and ignore that. That is like dropping your new Album the same day Beyonce drops something ... anything. Yours might be good, it might even be fantastic, but it's almost certainly not what most folks will end talking about. Nintendo needs media coverage, Youtubers (et al.) and word-of-mouth just as much as any other publisher does. That's - imho - ALWAYS worth considering.
Boy do we have some jaded individuals here....
I'm interested to see what these other titles are. And yes, maybe it would be nice to know early on everything they have planned. But I don't see it as that big of a deal if they choose to keep a few things closer to the chest for a later date. As long as the game is something I'm interested in and high quality, I don't care if its announced at E3 or November 1st for a December release. I'm probably going to buy it regardless
@code45709 About time for Wave Race and Star Fox. They have missed opportunities here with these serious franchises and have been focusing much on platformers. It's not all about sales but reputation and they have disappointed the fans of the franchises that are not Mario and Zelda. No F-Zero and Wave Race since GameCube, I can't believe it!
@rjejr I think that Animal Crossing could be a thing soon because of the mobile game.
@Nintendofan83 this is month four of the switch second year. you forgot the switch came out in march last year.
Smash Bros is powerful? Imagine Kimi playing Smash Bros...
@thesilverbrick Nintendo do not have reveal everything at once, note worthy or otherwise. they just started the switch's second year four months ago. I am sure you will be surprise what they have in store.
Come on Nintendo, give us Pikmin 4!
The switch has not been out a year and a half yet. Nintendo almost always have something up their sleeve. they always show at least four to five directs a year. There are already a lot of games coming out this year. Some from the direct and more from different news every day. whether it is new, retro, indie, compilation, or aaa you will see more than your share of games coming on the switch. The switch's second year is hardly finished yet.
Please be a new Super Mario 2D platformer! Or even a port of Super Mario 3D world will suffice. I'm not a massive fan of Smash Bros, never really got into fighting games since Tekken 2. As for Pokemon? That completely goes over my head, collecting and fighting 'pokemon'? No thanks.
As 1st parties go, I still have Zelda to finish, more moons to collect in Mario Odyssey, Donkey Kong to complete and I will buy Mario Tennis.
Still got those Amiibo Festival & Starfox Zero ports to look forward to eh guys?
I wish for more Donkey Kong Country games! It has been 4 years since Tropical Freeze!
@ekwcll As a Wii U owner, I can tell you about the dry spell of its 2nd year. Wii U owners also kept hanging on for Nintendo Directs.
No, this isn't nearly as bad as the Wii U dry spell, but as a Wii U and PS4 owner, I'm not seeing much for the Switch. Port after port of Wii U games I already own or continued ports of indie games. But I get the strategy: They're maintaining a stream of releases, even if ports.
I've been watching the Switch games and only picked it about a month ago. Mario Odyssey had gotten a lot of play, especially with my teenage son. So, we still have Switch games to consider buying. But it's not a long list.
I hope there are more game announcements. But Nintendo has given us reasons in the past to be skeptical.
@Rob3008 because they're not just focusing on one system, the 3DS just got more games revealed, as well as new hardware revisions revealed yet again. THIS is why they're again falling back to where they were during the Wii U era because they continue to insist they can develop for multiple platforms, when in reality they can't. Now they've got mobile to develop for, as well as Switch, and they're just being plain stupid at this point with the 3DS, and it's coming at the cost of Switch games- that's why their E3 sucked!
@LUIGITORNADO impossible for 2 reasons. One, Iwata merged their console and handheld hardware divisions back in 2013. Two, a 3DS successor would have to be 720p, meaning the games wouldn't be cheap to produce anymore.
@BlueOcean again, they're NOT just focusing on Switch, they still continue to push the 3DS, and THAT is why there's this delay- AGAIN, because not only are they developing games for Switch, they're also doing mobile AND continue to develop games for 3DS (even if they're ports, they still take time and money away from would be other games for Switch).
@guttertalk I understand how you feel. There will be more game announcements. Nintendo know how it was with the wii u, that is why they have been more aggressive with the switch. they do not want to repeat what had happen with the wii u.
Wii U 2016 was better than Switch 2018 😄😅🤣
I couldnt care less about Pokemon or Smash. Or Labo. Or Kirby. I barely care about the mediocre Mario Tennis Ultra Smash DX. At least Mario Party looks like it wont be completely awful, like 9 and 10 were. Not much for me this year i guess. Thanks, Nintendo! I havent bought a Switch game since Odyssey!
@pika677 Pika, many of those 3DS games are outsourced ports. I think Nintendo has been busy with hardware, accessories, Nintendo Labo and firmware updates. No many new games on any platform since Wii U's last years until Switch's second year and most of the games were developed by somebody else.
Nintendo has not been focusing on games lately. People were expecting more games when the two Nintendo divisions merged but no. They are busy with hardware, accessories and firmware.
Some of the comments on here actually amaze me.
Maybe it is a Switch sequel to Advance Wars. If not, then it just should be a sequel to Advance Wars or at least a compilation.
Nintendo often announce things late and release them quickly. This is fully expected
@Dringo It depends. Nintendo is not consistent. Sometimes they announce something and release it in a few months and sometimes they show a logo and months later we don't know who is developing the game and what year will be released in.
I could see this as PR talk to try reassure gamers when they don’t really have anything notable left to announce. I could also see Nintendo being legitimate here, releasing a Direct in a couple months that will announce some first party game that’ll drop within a month... it’s really hard to read Nintendo these days.
let’s not forget MARIO PARTY - I’ve written off the series for years, but I’m thinking this ones gonna be great.
@shonenjump86 theres going to be directs in the next few months revealing more games and more characters for smash.
@neogyo except it wont have board game for online just the mini games.
They should of had more first party single player games for 2018. Should have hired and created more studios. 2017 was good but now its back to your regulerly scheduled Nintendo game releases.
It’s probably just Wii U ports and third-party games.
@LUIGITORNADO oh please. I am no apologist. People are just being entitled little brats and refusing to even look at any game that isn't a AAA major release. Then whining about "no games".
Same guy said #ds was still in the mix until 2019.
@Heavyarms55 you’re dismissing opinions as entitlement because you don’t agree. That is being an apologist.
Powerful??? So we getting Metroid news?
F-ZERO? Starfox? Pikmin? Mario stuff? Zelda stuff? New crossovers??? None of those, not powerful
@LUIGITORNADO I am not dismissing any opinions. Even those I find absurd. Just as they have a right to whine about the factually incorrect lack of games, I have just as much a right to call them entitled when they dismiss dozens of games.
A game is not bad just because a person doesn't like it. A game doesn't "not exist" just because it's not the game a person wants.
During the Wii U when weeks would go buy without more than one or two shovelware retail release - yes there were no games. That was accurate. But the Switch is getting new releases, at retail, sometimes 2 or 3 a week. Not to mention an almost crazy stream of digital only titles. And everytime I have brought up this issue with these people, they rarely if ever have even bothered to look at anything other than their specific wish lists. "no new Metroid or Animal Crossing this month? clearly Switch has no games!"
This isn’t too surprising. Panic Button said they would reveal a new big port this month, so there’s probably going to be another Direct soon. Personally, I’m hoping for ports of Super Mario Maker and XCX (unlikely though since XC2’s DLC isn’t fully released yet) and maybe a couple of smaller titles from Nintendo.
But he considers the confirmed lineup as "powerful". Too bad public and stock market don't agree with him. Many consider confirmed lineup as "pretty weak". Thats why stock price is at its 52 week low some weeks after E3. Switch hardware sales are still pretty good though. But it needs more push.
"Kimishima stated that Nintendo will reveal more about its full 2018 lineup at the appropriate time"-I miss the days when E3 was the appropriate time.
This year has been great for my back log.
@zool "The time is approaching when being loyal to one console is no longer a good idea."
It was never a good idea. I had a Megadrive, there were games I wanted to play on the SNES. What did I do? I bought a SNES. I had a Saturn, I wanted to play Mario 64, and Mario Kart 64. what did I do? I got an N64.
Damage control at it's finest!
They had build up such a good momentum by the end of 2017 and now starting to ruin it for themselves in 2018.
It's fine that some of the most excellent games of the WiiU got ported to the Switch, but people would like to see some actual new Nintendo titles as well!
We are in July now, so if they had any major title announcement left, they would have done so on E3 and not fill almost the entire E3 presentation with Super Smash Bros! /shrug
Just more Indie showcases aren't major announcements and going to impress investors. Sorry.
When the e-Shop charts currently contain mostly Indie titles and last years games (Zelda, Splatoon, Odyssey, etc) week after week.... well then you've got a problem.
Well that’s just a stupid mistake by Nintendo then, the Switch is starting to slow down a bit, 2018 is halfway over, to still keep games slated for this year a secret makes no sense at all...
What I don't understand is, seeing how big of a surprise hit Super Mario Maker was on the WiiU, why in earth they don't port it to the Switch is beyond me!
It has a touch screen, so it would be the perfect port! Instant success!
Add in various Nintendo franchise themed capacitive pens and you have another gold mine in accessory sales.
Seeing how quickly they managed to port the other games, they could have easily released Super Mario Maker this year to bolster the First party line-up.
What I would also love to see, is a true success to Super Mario 3D World.
It's also baffling why it's so quiet around franchises like Pikmin and Animal Crossing! Two very popular franchises we haven't heard a single peep from!
Powerful isn't the word I'd use, slim is more accurate.
It seems stupid to not announce games during the biggest show of the year where lots of eyes are watching. If like me you have no interest in Smash, or Pokemon Go Switch then it was a pretty disappointing E3.
I still love my Switch obviously, but not striking whilst the iron is hot seems like a mistake, you need go keep getting more people to buy the console, with such a slim E3 that's not going to happen.
It's almost as if Nintendo hosts these semi-regular online news videos to detail upcoming products "directly" to the consumers.
I wonder what those were called again?
"It's almost as if Nintendo hosts these semi-regular online news videos to detail upcoming products "directly" to the consumers.
I wonder what those were called again?"
Nintendo Flash ?
I think the answer is more direct than that 😉
Some upcoming small 3rd party / indie games during Second half 2018 : (Reminder for you)
1. Catastronaut
2. My Time at Portia
3. Re:Legend
4. Fit Boxing
5. 99Vidas
Aye, that much is given. "Let's just have this lavishly produced cartoon mystery with fully animated characters and a voice acted Pikachu be a 3DS exclusive!"
They'll have more like that.
At least Switch is finally getting the next Pokémon old-gen remake!!... but it's gen one again? "It's been 14 years since Fire Red and Leaf Green, peeps, and the kids playing Go have been watching Indigo League on Netflix and want to play the games now!"
@westman98 I love the impatientness of some people in here. Nintendo have always told people what they're doing when they're ready to tell us. In the form of Directs and press releases.
People throwing their toys out of their pram in comment sections thinking Nintendo might read it won't make any difference at all.
This is an instance where Nintendo really should be more open about what they're developing. Not everything has to be a surprise. I really don't think this is anything more than a spin move. I wouldn't be shocked if there was a surprise or two on the way this year, but I can't think they're from a major franchise, maybe even a few Wii U ports again. It's fluff talk. Nintendo had their chance to show what they're working on for the rest of the year and they won't be ready until October when Mario Party comes out. That's a mighty long time to go, and why some of their investors bailed.
The stocks will bounce back, but it does show that every action has it's repercussions.
@Rob3008 It's true we're in early July. But look at it this way: There's still 6 months left in the year, and a lot of other gaming conventions they can go at in parallel to new Directs for new surprises 2018 announcements.
And right now?
Just this next week we're getting a new jRPG they spent a -lot- of time advertising in the form of Octopath Traveller, almost everyone I know getting sold on the game just from playing it's demos(that has been among the most downloaded softwares of the eshop for a reason).
Next month, even if a year "late" we're getting Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Which might seem like a pittance compared to Monster Hunter World but... the truth it?
I'm looking at a lot of MHW forums and Generations Ultimate is about to be released just at the time I see a LOT of World's players being burnt out of World's content and just looking for... "more". There's even people who bought World as their very first Monster Hunter who're now looking to get a Switch just to get something "more" under their teeth. It might well be "the" surprise of August I can't help but feel.
Meanwhile a lot of people only bough their first Switch not in 2017, but in this very 2018. Meaning that for them… all of the major titles of 2017 were still "new" games for them since it was the first time they were playing, let alone getting, them.
A lot of these late-ish 2018 adopters will thus be finally finishing 2017 gems like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey for the first time just as a LOT of titles are about to be released: Captain Toad, Mario Party, Mario Tennis, Octopath Traveller... potentially Monster Hunter(this remain to be seen how much of an impact it will be outside of the Monster Hunter crowd... though as said World has so increased the population of Monster Hunter players such that with Generations Ultimate hitting the west just as a LOT of these new players are burnt out of replaying the same content all over again... Generations Ultimate might be a very interesting surprise beyond the draw we'd normally expect from such an "old" title. And being on the Reddit forums I see a lot of new players that are Generations Ultimate-curious that go from "curious" to "sold" on the Switch when being told of titles as Dragon Quest Builders or Octopath Traveller).
With hidden announcement still under their belt, the potentially very strong releases of this summer and Smash Bros Ultimate to close the year with.... I can't help but feel Nintendo may well indeed have a very strong 2018 still ahead of them. The "drought" of early 2018 might have been just to better prepare the ground for the second half of the year, especially for the later adopters of the console who're just finished to play games like BotW and Mario Odyssey after buying them only in 2018.
@MoonKnight7 I dunno. Technically I look at this summer and can already see a lot of solid releases. Maybe not consoles-sellers on their own... but still solid titles, especially for people who only got a Switch in 2018 and thus are just finally finishing to play stuff like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey. For a lot of these later adopters, stuff like Mario Tennis, Octopath Traveller and Captain Toad are truly releasing just on time, so to speak. Meanwhile, there's a certain of numbers still to be announced for this Autumn and with Smash Bros to cap the year 2018... there's still a lot of potentially very solid result ahead of Nintendo.
Though I've also been surprised by reactions I've had just talking of stuff like Octopath Travellers on the Monster Hunter forums from new players who got into Monster Hunter through Monster Hunter World on PS4/Xbox that were now "Switch-curious" because of Generations Ultimate releasing as a Switch exclusive just as they're getting tired/burnout of World.... and telling them about titles like Octopath Traveller and the already released Dragon Quest Builders was all it took for some of them to go from "merely curious" to "officially deciding to get a Switch".
And that's talking with people who were playing an IP now strongly associated with the PS4/Xbox rather than Nintendo but a combinations of most of Monster Hunter's newest adopter having played through all to hell and being hungry for "new" content just as Generations Ultimate releases as a Switch exclusive has suddenly made a lot of these people who'd have initially dismissed the Switch now being curious about it.
And, like said, a lot of the stuff already releasing this summer is exactly what a fair amount of this crowd exactly would enjoy and has been enough to decide getting a Switch either now, or "as soon as able". Plus, for people who already paid 70$CAD a year for Playstation Plus subscription... the Nintendo Online services for a third of the price is looking awfully tempting... to not mention the family subscription able to support up to eight different accounts and consoles.
As I said, I feel 2018 Q3 and Q4 might have a ton of surprise for us.
@Anti-Matter AC x PK sounds like Miitopia.
@BlueOcean I suppose they could just port AC Camp from mobile to Switch since they just ported Pokemon Quest from Switch to mobile, seems only fair.
I still don't understand why Pokemon Quest on Switch or mobile doesn't integrate with MyRewards. Not that I need a few hundred more platinum coins I'll never use but it seems a natural fit for battery purchases to continue playing.
Let's just say that Nintendo doesn't announce anything of real significance and we round out the year with Mario Party, Let's Go, and Smash. That's a fine lineup in itself, but now that Aces is out, what else is there from Nintendo?? Captain Toad (port) and Octopath Traveler could count since it's exclusive and specifically made for Switch. I think you're giving Monster Hunter a bit too much credit. It's an old 3DS game that will definitely show it's age. Sure, you'll have some that will jump on board out of curiosity, but it's certainly not going to be a big system seller.
And that's the primary reason why their stocks are falling, there's just a lack of confidence that Nintendo has a strong lineup of games this year until we hit October. It's actually a good thing that there are some strong third party offerings cause otherwise we'd hit another drought similar to the Wii U days, yikes.
And you mentioned Nintendo's online service, which is another reason why investors bailed. Their subscription service launches in September, and as of right now, with no major online game to release along side it. Unless they have an announcement waiting in the wings, they're going to have a lot of angry Splatoon players who now need to pay 20 bucks to keep playing. If there's no plan to launch it with a major online game, I really don't understand why they just don't wait until Let's Go or Smash comes out, since those both will use online features. The placement in September, as it stands now, literally makes no sense.
If there was a reason why it's launching in September, Nintendo should have said as such because that was one big reason why investors left on the first round of dropping stocks after their E3 presentation. I don't see how paying 20 bucks, as little money as it is, is going to be a major draw to get people to buy a Switch — when it's been free this whole time, now. I don't see a lot of people standing in a store saying to themselves, "well let's go with a Switch instead of a PS4 because their online is 20 bucks a year." Not trying to be rude, but it's kind of an irrelevant point you're making.
In the end, their stocks are going to bounce back and it'll be a blip in the past, but if there was a big game to announce, it should have been said in the E3 presentation. That's why I believe Kimishima is playing a fire fighter here — I really doubt there's "a ton of surprise" left for this year. I hope I'm wrong, cause I of course want them to succeed, but I see it as little more than a knee-jerk reaction to falling stocks, with maybe one or two small games coming out before the end of the year to keep him true to his word.
@Heavyarms55 Sounds like you're the one being entitled here. Get off your high horse.
@Pod "kids playing Go have been watching Indigo League on Netflix and want to play the games now"
Well stated. Can't fault them for wanting to make more money on Pokemon. I don't know what their income is on Pokmeon Go but at some point they stated it wasn't all that much.
Must kill them to see Niantic pay a small licensing fee for Pokemon and then make $1B with a B dollars. Possibly $2B by now.
I'm not sure what the licensing fee was/is, but I'm guessing less than $1,000,000,000.00.
I'm guessing Ntinedo will make more of the profits on Switch Go, as well as more of the profits on the Go controller.
And it lets them slide on E3 2017's "new Pokemon on Switch" comment.
Why did Nintendo not announce anything more at E3. There were hardly any surprises at all only game I cared for was fighterz and smash sure but to take up almost the whole show with smash bros is not good enough. I was so disappointed........ these in unannounced game's need to be 3RD party we still have a chance of getting cod black ops 4. A much fixed wwe 2k19. And spryo trilogy. Keep the momentum going nintendo.
Everyone's complaining that games aren't coming out more frequently, meanwhile I barely have time to get through my backlog (on Switch alone) and Octopath Traveler is a week away.
So I'm kind of good for now.
@rjejr Im pretty sure Nintendo's cut from the Pokemon GO game was under 30%. Niantic and the Pokemon Company both take home the majority of the revenue from that game.
@Rob3008 It's because they only started truly focusing on the Switch within the past year. They wasted so many resources (like Ultra Sun/Moon) supporting the dead 3DS. Imagine if GF devoted their energies exclusively to Let's Go instead of the watered down remakes they presented at E3.
I would like to remind people that this is the same Nintendo who refused to unveil the NX for nearly 18 months, despite shareholders and consumers begging for NX information, even when their stock price was at the lowest point ever in the company's history.
Nintendo simply doesn't care.
@rjejr Yep, Nintendo rewards doesn't make much sense but to be honest the last time I cared was when you could get cool stuff.
Animal Crossing... I am wondering if they would make a remake of the mobile game like Pokemon Let's Go, a port of Amiibo Festival (not that it could surprise anyone) or a proper new game.
Sorry, but if they had something else big for 2018, they would've talked about it at E3 and not hidden it. And I wouldn't call the 2018 line-up 'strong'. Kirby was (sadly) very underwhelming, Mario Tennis Aces & Super Mario Party are pretty niche games, Octopath seems like it could be good, but Let's Go Pikachu!/Eevee! is paying $60 to play a free-to-pay game w/o the walking. Everything else is a port of something that's over a year old or some random indie game.
Smash Ultimate is really the only wild card, since all we know about it is the roster and a good amount of Stages - but not knowing anything about it isn't a good thing. It could be meaty with a ton of new & returning game modes, or it could be as bare bones as possible... but we won't know until we see it featured in a Nintendo Direct, which I'd ASSUME they'd have at least one more.
I would care but PS4/PC having one hell of a year and sega has Valkyria on deck for Switch - hold me over till Nintendo gets their act together in 2019.
People saw the signs back at the start of the year,... 2018 schedule was going to be a bust.
To be honest, I don't think Nintendo expected Pokémon Go to make them a lot of money, but reather that it be great advertisement for the franchise. Certainly worked on my nephew.
Nintendo's frame of reference for revenue is pretty extreme. Nintendo made over a billion dollars on Mario Kart DS. And then another billion on New Super Mario Bros. And then another two billion on the same two games on Wii. and then a billion and a half on Wii Fit.
They knew the mobile market wasn't as easy a harvest as investors might have thought, at least in comparison to the insane amount of Money Nintendo's franchises already were cashing in.
DOOM was announced late summer for a December release. All of the attention was on SKYRIM and then stuck in a Direct was DOOM. Maybe we will get DIABLO 3 or that other secret game Panic Button is working on. Honestly, just announce F-ZERO X and GX HD with online play and I am happy
@BlueOcean They only do that for specific reasons. Like reassuring fans that they are working on something to pre-empt a backlash about another announcement - such as a 3DS remake.
@Pod "Nintendo made over a billion dollars on Mario Kart DS. And then another billion on New Super Mario Bros. And then another two billion on the same two games on Wii. and then a billion and a half on Wii Fit."
That's a lot of billions.
@BlueOcean "Animal Crossing... I am wondering if they would make a remake of the mobile game like Pokemon Let's Go, a port of Amiibo Festival (not that it could surprise anyone) or a proper new game."
Does Happy Home Designer 2 count as a proper new game?
With all of those AC games out there one of them will likely be ported to Switch before it gets a proper new game. We have amiibo Festival, played it twice, still couldn't play "Island Escape", stopped playing.
@rjejr Amiibo Festival port coming.
@BlueOcean The amiibo Festival board game actually isn't horrific, and if it was 1 very small part of a real AC game people might even play it. They added Island Escape to New Leaf, maybe they can add all of aF into a full new Switch game?
@rjejr Yep, they could make an Animal Crossing with the best elements of the series. I think that New Leaf with the island and the camp and the other ideas like Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival as extras is fine. I don't play much but I enjoy New Leaf.
@BlueOcean I only played aF and Boot Camp for a few days, those time wasting games just aren't for me. Well I'm level 2,125 in Candy Crush (hadn't played in a few months so I had to check), so I have been known to waste some time in my life.
@rjejr If you have a 3DS New Leaf is a relaxing and nice game that looks great in 3D. If you own a Switch you can wait and see how the new Animal Crossing is. I think I prefer to have it on 3DS because that's a proper handheld console that I can take with me and Animal Crossing is a game for short sessions, although the first one (in Europe) was on GameCube.
@BlueOcean I considered for a long time buying a New 3DS XL - my wife and kids each have the original that I've borrowed on occassion - but then Switch came out, we bought that, so I doubt I'll ever have one at this point.
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