Just a few short days ago, toy manufacturer Funko revealed that it will be bringing a new line of Pokémon Pop! Figures to stores. Starting with Pikachu (of course), this series could include a variety of different creatures - Funko has even invited fans to share their suggestions. As if Pokémon wasn't quite big enough on its own, however, the company has now secured a Fortnite license, too.
Yes, the Switch's latest online multiplayer shooter phenomenon will be receiving its own line of Pop! toys, with 5 Star figures, Pint Size Heroes, Vynl, keychains, POP! apparel and more on the way. It's hardly surprising, given Fortnite's crazy levels of success, but two huge franchise announcements in one week is pretty good going from Funko's point of view. The company's CEO, Brian Mariotti, has said the following:
"We are thrilled to collaborate and partner with Epic Games to create the inaugural Fortnite™ product collection and to bring these characters to life for the first time. This collection will be a true celebration of Fortnite's incredible popularity and cultural significance, and we believe our Funko Fortnite collectables will strongly resonate with fans of the game. We look forward to expanding this collection and combining our leading product capabilities with our strong retail platform."
This collection is set to launch in "holiday 2018" and will be available to purchase from a wide range of retailers worldwide. No specific figures have been shown off just yet, but we're hoping for some adorable Loot Llama goodies.
Are you a fan of the Pop! range? Will you be getting your hands on as many of these little figures as you possibly can? Tell us below.
[source nasdaq.com]
Comments 23
how the actual hell is this newsworthy. honestly NL, was this necessary?
@boop22 Its Fortnite. That cow aint milking itself.
On topic. These figures are so eh. The fortnite generics really arent iconic enough for this. But alas, kids will eat them up, maybe literally.
How can they make stylised figurines from a game that doesn't actually have proper characters?
Who buys these things? They’re so ugly.
@boop22 A massively popular Switch game getting a line of official merchandise from one of the biggest pop culture toy manufacturers in the world isn't news?
It's official guys, welcome to Funko'N'FortniteLife....
@boop22 @ryancraddock It's news. Not interesting news, but still news nonetheless.
Don't bite the bait Ryan 😛
When I read the headline I thought epic were signing up famous people to be in Fortnite. That would be pretty cool. I pictured running around as Mr T and the like. They could even have their own signature dance/poses.
For once one of these companies is trying to be more proactive with their merchandise and product deals. Fortnite will eventually die down in popularity, and they may as well get as much profit as they can while it is still popular.
@XenoShaun not sure how my comment was bait? but ok
@XenoShaun Sometimes you just need to let it all out
Why do people like those things?
I’m gonna be honest.
I’ll probably buy one of the Pops!.
I honestly can’t tell if the people asking “how is this news” are trolling or not.
Fortnite, one of the biggest video games today, has been holding off doing ANY merchandise for the longest time. They have now signed on with easily the hottest toy/collectible manufacturer today.
This is bigger “news” than frankly just about anything else in the last 10-20 articles I see on the homepage and I don’t see you same users posting that comment on each of those articles.
Thank you NintendoLife for making me aware of this. If I didn’t see it while checking your homepage, I’m not sure when I would have finally become aware of it. Please continue to keep us all aware of some of the biggest video game related news (for games like Fortnite on Nintendo platforms of course as per the goal of your site).
@boop22 Yes it is
no, fortnite is a hype.
it will wane.
in the long term this is a bad decision.
but for short term business this is a smart ploy.
@MasterJay how was my comment bait dude
@KoiTenchi trust me, we all want to comment that, but it gets old, i just kinda had enough of this hype train for fortnite. Is it cool it came out on switch? yes, but do we need to write something up every 2 seconds about it? NO
@KoiTenchi It is nice to see someone on this site who isn't so cynical all of the time. I agree with you, just because this news doesn't interest some people doesn't mean it won't interest anyone else either.
Again, Fortnite, one of the biggest video games today, has been holding off doing ANY merchandise for the longest time. They have now signed on with easily the hottest toy/collectible manufacturer today.
This is bigger “news” than frankly just about anything else in the last 10-20 articles I see on the homepage and I don’t see you same users posting that comment on each of those articles.
The existence of past articles on NintendoLife about Fortnite doesn’t suddenly mean NintendoLife should stop reporting absolutely MAJOR NEWS just because it is about Fortnite. WHY should NintendoLife NOT report important Nintendo video game related news? Just because you can’t keep yourself from clicking articles that you personally aten’t interested in? That is INCREDIBLY self centered. It’s very easy to skip over an article, I do it all the time when I see an article that’s not relevant to my own interests. In fact, I bet a lot of the readers who visit this site do exactly the same thing. In fact, I’m not even that big of a Fortnite fan so I’ve personally skipped a number of Fortnite articles but clicked this article because I knew the importance of these two massive brands working together.
FEMA camps are real hide your children the cloud people want our first born's.
@boop22 No I meant that it was news, not bait.
The only reason Funko is so popular is because they have a mind controlling wizard getting the rights to every popular franchise under the sun. Their "figures" if you can even call them that, are a joke. They all look like the exact same toy, repainted.
Compared to the awesome figure and models companies in Japan put out, from Amiibo, to Gunpla, to anime figurines, to even Marvel and DC stuff, there is simply no comparison.
Funko may as well be cheap Chinese fake Rolex and Japanese companies like Bandai's Gunpla and other mecha and Max Factory's Figma are the real deal, top of the line.
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