Crash clearly has plenty of selling power as he returns to number one for the eighth time thanks to the arrival of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on new platforms, including here on Nintendo Switch. In fact, his performance was so good he not only held off Ubisoft's The Crew 2, but sold more copies than any other title on Switch in 2018.
The multiformat charts also saw Mario Tennis Aces drop from first to fourth place, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe yo-yoing from fourth to six. FIFA 18 dropped a place but it's still holding firm at the number three slot thanks to ye olde World Cup. Here's the top ten:
1(22) Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
2(NEW) The Crew 2
3(2) FIFA 18
4(1) Mario Tennis Aces
5(3) God of War
6(4) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
7(-) Star Wars Battlefront II
8(7) Grand Theft Auto V
9(5) Fallout 4
10(12) Far Cry 5
What do you make of this week's chart data for the UK? Crash clearly has plenty of popularity in 2018. Not bad for an old PS1 mascot...
[source chart-track.co.uk]
Comments 95
The drought is real.
Well deserved, a trilogy of some pretty good platformers for a decent price. I'll have to snatch this up after Octopath.
Tonight on the twilight zone.
Nintendo fans rush out to buy a game featuring an ex PlayStation mascot.
Brilliant games, 71% through first one, forgot how short that one was.
But well deserved and great to play it on a Nintendo
@Tsurii Depends on the game. I couldn't get Ys at any major retailer save for Amazon for instance.
Well it certainly shows 3rd party can sell on switch- if it's an appropriate title for the mass Nintendo fanbase.
Curious to see how Octopath Traveller does. In my head it should be a niche game for people like me, but I have seen a lot of most wanted polls, comments on non Nintendo sites, and even people in stores make a big fuss over the game.
Also, yep, the Xbox One version outsold the Switch version.
That's right. People took the exact same experience over the at least slightly different one, and that lower selling version is the fastest selling Switch game this year.
The fastest selling Nintendo Switch game in the UK of 2018 still sold less than a direct no-frills port of that same game.
Fantastic news for the future of 3rd party support on Switch, I'm absolutely shocked that it made number one and that Mario tennis was first before that, Switch software is selling like crazy across the pond.
For goodness sakes, it outsold it by 250 copies. That's within the margin of error for their counts.
And that "Direct no frills port" is still the same game, being sold to an install base twice as large.
What is it with you man. Seriously what is wrong with you? You're the only person I've ever seen that consistently takes fantastic news and flips it on his head as if it's some kind of detriment. Switch doesn't have the big multiplats, which is why there are faster selling games this year on X1.
The fact a switch game could sell the exact same amount as Xbox One day and date, with half the install base, is nothing short of incredible. Why are you so hell-bent on making everything sound like a disaster?
@Knuckles-Fajita Given this is the UK only market I'm not surprised - Nintendo has never done as well in the UK as elsewhere - The Sega Mega Drive dominated the SNES here and the PS1 / PS2 dominated the N64 / gamecube... Sonic, and then Crash, were mascots with a far bigger presence than Mario - although time has proven they didn't have the staying power.
So given Nintendo historically hasn't done well here (ignoring the Wii) this is an amazing achievement.
@JaxonH I'm surprised you have exact numbers given, you know, they don't report on those.
And yes it is the same game being sold to an install base twice as large. But when you combine "Fastest selling Switch game of the year" and then realise that Tennis was #1 last week, shows how low the numbers are.
Be surprised then
Or it shows how high these numbers are? Do you ever think of that? Did you ever think of the fact the game hasn't been on Nintendo for so long that people are excited to try it, coupled with the fact there are countless fans on other platforms who wanted a portable version on top of it? There was nothing wrong with Mario Tennis Aces sales, in fact I think it did better than all previous entries. Don't sit here and act like it's some kind of disaster this is the fastest selling game for switch in the UK this year. It's the fastest selling game in the UK this year on Switch because it did exceptionally well. No other reason.
@JaxonH Maybe we will see some future third party support then, rest of the world depending.
Or some unicorn droppings. That feels more realistic.
@Knuckles-Fajita oh man the hate is real.
You are a bonafide hater no doubt!!
The remasters of a two decades old Trilogy that released last year on the leading console of this generation is the best selling Switch game of 2018 in the UK. This is sad!
It doesn't matter if they're two decades old or remasters- this was an incredibly popular release that sold crazy well on PS4. Millions of copies.
So no, that's not "sad". You could release a Mario 64 remaster right now, today, and I guarantee you it would be the fastest selling game of the year in the UK too, especially if it's bundled it with two other Mario games for $30.
I don't know why we need to see future support- we're seeing support right now, this very moment. So you might want to get your camera out and get ready to take a picture.
@JaxonH Please, sir, you're making it hard for him to push his precious agenda. Think of the agenda!
It's hardly surprising as you're getting 3 decent games for a reasonable price and Nintendo have had no heavy hitters so far this year. I suspect Pokemon and Smash will blow it out of the water later this year but in any case well done and it shows that the Spyro Trilogy should come out on Switch too
@Knuckles-Fajita: You’re getting destroyed left and right everytime you post comment. Maybe it’s time to grow up, admit defeat and pack your bags to a PlayStation or XBone website.
It's ridiculous.
3rd party games don't sell well- people mock them and say nobody buys third party games.
3rd party games sell amazing- people mock them and say it's "sad" it did so well.
I think it's time to get out of this clown house. I need a place where I can talk to actual, level headed, mature gamers who aren't always pushing some kind of middle school agenda or narrative. People who aren't constantly on the prowl like a lion searching for its prey, scrambling to take every little piece of news and spin it. This place is console war central. Every piece of news is ammunition for somebody to use against Nintendo. Doesn't even have to be bad news! People will literally take good news and twist it and shape it into something bad, and then regurgitate it out.
This isn't what gaming is. This is 4th grade food fights. And I'm sick of trying to sit down and enjoy my meal with everyone throwing food all around me.
Spyro Reignited now Activision?
XBox 1 version is #1... Switch is number 2 😉 Good numbers for both. Now Spyro
Wolfenstein 2 and Ys8 didn't even make it into the top 20 on Switch.
Basically Switch selling full price Nintendo games and 3rd party budget games
@nayfz I certainly hope so. This year just has been a desert when it comes to major third and first party releases (on all consoles imo).
@JaxonH Screenshot button at the ready. I'm talking more meaningful third party support. Yes there is support, but whats wrong with wanting more?
There's a certain purple dragon who is probably being ported right now I'd like an announcement of preferably before September 21st...
@Dr_Corndog My agenda is simple. Sit down, play games, enjoy games, discuss games.
Whether a game succeeds or fails is ultimately irrelevant. Crash will be getting a new game based on PS4 sales alone. Now, do I care? Yeah, I like Crash, so long as the games are....ahem...good. We dont want Wrath of Cortex again after all.
If a third party game doesn't sell well, I will like to know why. Poor timing (See this coming September for that...), dumb decisions like missing content or modes, price gauging, you know, the usual things that would put someone off.
If a third party game sells well, so long as its a GOOD game (Because imagine a world where Ride to Hell sold well...) then cool, whatever. Its no money in my pocket but it makes the CEO of Activision some pretty pennies on top of multi-million salary.
I dont think its sad a game sells well, providing its a game that earns it, and regardless as long as the developers can keep the lights on.
@kobashi100 I expected better looking at reported shipment numbers that showed more for Switch than Xbox One. Who knows, maybe its an error in my judgement or a margin of error with the data collection if this "250" gap is true.
@Yasume You clearly havent seen my opinion of the PS4 if you think I want to be on a Sony site....ugh.
@JaxonH - You made a valid point in one of these posts, the Switch, though selling (negligible) worse of the three, did so by a 250 margin to a console with a significant more units sold.
The attachment rate on Switch is real, and that SHOULD be the most important factor into posting on to the system; Will it sell?
@Agramonte Wolfenstein 2, yeah I dont know what happened there. Releasing the same day as a big platformer probably didn't help. Again.
Ys VIII though, turns out the only places I could get that was Amazon, Base and ShopTo. GAME didn't even list it, and no superstores carry anything other than guaranteed sellers. So you had to know Ys VIII existed to be able to go and buy it, and even then, its only available online.
@Knuckles-Fajita What exactly is your point. I don't think the UK charts take into account digital sales and sales from the Nintendo UK store.
Does this mean we'll get Spyro Reignited soon?
Maybe I should pick up Crash sooner rather than later. I don't have any nostalgia for it, having never played it before. Looks good enough, just hasn't been a priority, on the wish list somewhere.
Spyro, though, I'd be there day 1.
@JaxonH Ignore button exists. Just saying.
Anyway, those numbers are good to hear (the 250 less than Xbone, I mean). It puts it on the same playing field as the other consoles, and hopefully ensures that they'll see the value in porting the Spyro trilogy.
Never really got the appeal of this series. Still, it's good to see it do so well. If they decide to bring Spyro over I will absolutely buy that in a heartbeat.
As a side note, this site's comment section never fails to entertain.
@Knuckles-Fajita If you think it's hard to find a physical copy of Ys VIII for Switch, try looking for a physical copy of De Blob on Switch. If I hadn't pre-ordered it, it would've been much harder to find.
Ys VIII is difficult to find on PS4/Vita in the States, and that just released last year, so I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to pick up a copy at launch.
@JaxonH Yes, it sold soooo many copies. Which is great. We'll get a new Crash.
But a remaster, no matter how good, being the bestselling Switch game in the UK this year, is sad imho. It just goes to show how utterly barren and empty it's been in terms of physical software.
@JaxonH I agree with you. There are a lot of haters that can't stand Nintendo's success and always looking for Nintendo's downfall.
@BigKing Drought? My wallet has been slammed by all these quality releasesrelease in the last 3 months.The digital releases especially.
@hadrian same
Very impressive. I keep saying that Switch won’t get the same third party support as PS4 or XB1 but it doesn’t need to. Well chosen, well realised third party games will do well.
You seem to have misspelled ‘my cluelessness’ as ‘the drought’. Easy mistake, I suppose. In the circumstances.
I've tinkered with the notion, but I really don't want to resort to that because he used to be a really great guy. Had his mood swings but he was generally a levelheaded contributor. Now? I don't know what happened. I'm still holding out hope that whatever he's going through he gets past because I honestly really enjoy conversing with him when he's not going all "sky is falling" on us
That's where I fundamentally disagree. Being a "remaster" doesn't somehow equal lower sales or less demand. Remasters often sell just as much if not more than the original version!
And once you understand that, you realize it's absolutely not "sad". It's incredible. It hasn't sold the fastest due to other games not selling well, because Mario Tennis has outsold all previous entries, DKC is outselling the Wii U version, Kirby is the fastest selling game in the series to date, Bayonetta 2 is outpacing the original version, etc etc etc.
The notion that a remaster will somehow "do worse" or "should do worse", is just flat out wrong. And sales numbers consistently prove it. So your entire conclusion is based on a false premise.
Crash Bandicoot was the 3rd best-selling PS4 game of 2017, behind FIFA 18 and COD WWII. Crash is massive in the UK. I am not at all surprised that it had the biggest launch for any Switch game this year.
Wolf 2 and Ys 8 sold poorly on the Switch. Not too surprising, given that both games didn't exactly perform well at all when they originally launched on the PS4/XBO and PS4/PSv respectively.
In fact, Ys 8 sold so poorly on the PS4/PSV when it originally launched that the Switch version may actually be outpacing the PS4/PSV version in sales.
This is obviously great for the 3D platformer genre, but I swear I'll never get the UK's obsession with the Crash games. Their narrow corridor-type level design was already obsolete when the original game came out (due to Super Mario 64), let alone now.
@JaxonH Once I get a job to stabilise my financial situation, thus being able to support my mother and sister, I'll be all cheery again. But right now due to stress its very hard to be positive. Sorry if that reflects onto you in these comments and such.
@Knuckles-Fajita Yeah, but that means it misses the top 5 or 10... not that it falls out of the top 20. The Wolfenstein fan does not go into a store looking for Wolfenstein 2 and walks out with Crash Bandicoot. 😀😏
Well, we will see in the USA. They had stacks of Ys8 at my local Gamestop on Friday (never a good sign). So that narrative wont really apply here.
Octopath bats next. It really cant be that a discounted budget port will end up being the fastest selling 3rd party Switch game in 2018 🙄
This is kind of shocking. Crash was great in its day, but the designs just feel so dated now. I love platformers, but having no Crash nostalgia of my own (missed PS1, bought PS2 after PS3 was out), I've just been kind of side eyeing this one.
@MrGawain Octopath really is a niche game. It's a big deal because it's an outstanding game for that niche, is unique, and is Nintendo exclusive, but a hard as nails menu driven old school unforgiving RPG isn't going to light any charts on fire for the masses. If you don't know what your'e getting yourself into when buying it, I expect it'll be a terrible experience. But it's wonderful for hardcore oldschool RPG fans.
@JaxonH I'm actually a little sad that Kirby is selling better than the previous ones. It's not a bad game at all, but compared to Robobot and Return to Dreamland it feels like such a step down for the series. I don't like the idea that minimal effort proves profitable than all-out efforts. Companies consider that in future plans. I like the game, but I want the next one to be another step up.
@Knuckles-Fajita @JaxonH I said this to knuckles the other day, but you two going at it with each other is just plain comedy for everyone else. You're such polar opposites with knuckles' sky is falling thing and you being the always exuberant always super enthusiastic about absolutely everything guy, it's just comedy gold. Never stop.
The fact that it sold at the same price as the PS4/XB versions made this a day one no-brainer for me. Got in lunch break on Friday and everyone in the line was buying, to the point it was amusing. Adults were buying but also quite a few kids, who don't have the nostalgia factor. Spyro on Switch needs to happen now! It's initial sales on PS4/XB may look weak in comparison to the initial release of Crash, as more people, me included, hold off buying Spyro until it lands on Switch. And then it'll go through the roof.
How on Earth is it sad? Was it sad last year when it outsold everything on the best selling, most software-laden system of this generation apart from FIFA and COD?
Also this is the UK where Playstation is much more important than Nintendo. I was working in games retail 1996-99 when the originals Crash games released and sold bucketloads. The nostalgia factor for these games will be much higher than it was for e.g. Mario 64.
It would actually be far more ‘sad’ and worrying if Crash hadn’t sold really well.
I applaud people in the UK for their good taste.
My God....just how much money has GTA V made over the years?! That baby refuses to stay off the grid!
@Swifthom Totally on with playstation but did Megadrive outsell SNES that much?
I always thought it was pretty even with only one of my mates having a Megadrive.
Might wanna get that Spyro collection on Switch soon then.
@Agramonte Wolf2 is actually at number 8 on the Top 20 Nintendo Switch, Harvest Moon new at number 10 and Ys number 14. Crash is number one as we know and Minecraft remained at 6. Mario & Rabbids is also in the Switch Top 20.
@Tsurii the charts show the sales of all platforms combined, so Switch could be only a millionth of that.
@Knuckles-Fajita The Xbox One version only outsold it by a few hundred units from what I hear though
@westman98 I was going to say that Crash did really well over here when it came out on the PS4, I don't understand it at all, PS1 nostalgia I suppose.
I can see people over 24(more or less) rushing to buy it. I didn`t buy it because it was not for sale where I live( I bought Super Mario Odyssey instead ), but I`ll get it for sure in a short while...
@MartyFlanMJFan Yeah.. but if #8 on Switch is #25 on the Individual chart - the gap between the top-end of both charts is massive. Making it to #14 does not even count as a top 40 in the main chart. The numbers must drop hard soon after the top listed.
I'm also still more interested on new premium priced games moving forward. Octopath will be a good test. Wolfenstein 2 already had fans like me - who just not willing to wait - taken out of the pool 🤔
@BigKing So is the butthurt
With the release of the Switch, XB1, and PC versions, Crash Bandicoot Trilogy has now sold over 700,000 copies in the UK alone.
While the Switch version of Crash had a good debut, I'm not sure the legs will be that remarkable. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze sold less than Crash at launch, but sales only dipped 33% during its second week. Tropical Freeze's LTD sales are already 4X its launch sales after just ~2 months.
Seems like The Crew 2 had a rather lackluster retail debut, selling just 25% of what The Crew 1 sold during its retail launch. Digital sales have surely improved a lot, but it won't be able to make up for the complete collapse in its retail sales.
@DABYX re Mega Drive vs SNES - from memory it wasn't exactly an annihilation in terms of sales numbers, but the mega drive definitely did significantly outsell (I would need to do some searching to pull stats out - if I recall is slightly beyond an inversion of the way SNES outsold mega drive in USA)
...but in terms of marketing, and perceived national uptake, it was certainly an annihilation. Nintendo have never (and I maintain still don't really) marketed effectively over here (again I am ignoring the Wii sales rush because that was lightning in a bottle, but it was only 2 years or so when the wii launch took everyone by storm).
Mega drive era Sonic entered the public consciousness in a massive way - not just video games but comic books (UK Fleetway published StC ran for +200 fortnightly issues), cartoons doing very well on national TV, games getting plenty of press coverage,.... There was a kids TV show called GamesMaster (with Patrick Moore playing the very creepy titular role - look up clips online, it was excellent) that ran 1992-1997, it adored the mega drive and playstation, looking at an online records the MD appearances outstripped SNES 2 : 1, although there was plenty of Atari and other hardware as well.)
The UK seemed to be a bit of a tech haven for smaller, innovative tech. It embraced more powerful hardware and smaller spin out tech quickly.
@Wolfgabe That, and the U.K. has been Nintendo's worst region throughout their history. Meanwhile, the U.K. is one of the few places where the Xbox One does well.
I don't think Nintendo has ever won a console war in the U.K.
@Knuckles-Fajita Go outside, enjoy the sun, talk to people, smile at them and then come back here to comment.
@Swifthom Forgot about the comics! Guess so, don't really remember the mass consciousness of game market. Was generally a step behind.
Remember that show though vaguely lol.
If my memory did serve me right (which is a rare thing tbf!) There's always a chance that it was the SNES more popular just in my area/group of friends though and everywhere else was MD mad lol.
I’ve seen a lot of people write crash off on the internet, but I know several people (who aren’t part of Internet comment sections) who loved the originals. Like if they knew someone had a copy they’d ask if they could play it. Crash is like one of those films that never gets critically acclaimed, but people love.
Given how poorly Nintendo usually does in the UK, this shows that the switch is actually working and making inroads into the market. This is great news for Nintendo, and if things continue with this trajectory the switch will end up dominating globally.
Good I guess. I can't stand the games or the character at all though.
@Cosats Go outside, against my crippling anxiety, in the sun, where my body starts to lose function above 15C, and talk to people?
Only if I have to buddy! I'm a medical nightmare!
Too many people downplaying positive Switch news for no reason. A third party title sold well on Switch, in the Switch's weakest region.... I just....don't understand the negativity.
People are always saying Nintendo gamers don't buy third party games but when they do, there's a always an excuse, something to downplay, doom and gloom. Just wow.
Never really a fan of Crash. The narrow corridor gameplay seems vastly outdated even compared to something like Mario 64 let alone Odyssey, but hey good to hear that a 3rd party game is doing so well.
The Switch version of Crash Bandicoot has been a commercial success but the Xbox One version outsold it! I really like seeing 3D platformers like this selling so well on the three platforms! Next Banjo, please!!
@JaxonH took the words right outta my mouth🤔
Between the initial release of the remastered trilogy last year and the recent ports, I honestly had no idea that there was still this large a market out there for Crash Bandicoot, which to me seemed to be a character/series very much of its time. I'm not a big Crash fan at all, but it's still kinda cool to see older games like this find a place in 2017/2018.
@JaxonH Please don't leave just yet. There are plenty of us here who are like you and just want to chat about games and have fun. The console wars are idiotic, and most of the people here are not about that.
And seriously, use the ignore button if someone is always bringing you down. I personally tend to give people a bunch of chances, but if all I ever see a person doing is posting about how awful the Switch is and how Nintendo are terrible and there are no good games, etc., then hell yeah I will hit Ignore. Life is too short to waste on people who only know to be negative and toxic.
Not surprised. It's a great port and a fantastic fit for the Switch.
Hopefully this means well fetched Spyro trilogy as well.
@JaxonH My point is not so much to say 'Oh, it's a remaster therefore it should sell badly' but moreso that the fact that no other physically released Switch game has outsold Crash. Sure, we've just began the second half of 2018 but this year's been severly lacking in heavyhitters. That is the sad part.
But it is nice to see a third party doing as good as it is in the UK of all places.
Great post. It’s too childish around here these days. I haven’t consciously decided to leave but I’m spending more and more time elsewhere.
It’s sold really well on PS4 and XB1 as well. It’s outsold hundreds of new, retail PS4 and XB1 games. It’s a popular game and it’s good value. I don’t see what’s sad about it.
@JaxonH I hope you don't leave Jax, I for one absolutely love and share your enthusiasm. I can't spend the money on games that you do but I LOVE hearing you talk about whatever you're currently playing, and I appreciate my games that little bit more because I have to choose carefully what game I get.
@JaxonH I hope you don't leave Jax, I for one absolutely love and share your enthusiasm. I can't spend the money on games that you do but I LOVE hearing you talk about whatever you're currently playing, and I appreciate my games that little bit more because I have to choose carefully what game I get.
@JaxonH I hope you don't leave Jax, I for one absolutely love and share your enthusiasm. I can't spend the money on games that you do but I LOVE hearing you talk about whatever you're currently playing, and I appreciate my games that little bit more because I have to choose carefully what game I get.
@JaxonH I for one absolutely love and share your enthusiasm for games, I hope you don't leave.
Sorry for the multiple posts, don't know what happened there.
@JaxonH 'people will literally take good news, twist it and shape it in to something bad and regurgitate it out' mate try being a Michael Jackson fan! That's exactly what it's like, absolutely spot on, since the late 80's. Anyway, don't go!
It's really ironic when one of the trouble makers plays the victim role.
@hadrian You must be poor then.
Well deserved. Im not liking everything this game changed but its a huge package. Low priced with 3 games in 1? Thats huge.
Nothing to do with being a Nintendo fan. It’s to do with knowing what a drought is.
@electrolite77 There is a drought because everybody is so thirsty for good games that a mediocre PS1 remake is the best selling thing on the system.
Oh really? A game that is selling well on XB1 and sold absolutely loads on PS4? What’s the reason for that? Those systems have terrible droughts do they?
You are just being stupid fella,the Switch base is far less than the Xbox One's.
Great news and well deserved.
Maybe this shows a certainty that Spyro Switch will sell very well for the same price and that they would be mad not to make it happen asap.
Also could be a signal to developers that 3D platformers are worth investing in again. I couldn't be happier with this news and it doing so well. I'm loving the game.
Finally this could be an indicator that Nintendo should stop trying to get £50 for re-releases like DC TF - no matter how good it is! I want it - but I won't pay that.
Also the 'drought' is an exceptional level of nonsense talk. We have it soooo good.
Imagine yourself playing this crappy game when Super Mario Odyessy is in town.
Wow... people aren’t thinking... what a waiste of $$$
Good to hear!
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