Ubisoft has announced the latest entry in the Trials series, Trials Rising, will be heading to Nintendo Switch in February 2019. The announcement was made at E3 2018 as part of Ubisoft's annual keynote.
The game is being developed in co-operation between Ubisoft RedLynx and Ubisoft Kiev, and will see you racing, riding and balancing your way through stages set around the world. With everything from wrecking balls to exploding scenery to evade, expect to be punished as you try and finish every fiendish course.

So Trials is finally coming to Nintendo Switch, but what do you make of this latest addition to Switch's growing library? Share your thoughts below...
Comments 26
Interested... Urban Trial Playground is just not fun.
I love the Trials series, ever since the first one on the Xbox 360. Urban Trial Playground is a cheap knockoff. Stoked for this!
@holygeez03 Yeah Urban Trial was fine for the 3DS but it just feels kinda cheap on the Switch. I tried the demo and couldn't get past how bad the physics were for it, and it just isn't anywhere near as good as the real Trials games from Ubisoft.
Trials Fusion was decent so will most certainly be interested in this
Awesome. Gonna love playing this on the go
Rather read an issue of popular mechanics... Why is this nonsense an E3 announcement?. They could have just issued a press release weeks ago.
Ah.. just remembered no analogue triggers on switch. Man I need to see previews on how it handles without analogue triggers
HD rumble? I wanna feel the gravity!
I have Urba Trial Playground on Switch & really enjoy it. But Trials Rising looks so much better. I'll keep it on my radar. Hopefully, it won't be a buggy mess when it releases.
Whew, it's been a while since I've been on Nintendo Life!
Anyway... yeah! I liked the Xbox 360 Trials game, and this looks equally as good.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting an excitebike feeling from this game?
That looks damn awesome... long time to wait but excited nonetheless
@kobashi100 Get over it. Analog triggers have been simulated more than a decade.
@Cosats Analog triggers have been standard for more than a decade, but of course Nintendo needs to be different.
I've been loving Trials Fusion on my PS4. Super stoked for this!
Trials is awesome!
I played the heck out of Trials Fusion on PS4. Like, seriously played the heck out of that game.
This is terrific news.
I liked Trials on the Xbox 360 but it wasnt a game that I wanted to spend much time playing on the TV.
Portable on the Switch is something I might be interested in though.
Didnt enjoy fusion as much as the first 2 games and the blood dragon cross over was awful. Hopefully this is a return to form as its a perfect game for Switch.
@Cosats Actually a really good point. Trials is one of the only games i've played where you use the analog triggers to their potential. Expecially on the top tier levels.
Trials! Wohoo!
Yep. Been waiting for a good motocross game in Switch for quite some time!
Is February the new November or something? Microsoft seem to be releasing everything that month and now this. XD
What their first game should’ve been on Switch for sure.
@JaxonH "Trials Fusion on PS4"
It took me 3 days to realize I'd been seeing this game on Switch and Fusion on PS+ and they weren't the same game but they were related. Info overload.
Played the first 2 levels of SFZ. It was fun, died once starting level 2, didn't realize it was on rails, but I've always sucked at flying games anyway so no surprise there. 2 silver trophies though, go me.
I liked SFZ. I just didn't like splitting attention between 2 screens.
The gamepad didn't pan out like I'd hoped. Still, a small 3" 720p dashboard screen on a controller would be terrific as an industry standard for maps, inventory screens, etc.
Btw, I gave you wrong info before. Torna is on cart, it just also comes with a code for the rest of the pass. They weren't too clear on that.
Go play Shining Resonance demo btw. Everyone is loving it and impressed with how good it is. Made me preorder digitally on top of the physical game, and I wasn't planning on that digital purchase.
Did you see that Fire Emblem? Oh my gosh, excuse me while I geek out. And Daemon X Machina is looking super rad. Like a Xenoblade X spinoff with mech battles and way more movement and mechanics and customization. Full English voice cast planned too. Multiplayer so we can fly mechs together and battle giant mechs.
Check out some Treehouse gameplay of it. Videos are up.
You're going to need a controller can handle the throttle like xbox or ps... The switch is just button on/off
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