You may remember that, just last month, we reported on the story that news was incoming for Splatoon 2 that was set to "shock the world". It's fair to say that the response was an excited one, but still fairly cautious across the board from media and fans alike, and confusion surrounding the supposed future announcement didn't help matters either. It appears that we may have been right to be sceptical, though.
According to JapaneseNintendo, the big reveal is for some new 'Spy' gear which can be used in-game, and the logo from the original tease can be seen in these images. Details on how to get the gear are expected to be revealed in the July issue of CoroCoro magazine which will be available from 15th June.
As we're sure you'll agree, this is a welcome addition to our favourite squid-based shooter but not one that warrants a description of "shocking the world". Originally, the rumours suggested that the shocking news would arrive on 9th June (which is tomorrow) and more details surrounding this Spy gear may still drop at that time. Whether or not more news on the matter will deliver on the "shocking" front is yet to be seen, but hopefully there will be something more to this gear and its accompanying logo.
We know that Splatoon 2 is featuring heavily at E3 next week, and introducing new content around that time could hint at something a little bigger than what we've seen today. Could this just be a tease for the bigger reveal? Who knows...
Comments 54
9th June you mean, July 9th is a month away
Translational error?!?
@xPH03N1Xx86 Oh good grief! Haha!
Thanks for spotting that - I've fixed it now.
@ryancraddock rather shocking that.
Wow so shocking, I think my life is changed for ever...
@Shiryu Yup. It's pretty out there...
Wow! My existence will never be the same!!! I think I'm gonna faint
Cranky Kong part 2
And this is what happens when people over hype messy translations.
Still, nice brogues!
Very irresponsible of Japan to be dropping megatons like that amidst the current economic and international climate.
this is worst then a broken car from fallout 4.
but hey great outfit. wasn't really expecting anything big though.
I am in SHOCK!, JUST BAFFLED I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK OR DO . How can this be? Is it true ? All joking aside I remember being worried Splatoon 2 might not live up to the standard set by the first title well those worries have been put to rest at this point I mean what a fabulous and exciting and completely fantastic title Splatoon 2 has turned out to be definitely in the top five BEST TITLES available for the Nintendo Switch.
Are all your headlines this sarcastic, Ryan?
I just need to know which ones to avoid.
This is not the announcement.
And here I thought they were going to introduce an electric eel as a playable character.
@HatosBlack May I ask why you found it sarcastic? I genuinely tried to be as realistic with it as possible.
A reveal has happened showing the logo from the original tease at the time it was supposed to, suggesting that this is the big news, but I think we can all agree that it isn't very "shocking" and doesn't quite feel right, hence why I said it "seems to have arrived"...
Well it did shock the world. We were expecting something good.
@Romeo-75 Except for the awful restrictions it puts on players when deciding what mode they want to play. And how they want to play with friends. I do think the game is great, but I hope Splatoon 3 fixes those things.
@ryancraddock I think it says the info comes out June 9th. We don't know details. We don't know the facts. YOU ARE not shocked, but there may be some members of this community, that keeps your page alive, who could be indeed, "shocked". "Seems to have arrived" proves that you don't have all the information.
Same thing with the "Remember Labo" post. If I wanted cynical commentary, I'd come to the comments section.
It's a shock that I'm not shocked by this shocking news.
@HatosBlack I'll give you the Labo one, which was only meant for a little bit of fun, but you've explained it perfectly there - we don't know all the facts of this one yet, hence the "seems to". This looks like it could be the announcement, thanks to the logo and timing, so we wanted to share that with the readers, but the "seems to" is there to let people know that we can't be 100% sure yet.
There was no sarcasm or upset intended with this, I assure you. And I apologise if it has caused that.
The shock is it's nto spy gear, it's Angus Young's outfit and a guitar will be a new weapon in Spaltoon 2.
@ryancraddock Fair enough.
@NinjaWaddleDee, I can agree with you on that Nintendo does leave alot to be desired when it comes to the online play within their games it could be better for sure.
It is cool that there is a discernable double-0 and a 7 in the logo.
Maybe it was a Connery-era Bond reference when he electrocutes the guy in the bathtub? "Shocking..."
Or maybe I have been spending way too much time following pre-E3 stuff and am starting to see things that aren't there...
Either way, Cheers!
Shocking is a very apt term. Sheesh.
Oh and @ryancraddock I know you're being friendly and keeping the peace but seriously, don't feed the trolls, your writing tone is fine!
Gotta love that ignore button.
Well that's pretty lame. I mean, a free outfit is nice and all... but why hype us up for something as little as this? I'm a bit disappointed as I was hoping for a new mode or maybe some new stages based on other IPs.
Wait... Is that a Boy's School Outfit? That is Shocking.
Splatoon used: Shocking news.
Its not very effective
Sean Connery voice: Shocking
Now Nintendo themselves are starting to be infected by clickbait
dies of electrocution
To be fair it will have slightly been lost in translations from a Japanese journalist trying to make something exciting which everyone else took far too literally
Dreams of a battle royale shattered lol.
Wait. I think there might be a new single player thing to get the spy gear. I'm not sure. But I just think that is it.
@ryancraddock The CoroCoro Twitter feed posted the link to the 'scoop' six hours ago (at the time of writing), and it's been 'tomorrow' (or at least, 9th June) for six and a half hours in Japan. So from this perspective, the news does seem to have arrived on 9th June as promised.
What's slightly more interesting is that the CoroCoro article itself states that the Spy Gear seems to hold further secrets and that part of the mystery will be revealed on the same website on 9th July (yes, July). This is all stated in the final paragraph.
CoroCoro wrote:
The article also states that the Spy Gear marks another collaboration between CoroCoro magazine and the Squid Research Facility, following on from the previous collaboration which resulted in the Emperor Gear being released.
So it seems the mystery isn't over yet. But I still very much doubt there's anything too 'shocking' in the pipeline worth holding out for.
Spys? Maybe Goldeneye themed levels in a Splatoon style, that would be pretty shocking.
I'm more shocked that Nintendo is doing a Splatoon 2 competition at E3. That's kind of lame.
My world is shocked AF.
Why are they still wearing shorts? Are Inklings allergic to pants?
It was so shocking that I will need an update to be more stable
This was blown out of proportion form the start. Translations can't be done literally and context and many other things need to be taken into account.
And to point out something... it was the press "outside" Japan the one who made of this something that it wasn't. For the love of God, stop using Google Translate to write your articles.
@maruse is spot on. Google Translate is good for one word or extremely standard, textbook-like sentences. That's about it. So unless you are translating [私はリンゴが好きです。I like apples.] Don't trust it.
I’ve noticed more and more people messing about during matches and more and more occasions where people have disconnected. Nintendo need to sort this out
I need to be grounded because I'm so shocked and full of electricity
Nintendo should make a stage where everything is invisible and you sprayed ink to make it visible... like The Unfinished Swan.
I think there's something more to this one, but okay Nintendo lol
Maybe they meant throughout E3 is when the info will keep releasing? Like a stealth game mode or something...oh well, who knows lol.
Somehow I knew this announcement that would shock us would be some lame in game gear
Maybe Nintendo is releasing a spy-themed splatfest, story mode, or an entire new game and Nintendo is just teasing it
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