Little has been said about the Nintendo Switch Online service since the revealing announcements last month, but if this new listing is anything to go by it looks like we may have a confirmed start date.
Amazon UK has listed a 12 month download code for a Nintendo Switch Online Membership for £19.99, which is interestingly £2 more expensive that Nintendo's recommended price for the product. The page states that the code will be delivered to customers on 30th September at midnight, potentially suggesting that this will be the moment the service goes live.

You also have the option to purchase a 3 month subscription for £7.99 should you wish, although this price is also £1 above the figures that were originally mentioned.
The date noted isn't a certainty - the page does state that it is a "preliminary release date" - but the specific nature of its wording with the exact time included would suggest that it's definitely a possibility. As always, we'll have to wait for an official confirmation on this to be sure - the 30th is the final day of the month and could well be a placeholder, after all.
We'd recommend holding off from any purchases just yet to see if the product does appear at the previously mentioned prices elsewhere. Hopefully Amazon will update the page to reflect these in due time.
Will you be subscribing when the service goes live?
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[source amazon.co.uk]
Comments 30
I was hoping it would go live on the 1st of September, we have been waiting ages for this after all and I kind of want to play the NES Zelda on my Switch! I really hope this service delivers, but going by Nintendo's history, it won't, at least not for a while.
Considering we're starting with NES games in late September 2018, I'm assuming N64 games are gonna arrive sometime in 2031.
Cool, will definitely be getting a family subscription. Hopefully they add gamesharing between members in the future!
The longer it gets delayed the better.
In all likelihood, this is probably a placeholder date. Nintendo has gone on record to say that the service launches in September, so Amazon is likely listing the last possible day of the month as the placeholder date. It seems strange to me for Nintendo to launch something like this on a Sunday.
i think that's just a placeholder (cuz 30 is the last day of September)
Looks like a placeholder but I thought that about Mario Tennis Aces being June 22nd and that turned out to be the real release date. If it is the real release date, I could see Smash being early October.
Why not just buy direct from the Nintendo eShop? I never understood buying something digital for a Nintendo system from a 3rd party store. Physical I understand that (obviously), but digital? Just weird. Especially since it seems Nintendo's price will be ever so slightly less expensive.
It's probably Amazon's way of saying "You'll definitely get the code by this date because Nintendo said it is launching in September and this is the last day of September"
@DarthFoxMcCloud Subscriptions are generally debit/credit card purchases with auto renewal if purchased via console digital stores. If you don't want your debit/credit cards attached to your account, you buy prepaid cards from places you're willing to use your debit/credit cards.
@NewAdvent That I understand, I can never find deals on cards in Canada though. @Grumblevolcano Hmmm, with my PS4 I've never had an issue with that. I just buy the year long PSN membership direct on the console with my credit card and I un-check the box that asks to store my credit info. But I can also see why that would be a concern for some people. Never had a problem with it personally as I just choose not to store the info (I also did that on 3DS and Wii U eShops with every purchase). But if you can find a cheaper card somewhere else, all the more power to that. Definitely down for saving money
Trying to convince myself to see the $20 as a KiCKStarter campaign to help Nintendo get an online platform up and running.
I'm still pretty torn whether I'm going to join right away or not. Some of the NES games will be fun but other than that there isn't a lot on offer. I'll probably just pick it up when I really want to play a game online. And that could be Smash Bros., but Nintendo has to get the connection right this time. This p2p stuff shouldn't be a thing for a paid online service in 2018.
@Agramonte Don't delude yourself.
Don't really care. Buying it no matter what the price or when the date is.
@DarthFoxMcCloud if you had an amazon rewards card or some other gift certificate to amazon you could end up saving money. in the US for instance bing gives out $5 amazon gift cards as one of their search rewards.
I'm calling it here and now: Smash Bros releases on the same day.
Personally never had many issues with the current online and happy for it to come but a bit gutted I'll have to pay a family membership for a single switch just so the missus can keep her MK points and play solo every once in a blue moon.
MK is literally the only reason for us atm. And Pokken I guess but that's been benched.
@MH4 I second that
Yes I will be subscribing to this service
I think the Nintendo online service will come out on the day it's released.
@invictus4000 LOL.
I'm surprised there isn't more outrage at Amazon actually having the audacity to price this above the RRP. I personally am pretty annoyed at that. Hopefully it's just a mistake and it'll be corrected soon though.
Smash Bros launch date???
I am outraged that Amazon have the cheek to price this above the RRP,it's probably down to extra postage costs.
@thesilverbrick Probably a placeholder price as well. It wouldn't be the first time Amazon has done so (see Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at CAD$100 before release).
Only really play mario kart online and never had a problem with it.
I will subscribe.
This is Amazon we're talking about here...lol
Mmmmmm, lots of people keep saying that Nintendo’s online is terrible but, except a couple of times in Splatoon 2 with a dropped connection, I’ve never had a problem with it at all...
Pokken and Splatoon (except for those two times that I remember) play perfectly fine with no lag whatsoever.
I bought Blazblue Cross Battle Tag a few days ago and the online is perfect there too, completely responsive with no noticeable lag.
The lag and poor online might be more of an issue with each person Internet connection than with the online service itself? I’ve got no idea but so far, it is working flawlessly for me...
I wouldn't trust the accuracy of this sort of thing. Wait for official statements.
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