Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Way back in 2015, industry veteran Koji Igarashi started the Kickstarter for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, a spiritual successor to the games produced during the glory days of the 2D Castlevania series. Initially, Nintendo fans were due to receive it on the Wii U, but plans eventually shifted to the Switch when the game received a delay that pushed it back by nearly a year. Now, three years on, it seems that the end is finally in sight for the game.

The official Bloodstained Twitter account revealed recently that the game’s release date will be discussed on this month’s Kickstarter update. Seeing as how there’s not even two weeks left in March, the update is likely to go up any day now, but perhaps if we’re lucky, the game may even get some screentime in the forthcoming Nindies Nintendo Direct. Only time will tell, but expect to hear more about this very soon.

What do you think? When will Bloodstained come out? How do you think it’ll stack up compared to Iga’s past games? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
