The standard Nintendo Download Update is on a Thursday, but with more titles arriving on Switch alongside other versions we're seeing a variety of games on different days. Due to how busy each week's update is at present it's easy to lose track of these odd-day releases. With that in mind, here's a pre-update reminder on the games that have already arrived on the eShop this week (both Europe and North America).
Don't Knock Twice
This is a movie tie-in and clearly targeting the Halloween audience on the Switch, as you explore a spooky house from a first-person perspective. Priced at £9.99 / €12.49 / $12.49 it's promising on paper, but it somewhat unravels in the end result, as we argue in our Don't Knock Twice review.

Rogue Trooper Redux
Comfortably the most high profile of the early arrivals, this is a remaster of a fondly regarded 2006 third-person shooter. Fans of the 2000AD comic book series likely need little persuading, but nevertheless it's a solid and fun solo campaign, while there are also some modest online options. We gave it a recommendation in our Rogue Trooper Redux review.
The Count Lucanor - Europe only, NA release on 19th October
This is a "mystery and horror adventure" that previously made its mark on Steam; it has a stylish look to go along with its suitably creepy gameplay. We're still working on our review, but did get a good taste of what it's all about in our recent hands on impressions.
Have you picked any of these titles up, or are you planning to do so?
Comments 32
Just fire emblem warriors for me.
can anyone help me. im thinking of selling 3 main retail switch games in order to get some cash for mario odyssey and a few indie titles. im wanting to spend around £30-40 on indie titles
im torn between
thimblewood park
steamworld dig 2
sonic mania
i want 2 of them 3, has anyone played these and what do you think. also if theres any other great indie games just let me know, i already have fast racing and snipperclips
Stop it Mr are not helping my finances! Lol.
Sonic Mania was awsome. the best "Modern" sonic game imao.
@gamermole You can't lose in my opinion!
@gamermole SW Dig 2 is excellent, it expands upon the prequel in every aspect and it's a polished game overall. A Metroidvania with the digging mechanic ever present. My eShop favorites so far are Golf Story, Thumper, Graceful Explosion Machine, GoNNER, Slime-san, all these games are incredibly good but it really depends on your tastes and what you are more willing to play at the moment. Speaking of myself, maybe The Count Lucanor this week? Or I'll give Wulverblade a shot and then it will be all about that plumber...
@gamermole - I've only played Thimbleweed Park of those three, but I'm nine hours in and enjoying it immensely.
I don't know your age or gaming history, but be aware it's very 1987. The pace can be very slow, the interface annoying just like it was back in the day (click on 'look at', look at something, have to click on 'look at' again to examine something else in the room - and there are lots of things to examine.)
But it's funny and the dialogue is snappy, and unlike in the good old days you won't be spending frustrating hours in, er, frustration, because we have Google now when you reach a point when you get stuck.
There is a gentle satisfaction in solving the puzzles, and if the graphics and concept appeal I'd say it won't disappoint.
@gamermole Quest of Dungeons is cheap and fun
@gamermole of those I would 100% get Steam World Dig 2.... it has been my favorite e-shop game so far on the Switch (followed closely by Graceful Explosion Machine). I really enjoyed Sonic Mania as well, however I found myself only wanting to play for 15-20 min at a time due to the insanity....
@gamermole @Ballzilla Have to concur. It's one of those moreish games you just keep coming back to.
Own all three, personally enjoying Steamworld Dig 2 the most. It's a real gem, though have heard great things for Thimbleweed Park. Not played it much yet.
Am glad to see launch discounts becoming a thing again. And amusing to see Don't Knock Twice's release price is LESS than PSN's current sale price of it.
Rogue Trooper Redux 32.99 in Canada
Oh, I will. What were we talking about again?
I've only played sonic mania out of the three and can say it's a great game
Hope that help a bit
I'll get none of these, but tomorrow i'll definitely download Robo Army and like every Wednesday evening i hope that Zero Gunner 2 will get released tomorrow.
@gamermole Those are 3 of the best games on the eShop. You can’t go wrong with any of them.
I quite fancy Rogue Trooper and I'm keen to find one how Count Lucanor turns out but with my current limited play time, an ever increasing back log and so many 'day one' games on the way in the coming weeks,these will have to wait until a future sale or the unlikely chance I run out of other games to play.
I was seriously considering Rogue Trooper Redux until Doom was announced. Now... I dunno.
Not gonna buy anything with Odyssey coming out in a little over a week.
Steamworld 2! i finished it last night and its a great game. Tonnes better than the original and i'll being playing it through again just to to 100% which i dont usually bother with on most games. Immensely charming and polished game.
you cant bully me into buying a game this week....oh well i'll buy Rogue Trooper. Its 2000AD, third person shooting and someone has to buy these games as Anti-Matter has boycotted them which may send the gaming industry into a third ice age without my help!
Flame in the flood easily one of the best eshop releases will hold me over til the 27th when mario takes over and then even after that. Really enjoying flame in the flood. It doesnt get old.
@Mii_duck 1987 you say? That's exactly my year haha, 30 here with a gaming history spanning from the Atari 2600 right up to the switch, owned every console out since 1988 except for the virtual boy and Sega Saturn.
Thimbleweed park really peaked my interest, I know its nothing like it but i was hooked on a PC game called full throttle back in the day.
Steam world dig 2 looks great and I really enjoyed the first one (although the 2nd is premade kevels as apposed to randomly generated like in the original) if I'm correct? as for sonic mania, well that's just sonic of which I really like. I fear I may gave to buy all 3 along with odyssey,doom,skyrim and LA noire. This year is killing me as a gamer.
EDIT and dang I totally forgot about thumper
@gamermole Sonic Mania and SteamWorld Dig 2 is what I'd pick, although I don't own Thimblewood Park
I just have to say, as a brand new member of this site, I have never seen such a happy, supportive group. Everyone’s comments are so useful and thoughtful. It’s such a breath of fresh air! I see games mentioned throughout the comments and check them out, just as useful as the articles themselves.
@Mrmarbles it can get ruff in the comments once a month but it’s loads better than anywhere else. IGN is a 24hr a day land mine.
@gamermole Dig 2 is the only one I've played, but I've beaten it (not 100%, but definitely plan to reach that point) and I've found myself on multiple occasions completely losing track of time or intentionally delaying other things (like sleep) in order to play more and I'm well into my adult years, which is saying something, ha ha. The areas are scripted, yes, but the amount of customization you unlock at your disposal as you progress through the game can make each run unique.
Dig 2 has my indie GOTY vote, for sure.
Welcome aboard! We can get into it as well, but its never as bad other sites. Usually the arguments are well thought out. Bottom line, if you’re a Nintendo fan, this is THE site for you.
@gamermole Steamworld Dig 2 is amazing!
played & loved Steamworld Dig 2, if u like metroidvania game & is a completionist, won’t go wrong with SW Dig 2. Well worth the $20.
As for the Thimbleweed Park, it’s an noltalgic point & click adventure game, playing on mobile touch surface wouldn’t hinder much of the gameplay compare to console. It’s $10 cheaper over AppStore or playstore (if price is ur concern)
Then u get to play ALL off them hahahahaha
@gamermole definitely thimbleweed park. Such a fantastic game.
@Kilroy curious what's your play time and how much longer do you think it will take you to 💯% it? I'm 10 hour in. And I think I'm getting close to the end but need to go back and do like 12 caves and 100% those. Does this game keep track of tour completion %? Anyone?
@Robohock I beat it after 13 hours with roughly 80% completed. I'm nearing 100% now, but two caves and several hidden areas are stumping me or eluding my vision (choosing not to use the "broken wall vision" cog). Right now, I'm at about 16 hours.
The game keeps track of percentage in each area (on the map screen, look in the bottom-left corner) and wholly (main menu, when you pick what save slot you want to use).
i ended up buying all 3
sonic mania
thimbleweed park
steamworld dig 2
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