Arc System Works has revealed that BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will be coming to Nintendo Switch next year.
The game - which includes characters from BlazBlue, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth and RWBY - is also coming to the PlayStation 4 and Windows, and will focus on 2v2 battles similar to those seen in classic Capcom franchises like X-Men Vs. Street Fighter and Marvel Vs. Capcom.
It looks like Ultra Street Fighter II has come serious competition - will you be investing in this?
Comments 54
Really hope this means we'll get Guilty gear and/or DBFZ further down the line!
Awesome, now bring over Dragon Ball Fighter Z and I‘m a more than happy camper.
So it's a crossover and a tag team fighting game? Awesome!
Now I just need to see more Persona 4 Arena characters...
@Darkhound1999 Both run on UE3/4 respectively.
Since UE4 now has a specific Switch branch, DBFZ is pretty likely to run properly, not sure about Guilty Gear though.
Adding support to porting DBZF over!
@yeayeanaynay they're okay...ish but yeah if you want any serious play out of 2D fighters arcade stick is the way to go. I'd love a left hand joycon with a real D Pad along the lines of the Saturn one.
Dragon ball fighterZ is where it's at though!
Come on ASW!
It's great that this is coming to Switch, but I'm still worried on its two button layout for a fighter
I have games in 3 of the franchises represented so this should be a fun romp.
Welp having RWBY characters ruined this game for me tbh. Can we get Guilty Gear or DBZ Fighterz at one point?
This news has made me more happy than a giant happy thing that is constantly happy.
I'm still confused on why those characters and not Guilty Gear
@Xaessya Guilty Gear has moved on to 3D; they'd have to do whole new sprites for everyone and constantly get compared.
Plus, BB's director himself is a stated RWBY fan (outright saying at one point he'd love to work on a game with its characters).
@Shufty They've outright said that they're making this game more pad friendly, and individual character mechanics are a lot simpler (only light/heavy attack buttons with a chargable overhead thrown in) to make up for the tag team aspect.
I'm sold. Next year this will be in my Switch.
I'll pick up DBFZ when/if it comes to Switch. This looks cool, too, though.
I'd love a port of that RWBY game. Honestly the reason I clicked on this post. But good news for Blazeblu fans.
I always like to think seeing a character from other games means an entry from the main series is coming, but didn't happen for the Wii and Solid Snake.
Picking this up for sure, love me some RWBY.
I click the thumbnail thinking "that kind of looks like Ruby" the watching the video "oh it IS ruby!"
@jpfan1989 And there's Weiss too.
Can't wait to see Blake and Yang.
Don't know any of those characters, but the game seems promising.
I was really hoping it was Central Fiction as I want a main game from BlazBlue but this will do too. I hope this means more support later down the road and not just a one time thing.
Lol @ Yu being called 'Persona 4.' I'm not sure how Rooster Teeth swung getting its American anime characters in.
The 2D animation looked kinda lackluster to be honest. It's pre-release and all, but a fighting game should have better animation than Vanillaware and this doesn't seem to...
A welcomed suprise. I was gonna get this for PS4 but I'll gladly download this on my Switch instead. Game looks great so far and I love all the series included...though RWBY I'm still a little undecided on.
From the character select screen, it looks like there are 7 playable characters from each franchise. RWBY has 8 main characters. That's gonna be awkward...
@ALinkttPresent There may be 8 from each side, 8 x 4 = 32 so that's 32 selectable characters though some may be unlockables and more may be DLC later down the line. Now don't be thinking it would be a cash-cow title as BlazBlue has had DLC characters since Calamity Trigger so this is nothing new to the series. Usually after the DLCs are out for the original, they tend to have a Game of the Year Edition similar to BlazBlue: Continnum Shift Extend and BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend where it features all the complete contents. If you just want the game early then you can buy the original though I doubt the Extend version will come to Switch.
This was kind of expected because there was a BlazBlue planned for the Switch but it wasn't Centralfiction so yeah.
Also I feel like I'm the only one here who also likes UNIEL too.
I am heavily intrigued.
@retro_player_22 Where does the thought that there might be 8 come from? I get that this is an early build of the game so the character select screen in the final version might look different, but there are clearly 7 spots per franchise in the video.
wow!... I'll get it for sure. Persona 4 Arena Ultramax - plz!
@ALinkttPresent there were 8 spots per franchise in the demo at New York Comic Con so it's possible (although that might have just been because it's a demo). Also kinda spoilers but RWBY only has 7 main characters now anyway so...
I want a RWBY game on it's own. Playing in an open world of Remnant would be amazing!
@JarJarBlacks I don't know too much it about since I'm not a big fan, but there is an RWBY game on PS4/Xbox One if that helps. Maybe it could come to Switch.
I'm somewhat surprised this game isn't on Xbox One, but I like the idea that it's coming to Switch.
@ALinkttPresent It's just speculation dude, besides they could always easily add more spot to the game at anytime. Heck they could easily also add another franchise (Guilty Gear? Double Dragon? it's possible since Arc System had rights to both) to the game too, who knows. In the age of DLC don't expect too much, things could easily be subject to change.
Hmm... it looks cool and I'm happy to see it come to the switch. But what do these characters even have in common? Seems pretty random.
Let's hope that they confirm Dragon Ball FighterZ soon
An Arc system dev said that it's just a placeholder. He also said that the build at NY was very pre-alpha, so there're a lot of things that aren't even fleshed out yet in general.
All those Neo Geo fighter releases are finally paying off! #FighterHeaven
Surprised that the video showing the Switch reveal wasn't added in the article. It's the 2nd character introduction video. Here:
Was so ecstatic when I heard this news that I put BlazBlue Continuum Shift II back in the 3DS last night and played a few matches just to scratch that "BB on a portable" itch temporarily. Will be picking this up on day one!
Cool, Switch is in a dire need of fighting games, Pokken is fun and all but this looks a bit more traditional.
Helps that I loved both Blazblue and Persona 4 Arena on the PS3.
@Oat Pretty sure Arc would love to release it on the Switch. It's Bandai Namco that's holding them back. As soon as they get the go ahead from them I'm sure they'll start the porting process immediately.
I was hoping for a main series game, but I’d have felt snubbed if it didn’t come to the Switch as we’ve been promised a game since launch time.
Yes! Go team RWBY! Hopefully a dpad attachment or joycon will become available.
Sweet! Glad RWBY characters are joining in.
Though the pic and commentary spoiled the surprise >_<, where it would've been nicer to have found out from the video. I think the impact and hype would've been better
This is amazing news and a smart move on Arc system works part. Since Capcom is playing gun-shy with the switch Arc can just swoop right in and take the fighting game market share for themselves on the switch. Their fighters are superior to Capcoms anyway. I have no doubt that they'll bring over DBZ Fighterz and Guilty Gear if this one does well. THIS is the type of game you support Nintendo gamers! BUY IT!
@Aerona About the four franchises involved, I can explain: From what I can gather, these four are either involved with Arc System Works or involves Toshimichi Mori. BlazBlue is one the company's major franchises and is created by Mori himself, Persona 4 Arena and its sequel are developed by ArcSys themselves, even if it's published and has obvious involvement by Atlus, Under Night In-Birth was published by ArcSys, even if the game was developed by Ecole Software and French Bread, and as for RWBY, the show's creator, the late Monty Oum, is a fan of BlazBlue, and similarly, Mori is a fan of RWBY and wanted to make a game based on the show. Hopefully, that explains things for you.
They gave us Double Dragon 4, then BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, next will be Dragon Ball FighterZ.
First I've heard of the game. Will pick up a copy for the sake of having the rest of the franchise in physical form...Don't really care for tag fighters, "rwby" or Persona (or whatever the 'other' thing was, I guess)
Shame they couldn't have just released Central Fiction on Switch...Or just a new sequel.
Not that the game doesn't look alright. The backgrounds look so much better than even Central Fiction, but..Eh...It's 'pre-Alpha', so I guess I'll ignore that it doesn't look as flashy as I expect from Arc, or that the animation seems a bit stiff, or it looks a tad slow...For now, unless that turns out to be 'the final product'...
Oh, wait, sorry, it's being released on a Nintendo platform (probably alongside the usual PS4/Xbox One/PC, but lets ignore that), therefore I'm not allowed to have any sort of doubt or criticism whatsoever. Nintendo rules all, etc etc etc. I sell my soul to my mighty Nintendo overlords. This is good by default, because Nintendo.
This game includes RWBY characters, and you can fight in the streets of Vale while "Red Like Roses" plays in the background?! OMG! This is officially the most awesome thing I've seen or will see all day!
Give me Taokaka, or in the name of the... the big bright thing in the sky, I'll punish you!
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