The Media Create chart results are out for Japan, and it's all about sequels - that and the Switch still merrily outselling everything else.
In the software charts Destiny 2 took top spot, though it didn't blow the competition away. Splatoon 2 is ticking along nicely just behind; Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 made its debut on Switch in third place with a relatively modest launch. All told it was a pretty quiet week, with results below.
- [PS4] Destiny 2 (SIE, 09/06/17) – 50,263 (New)
- [NSW] Splatoon 2 (Nintendo, 07/21/17) – 44,981 (1,101,481)
- [NSW] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Bandai Namco, 09/07/17) – 24,045 (New)
- [PS4] Everybody’s Golf (SIE, 08/31/17) – 22,488 (123,207)
- [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Square Enix, 07/29/17) – 15,993 (1,709,906)
- [NSW] Monster Hunter XX (Capcom, 08/25/17) – 12,811 (124,207)
- [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04,28,17) – 10,526 (683,214)
- [PS4] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Square Enix, 07/29/17) – 9,147 (1,337,602)
- [3DS] The Snack World: Trejarers (Level-5, 08/10/17) – 7,079 (155,149)
- [PS4] KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Judgment on this Greedy Game! (5pb., 09/07/17) – 7,044 (New)
- [PSV] KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Judgment on this Greedy Game! (5pb., 09/07/17) – 7,000 (New)
- [3DS] Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 (Limited Edition Included) (Atlus, 08/31/17) – 5,709 (35,596)
- [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Limited Edition Included) (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 4,485 (580,552)
- [PS4] Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Limited Edition Included) (Gust, 08/31/17) – 4,155 (22,362)
- [PS4] Resident Evil: Revelations (Capcom, 08/31/17) – 3,837 (13,097)
- [NSW] Arms (Nintendo, 06/16/17) – 3,711 (218,111)
- [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf Amiibo+ (Nintendo, 11/23/16) – 3,704 (236,114)
- [PS4] Yomawari: Midnight Shadows (NIS, 08/24/17) – 3,003 (16,011)
- [PSV] Minecraft: PS Vita Edition (SIE, 03/19/15) – 2,938 (1,204,956)
- [PS4] Hitman: The Complete First Season (Square Enix, 08/10/17) – 2,900 (32,702)
Moving on to hardware, most systems saw a decline compared to last week; the PS4 Pro was an outlier, helped by a Destiny 2 bundle. The Switch is still well out in front, though the New 3DS LL and New 2DS LL (XL) both slipped into four figures each; the results are below with last week's sales in brackets.
- Switch – 45,439 (50,074)
- PlayStation 4 – 18,483 (21,419)
- PlayStation 4 Pro – 10,999 (4,965)
- New 3DS LL – 9,628 (12,332)
- New 2DS LL – 9,403 (11,515)
- PlayStation Vita – 3,913 (3,975)
- 2DS – 1,772 (1,935)
- New 3DS – 331 (486)
- PlayStation 3 – 115 (85)
- Wii U – 90 (116)
- Xbox One – 63 (78)
So there you have it, a decent week for Nintendo in a relatively quiet spell.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 74
Oh, no... !
ARMS on 16th position !
Nintendo Switch needs more Boost from Super Mario Odyssey.
Go, Nintendo !
Kick PS4 butt ! (If PS4 has a Butt)
I see dragonball z xenoverse did good for a port of a old game i cant wait to see the usa sells for that game and pokken tournament dx for the switch
Watching the 3DS family slide down the list further and further every week will hopefully prompt Nintendo to redirect more of their development resources to the Switch.
Whether or not the Switch hits as large a demographic as the Wii, it's certainly hitting a demographic with huge buying power!
Xenoverse 2, 24k units at #3. How should people interpret that? On one had, it's a new game for switch, on the other, it's year old game selling at close to full price.... what was Namco's expectation for this title?
Wow, Destiny is not popular in Japan. Just remembering vs first weekend Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Splatoon 2 sales.
@Pod And that is all the matters...... the demographic that ultimately enabled the Wii to reach an installed base of 100 million wouldn't buy the games that 3rd party developers were trying to sell.
Nice i love dbz. Will buy it soon.
It's good Switch and PS4 are selling well. Healthy game industry at the moment. You hear that UK? Go buy more Switches!
Well the numbers has proven that the Japanese market are moving away from 3DS and to the Switch now. 3DS sales seems to be slowly shrinking, even Monster Hunter XX failed to impress and Crapcom still practice their anti-Switch decision by not bringing Okami HD to Switch instead opting to just PS4, Xbox One, and Steam. When will you see that the Switch is booming Crapcom?
Indeed. That was an install base that just had NO coherency to their buying patterns, and the absence of digital user information and stat-tracking didn't make it any easier.
And once more Splatoon 2 pretty much keeps pace with hardware sales. That's been the case pretty much every week after the launch. Amazing.
Anyone know if DBZ is any good? It doesn't look anything special.
I would buy Xenoverse if it helped them consider porting Dragonball Fighterz over to Switch.
Hopefully this direct? Okami HD, Secret of Mana 3D and DBFZ confirmed!!
As I said in the forums, those are not good sales numbers for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 on Switch. They're not good numbers for Destiny 2 either but it's probably niche over there.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Fortunately those who bought the game for Switch bought them for the portable play only. Everyone else who already got the game on other platforms probably moved on to the next big Dragon Ball hype.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yep that is garbage - But I'm ok with it. Hopefully 3rd party will get the message most not buying overpriced old games on the Switch. But you will get 1,000 excuses how these numbers are fine here.
The rehashed port of Okami HD is 19.99 on PS4. Not sure why I would pay $50, $60 dollars for ports on the Switch.
Peeps, just for the record: http://nintendoeverything.com/bandai-namco-says-dragon-ball-xenoverse-2-is-a-big-hit-on-switch-selling-out-in-japan/
"Yesterday, Bandai Namco published a tweet saying that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a big hit on Switch. That was followed up by another message earlier today stating that there’s a bit of a shortage for the physical version. More shipments are planned towards the end of this month."
Looking forward to picking up my copy at the 22nd.
@retro_player_22 Well, do excuse me, because I skipped XV2 when it was on sale on PC to both support the Switch version, and play with friends on the Switch, which is also an important factor in my honest opinion.
I don't feel much hype for FighterZ, I'm content with XV2 as is.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE shipment numbers were low for this. Please do some research before making outlandish claims.
Namco will be happy with them first week sales
Capcom will got Bad Karma for being "Anti-Switch".
I do not understand NintendoLife sometimes. We get the Japanese list day one but the UK list is if it never happens.
Who cares if Destiny clean house in the UK and Splatood2 dropped out of the top 20 already. Give us the entire Nintendo picture.
A bummer for the XBox One dropping back!
@umniknight That makes sense, and is something several folks have brought up before.
Not all games are released in droves with the intention of selling-through entire stocks. These are calculated shipments and BandaiNamco are happy with the results already.
It's almost as if they're the company with actual data and we're simply gaming enthusiasts with little-to-no data....hmmm.
@BraveFencerZan True true. I mean if they say they're content, and they haven't had ridiculous estimates (Like SE had with Tomb Raider back then, and Capcom with RE 7) then who are we to argue? I just look forward to having a nice and lively community on Switch, with which to do some battle.
@UmniKnight I too will buy DBXV 2 for Switch because I want the portable play having already bought it on PS4 but a lot of people I know skip the Switch version as they already had the game on other platforms. I'm also looking forward to Dragon Ball Fighter Z as well since I'm a fan of Aksys fighting games like BlazBlue and Guilty Gear.
@Si2k78 Not high considering those are somewhat low numbers yet they sold out of their entire shipment.
Wasn't the Bandai tweet that physical had sold out sent out the day after release? Who knows what it would have done not to mention unknown digital sales to add, of which it's sitting at number 3 in the JP download chart.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and Skyrim sold me on the Switch. I'm excited for next week!
Nice to see Switch sales numbers still strong. It's sat at the top in all but maybe a week or two since it came out if I remember correctly. It's portability really fits well with the Japanese market.
Congrats, and welcome to the Switch club!
I think you're gonna like it. I've always liked Nintendo games, but this console in particular is something special. I recommend Zelda, Arms, Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart as well. And Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, cause those games look fantastic.
I think it's safe to say that the Nintendo Switch is effectively killing off the PSvita since the Switch' s release the vita keeps dropping week after week.
@Romeo-75 Nobody needs to kill the Playstation Vita, it did that on it's own.
The original DBXV2 on PS4 sold 61,000 copies at launch, so the year-late Switch port selling 25,000 copies at launch is quite good.
Destiny 2 launch sales dropped 66% over launch Destiny 1 sales. Ouch...
Bandai Namco called the game a "big hit" on Switch due to its high sell-out, so sales are definitely not bad at all.
Monster hunter XX really not hitting the spot. I wonder if they anticpated this with the recent MHXX 3DS release. Let's hope it does not damage our western chances of getting it.
Does anybody know if the japanese version of Xenoverse 2 has english subtitles yet?
@retro_player_22 Personally it's not even for portable play on my end, I use my Switch home-console 100%. Still, XV2 is best enjoyed with some nice co-op, and it does have online so that's fantastic.
@Si2k78 namco says they sold out and it beat expectations
@westman98 it also already hit 1.2 million players concurrent online... Destiny 2 is doing fine.
It's great that Destiny 2 has retained its hardcore fanbase, but that's it.
Come on Japanese publishers and developers, get on the Switch train already and start porting your games to the system. I want to play the likes of Ys VIII on Switch.
@Si2k78 @Pod Namco said that all copies of Xenoverse 2 were sold out and they were happily surprise by that.
@yuwarite I'm also waiting but I'm losing my chill.
Thank you my switch sistas and brothas for supporting Xenoverse 2. I'm content with my $60 ps4 purchase of it but I was hoping it would sell well on Switch so we get the option of Switch DBZ games in the future
@SLIGEACH_EIRE So I guess you know better than Namco themselves.
"Yesterday, Bandai Namco published a tweet saying that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a big hit on Switch. That was followed up by another message earlier today stating that there’s a bit of a shortage for the physical version. More shipments are planned towards the end of this month."
@Zapazoid I'm buying it too.
@thesilverbrick Nope, and I like how you're ignoring they're still high in the charts. They don't need to be in 1st or 2nd to be doing well.
The original New 3DS is the only still slipping badly. Not to mention that pretty much everyone who originally wanted a New 3DS has one now.
You can keep ignoring the install base all you like to pretend Nintendo is going to be motivated to switch gears in a hurry, but the fact of the matter is they won't. You're just looking for any reason in your mind to justify dropping the 3DS in short order.
Sorry, but that's not how any of this works. Especially with hardware as successful as the 3DS has been.
@westman98 not even the core yet. Lots played on console because we had no choice - Im moving to PC with my cousins this time around. We all going to blow up BattleNet come October
@MegaVel91 I am in no way denying that the 3DS is still selling units, but the numbers are nowhere near what they used to be. This time last year, it would have been unheard of for individual models of the 3DS to less than 10,000 units in a week. Sure, there are still systems being sold, but significantly less week by week. Keep in mind, also, that the 3DS market in Japan is the strongest one in the world. I imagine the sales figures for 3DS in North America and Europe would be comparatively much worse (taking population scaling into account). The handwriting is on the wall. The 3DS is losing steam and people are losing interest, slowly but surely. It's only natural for a system that has been on the market for seven years to wane in sales, especially when its effective replacement is on the market.
@thesilverbrick -and so long as the 3DS sales continue to prosper in Japan, at the very least, and elsewhere, they aren't going to drop the 3DS in short order. That's something you and other people are simply just going to have to realize and deal with.
Having the LL models be in 3rd and 4th place on the charts is nothing for Nintendo to worry about. Especially since they dominate the handheld market. The New 3DS' original model isn't even on the market anymore, so it's drop in sales is also expected. So it's continued drop proves nothing.
You can keep ignoring that the Switch is a hybrid just to try to hold it up as the 3DS's replacement, but the fact of the master is, regardless of the minimal functionality of the dock, it is still a hybrid.
The writing is not on the wall, it may be losing steam, but it's not losing nearly enough at a fast enough pace to warrant a rapid transition to full-time development on the Switch. There is also the fact Nintendo has specifically stated they are going to continue 3DS support for some time. Unlike in the past where they were vague about the time frame of their support, they specifically stated beyond 2018.
Will it last that long? I have no idea, but for now, the 3DS is here to stay.
So, can anyone tell me what profit a developer gets out of the full brand new and sealed retail price of a new game?
So, say, destiny 2, standard price is €60(or there abouts) in game shops. How much does the shop get, how much for cost of making the disc and packaging, and how much for the transport of that game to the store, and how much to Sony and Microsoft to put the game on their systems (and how much out of that price went to advertising)?
Take all that away from the €60 and what's the profit for the developer? Would it be about €10 or there abouts for each game? Let's say it is €10 pure profit for the developer. So that means out of 50,263 units they made.....
€500,000ish in the first 3 days of release. Hmm, is that good for a launch in Japan seeing as development costs are crazy sky high now. Or maybe my maths are way off. Obviously they'll make more in the coming weeks and with world wide sales. But it does make me think that profits are very hard to make in the AAA arena right now.
Just a thought. Interesting though.
Currently here in Japan and Xenoverse 2 is already sold out in the 2 stores that I usually go to. I can't say for other retail stores but maybe the stock hindered the increase in sales.
Capcom isn't anti Switch, but they do need to make a stronger effort in supporting it.
@JJ286 sad thing is you know @SLIGEACH_EIRE won't come in here and say he was wrong.
Suites his agenda to make these wild claims so he can make the argument about third parties not wanting to support the switch.
@Meaty-cheeky capcom definitely has something against the switch at the moment that is for sure.
Just makes no sense at all why they are not releasing some of these multi platform games on switch.
@Meaty-cheeky Going off their recent actions and lack of support, I'd go with the opposite.
@UmniKnight @kobashi100
To me a developer being anti or against a game console would be for them to completely ignore it.
Capcom has released Ultra Street fighter II, and is releasing resident evil revelations 1&2, and monster Hunter on Switch.
I am with you guys that there isn't much of an excuse for them not releasing the MegaMan legacy collection 2 on 3DS and Switch, and the lack of HD Okami is also disappointing.
I personally think Capcom is just lazy and that these games were already in development for PS4 and Xbox one, and they don't want to spend additional resources on last minute Switch development at the moment.
Capcom did say that they were surprised by the positive sales of Ultra Street Fighter II, So I believe in a year things will change and we will be getting more games from Capcom soon.
@Meaty-cheeky Capcom sure is odd. Wasn't it then that approached Nintendo, and asked for beefier specs to facilitate multiplatform development. Nintendo obliged. My question is, where are the games capcom???
I think it's to be expected the 3DS will drop off a bit even in Japan. I doubt Nintendo will be worried though, there's such a large userbase they can easily support it for the whole of 2018 before letting Switch replace it.
@kobashi100 I'm not wrong. If Namco Bandai are happy, good luck to them. <25,000 is terrible, maybe they're putting a brave face on.
Week in week out, Microsoft getting it handed to them by not one, not two, but three dead consoles...
Monster Hunter XX isn't a blockbuster like 3ds games but still sales are decent (124,207). Resident Evil: Revelations port on PS4 only sold 13k copies so far. That don't mean that Capcom wont release new Resident Evil on PS4 or new Monster Hunter on Switch. It would be stupid
P.S: I want new RE on Switch (and not just old revelations)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE my god!! How is 25,000 terrible if it sold through the majority of the initial shipment.
If it was bomba then namco wouldn't be coming out and saying they are delighted with first week sales.
But hey let's ignore the facts so you can feel good about yourself
@Meaty-cheeky never said they was anti switch. Just said they have something against it and I just not sure why.
Why would you want to leave money on the table. Really strange decisions @ capcom HQ.
Hey, at least its sold OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!
@MegaVel91 But that's exactly my point. These are not prosperous sales. When year-over-year a system is selling significantly less than half the units it moved the year prior (in its most successful region, too, mind you), you have a case of something on its way out. Week by week the sales are sliding. Yes there is a massive install base. Yes games like Pokémon this fall will move 3DSs and sell games. But have a conversation with anybody who owns a Switch, and the vast majority of them will tell you they don't play their 3DS as much anymore. Funny thing is, I'm one of the few people that still plays my 3DS nearly every day. It's not that I hate the system or have something against it, but it's time for Nintendo to prove to the world that it fully intends to back the Switch with lots of compelling software. If more development resources for major 3DS games were moved to making games for the Switch, we could have potentially double the first-Party software output, which would make the system look even more compelling, creating a massive install base and drawing in third-party publishers. I'm not saying they should dump the 3DS this very second, but it's time to start phasing it out. It's a shame that a game like Samus Returns got released on 3DS, when it would definitely have played, looked and sold better on Switch.
Seems like the Switch has caught on in Japan. Hopefully it maintains momentum in the US. Europe is slower, but that's to be expected since it's Sonyland over there.
I hope with my purchase of Dragon Ball Zenoverse 2 will help us get Dragon Ball Z the Fighter for Switch.
@Meaty-cheeky Bandai-Namco definitely had little confidence with such a low shipment. Great that it sold out though.
Hopefully it passed the test
Very solid numbers for Nintendo in Japan. I am looking forward to a total sales around the world update. It must have passed 6 million by now, or getting close. It was just shy of 5 million in the middle of July.
@toffeecrit it was 10% off on sale on the eShop.
Bandai Namco was extremely satisfied with DBXV2 sales, but random internet commentator isn't.
okay lol
I'm going to pick up Xenoverse 2, despite having not seen any DBZ since my high school days many years ago lol
Looks like a good time
Can't for XV2 next week
I'm conflicted between dbx2 or pokken...
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