One of the best surprises from the recent Nintendo Nindies Showcase was that of Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, a new entry in the popular action games from the days of the Wii. Though details on the new game have been relatively scarce, it’s more or less been assumed that this is No More Heroes 3, but the director has been quite keen to point out this isn’t the case.
Suda51 recently talked with VideoGameChooChoo (what a name), and one of the points of discussion was whether this game is a sequel or not. To be entirely honest, it doesn’t sound like Suda51 really knows what to call it, but regardless of what you might call it, this is at least a continuation of the series. Also, a real No More Heroes 3 will be likely if this game succeeds. Here’s what he had to say:
Well again, it’s not a direct sequel to No More Heroes 2, though they are directly related and take place in the same universe. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes takes place seven years after the events of No More Heroes 2. As you’ve probably noticed it’s ‘Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes’, so ‘No More Heroes’ is more a subtitle, there’s not a number on it. This isn’t a direct sequel and it’s not No More Heroes 3, but it does address some of the things that happened in No More Heroes 1 and 2. While it is sort of a continuation of that stuff, it is not a direct sequel partially because No More Heroes is about one assassin against other assassins, and this isn’t like that. This isn’t exactly a spin-off, or something like that, and while it’s not a direct sequel it is something of a stepping stone on the road to No More Heroes 3. So the way I’d like people to think of this game is like the beginning of a new battle for Travis, a new series within the series.
What do you think? Will this game stack up to its predecessors? How do you think it’ll notably differ, if at all? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source videogamechoochoo.com]
Comments 23
No More Heroes 3 confirmed. Awesome!
I'm buying 10 copies to ensure we get a proper NMH3
So it's an interquel.
Sounds to me like it will be a beat-em-up with minigames. And I do not mind that at all.
@WhiteTrashGuy isn't that what NMH was anyway?
I never played any of them but it has my interest...any chance of a No More Heroes Collection?
Oh and a sequel to Killer 7 would be awesome too!
Wish it was No More Heroes 3 but I'm still hyped nonetheless!
@MegaTen Well, 2.5 technically then xD
It's the beginning of a new story arc, and different from the usual format. So he's a bit squeamish to call it a direct sequel and get the added hate associated with that.....right?
Yeesh. They just made a simple clarification overcomplicated. Now I know how weak Math students really feel about the subject.
I'd simply call it a side story then, since it isn't spinning off into its own franchise with a different character.
A gaiden game then?
A stepping stone to No more heroes 3....wich won't be released on Switch!
Interesting, hopefully it does well if that means No More Heroes 3 gets made as a result. The Hotline Miami link with this one already got my attention.
Well I guess that counts me out. Haven't played any of the others before. I can't start a game in the middle of a series. So here's to hoping they release the other 2 on the Switch.
You should definitely play the other two games if you have the chance!
A filler probably, it still follows from the originals but doesn't introduced anything important to the series I suppose. Well at least we know No More Heroes 3 isn't abandon.
So a "Travis' Day Off from Assassinating Assassins", or NMH2.5
I really feel like I should play the first two games now. I don't like entering the middle of a series unless it's mostly unrelated to the rest, such as is the case with Dragon Quest.
iill take anything with Travis touchdown in, love the character
LOL! I guess you got me there! : p
Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be amazing.
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