The retro aesthetic is used a fair amount in modern gaming, sometimes to play on nostalgia and on other occasions because it's the best option for a given project. When you browse any download store you don't need to look far before you see pixel-art and hear chiptune music.
The announcement of UFO 50 is certainly intriguing, with that in mind. A group of talented and highly regarded devs including Derek Yu (Spelunky) and Ojiro Fumoto (Downwell) have teamed up to produce a compilation of 50 new 8-bit games. Each game will have a lead director, but the team will pitch in to help make each happen. A teaser trailer and details from the official site are below.
The story of UFO 50 is that the games were all created in the 80's by a fictional company that was obscure but ahead of its time. They're all connected by a unique 32-color palette and other restrictions we decided on to make them feel more authentic.
In general, the games are slightly smaller than commercial 8-bit titles from the 80's, but rest assured that they are full games and not microgames or minigames! Completing the entire collection could easily take over a hundred hours.
All the games will feature a single-player mode, and roughly a third of the games will feature either cooperative or competitive multiplayer modes as well.
Right now the only confirmed release plans are for PC in 2018, but the team then plans to move over onto other platforms. Considering the background of the developers PS4 is likely a lock and perhaps Xbox One, but naturally we think it'd suit the Switch hardware beautifully.
Time will tell on what platforms get the game, but it's always fun to see projects like this emerge.
Comments 30
Please don't! We need new games, new ideas. If I want to play stuff in 8-bit I have already a sea of possibilities.
Um Bongo Um Bongo, they drink that in the Congo, right?
Action 52 done right? Yes please.
I'd love it, it looks great !
Looks great fun ! Yes please !
This is a collection of rip-offs! 50 new games would rock! But clearly there is a game that looked like Renegade but they changed the protagonists skin colour. If that is the sum total of creativity (beyond the obvious design choice of using basic graphics) then I'm just not interested.
@Fuz SID chip rules tbh
Huh neat.
Another game(s) I wouldnt buy unless it was on Switch.
I don't own a Switch, but already my backlog is looking immense! (Game isnt even out yet)
If this comes to Switch, I'm getting it day one!
I really love the idea behind this collection, especially the meta-narrative that it's a collection from a little-known '80s game developer. Considering my favourite games this year have been Blaster Master Zero and Mighty Gunvolt Burst it's looking like this is going to be right up my alley.
It looks fun I'd like to have it on Switch!
@Fuz the worldwide population has more experience with NES 8bit. 5 million ZX Spectrums, 12.5 million Commodore 64s, 30 million Atari 2600, 1 million 5200, and .1 million 7800s, Atari comps unknown, and 13 million Master Systems. Compare that to 61.91 million NES. Now take into consideration the large NES retro community, Nintendo's virtual console, and Nintendo's and other companies franchises that appeared on the NES first and continue to this day. Compare the amount of cartoons, toys, comics, and other memoribilia from NES franchises that permeate today's society. Most ten year olds know what an NES is. Many have never heard of an Atari, Master System, or name brand computer devoted to gaming. Also, the blocks of atari, less colorful master system, and weirdly colored computer games of the 8 bit era are less appealing than Megaman 2 on the NES. For these reasons and more we're stuck with NES being society's perception of 8bit because the rest of the competition from that era was buried alive by Nintendo, never to be heard from again....except Sega, they were pretty big for awhile, lol. Also, as much as I love Shovel Knight, we need more 16bit homage games. Game on!
@Fuz sadly I'm not sure about the legality of announcing 50 Nintendo Entertainment System "styled" games if you don't seek Nintendo's permission first. 8bit was easier for them to skirt that issue.
Also, I agree with your concerns. When are those two coming out? Would a release date cause both studios to spontaneously combust?
Cool. Not too bothered that some games are similar to others. I think the point is that these will have some modern sensibilities added so they match gamer expectations; they're "ahead of their time" as per the faux background story. (Shovel Knight was genius in this regard).
Games based on other games is how the industry developed, after all. These don't strike me as knock-offs but tapping into the essence of some old games. There's a fine line sometimes and I'm not familiar with some but I don't think anyone can judge that nothing is added or original from these small flashes.
I'd love to see this on Switch, of course. Besides, for retro detractors, it only shows up as one more 8-bit looking game in the store.
I don't mind the occasional new 8 bit game, and am usually very much into the great ones, but 50 of them?
If I want to play that many, why not play actual 8 bit games from the 80s? I will definitely pass on this.
I just came here to say the logo reminds me of Schoolhouse Rock.
So it's Action 52 but with actual effo..
@TheWretchedCrow Dang it. You stole my joke.
@Fuz Stardew was slated for "summer" when it was announced in February, so there's still time for them to be on time. But Pocket Rumble was supposed to come out in March. I think something bad happened there. Like some sort of time intensive bug OR Nintendo quality control wanted fixes on the game before it was released. Cuz, remember that game is supposed to be a console exclusive. I dunno. It was demoed and playable at that indie event.
@MegaTen A not so-fine line definitely exists between "love letter to an era as homage" and straight up clone. With that asked is that Mighty Gunvolt Burst game just a rip-off of Mega Man, or does it do enough differently? Either way, this game isn't hurting anybody and because of the internet, anyone who wants to know what is being referenced will be able to easily look it up. I mean you've already knocked out 3 of them. So, old timers will be reminded of games they may have forgotten, and the young kids might be turned onto games they never knew about. This looks like some of those old school comic jams, filled with different artists and short stories referencing a bit of comic love.
But I would prefer if in their set of rules for this, something NEW gameplay-wise was added into each game to make them different, besides the look of it. Kind of like...some of what was added to Might Gunvolt Burst in level design and the weapons customization. OR maybe it's as simple as homaging SMB1 but rethinking the level design around a Mario-type that can't ever touch or kill the enemies.
I still say 8-bit era graphics just make most games look ugly. If you're going to go retro, base if off the 16-bit era or don't even bother.
@MegaTen I edited my post a bunch and waivered in my stance a bit. Was hoping no one would see it until I had fixed it, lol.
@Alikan I'm with both you guys, I've looked countless times at stardew valley on the Xbox store and really want to play it. If a release is not announced by the end of August I may have to play it on my sbox instead... Sigh I'd rather have the portability though.
Looks pretty cool, but I bet the games will be very short.
Wow Action 52 looks amazing
first off I don't need good graphics to have fun I love games like BroForce, Hotline Miami 1 and 2, Party Hard etc but these games don't even look fun at all
I will pass
I can't see 50 games in the trailer, but I can see at least 5 that look good and fun to play. There are modern 8-bit remakes of some forgotten gems in there. Obviously some of them look less good than others, and I think a bunch might be even filler.
However, what I can see is that in this compilation is a lot more care than that garbage broken Action 52. And it doesn't even overuse genres and clones we're already full of.
Let's break down the trailer.
1. "Kid Icarus" like platformer
2. "Mr. Heli" like action game, but with a submarine
3. Dodge Ball
4. Dungeon Treasure / Strategy Battle
5. Sokoban-like Block puzzler
6. Cutey horizontal shooter
7. Pocky&Rocky/Gumshoe-like vertical shooter
8. Battlefield Japanese strategy
9. Single-screen gravity-based sci-fi shooter
10. Double Dragon/Renegade like brawler
11. Top down alien planet exploration adventure
12. Classic Ninja Platformer
13. Space Golf
14. Arena Fighter
15. Party Simulator
16. Topdown GTA/RCR-like
17. Japanese Smash Ball
18. The odd weird fantasy action adventure
19. Sausage's Quest
20. Moon--, erm, Beach Patrol on Steroids
21. Tennis Platformer?!?
22. Caveman Tower Defense
23. Castlevania Style
24. Blaster Master with UFO instead of tank
25. Ghosts'n Goblins Style
I think this has just the right amount of variety, and that's just half of the games.
No opinion on most of these titles, but that golf game looks hilarious. It's Mecarobot Golf except there's a REASON for the robot to be there (other than licensing quirks)!
Does it have Cheetahmen III?
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